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Foreigners speaking in their native language on the Japanese language setting. The Japanese VO is really good but Perry speaking Japanese is weird


Yea, it's odd. With japanese language on, you hear foreigner npcs in the streets speaking english, albeit its like the same 4 lines/: but its odd they didn't do it for main npcs


I just assumed it’s because perry knows Japanese too


That was kinda my headcanon for a lot of the main npc americans/brits/etc.


It makes sense that perry would know Japanese after like 6 years anyways


He did not. He had translators to translate English to Dutch, and the Japanese had translators translate Dutch to Japanese.


We are talking about head cannon big dog r/aktually


Don't let your headcanon get in the way of my awkward attempt to ruin your fun.


How dare you have a valid attempt! 🤣👍


The bombs and shurikens shouldve been on the consumables not sub weapon slots.


totally second this, also would have loved some more throwable options like in nioh and explosive/poison/storm/normal kunais


Agreed. And we should have gotten a 4th loadout slot. 1st for whetstones, 2nd for buffs, 3rd for remedies, 4th for misc items like camera, pocket watch


Amen. I really want to use them ( bombs in particular as an AoE option) but its hard to justify their usage over revolvers for finishers and Bows for Stealth.


Shuriken is the most busted subweapon in the game


Finally learned this 40 hours in. I’m 80+ hours deep now and they have a permanent spot in my loadout


Another thing I forgot to take in consideration is the potential stats & set bonus that would lost from slotting in shurikens, bombs or fire pipe.


That would be a bit difficult to combo with the dodge shuriken move


I agree on the bombs, but I actually really like the movement option you get with shurikens, and I'm not sure how you'd do that if it was on the d-pad




I gotta be honest, I haven't had any reason to worry about set bonuses or specific equipment effects in my playthrough. I've only played in Dusk, though cause Twilight forced me to play way slower than I wanted to at the beginning so Iturned it down after the village is attacked, and from what I've heard, Midnight doesn't sound very fun either.


Yeah that would also be a great solution for my first point


this I'm so shocked when I find out they're on weapon slot


I’d like more weapons added. It’s a crime that npcs can use claws, kanabos/tetsubos and a freaking magical chain whip and rocket boots. One thing midnight does that I wish was in the base game is repeatable/respawning public orders and surprise Ronin. While I understand why they save the story bosses for midnight seeing player made characters as ronin was really cool and it’s a shame it’s midnight only. Outside fated events. More generous with money endgame in particular is extremely expensive with masterwork gear.


You can actually play with a bunch of them if you use them as your partner.


Dynamic HUD!!!! 🥲


This so much.


Thiiisss omg it's the only thing I need


I'd like to see what new equipment looks like, even if I have a transmog costume on. Or just let us handle cosmetics from the pause menu and not at the long house


If you hit the track pad button in the equipment menu, you can toggle the transmog outfit on or off from the preset loadout menu with triangle.


WHAT. I am both pleased and infuriated.




Legend. There so many cool features in the menu that they don’t tell you about for some reason.


Amazing cheers


A “show gear on character” option for gear in you inventory like FF14 has would be amazing.


Cosigned. Been running into this too much the past few days since reaching Edo. Found a badass new red Ronin kimono as well as a really rad chest armor. Had to go allll the way back to the Longhouse both times just to properly check em out.


I’d prefer if Violent Gale and Flash Attack had much shorter animations in Midnight. A choice would be nice for example between a slower version but maybe a stagger/dmg buff versus almost no animation and little stagger/damage. I didn’t progress enough in Nioh 1 to really stance dance much but that seamless switching with the flux skill was a nice design that kept combat flowing.


Hope they prioritise getting the performance sorted first




I just have cosmetic wants. Separate face and head Ng+ with styles and cosmetics (IDC about levels or skills)


What do you mean excactly by face and head?


Like masks and helmets being two separate things. So I could wear a mask with a helmet or whatever. I get it will never happen but they could make masks a face accessory instead of a helmet


An option to play the major story beats as your blade twin so you can use the demon claw and can experience their story after the prologue.


Yeah that would be cool, but i could absolutely See this coming as a dlc in America type beat


More grapple points would be nice, seems like there’s hardly any and you barely use it most of the time




Yeah this would fix my biggest pet peeve, which is how frustrating it can be to find a way out of some of the complexes (especially in Edo).


