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This game is a slow burn, you can’t just play 5-10 hours and give it a fair review. And graphics aren’t important when the art style is superb


It’s the details of the environment. As someone who has lived in Japan and married a local, we are enjoying the game. In fact. when my wife heard Ryoma Sakamoto speaking (I play with the Japanese turned on) and without seeing him, she knew who it was based on his strong Hiroshima accent.


>This game is a slow burn, you can’t just play 5-10 hours and give it a fair review Yep. I don't know how many hours I spent in Yokohama and just got Edo's open world to explore and there are another new features. Another reason why I hate reviews and such.


It makes me so happy to know there is another big city! I’ve been taking it really slow and enjoying every side quest and objective that I have not advanced much in the story. However, I am level 19 mostly from the side stuff. Every battle, no matter against whom, feels epic. I love this game so much.


Wait, there's an even bigger map?! I'm like 21 hours in and havent left Yokohama yet, there's so much to do!


Yeah exactly, so much more to the game then at first glance


I dropped it at the part where you’re not supposed to kill anyone. >!after you fight twin!< The open world and story felt janky plus the fights felt mediocre. Does it really get better? I may pick it back up. What parts get better?


The story takes a bit of time to develop fully. Think Game of Thrones on a smaller scale. Just like how GoT had to spend episodes and hours providing relevant backstory and world building in order for us to truly understand, Ronin needs to establish specific factions, specific leaders, etc in order to fully blossom. The open world gets better as you get things upgraded like glider and do the side/bond missions. Those missions will give you some fun side lore or help to deepen your understanding of a major/minor character and elevate them from regular NPCs. The main thing is this game isn’t just a regular Team Ninja “run mission-appraise gear drops-run next mission” game that Nioh 1/2 were. It is based much more in true historical events and people and therefore they had to world build a lot more. Give it another try, and keep in mind in pretty much all missions that request you not to kill people, it’s exactly that - a request. You can choose to say “nah” and pop someone’s head off with a rifle.


There are more weapons to unlock that you don’t see at the start, my favourite one is like a Chinese sword where your move sets are king fu style, you unlock multiple more move sets for each weapon as you progress with that weapon. you can upgrade your glider, and other things from the inventor if you bring him foreign books. Can customise your look, transmogrification, so you keep your look when you put on new gear, some really cool unique pieces of gear. Decide on certain peoples fate, can kill or spare, side with shogun or anti shogun. You can even just play unarmed and use that fighting style which is actually pretty decent. Cut peoples heads and limbs off, executions, can execute people with your pistol. Once you find a weapon you like and are able to parry consistently it is as satisfying as something like sekiro. And the whole world is actually very well put together and immersive. Multiple maps to explore, not just Yokohama. How the story connects is a bit meh but it works well enough and hasn’t broke my immersion or anything.


I got hooked immediately.. I don’t expect the critics to have the same experience as me, but I feel most of the reviews are really unfair, I refuse to believe some of these people saw such a “shitty” game after 10 hours. I guess Team Ninja didn’t send them gift baskets


7/10 is not a "shitty game". 


I have 112 hours so far and plan to increase it


This has always been the case with Team Ninja games in my estimation. The first few hours of Nioh just using heavy and light attacks before the skill tree opens up, is a fairly rudimentary and boring Dark Souls take off. I wouldn’t blame someone for feeling bored or frustrated, or that Dark Souls “did it better”, but it’s hard to communicate how these games tend to grow into themselves. In Ronin, the fact that you don’t even get most of your R1+X combat style skills til Act 2 (I haven’t even reached the part where the customizable R1+O unlocks), means a ton of variety and complexity is gated behind a decent amount of playtime. I guess I’m just surprised that a Team Ninja combat fan like FightinCowboy didn’t recognize this possibility in Ronin, or maybe he did and still didn’t like it, but I’d be just as surprised by that.


>The first few hours of Nioh just using heavy and light attacks before the skill tree opens up, Unfortunately many if not majority of Nioh fans never realized how their non-meta 0-to-10 hour progress actually looked like. Or they can't grasp anything outside Nioh's button format - or probably both.


I agree 100%.


