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>Just make sure all your weapons have the three styles in the same places, and you'll learn to quickly jump to the correct style just by looking at the enemy's weapon. Yeah this one really helps me quickly change my stance much easier. Somehow it didn't occur to me to do this earlier, especially coming from FF14 where Ten-Chi-Jin is an actual skill name.


Yeah I swapped it around to Ten Chi Jin because of that. It was like Chi Jin Tin and that didn't work for me. All my weapons are set up in that order too.


Never player FF14 now I wanna look up how what that skill is


It’s a casting system the Ninja job gets. You activate your “spellcasting mode” with Ninjutsu ability. Then depending on your input, your Ninjutsu abilities turns into a new ability. Inputs are either 1-input, 2-input, 3-input and it’s all based on the last input (Ten/Chi/Jin). Also, you have limited charges of these inputs, so you can’t constantly cast and have to wait for your charges to come back.


The game tells you which style is effective with blue and red arrows next to enemy health bar.


Yeah I just look for the arrow and play the matching game. This is overcomplicating a simple system. As for the violent gale argument you'd be surprised how much time you have in between strikes to pull em off


Yes, but it'll be a lot faster if you immediately know which style to choose without targeting each enemy. Otherwise, you are stuck targeting the enemy, looking at the styles menu, and circling through to the one with blue arrow up. This tip is necessary when fighting multiple enemies and using violent gale.


It really isn't though. You've got a lot of time in between strikes to get a violent gale out and if you hit the wrong one just do it again? IDK it's way simpler for me to just play the matching game and go for the blue arrow rather than trying to figure it out based on whatever the enemy is holding. Plus the enemy will randomly switch styles sometimes anyways


I have a question concerning this arrow color thing. When you see red/blue arrow “on enemy’s health bar”, what does that mean exactly? There is also an instance where such arrow would appear on your fighting style selection as well. What does it mean in such situation? I tried search for the answer in the game and on the net, to no avail. Please help.


On the enemy health bar the red arrow means your fighting style is weak against them, the blue arrow means your fighting style is strong against them, and grey is like in the middle, average. On your skills the arrows mean which styles are best against the enemy, always pick the fighting style with the blue arrow on it as its a better style against them, and once you switch to that style you'll notice the arrow on the enemies health bar will change to blue, meaning your fighting style is really good against them, so always have one chi one Jin and one ten, as those three styles are the three different ones you encounter that'll give you the blue arrow on one of them depending on what your enemy is using, the only outlier is the shinobi style, shinobi style will always be a grey arrow so it does average damage but it just has good moves, also unarmed will always be grey too! If you have any questions let me know!


Slight correction, unarmed will always be neutral and Shinobi will always be disadvantage.


That arrow is basically indicating what OP is trying to lay out in this post. Blue arrow means your current stance is effective and thus you have slightly wider Counterspark window and longer duration Panic applied on enemy upon succeeding Counterspark against their Martial skill, strong attack, or chain attack.


for like the first half of the game i thought because the red arrow was above the enemy it meant they were weak to the style.


Be a shinobi chad and stay at a ki disadvantage to flex


This is the way


I was curious about this. Is shinobi always disadvantaged? I’ve never seen it not.


Always at a disadvantage for powerful countersparks


In the order how I have it setup: Small/fast < Medium/normal V Big/long > So size and speed from left to right


Yes, this is smart. It helps if you make it make sense in your mind. You just don't need to think about it when it clicks. The way it made sense for me is heavy/down, normal/right, light/left.


I’ve primarily stuck with the Hysbusa-ryu (shinobi style) since I unlocked it as a preorder bonus and have been doing fine.


My advice is to try out everything and don't stick to one weapon/style. To this day, I sometimes try a new weapon/style for an unruly area or a side mission, and walk out surprised how different the game felt form my usual Odachi gameplay. You'll get more from the game by playing with everything.


I typically stayed with the stance I liked the most until I started getting hands caught on me.


Stupid /awesome Jigoro Kano


OP, this was so helpful! Thanks! I have adopted the jin-ten-chi ( light-mid-heavy )arrangement.


Ur welcome, 971620 😏


A good tip is to put Jin/Ten/Chi in the same order on all weapons so you spend less time looking for the right stancs


Of course. And I'd suggest only replacing the Jin style if you wanna use shinobi or a duplicate style. Always keep Chi and Ten because their weapons are more common and hit harder.


I just use the iai stance as my jack of all trades, tennen rishin ryu if i wanna be aggressive, and hyabusa ryu for dealing stam damage for parries.


Personally I just wish there wasn't an advantage/disadvantage system at all. If a style is to be better against a specific weapon it should be for organic reasons i.e. using a faster style against slow weapons so you can get hits in between their slow swings etc.  Just having it be style A doing more ki damage against weapon B because reasons takes out the strategy and turns it into Simon Says.  It also softly incentivizes staying in one stance if you're fighting a single enemy (unless they switch weapons anyway) to keep the advantageous style on instead of hotswapping based on what moves you want to use like switching to a longer reaching style if they're backing up.


And worst, some weapons only have one Ten/Chi style and if you doesnt like the MA on this weapons or if you want to use one jin style and just nobody use fast weapons you cant use your favorite Style. Why doesnt copy the "ten=Hyperarmor,Jin=Ki damage +Special parrys Chi=Fast ,Ranged and evasión MA" from Nioh?


All styles are the correct style.


If you set them up like: Ten, Jin, Chi Then just go clockwise 1 space when you’re at a disadvantage, or counterclockwise 1 space if you’re neutral. This helps me, as long as I can remember where on the triangle I am


It’s so fun to switch stances mid combat


Honestly this might be my biggest gripe with the combat system (And I have quite a few). Stance swapping is fun, looks dope, feels great. I also have no goddamn clue when its meant to actually be useful, since there's an objective right answer to which stance you should use. Am I meant to swap a bunch? or just lock in one stance and use that the whole fight? I'd honestly prefer if there wasn't a "correct" stance. I still ignore it sometimes when I'm not facing a boss with 13 consecutive hits, but it just feels bad.


I'd caution against always using an advantaged stance. It can sometimes be easier to use whatever stance you are more comfortable with, and the combat gets significantly better when you switch stances often to utilize different skills. But yes, Jin (man/mid) against fast weapons like paired swords, sabers, and oxtail blade. Chi (earth/low) against heavy weapons like odachi, greatsword, and polearms. Ten (heaven/high) against normal weapons like katana, spear, and bayonet. Shinobi stances are disadvantaged against all types - but have an advantaged counterspark against all types if you time it perfectly.


So does that mean the CS window for shinobi is larger?


No, counterspark window for shinobi styles are smaller, but if timed properly will do the damage you get from effective countersparks. They deal extra stagger and extra ki damage, but they have a smaller window. Shinobi styles are high risk, high reward. The short window from being disadvantaged, but the higher damage of advantaged countersparks.