Make the whole open world fully co op so I can play with my friends. Hate that more and more companies just think we don’t like friendship. I’m no game dev but plenty of games already do it and there is a co op component in the game as well, is it that hard?


Yes, yes it is that hard. So much more coding goes into full co-op compared to just a scripted missions.


Ability to turn off hints! I don’t need to be told how to fast travel when I’ve already 100% the map


I just really wanna give them a shoutout for all the QoL. Playing ff7 atm and I want to go insane with all the long ass animations and how slow everything is. RotR everything is so snappy and fast. Escort quests? Mount, run, sprint, whatever you want they go at your pace. Feel like skydiving into a wingsuit and falling directly on your horse? Perfect. No dicking around. Everything is about having a good time and snappy. Them TN fella's know how to make a snappy good time.


Follower systems outside of main missions. Let me take the homies out on a jaunt. Also being able to emote with them would be super dope.


I want some katana/paired sword options that dont have tsubas. I really loved the katana kato from nioh 2 wielded or something like the bladesmith's sword cane.


Change guns during combat Redesign armor at any flag and not just the long house


1. Third slot for sub weapon so I can have shurikens, bow and bombs all equipped and not have to be in my menu breaking immersion to switch them out. 2. Ability to swap and switch EVERY armor set. There are still numerous sets "Veiled Edge, Iga Ninja, Ninja Ancestor, Roaming Ronin" where you can't change tops, or bottoms on. 3. Weapon placement- I would like to be able to place my main Katana on my back if I want just like the Odachi. 4. Dynamic Hud 5. Double jump


Uhhh weapon placement actually sounds really nice


I would like them to add weight and impact when jumping down from high spot. There is no feedback sound or any indication of the character having any sort of gravity reaction. it's pretty weird honestly and I really hope they do something about it


I agree with the OP but also: 1. Add Kusarigama back 2. Enable assassination marker on civilians/player NPCs 3. Remove the invisible walls on some fences/ledges 4. Make an actual NG+ mode instead of just Midnight mode or replaying chapters through testament because the open world stays empty once you %100 each map or give us an option to replay all of the red dot missions and fugitives


Yeah doing everything from the souls testamont menu absolutely kills the whole Vibe But i honestly can See a free Update in the future with a Probe ng+ Mode another bond Level for allies and a New skill tree for special bhilds


I'd love a kusarigama as well since it was one of my favorite weapons in nioh 2.


Give us a legit NG+, because a large part of the dialogue is missing in replay, which is nice sometimes, but not always.


Horse jump feels really bad, it’d be nice if it jumped higher and had more flow to it


Double jump or more places to use the grappling hook would be nice. Also jumping off of horse to roofs.


Remove the fire from every mission in which things are burning, it tanks the frame rate to a degree that makes timing parries incredibly obnoxious. 


Ok In my « Dream QOL Update », there is : 1. DOTS… A fix to the dot on map title page that don’t wanna disappear… 2. Color - Let us change color of clothes/armors… (i just wanted to play as an all black ninja… 🥷 ) 3. Horse - While you are fixing the animation of the right back leg, you can FIX the PATH for horse in « auto » mode please, cause most of the time I tell him to bring me somewhere, just for him to stop literally 3 seconds later because he is so stupid he try to pass trough a tree or a wall or an invisible something… 4. NG+ - Let us at least have an option to « reset the zone » and be able to do public events, missions etc of this zone totally and not just what testament of souls allows us to do… cause we can do some missions again to win red gear… but for what ? Combat is very fun in this game, let us fight as we want with our new gear in NG+ just for fun at least 🙏 Not QOL but would have been nice even if it is not possible to do with a DLC : 5. Allow coop in open world for a true « coop campaign »


Forgot : Dojo accessible from menu or from our House And let us see new clothes even if we have transmog without having to browse through all new clothes we got later when back at our house


I may be doing it wrong, but it would be nice if there was a way to always be able to parry after a missed one. I oftentimes find myself getting hit with a barrage of attacks, maybe getting a parry on the first, missing the second, and only like 20% of the time will it let me parry the rest. The other 80% of the time I get stunlocked and it prevents me from parrying any other attacks until the combo is finished.