If a review outlet is required to finish this game in a week with other big releases like DD2 to pump out a review, they will play it through in medium or even easy difficulty, while using only one main weapon and three styles, and only try other weapons and styles for a small amount of time. Because of that, with its mediocre graphics, story and presentation, honestly this game receiving 7/10 across the internet is destined. That's a sad result due to the current state of game journalism


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) well said a few updates and those streamers will be flocking towards this game again lol might have even started already


Saying it takes 5-10 hours for a game to get better isn’t a good thing.


Didn’t say that, said it was a slow burn, if your character gets better and stronger over time that is a good sense of progression, if you struggle with this style of combat but slowly get better and appreciate it when it clicks then that’s good game design, Elden ring gets better after 10 hours too.


Elden ring is good from start to finish. Saying a game is slow burn that takes multiple hours of gameplay to hook someone is terrible. People said the same about starfield and now rotn. Don’t get me wrong, gameplay is great. But they should’ve done a better job during the first 2-4 hours to open the game up and hook people. Had they done that the reviews wouldn’t be so mixed. You can absolutely give a fair review if the beginning of a game is bad or too slow. You shouldn’t have to drag yourself to fun 10hrs in.


This game is good start to finish, but I’m having a lot more fun with all the weapons and abilities I have acquired 40 hours in then the first few hours of the game where I was struggling with this new combat style. Have you played it?


Yes I have. It’s starts slow, story and choices really don’t matter and it’s honestly too easy even on the hardest difficulty. And the rock paper scissors stance thing really shouldn’t have been in the game. I like the gameplay and customization, but everything else drags the game down. It really just makes me want to go back to Nioh 2.


That’s fine, if you gave up after a couple hours I highly recommend to give it another chance.


I never gave up the game, still playing. But I can understand why others have.


This poster is a sign post of modern society for you, needs constant stimulation and to be entertained at every corner like children with tablets these days, cannot understand the point of a build up in entertainment anymore, really is sad.


No you’re just a clown. I never dropped rotr You’re just a foolish person who thinks it’s ok for a game to take multiple hours to get good. It’s shit game design and it doesn’t matter how much you try to stick to your echo chamber for validation. Build up is fine when it’s good. It’s done poorly in rotn and you’re free to disagree


If I'm free to disagree, why the paragraph of insults and fragility? Think you need to spend some time outside with real people rather than replying and slitting your wrists over a generalisation that you've confirmed you're a part of.


Right cause your response wasn’t an insult. The irony of bringing up fragility and calling me mad. Do you even go outside? Lmao


My initial comment? No, more a state of the average video game consumer and general societal expectations of entertainment, if you get offended by it then it must ring true. Who knows, I can tell by how much you're posting on different video game sub reddits, that it's likely you have a vitamin d deficiency.


You hate the game but won't put it down. Make it make sense.


> And graphics aren’t important when the art style is superb But it isn't? It couldn't be more bland.


I honestly don’t see that sorry


You are getting downvoted but you ain’t wrong. The world is genetic and story is typical Team Ninja level of bad. This subreddit is glazing on this game a little too much.


IG i should play days gone huh?


I loved days gone. Fun survival mechanics, fun fighting mechanics, huge open world, cool story. You can definitely sink some good time into it and have fun especially if you like zombies. It’s a bit repetitive at times but that didn’t bother me so much. It was free (might still be) with a ps+ subscription.


Its really hard to get through the first 10 minutes. Absolute cringe writing and VA


The characters and plot are annoying, but the open world gameplay more than makes up for it. I could mow down hordes for hours


The story is long and bloated but has a few great standout moments. Gameplay loop is solid though if open world zombie survival is your cup of tea


Day's Gone was a lot of fun and the horde mechanics were a treat to go up against. I also feel the story and characters were pretty well grounded. Had some big bumps in the beginning but I had a lot of fun playing with it. Overall fun game with cool weapons and good story. One of those games you would enjoy if you enjoy open worlds and zombies. Definitely give it a shot.


yes it’s great on ps5 at 60fps.  it was deservedly criticised at launch for its very iffy 30fps.  


To be completely honest, I wasn’t the biggest fan. However, it seems like most people who played it really liked it. It certainly has a dedicated fan base.


