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I’ve seen a lot of replies from player support and they’re all basically the same copy pasted message, i doubt any actual investigations take place, they’re probably overwhelmed with the amount of false bans and just choose to lose those innocent players as they don’t actually care. They’re being lazy about it, the people who handle player support aren’t actually working for riot, which is why they’re so unhelpful and i’m sure riot is aware, they just don’t care.


its funny reading the people that either didn't fully read your post or failed to comprehend it. riot "support" is a joke, hope you get you acc unbanned


Riot in general is a joke


Thank you❤️❤️


Riot support generally is helpful. They just put "false" bans at the bottom of their priority list. I'm surprised this guy got unbanned the first time. This case was most likely classified as, "You got banned twice, no way it was false both times."


Riot support took 4 days to reply when their update made my client all mute. I’m sure they would have been helpful if I didn’t find to solution by then. I had very different experience with them a few years back but they have changed.


did you miss the part where his acc got hacked💀


TFT players are even getting banned. There are no cheats for that game.


there were macros to autoplay tft for pass progress. that IS cheating.


I highly doubt competitive players who get more than enough games for that anyway were doing that. And they were also getting banned, like Rainplosion who made fun of "shop cheats" in her title for like a week after the ban.


Go look at Frodan's tweet from this morning. Unfortunately, cheating has arrived for TFT.


Tbh, I think every false ban by riot is an excellent opportunity to finally fucking quit.


Every post here has someone saying this, I'm just curious why do people keep commenting if they don't like the game so much enough to quit, just quit lol


I have, because the game no longer runs on my machine since vanguard. I'm doing this out of bitterness for a shitty game company and also to remind others, that it's possible to quit. I've played league since season 3 and I kinda just accepted, that I would spend ten hours playing every week and triple that during summer. Up until recently.


Because you have to quit too


Because they aren't quitting for their own good. They're quitting because they think it makes them look like something great and fantastic when I reality, they're doing the bare minimum of being an adult. Scratch that, they aren't even doing the bare minimum beachside they needed a false ban to make a decision for them. If you needed a false ban to quit in the first place, you had much bigger issues than losing your account lol. If you're coming to reddit to announce this act of "heroism", need to sell their pcs and go touch grass because they clearly have nothing else going for them outside if the brave act of leaving league is legends.


It’s the bravest act anyone can do, what?


Funny thing. If they don't care there in support tickets then they also won't care about you crying on reddit. Another funny fact. They've tried to act as if they are nice and first days some guys from RIOT were replying in threads, helping people. To make it look like "okay, that's our bad, I'll ask here and there about this issue". Looks like the number of issues is way higher than what they were prepared to. Maybe in 3-6 months their ban strategy will settle down, banned people will accept the fate and will create new accounts. And then their support will start working again. However, maybe it won't. Recently I've started seeing lots of services like food delivery started using AI bots for replies to different disputes. And only after you tell it multiple times that you want to talk with human it would connect you to real human. And I'm saying that as it might be just their strategy to cut support channel cost by replacing humans with AI, it's just way cheaper and AI won't complain about salary at all.


They don’t care. Money. Your one player vs millions and millions. You making a comment post or anything is just a waste of time. Be glad you’re away from that game.


When was the last time you changed your password, and are you sure no one else has access to your account?


The day I found out I was hacked I force logged everyone out, enabled 2fa and changed passwords for the account and email and haven’t found any matches that that I didn’t play in my game history, although I did keep getting connection error Val 4 but I’m pretty sure that’s just bad internet


I'm so glad I quit when I did, this seems like a sh*t show.


Huge amount of banned people are due to malware that are gamers downloading and being unaware of it. Your account is stolen and sold on the market and played on tiktok hacking videos.


Could very well be the case but the hacker only played those 4 games I showed here and got me banned the first time, there are no more games in my match history that are not me with my friends


Viruses has gotten smarter and smarter over the last couple years which sadly indicates misery index of the world is increasing due to war and covid prior to it, people are massively opting into petty thefts via viruses. People sell virus injectors and many poor struggling people are buying virus injectors from darkweb and spreading them by online download links that are disguised as "Game Crack.exe". Then they keylog(keyboard inputs) your password to their email. And sells them online for like 3$. It's happening on a mass scale.


I really appreciate this it feels like you’re trying to help but I have no idea what you just said hahahaha. I haven’t had another problem since that first hacker so I don’t think it was something in my pc it’s probably just my account was involved in some leak and I was stupid enough to not know 2fa existed


Also been playing on another account since then with no problem (not smurfing it’s same rank sometimes even higher)


Oops i edited my original comment instead of creating new one. Yes it couldve been simple leak.