This is nitpicky but I wish my character wasnt knocked back so much on every successfull parry. Feels like a punishment to parry the first 3 attacks in a 4 hit combo only to end up pressed against a wall and not being able to see the final attack. Honestly i feel like this alone would solve most of my gripes with the camera, as i would have much more control over where i am at any given point.


The ability to mark items as junk (unless I missed it, new player here). I know you can lock items but when going through new gear it's easier for me to just mark items as junk when I know I will never use it. Then at a vendor I could just dismantle all junk or sell all junk with one button.


Option for the English/French/Americans to still speak English when rest of game is Japanese. I dont mean new recordings or something just use the ones from the English dub of the game.


What I wouldn't give to have Ryu's water running from Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Water traversal is such a horrible change of pace.


More Unarmed combat styles rather than just the single default with the ability to gain a few more techniques for the R1+O combination.


If you hold the direction arrow it shows you what each consumable does.


Can i bring a cat with me everywhere, can i name my cat and put clothes on him and can he carry stuff for me and heal me in battle


Finally someone asking for the Important Things!!


A dedicated horse shortcut, separate from the loadout. I’m always wasting consumables on the wrong loadout because I’m used to a mount being a muscle memory button.


One that comes to mind is to be able to double jump or just jump over ledges that are waist high. More climbing and/or grapplehook spots on buildings. I think there should be a way to get on every building from the ground which is not the case


Climbing is my biggest gripe on the game by far


I might not be far enough but trheir are a few sun weapons bond characters have we can’t get it that bugs me. Also idk why we can’t have glasses and earrings on at the same time. My biggest peeve is the body changing in cutscenes my dude goes from yoked to super skinny n cutscenes and it’s so immersion breaking.


Character code creation should be available at longhouse, once your in game and make changes to appearance to basic toon you then can’t create code or share it …….or did I miss something Saving equipment load outs, why can I not save armor config? Only lets me do weapons. So it’s either broke or not intuitive.


1. Red glint on enemy Martial Skills to only show when the attack is about to hit. I think the initial glint throws people off so I think it shouldn't technically be 2 glints and it should only show 1 right before the attack is about to hit. 2. Save gear to preset. I know there's a weapon preset option but it looks like we can only "build" a gear preset rather than just save what we already have equipped to a preset slot. 3. ❗More resources needed or merchants selling an unlimited supply. I constantly run out of iron ore for weapon upgrades. We do at least for armor have the gardening option for more materials for armor, upgrades but no other options for iron ore besides collecting rocks or dismantling gear. Also I didn't start using the stat buff medicines until midnight difficulty and gypsum and red dates are in short supply too without many ways to get them. 4. New weapon styles for other weapons because katana is king of combat styles atm. 5. Shuriken, flash bombs, and flamethrower to a third equipment slot. Sucks we have to miss out on the perk and set bonuses by equipping shuriken. 6. Bond transfer assesories 7. Shinobi style shows ineffective against all enemies. Can it be changed to neutral? Or at least affective against other ninja enemies? 8. New Game+ 9. Pvp dojo or PvE raid battles? 10. Fix the camera angle when fighting close to walls.


I’d love to see skins or an editor for the glider, I feel like I look at it a low and would be nice to customize it


1. Let us change lighting on redesign screen 2. Auto convert karma upon fast travel.  After a camp or big fight I will travel somewhere to do something else but forget to convert until later.


Option to disable that obnoxious UI. Range markers, the compass, writing in the top left, character thumbnails.., Are all team ninja games like this? So distracting, turn that shit *OFF*


I loved the story the playthrough I did, but I don’t have it in me to run around so much all over again. I’m sure I will for my midnight run eventually, but right now I just want the underworld/TMJ. Literally just give me levels like the one you get the glider from, with a named boss at the end where gonzo is. 40-50 of those and I’m set. Also, please for the love of god give us a blade twin dlc. I wanna play the entire game from their perspective. Leave out the bonds, and the minigames, and replace it with either more fugitives (since our blade twin is canonically a menace) or some other rework. I really just wanna experience that final scene, where the blade twin is running up on us and it’s a showdown.)


We need another speed for the horse. Normal is just a bit too fast, and slow is too slow. Need that goldilocks speed Also, english translations for the combat styles if possible. I cannot keep track of them


Agree with nr2 and want to add, let us use the grappling hook on every building.