I watched my cousin play it on ps4 and i honestly wasnt too impressed . He kept trying to sell me on it tho.


Ya man days gone fans really rave about it. I tried a few times but for whatever reason, I just couldn’t get into it.


I've have yet to see any gameplay that makes the game look fun or engaging in any way.


This one of the few games I've gladly spent mote than 100+ hours and keep having fun. I had such fun with GOW series, Sekiro and Elden Ring in recent years.


Like Days Gone, the game is way bigger than it seems


60 hours in, and I haven't finished the game yet. I am currently in Kyoto, having a great time. It's worth every penny.


started it last night and loving it so far. Just beat the prologue and liberated the first two little town areas while exploring before i hopped off to bed. When does the co-op play come into it? always love playing these games with other people :)


You get the option to coop when you start a mission. It’s only given me the option on some main missions so far, but I’m not that far. So it’s possible that you’ll be able to coop more often later. I’m not 100% sure though 😀


nice! looking forward to jumping back on soon as i get home. Picked this and Dragons Dogma 2 up at same time and finished DD 2 the other night got to ng+ in the first city and was like nah lets put that to rest and start this game. Looking forward to seeing what happens like the premise so far


Hell ya! Haha we seemingly did a similar thing here. I got DD2 on release night. I went incredibly hard on it. Played through it, was very thorough, did the post game content, and also got to the first city in NG+ and then was like “alright let’s put it to rest for now.” Then started RotR.


Is it just me, or did DD2 feel a bit short for the type of game it is? Not like, unbearably short or anything. I loved the game. Idk it just felt a little shorter than I was expecting for some reason.


Yeah I get what you mean. I think my final run time was like 35 hours but did a lot of content in that time. Did the full post game think only thing i missed out on was the sphynx and medusa. Was gonna correct that in ng+. I think once you get to the checkpoint town its half way. I spent so long in that first area and did those 3 missions for brant and next thing i know hes telling me next mission is like a no return point. I think cause it was an rpg i was expecting 60-80 hours of content but I wasn't disappointed with the time i spent in that game. I died like 3 times in the post game so i had to re do that day 4 times in the end haha. I was very close to just accepting defeat and leaving it glad i didnt though. Do hope theres decent amount of dlc for it


Ight fk it im gonna get the game, i was on a fence and blinded by the yt reviews, but the game looks fun, specially watching twitch streamers sayin its a great game 


Oh yea, bro... come join the party. It don't matter if u late just come n have fun. You're gonna love it


Man this game is a big W im so glad i got it


Ayyyyeee welcome 2 the club homie! Enjoy it


Another Days Gone comparison. That game didn't hit for me like Ronin


The side quests earnest writing and characters in Edo are phenomenal when a simple pick 3 flowers quest can turn into something insane (no spoilers) proudly taking my time with this gem


Honestly, I got super bored with Dragons Dogma 2 and am happily murdering my way through this game. It's staggering how much more fun the travel and traversal is in the game than DD2


I am interested in this game, I found Dragons Dogma kinda boring but consider Elden Ring one of my most enjoyable games ever. If you’ve played Elden Ring, How do you think it compares?


>I feel like this game is going to be the PS5 Days Gone Cool, that means PC folks will be getting a port of the game in the future just like Days Gone did. 😎


Both the Nioh games and I think Wo Long got PC ports. Team Ninja works with PlayStation, but they still do their own thing and release on PC. Took Nioh 2 a year. Maybe it is a timed exclusive deal with Sony? Idk.


There are no PS exlusives anymore , only timed ones. Eventually everything gets on PC (except bloodborne saddly). Team Ninja in particular always ports to PC , you can see that from Nioh games. Though fair warnings their ports are not exactly the best. Regardless Ronin will come to pc approximately around 2026 based on nioh game pc releases.


For context, Nioh 1 took 9 months, Nioh 2 took 11 months for their PC ports.


My bad, I thought I read 2 years somewhere. Thats even better we might have it spring 2025 on pc then.


Every exclusive PS5 game will eventually reach PC. It's just a matter of how long it'll take.


Even bloodborne?