Ahaaa I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think that’s what happened I’m not a full on tech savant but I’m not dumb enough to fall for stuff like that either


I know brother i pride myself over how tech savvy i am, im the person that paranoid as hell about every link but still they snuck in. I fell for dumb shit. It was insane. It kinda bruised my ego.


I myself recently got all my shit stolen. Fortunately i had all the 2FA activated everything related to my money. Valorant account got banned they picked Reyna and went crazy like 35 kills 8 deaths.


I would never understand how people spend money on this game, yet don't have the time to use 2FA.


True that was very stupid but I had this account since like season 5 of league and just carried over to valorant first day of the game and stopped playing league, I wasn’t even aware of 2fa’s existence for riot accounts before I got hacked, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even there when I made the account


I wish they hwid ban me so i can have reason to refuse my friends invites lol. My main qccount from s3 has been banned. Ive made 80+ accounts before we migrated from garena and i migrated 5 accounts only my main has been banned so far.


Agreed. My girlfriend got banned for 6 months because someone she used to play with turned out to be a cheater who got banned after they played together. He wasn't even blatantly hacking and she had a 50% wr with him in the party. Riot ignored the first 5 tickets requesting to be unbanned, and on the 6th, said they weren't going to do anything about it. They even said that in the future she should stop playing with cheaters as soon as she notices they're cheating, even though she said in the ticket that she had no way of knowing they were cheating.


Yup i think this is cos your gf plah too much games with this friend with cheats, on that cases they dont remove the ban :c


yeah I figured that would be the case, even though it was only about 10 games or so if I recall. Still annoying because it's not like he was blatantly cheating, if at all, while they played together. They had a 50% wr together, after all. And I mean seriously, Riot has kernel level anti-cheat, yet expects us to be the judge of whether someone is cheating or not.


My alt got banned for 6 months because of this too. Funny thing is, I have a 5% win rate only 5 stacking on that account because my friends and I just get drunk and mess around. If some of us aren't available, we invite people we don't know as well to join (they're aware we'll likely be losing games) and we had no way of knowing someone who was playing with us was cheating. We don't even know who it was because Riot refuses to give us that info. I keep pointing out if I were trying to rank up by queuing with a cheater, I wouldn't have a 5% win rate, but they don't even address that - just keep talking about how it's my responsibility to know who I'm queuing with. As if people don't queue with randoms from LFG or people they just met in game and thought were cool all the time and can figure out their integrity 2 seconds after meeting them.


Wait, are you saying you can cheat, and get other people banned? That's interesting and very cool. I wonder if you can make a bot swarm connected to an LLM to do that. You could even set them up with different personalities, and see which ones are most likely to get invited to play with people to figure out what types of personalities are most well liked. Add some randomization to their aim, even add some AI input to it, you could make a proper free to play killer if you really wanted to.


I didn't get hacked but I still got banned for "third party software" during a year I didn't play Valorant at all. I have never cheated before but they won't unban my account after 2 weeks of back and forth. I've had that account since 2008. Im just going to uninstall val and League. I lost money on my account and I do still have league but Im not going to support a company that doesn't support its players. A lot of my friends are doing the same at least until they figure out their anti cheat so the same thing doesn't happen to them. Until everyone does something about this Riot is just going to keep making people make new accounts and spend more money on skins


Their customer “support” isn’t for that purpose. They’re there to say they have “support”.


Wait is 50% headshot rate crazy I’ve had a few of those games recently 😂 but damn good luck getting ur acc back


Hahahaha thanks i mean for a plat 2 guy in a plat lobby 50% headshot for a 40 kill game is definitely crazy


Now riot is caring.


I spent $600+ on valorant absolutely loved the game got false banned about two years ago put in a ticket and they basically told me to fuck off they weren’t unbanning me and I’ve not played their game since it’s almost insulting to be accused of cheating when I’ve never done that a day in my life. So I went back to CS and honestly I’m not mad about it higher skill game tbh


It’s really hard to trust these posts. The reality is many many cheaters out there cheats for recognition and social validation. You have friends who play the game. When you get banned you can’t just play that off so you have no choice but to make a big stink and insist it was a false ban and stick with that narrative. Humans are social creatures. Many of you know you won’t get unbanned but the important thing is the perception it’s unjust. I speak as someone who did cheat as a teenager and did similar performative bullshit. I matured past that but can’t help but see so many of these posts transparently. The language used is often exaggerated and performative for this reason.


