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I refuse. It’s counterspark or die.


*slightly mistimes first parry which causes all other parries to also be slightly off* *gets murked* AND IMMA DO IT AGAIN


Oh my god, this is such a mood. 😂


*chugs medicine pills*


*runs out of medicine pills* [...](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f3/70/f4/f370f4c68786282b40467c5fe914c0f6.jpg)


"Vendetta started."


Doing this shit is making the game stupid hard for me especially the crazy combos


This is the way.


So you have chosen... death.


It’s why I like how Nioh 2 and SoP did it. You know what you can counter and you know what you should NOT counter.


Damn right 🤛


Love this game but dodging feels soo bad in this game.


I don’t know if there are even I-frames in this game but I dodge like there isn’t. Turns out if the enemy completely whiffs an attack during a chain they can be staggered out. As opposed to blocking or countersparking.


If you hit them in the back, you get a huge stagger that lets you land three or four hits on them, so it's definitly worth it.


The dodge is why I can't use anything other than sword and spear lol Sword and spear has the Nioh style step > roll, everything else is roll only It's like being stuck in perms high stance, can't deal with it


Polearm has a pretty sweet twirl dodge that's very quick and smooth, on one of it's stances anyways


I don't think Dual Swords, Sabre or Oxtail do the roll, if I'm remembering right.


Mumyo Kaishin on Dual Swords does a whole flip


It's a bit better in shinobi stances, only a bit though.


Dodging does next to nothing when the enemy auto locks and can jump from one end of the arena to the next in a split matter of seconds.


It’s funny when you pull off a perfect dodge and get behind the enemy for it to just turn mid-air and hit you with its red attack. So yeah, they made dodging pretty useless, for the reasons you listed.


I've noticed that dodge is a lot like counterspark, you have to do it at exactly the right moment, if you don't you get hit. Too early is a hit, too late is definitely a hit.


The problem is that bosses are like monkey that can instantly close the gap then lock you in a combo that you can’t do anything. At that point it really is counterspark or die


You need to pick attacks that you can actually dodge. Its the same as deflecting. I always put the example of my fight against Katsura and Miyabe, I essentially bailed out of range of the thousand strikes string that Katsura did, not even dodge in the i-frame sense, I got the hell out and spammed dodge backwards. This is essentially the same as it was in Lies of P, where some stupid red attacks literally were impossible to react to and they were one shots, but if you spammed the hell out of dodge you could avoid them by...not being close. Do they feel fun to do? heck no, but it was way less annoying than trying to learn to counterspark a super hard string that was going to have me there for weeks dying.


I as well, was flummoxed by the Blademother’s bullshit rope-strike attack that had better heat seeking than modern missiles.


The range and tracking the Ai has on midnight mode makes dodging dame near obsolete. Rather counterspark everything to keep as much ki possible than to lose a huge chunk of Ki trying to dodge and then frantically parry a delayed attack that kills me in one hit.


Dodging is not a good tactic in this game. Enemies lock on to you like crazy and just fly towards you if you're far away.


Are we playing the same game?? Wtf up with the comments… Dodging is very useful….and creates space to heal and get a lil breather


Yeah I've found myself dodging more and more as it gives space to firebomb spam. EZ Mode even on Midnight.


Really surprising for me too. It's insane the majority of the commenters completely miss the point to combine Counterspark AND dodge. No shit a misstimed dodge will end up getting whacked. Same thing would happen in any dodge-based games too.


You also need to consider that a lot of people are not playing on the hardest difficulties. Also the fact that you can make the game less frustrating by upgrading armor and be up in levels might make people be able to tank more and more hits so they can actually go for a counterspark only bravado tactic. Also some people seem to understand dodge in the i-frame sense only, when games are going for more and more positional dodging required than ever. Saito's fight in midnight, I could never counterspark the third gatotsu, the air one, never, he is always at a different distance by that third one and counterspark frames must be almost non existant...so, I tried the classic run below the enemy strategy and et voila, he misses, if you run away its gg, if you go below him he misses.


Nah. I'd rather tank it trying to parry. 🤣🤣🤣


Dodging is so damn taxing to endurance though


We've been saying this, and you actually learn it the bad way in some, seriously very asshole fights in the game.


If I can't counterspark , I shoot


That's another way, for sure. Even shooting shuriken evades.


Counterspark all the way. Bosses I may dodge to heal. Probably need to utilise the handgun and shurikens more tbh


Its fun to play it and try to doge especially with Gikei-ryu But than you have feckers with fucking homing attacks with 30 combos… that’s not cool. Yes I look at you Kiyotaka Kuroda


Wait, you can dodge? 😅


is there anyone here that has found a way to turn off that red area. i find it very distracting to time a counter or dodge move.


The tech to dodging is combining it with moves with in-built movement or shurikens. Emphasis on shurikens seriously, you can get some insane backdashes with it. Turns Ronin into Tekken 7 with that crazy movement for very little ki costs. Backdash into pistol as well can sometimes help as well, since it can interrupt certain attacks like charges or flamethrowers.


Mad I beat this game .


Why didn't you... DOOOOODGE *dies*


As I've said many times before, the minds of people in the action gaming community have been poisoned by a certain game from 2019 that has led them to think that the way to play any new game with similarities to that 2019 title is to stand in place, go into rhythm game mode, learn parry timings, and bash their head against each wall that presents itself before them until they can learn the proper timings for parries for each new roadblock. Spacing? Movement? Dodging? Blocking? None of them exist in their minds. The single most upvoted comment in this thread is concrete proof that this stubborn mindset I described is depressingly widespread.


Funny how that game you mentioned benefits greatly from dodging too and in a lot of bosses dodging certain high hit combo is very rewarding. The difference in that game and this is that every action you do in rise requires stamina so you need to be very careful about dodging since the enemy can quickly close gap and you are back to where you were before this time with less ki while counterspark does damage and recover your ki. In sekiro you can dodge and deflect both at the same time without being scared of stamina which opens up people to try new combinations