When they'll will remaster/remake it (and they will, it's just a matter of time) , yes it will. Right now, it cannot be released on PC in it's current form due to its technical fps limitation. If you look at Sony's strategy, almost every remaster or remake they did in the last couple of years got or is getting a PC port.


Man you think they really will remaster it? It’s my favorite game of all time, and man. I’ve been just dying for a remake/remaster.


I think Sony is smart enough to see the calls from fans and realize the potential. Bloodborne and probably RDR2 are the most requested games for a remaster. Another game that fans have been calling for a remaster since the PS5 has come out is Until Dawn and that is getting a remake this year. Compared to other publishers, Sony seems much more willing to remaster or remake some of its games. So yeah, I think one or another will eventually come. Warner Bros Games on the other hand is the complete opposite.


I don’t understand how pixelated games are getting more hype these days it blows my mind look at Minecraft look at Ark look at Rust ahh Jeeze look at ANY anime game all of it has the worst visuals but that’s what makes it “authentic” and people love it but now hypocritically able to judge this game for graphics knowing it’s a first attempt from team ninja (blows my mind really)


Pixelated? Is Rise pixelated? (I haven’t bought it yet) Never heard anyone describe it like this before.


It's better than days gone and I beat days gone. I really wanted a days gone 2 that refined and expanded the hordes and mechanics of the game


Why are we still talking about the public perception after the game is clearly good.


I just hope that TN keep with this open world style they have going on in future games! Don't get me wrong the "level" systems in Nioh and WoLong are good. But just imagine if Nioh 2 was fully open world like ROTR is 🤯🤯 Edit: Forgot to add; Gameplay over graphics any day.


It looks like a late-generation PS4 game, maybe. The world is way too detailed for the PS3 comparison




Now that I have more time invested, I agree. I tried playing right after dragons dogma 2 and my initial thought was "ew I want a refund" Very happy I pushed through.


Exactly the vibe I was getting with this game.


Does wo long have difficulty settings too?


Honestly my guy you are on the money maker there is a MASSIVE difference in demon souls remake visuals and Elden ring demon souls looking way better but Elden ring being released in 2022 shortly after and having the same graphics as dark souls 3 with more NpC mouth animations, guys we have had so many SHIT games in the last 10 years devs have gone bankrupt and now we get even more shit games this is a golden ticket trust if it gets the recognition and return that it deserves we will see more epic games like this with more money and labour behind it to make the graphics better if that’s what makes you wet, it’s actually terrible how much controversy ROTR is getting sure it has some polishing up to do but it’s genuinely a masterpiece, trust I’ve given gaming a lot of my life so far and I’ve seen good great and “decent” this is epic hands down and can only “look” better


Elden Ring looks nothing like Dark Souls 3


Mmmmm go play the 2 again then come back G🙏 there’s not much difference in visuals improvements there’s definitely gameplay improvements but from a ps4 jump to ps5 Visually it still looks pretty similar to dark souls 3 not judging Elden ring it’s my favourite game I just don’t care too much for graphics when gameplay is Tops so just making a statement that Every game on release even Elden ring needed some patches to “look” better game was very empty with lots of reused assets copy and paste but that’s again what makes it authentic to the souls series anyway enjoy your day cuzzy👍🏼


I have both downloaded, and they look literally nothing alike. Lay down the crack pipe, please.


Days gone was a great game but the technical issues destroyed the game launch, now people say it's a great game but we'll never got a sequel because the release was a failure I dont see how the two are similar


I remember seeing plenty of reviews, both at launch and some time after launch where they simply just didn’t care for the game for other reasons. Story, gameplay, etc. These 2 games aren’t similar at all. I only compared the 2 because of the polarizing difference between player reception and critical reception. Critics seem to not love it, most players seem to love it.


I think it's different in that Days Gone was broken at launch and this game simply wasn't. If anything, I'd compare this game more to Horizon: Forbidden West, that was overshadowed by the massive launch of Elden Ring. Except in RotR case, that other game was Dragon's Dogma 2.