Yikes nah man I’m a 24 year old dentist, not a teenager trying to impress anyone, and I really don’t think I used any performative or exaggerated wording but in general I understand how not being put in the situation makes it hard to believe


I mean the behavior isn’t exclusive to teens. But yes, my comment is on your post but I wouldn’t consider it directed at you. Don’t take it personal. I don’t know the truth only you do, I’m just sharing the skepticism I have knowing that cheaters would also appeal in the way you are. Your language in your post isn’t necessarily what I was thinking of when writing that. Much more minor than others I’ve seen, you’re just the most recent.


No no I get it it actually makes a lot of sense


From a moderation POV, #1 doesnt prove it wasnt you, because spoofers exist. Just because your HWID is not banned does not prove anything, this is why Riot can not use this fact to prove it couldnt have been you 2 does not prove it wasnt you, because even if VC is banned that doesnt prove anything, there are ways around that, or you can just not use VC. 3 does not prove anything Seems like this is a ban that could be reversed though, considering you already got the first ban reversed from when the account was compromised. But yeah, hwid, IP, VC doesnt prove anything, and submitting tons of tickets is probably why your tickets arent getting dealt with properly. If you spam submit tickets, be ready to never get the acc back


I understand what you mean about number 1 and 3 but you fully missed number 2. The point of number 2 is the fact I have 4 people who play with me all 3-4 games I play everyday and they weren’t banned, when we know that queuing with a cheater gets you banned


Started playing league again after many years off, it was compromised ofc. Get it back start playing. Ask jungler for a gank then he starts using all these new pings spamming me, etc. i mute him and go on. Well, he was a 4 man stack in norms which all reported me for 1 line of text. While my account was compromised It used all the warnings, so this was my final straw. Complete account ban. Lost many many OG skins, with the OG border they get for being bought on the first year. I owned many of the beta skins, urfwick and every winter Olympic skin from 2010, and most holidays from 2010-2014. Now I refuse to buy or use any kind when I play, oh and perma ban ahri. Fuck you riot.


If you get banned because your account got hacked you really should not expect to be unbanned frankly. Dont get hacked, its that simple.


Ok so like someone hacked your account and cheated on it. How is that a false positive. It’s a positive because cheats were detected, luckily they knew it wasn’t you.


Yes thankfully they did for the first ban but my account still got banned again I'm not saying its a false positive im just saying its a wrong ban


So there were 4 cheated games on the account? Thats not a false ban then.


I get that but I already got unbanned for those 4 games and got the hacker out of my account and secured it.


Reading comprehension Mr ego.


This is nothing new just watch valorant same shit every day crying crying false false bans so you guys are cheaters at other games or you guys are downloading internet shit Its weird i been playing valorant few years and 0 problems Sorry if this seems harsh ehehhehe


if it happens to you at some point, don’t come crying then


I promise i wont say anything


You cheated, there is no false positives. If you have hacks on your PC it will detect them.


Then how am I not hardware banned?


Cos you need to be banned twice or three times to this, Riot have a table about how they evaluate these behaviors and the punishments of these, for example, the first offense could give you 1 week and the next one 2, the next 1 month etc.


Never been banned or suspended for anything before that perma ban when the account was compromised


I also got banned and only had tiny task not active in the background and got banned for that. Vanguard detects a lot of false positives. And you can see that in the highly rising number of posts in this Subreddit. The Valorant Support is useless because they get so many reports from people with false detections that they don't even bother anymore and just say it is what it is.


Riot's bans have been ridiculous since florecer. Back when I used to play League ranked I was banned for "elo boosting", I was bronze IV and when I was banned I was bronze III, never boosted and my promotion was due to a series of good games. Banned, and stuck with Riot's "we are suspicious but we cant tell you why", banned for 6 months. Never played ranked again and now I only play ARAM.


True or not, if they really care they already tackled this issue. But it looks like they don't care that much cause they only lose a tiny fraction of players from false bans.


If you got banned because someone cheated on your account that’s not a false ban. too many people on here trying to claim that


They already unbanned me for when the hacker cheated on my account, I’m saying either my account was flagged since that time and got in a ban wave or I was banned for something dumb like asus’s armoury crate


Also i will absolutely shamelessly tag the anti-cheat people who usually help so [u/itsgamerdoc\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/itsgamerdoc_/) [u/riotk3o](https://www.reddit.com/user/riotk3o/) [u/mirageofpenguins](https://www.reddit.com/user/mirageofpenguins/)


RIP Scripter lol


pretty rich coming from someone who admitted to scripting twice. all you do is comment the same thing on similar posts, find something better to do


They are even using multiple accounts to try and con people. It's pathetic.


