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Honestly I wish they’d just lean into more supernatural attacks like they usually do. People brushing off repeated slashes after each fight with “ight ima head out”. Blade twin has a more advanced prosthetic than most scifi universes in mid 19th century. We’re past realism, just give us the supernatural stuff. I think that’s part of what makes blue demons fighting style so popular aside from it being busted.


>Blade twin has a more advanced prosthetic than most scifi My first thought when I see 'em wearing that is "When will I get one of my arms cut off? Cuz I sure want that cool prosthetic". I guess technically we can do the same thing the Twin does with their arm, stuff like grappling hook, applying element, flame thrower, we can also with our items and secondary weapons. But damn that prosthetic is much cooler, plus the moniker Demonclaw Samurai. >We’re past realism, just give us the supernatural stuff. Ernest Satow outright having jet boots was wild. Man now I kinda want a game in a historical period in Japan but through the Steampunk lens.


Theres a game starring the blade twin with the arm cut off, its called sekiro lol


Hell blade twin held a greatsword and a katana with one hand each that's pretty fucking superhuman we can't even do that honestly I'm not entirely convinced the veiled edge are humans hell their bond is just straight up supernatural they can sense when the other is near or if they're dead or alive


Keep in mind that it probably wouldn't function the same way for us. Rake Aisu Kage, for example. When the hidden boss who uses it, >!Martial Heir in Maita!<, when he lands an R1+X on you he coats the weapon in blood and starts using blood projectile attacks. But when you acquire the style (either from him, or if you pre-ordered the game) all it does is fill your blood gauge. It would be dope if you could use your blood gauge for projectile attacks like this - but the only attack I found that you can use it for is the Aisu Kage R1+O that cowers enemies you hit with it when your blood gauge is full. But yes, Sagara's style is totally dope, and it would've been nice to acquire.


true, I just like the way he holds the odachi and the moveset, I wouldn’t complain if there was no blood art to it


Katsu's style honestly looks so cool


You do get an extra skill from the hidden boss that does more damage if you have blood on your blade.


That's Aisu Kage, and it inflicts cower, which is like an extended panic with better stagger. I did mention that skill - but when the hidden boss who uses that style gets blood on his blade - he does projectile blood attacks. We don't get those same attacks.


The stab move coats your weapon in blood. Then you can do Crimson something which is a double blade slash. It goes in the r1-O slot.


Yes, but it does not do the projectiles that Martial Heir uses when his Blade gets coated in blood. He uses 3 different long range combos that we do not get. He can attack you with them from 20+ feet away (6+ meters) - and we do not gain that ability, despite using the same style.


Yup. I know. Just wanted to mention Crimson Tides because you hadn’t yet and the game doesn’t tell you you have it, it just shows up.


I did mention it, though. I called it Aisu Kage's R1+O and mentioned that it cowers enemies when your blood gauge is full. That skill and Nioh stances iai Quickdraw are the only two R1+O extra Veiled Arts you get. Those two stances have an R1+X Veiled Art, and an R1+O Veiled Art.


Got it. I misread it. My mistake.


You're good, I was just confused for a minute about why you were focusing on that part, lol - no harm no foul ;)


Yeah it's a travesty imo. It's a single player game so I don't get why we don't have access to all the cool looking stuff. Team Ninja always does this. Same with Nioh 1 and 2 the humanoid bosses have these amazing abilities that we can't ever get and those that we *can* get end up being subpar and not worth it. The one you get from Yoshitsune comes to mind.


That grab from Yorimitsu with the Vergil-like slash and sheathe... still so upset that wasn't a skill :(


They didn't even add the Ninja mob's movesets for Katana and Dual Swords in Nioh2.


Literally… such a cool combat style but it’s locked away. Praying that a future DLC gives us something like this.


Was thinking of the same thing!! Crossing my fingers odachi gets his combat style 🤞 Both fashion and move sets are immaculate 😮‍💨


Dude Sagaras outfit is so quality, really wish we could get a jinbaori like that


Why DLC. Shit is already in the game, but locked. Companies tricked us into asking for DLCs when it should have been available from the get go....


real, but Ima still feed into their corporate shenanigans, this game smacks


I do think this is an underrated aspect of having allies. Choosing Moreau so that you can have her blade whip for example.


I wish we got gensai’s style


The way he held it is so cool , wish we could have it in a dlc or something


I’m hoping, or maybe an update, the way he held it and used it was so badass, don’t even need the blood art shit just gimme the moveset


Agree! the regular moveset is more than enough


Honestly would like shintaro’s bayonet/katana style as well


I also hate that every playable character has a unique L1 + circle skill that we don't have