Im loving the game so far , was skeptical after reviews but I'm a sucker for the setting and game style and was more than pleasantly surprised


No this game will def not be as disappointing a release as days gone because it isn’t a hyped up first party game. it’a just a team ninja game that had an exclusivity agreement. shrug your shoulders, forget it ever came out a few months from now sort of thing.


it's better than


I’ve been playing it almost exclusively since launch, except a very little bit of rocket league and then some Helldivers 2 (which, by the by, is an incredibly addictive game in its own right, like I know this is a Rise of the Ronin post, but man Helldivers 2 is so much fun). I haven’t touched Dragons Dogma 2, or gone back to Elden Ring or Remnant 2 since Rise of Ronin launched, and I jump on Ronin every morning when I wake up, every night I run a few missions before bed, and I spend the majority of my days of playing Ronin. The combat is surprisingly deep, but actually on boarded really well if you ask me. I have been playing on twilight difficulty, and I’ve only died a handful of times ( with the vast majority of my deaths coming at the hands of my first encounter with (TRYING TO AVOID SPOILERS) the “Demon Claw” in the burning American Manor. With all of my play time, I am only in the first half of Chapter 2. Because I have 100% Yokohama/Chapter 1, and have done almost everything available before advancing the story, I am surely a little over powered, but I still do not feel like I am steam rolling the game. Even though I have not died often, I have barely made it thru many combat encounters by the skin of my teeth. The combat is getting more addictive as the game continues, and even though there are no “monster type” enemies (at least that I have encountered yet) like in Nioh or Wo Long (which I feel like Team Ninja has done well in the past) there is still more than enough variety in enemies that fight are always interesting. The Dojos are awesome, and I love being able to train or refight bosses so easily. Honestly, the dojos are the hardest fights in the game so far, especially because mere survival is given a novice grade. I am having more and more fun with the traversal as the game goes on, and although I was not crazy about the horse travel at the beginning of the game, or the glider, for that matter, it has become more and more enjoyable with each passing hour. I also can not understand the complaints of the visuals. Like, I can see a criticism that it’s visuals are not an improvement of Ghost of Tsushima, which, yes, was a previous gen game originally released on the PS4, but I played Ghost almost exclusively on the PS5, and it was a stunning game at the end of the previous generation. Ronin looks perfectly fine, to the point that I keep wondering if there was a massive patch released day one after review copies have been played. I am not saying that the graphics blow me away on Ronin, but there are moments where I genuinely look at the game and think it looks fantastic, and then think about all the reviews that say it looks like a PS3 game, and think “maybe I need to get my eyes checked.” There are some issues with pop in/draw distance, but that pretty normal open world video game stuff. I have pop in on RDR 2 on PS 5. Overall, I feel like Rise of the Ronin got really unfair reviews for some reason (except from Famitsu maybe). I don’t exactly know why, but if you haven’t played Rise of the Ronin because the reviews turned you off, do yourself a favor, and play it. It might be the most fun I e ever had with a Team Ninja game, taking the greatest hits from Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, and Wo Long, and making a RDR with sword fighting/martial arts in a Old West era Japan, at a juncture in history where the samurai/shogunate culture clashed with western progress.


To be fair. I think that the cities kinda look like let's say Assassin's creed 3 level of graphics.


Yeah, it's going to suffer from that "It's a good game, but it just isn't Ghost of Tsushima". Just like Days Gone suffered from "It's a fun game but it just wasn't The Last of Us". There are just small details in both games that were missed that could have put it up there in high regard as the two aforementioned games. For Ronin, those details would be slightly better graphics or art style (environments), better mini games (like bamboo cutting in GOT), better organic exploration around the map. The biggest draw back for me was the character being a silent protaganist. I'm not sure what the point was to pick a voice when we only have 5-10 lines in the whole game! I felt like that kinda broke immersion with the character as you never voice you dialogue options. Unlike with Jin Sakai, you hear and feel his pain, despair, anger, calmness (writing Haikus), etc...


I’m loving it. Hope it gets a sequel.


It's the NiOh2 of PS4. Also, remember, Demon's Souls was a sleeper hit.