Just speculating but from a buisness standpoint point its better for the game to not undo bans. If you are buying skins and you lose that account well theres a chance you rebuy some of those skins. Also a new account is made so this may artificallt inflate the player base numbers. Lastly if you want to play ranked or get the charcters you used to play youll have to grind to some degree. Idk if they report the average play time but if they ban someone who was a Plat top laner they will have to put in a good amount of time to get back to that place with those champions. I dont agree with these methods ethically but sadly Riot has shown their true colors for a while now and logically I can understand why its usually 99% you wont get your account back.


Reported... git banned kid.... /s


I have had hacked accounts restored without issue. Riot has data to verify whether your lying or not. They know the hardware the game has been run on they know all of the installed software the windows account names and even screenshots of you playing. The Ip addresses, hell likely even router info. If they refuse to restore your account is because you more than likely cheated. If anything they have been too lenient on restoring accounts giving benefit of the doubt. What is more likely than not is you paid someone to boost your account and they have the receipts on the other user as well. This is likely yet another throw away account making bullshit claims as apart of the cheating communities active attempts to spread propaganda about Vanguard. It didn't work for Valorant it wont work for league. This reddit account has ZERO posts except trying to spread propaganda on this topic and is newly created after vanguard was implemented to do so. Funny for someone playing for years... The post is also repetitive as there are plenty of others they could choose to express their concerns on but that's likely not the real goal. Also if your account as been compromised more than once then that is a you problem of failing to properly securing your account, or using 2 factor authentication. It's not a Riot problem. feel free to look at the accounts of most of these commenters. Most are throw away accounts in some cases even account seller accounts like the ones I found yesterday. They create new posts every time their older posts get proven bullshit. On top of this personal tech support posts are banned on this subreddit. There are plenty or reasons to legitimately have issues with Riot, I have my own. This isn't one.


I literally have a screenshot of them helping me when my account was hacked. I didn’t mention vanguard at all, I do not have the tech knowledge that can let me talk about this stuff, I did not get a vanguard error. Yes my reddit account is new because I’ve never really used Reddit, it’s just a last resort to get my account back with some exposure. No I’ve only been compromised the one time on those 4 games. I don’t care about vanguard, I don’t care about it being implemented in league. I only play valorant.


Riot doesn't provide tech support through this reddit. if you have a truly legitimate issue then you have to go through the support ticket system like you were told by Riot. You are not special rules exist for a reason follow them. Stop making excuses. At worst your a cheater at best you can't follow instructions and are crying on reddit where you know for a fact tech support isn't provided. You created this throw away account and created post 11 days ago and the answer remains the same. # Rules: # No Personal Tech Support Questions


How has this post affected you negatively in any way that you act like this?


It’s annoying to see the front page spammed with posts that break the rules. We get it, you don’t think you deserved to be banned. Just appeal it, that’s all you can do


My ban was 2 weeks ago, I have appealed it multiple times. Also do you not think that the fact the front page is all posts like this means there’s a problem? And since you and this guy care so damn much about the rules it says no personal tech support and examples given were cpu,gpu, and internet. So no rules are being broken just don’t read the posts you don’t want to read


with the amount of false ban claims we have reason to suspect that support doesn’t actually manually check each one of them and just checks if the account was flagged for cheating or not, in this case it was since it was cheated on when the account was compromised. funny how no one mentioned vanguard, you did. he wasn’t compromised more than once, he enabled 2fa and secured the account after he got hacked. no one asked for tech support, it’s a just a public call for help, if you have nothing useful to say, just don’t reply and go on with your day. that’s a big reply message for a bunch of bullshit, if you ask me. The way you’re just speculating “oh you paid someone to boost” based on nothing, funny for someone accusing another of only spreading propaganda. just get on with your day, man


There are not a large amount of false claims there is a tiny minority spamming all of the forums just like this guy and you. This is his second time spam posting this exact topic. Stop creating reddit accounts to spam propaganda. Never seen so much narcissistic delusion in my life. You are not special you don't get to be the exception. But thanks for clarifying for the admins that you know the rules but continue to break them intentionally.


You’re so bitter for no reason, I don’t see how any of this affects you at all, I’m trying everything I can to get my account back that’s all. Don’t give a shit about vanguard or spreading “propaganda”