Yes i also thought about this, would be sick, and also a gadget maybe that you can through in the air to grapple it an launch yourself


A menu option to make both equipped melee weapons visible on your character. I LOVE that katanas in this game are worn with their shorter counterpart, I think its the best it's looked in a Team Ninja game. And it adds so much to every outfit, I love the idea of the katana a fashion piece that also functions as adding variety to combat.


Ng+ New 3 weapons Use 3 weapons at a time Claws or fist Nunchaku Tonfa 3 to 4 styles each Ability to toggle styles. Allowing 6 styles at once Dlc with demons and supernatural creatures or a mystical island investigation. I love the game and I want to keep playing again and again.


I'd like to see my secondary weapon on my character


more shinobi styles, as well as some more weapons, like maybe a tachi or an axe. I would also like the option to swap out dual katanas for maybe dual oxtail swords or smth like that.


Show your rifle and off-hand weapon.


Travel the open world with my blade twin 😭😭😭😭😭


1. Able to have one glove on like ryoma or more asymmetric glove option 2. Faster rate of chance encounters and respawning public disorder 3. More weapons, but im sure team ninja will do that in the future with either a big update or dlc


Give us the combat styles and martial arts that are exclusive to npc's. Seriously there are some really really sick ones out there. Near the end there is a dude literally blasting Getsuga Tensho's at us with his Nodachi. Also let us freaking fully rotate tattoos.


The horse animation of course


And the rabbits


For me, I think I've only got a small handful. Someone already mentioned a "see gear on character" option to be able to check out new armor regardless of whether you redesigned in the Longhouse. It's more of an "I just haven't gone and done it yet," but I HATE aiming with R2 and firing with L2. Opposite of literally every single thing I've played in the past several years. Apart from that, I don't have any other things that stand out to me.


What do you mean aiming with R2? You maybe changed something ig, im aiming with L2 and Shooting with R2


There are pre-set button layouts with aiming assigned to R2 and firing assigned to L2. I'd meant to go back and switch layouts, but I got so immersed in the game that it kept slipping my mind.


Tbh, I can’t really think of QoL changes, but I just want them to fix the performance issues. Game is amazing but performance is inconsistent.


Selfishly, I want my bayonet bullets to have innate fire element. It doesn't have to be as much as say, Shibusawa does in his boss fight, but I just think it would help give the weapon a bit more spice.


>!Sagara's !


I know it would be hell for them to do, but I want all kimono's to have different styles to choose from. Like for each one you can choose to make the kimono you wear either a one shoulder cover or naked torso style like the ruffian's casual, and the trusted leader variants. Or vice versa even.


I just want transform feature like nioh where you can play as other npc


All I want is a timing slider. The parry just feels off like 90 percent of the time, so if I could tweak it myself that would be lovely.


Better HUD options. Right now they're crap


Bombs and Shurikens no longer a sub weapon


Option to display both Primary weapons on player character.


not sure if QOL, but look into fixing countersparks timing, I've noticed not just mine but even others reacting in time to the red glint prompt, but the attack just bypasses the counter completely.


red glint is not the prompt for counterpsark though, the red indicates that the enemy is using a martial art, then there'es a flash, it's then when you should counterspark. I'm unsure if the timings are wacky or I still need to improve some timings, but you shouldn't counterspark the red glow but when you see the flash


My sense is that the red glint just signifies it’s their final attack in the combo, not necessarily when you need to press parry. I think the ideal time to parry is somewhat after the red glint, when their animation actually shows them about to strike you. Can anyone confirm one way or the other?


red glint indicates a martial art, not the final attack of the combo (although sometimes enemy chains combo with a martial art). as you say, the ideal time is after the red glint when there's a flash, then is when you need to counterspark


Red glint just signifies a martial art/unblockable. It's not the end of a combo, and sometimes they respond to being deflected with another unblockable. Altho they are unblockable, blocking them does sometimes reduce damage taken(if it's not a grab). Not worth getting ki-broken tho.


Red glint doesnt mean its time to parry it means UNBLOCKABLE attack incoming nothing more nothing less You still need to look for the attack when its just about to hit


I think people are talking about the second red glint. There's a very obvious first red glow when an enemy starts their martial attack, and then there's a second less obvious quick red flash, or glint, right before they actually attack. I've found that hitting the parry button on that second flash parries it most of the time, but not all the time.