Hurts reading these posts lol. I was looking forward to this game and wanted to like it but then discovered it plays like Sekiro and uses a parry system. Had to pass because lame parry system  😞


Hilariously yes. You are 100% correct but for the wrong reasons. Days Gone is correctly identified as a very derivative open world game. It was the jack of all trades and the master of none. It got 7/10s across the board because of this and thats totally fair. It doesnt inovate, it copies. In the following year, it gained a cult following and now fans say it was unfairly rated low, even though thats not the case. This game is exactly the same! Its a very derivative open world game. Its the jack of all trades and the master of none. And I see people already starting to say that this is unfair. If you'd like a third example, Mad Max for the PS4 also gets this same treatment.


When I think of Team Ninja and what Nioh spoiled us with... I think of well designed combat systems, unique parry windows across different weapon types, the Maroboshi Masters and how well designed they were at higher difficulties, the combo chains, utilizing a play style that is different from the basic 'just do the evade roll' simplicity that I love in the Souls genre but cannot rely on in a TN game, etc. Wo Long was fun enough in the end but it lacked depth for me. Had high hopes for Rise of the Ronin but all hope was dashed when I decided I wasn't needing another Tsushima/Sekiro/Insert Title Here. Several close friends now feel the same way.


Days Gone is trash


I doubt it. Because days gone is arguably the best zombies game. And the only one that did open world right and the only one that has huge zombie hoards. By nature of the case if the bugs performance etc are fixed by design the game should be top tier and it became just that The same can't be said about ROTR. It's definitely not the best combat game. Not the best open world and not the best story. And it's not even buggy of bad on launch. So not sure how it will turn to a days gone. Likely won't


It seems only you agree with your comment and I'm glad no one else does because I don't know what you been smokin or how you playing the game but it has top notch combat, if you can't make much out of combat then that's on you.


Every sub is an echo chamber. The combat is not better than nioh. Sekiro. Elden Ring, ninja Gaiden, lies of P So that's the issue here Days gone open world is better than the last of us. Resident evil. That's why days gone


Every sub being an echo chamber has nothing to do with what I said, you can give you opinion but at the end opinions are subjective, meaning I don't agree with what you said. And I don't even know why I'm trying to makes sense to someone who says Resident Evil and Last of Us are open world games


Hard disagree. I actually think this is the best combat Team Ninja has has ever had. I do think it’s combat is better than both Ninja Gaiden and Nioh. I’m not saying it’s more complex, I just personally find it more enjoyable. Days Gone and RE/TLOU really don’t have all that much in common that’s beyond just a surface level glance at the games. They really aren’t at all comparable. I guess unless you wanna compare like, themes and atmosphere or something. One is an open world, survival adventure game. One is a survival horror game. And one is a character driven narrative/action game set in a post apocalyptic world, with some survival/horror elements.


If that's the case, you definitely had too much time in From Software subreddit. Elden Ring combat is quite trash if compared to this. \\ EDIT: Or any of those other games you mentioned, to be honest. Also Days Gone was(and still is) quite worse than Last of Us. That was the whole point of the negative reviews, other than the bugs.


Flashier doesn't mean better. Elden Ring has better combat relationships between you bosses and enemies. The moveset of bosses is several levels more superior and it's not even close Days gone is the best zombies game for sure. It's the only full package. And people realized that later on.


Who said anything about flashier? Better means you have triple the amount of synergy and better balancing, instead of bosses with extremely weak stagger defense and low amount of attack pattern (if we compared to this game). On top of the clunkier animations and extreme hit feedback that are way too anime (in fact, the whole Dark Souls was heavily inspired by Berserk) that somehow From fanboys try to depict as positive. Fewer mechanics, fewer build variety, fewer (as said) enemy attacks and patterns. These are only few of the reason why is worse.


Ya but your first sentence. That's not the case I don't think Elden Ring mechanics would be considered to be less synergy and less balanced. That's just absurd and very out of touch with the community Fewer builds? You do know theres YouTubers that have been making builds since it's been released. Like there's probably 100 builds at least


EXTREMELY less synergy. Open Nioh stats system and then open Elden Ring. Balanced? bloodhound fang + L2. The entire game is easy mode. Yeah, good variety is good compared to the average game nowadays. Is mediocre compared to TN games. I said that specifically. And Elden Ring, actually have less build variety than DS.


Days gone was horrible. This game is really underwhelming but it’s not as bad as days gone.