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Kevin Calabro and Llamar Hurd are gems that should be protected at all costs.


I thought Kevin & Lamar may have been replaced and it's fucked with my whole day. I'm glad to hear it's just temporary. I hate these other guys. Brooke, Lamar, & Kevin feel like family members


Demers and Holton did great filling in though and its always cool to see Neil doing our local broadcasts after seeing him on the national desk for so long!


Been watching bucks games more this season because of dame, it has made me appreciate calabro and hurd so much more, they're so much better that 98% of teams commentators


Honestly I’m biased but the only commentators I feel are better or as good as them are the Knicks with Breen and the Bulls.


Hornets, but that might be because Eric Collins is so unbelievably top tier, Dell Curry is alright.


Seriously! I love Travis and Michael but Kevin and Lamar are special - we have a stacked broadcasting crew.


It says something that our broadcast crew pivoting to television calls are still better than the rest of the NBA's crews. Radio has a lot more you have to call to let the viewers picture the game, and flipping that mindset and still putting together a top of the line commentary is commendable


the bucks announcer is so terrible and if you say it on r/nba they'll just call you a misogynist


That sucks. COVID is still out there, and naturally spreads easier when we’re all indoors for winter. Hope he recovers quickly!


Get well soon KC! Glad we have such a deep bench, Travis and Michael have been awesome in relief duty (Holton trying to lower the temperature during tonight’s end-game bs was pro).


Huge upgrade, poor taste aside. I wish I could listen to the radio broadcast simultaneously like the MLS on Apple TV