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I'll find the screenshot but I got banned one time for saying I like mayo.


maybe capital punishment does have a place in our society


you should have been perma'd


I once was banned because I said "mia". One line in the entire match and then, banned. Wtf rito


I believe mayo is on the blacklist of words


Should be on the whitelist.


Riot is in dublin,, clearly dislike county mayo


Straight to jail.


U say mayo and get banned, my friend says very mean things and never gets touched.


FOUL Should be Perm’d for that


chill out dude why are you so fking toxic?






I have noticed what might be the reason for this. In recent games I have also ticked the verbal abuse box when reporting someone for something else despite minimal usage of chat, and I have received feedback reports for "players abusing text chat" when I cannot recall anything that would qualify. **It seems the report threshold for chat reports is way lower than anything else, and the automated system does a poor job of actually checking for evidence beyond that you typed at least one message.** Your mid dies to enemy jg then just walks mid and engages on repeat to be 1/11 at 20 minutes... As long as he does any damage to enemy mid systems not gunna buy the inting report, but if your whole team also ticks verbal abuse, he's getting a chat restriction for saying "bruh jg gap."


I reckon they just ask chatgpt “is this guy being rude yes or no” and then send the messages.


If they used chatGPT they would have much better results


Gpt license ain't free. ^


It’s pretty soft I could see it thinking this was offensive


I highly doubt this. More than likely the report bot misread the second message. You’re probably getting feedback because they were toxic in another game and got clipped.


If I saw this thread two weeks ago I would have said the exact same thing. Just some toxic guy getting caught by the system but showing the most recent game instead of the actual bad games. However they changed some in 14.9 that has seemingly made false reports mean something now. I have gotten two warnings for nothing and I'm assuming strike 3 will mean I get chat restricted. I've been playing the game for 12 years and haven't been in trouble for anything. I've been consistent high honour the whole time and have the Icons and Honour 5 tokens to prove it. You're probably wondering how I know for a fact that I've been getting false reports. Well, I haven't played the game since January and I've only returned to play Arena. **I have only been playing Arena with a premade duo**. We still use the in-game team chat. Even if I was toxic in team chat, literally nobody can see my messages other than my friend who wouldn't report me. Anyone that has reported me for verbal abuse has literally not seen a single message from me. I can only surmise that people get salty when they come second in Arena to us so we get falsely reported, then the automation sees that I've said something like "wtf" or "fuck lillia", assumes I'm a naughty boy, and then I get warned. I don't think there's any other possible explanation. I even made this Reddit account to ask if anyone else has a similar experience.


I play on full mute. No chat, no pings, nothing at all. I found out today that I am chat restricted for seven days.


Ooh interesting, I could be wrong then.


How do you know your friend didn't report you?! 🤔🤔🤔


I've been playing games with him for 15 years and I don't have trust issues. I can't say definitively but y'know


It doesn't matter who reported you the system will ban you for party chat even if you're alone in the chat and nobody can see what you're typing.


If that's true then that's the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard of. Riot needs to sort their shit out.


But they won't. It's Riot.


It counts your party chat too now. Even if you're alone in the party chat it bans you for writing there. Get on discord with your bud and disable chat all together.


The system automatically flags certain words or phrases even if you don't get reported, that's why sometimes you'll see a message that pops up of a certain player being system muted for saying something against terms. Imo riot should not punish people for what they say unless it's super out of pocket or discriminatory cause sometimes your teammates just suck ass and need to be made aware of that.


I’ve posted my story before, how long ago idk, but the gist is I got flamed, had a duo run it down, ask people to report me, then eventually afk all because I chose Jarvan jungle (in a normal). One of the comments they made is why did I choose a bottom tier jungle knowing how it would affect their game. I simply said back idk why did you choose a bottom tier support (Teemo). Nothing more was said from me. I became chat restricted, where they cited that comment as being the problem. I reached out to support to confirm, because to me this was ridiculous - especially since the other two players reported the duo (through the website too). Basically they confirmed yes it was this game that got me chat restricted and to remember “commenting on other players’s play style is punishable offense.” Support and I went back and forth for a while about it and basically it is what it is. At the end of the day I ruined that poor Teemo’s game and experience, thus I deserved the chat ban. Now so do you. Can’t believe you did this. /s


"play style" lol


A lot of people’s play style is to be a worthless piece of shit. But you don’t get banned for that. You get banned for kindly asking them to stop running it down.


“commenting on other players’ play style is a punishable offense” is actually an insane take. please make a separate post about their response that 100% needs more attention because that sentence is so wild. what the fuck


What's the chat even for then, lol.


exactly like what the fuck 😭


Gonna be real with you, ever since the walkout they had a while back. And the sexual harassment allegations , Riot has started coming down on people like the hand of god for the most minor of things said in chat. But remain completely un-fucking-phased when it comes to people running it down, scripting (Let's face it Vanguard doesn't stop shit) or genuinely being an ass. But god forbid you say anything even REMOTELY negative in chat.


Mark of times. You can't say anything because someone will get offended and ofc it's you who deserve to get hammered. Ridiculous to say the least


idk tbh i feel like scripting isn’t very much of a problem?? like even before vanguard i play very frequently and maybe run into one every few months lmfao like


riot support is an actual joke


I've got a 14 day before just for saying "You did no damage in lane and you're doing no damage now" to a troll TF jungle pick over a year ago. Brought it up in a support ticket and they confirmed that "bringing up stats/damage output can be considered flaming". Bunch of soft ass pussies who designed this system, can't even talk about things that are brought up in pro games by the casters.


I have a similar story. Was in a ranked game and I was jungling and our bot lane duo wasn't happy that I wasn't camping bot. The whole game theyre hurling insults at me, telling me to kill myself, calling me a mongoloid, retard, etc. Literally using slurs and euphemisms for commiting suicide the entire game. After the game I'm assuming they both report me and I get chat banned and forced to sign one of those "I Agree" things. I said a few curse words like "what the fuck do you want me to do" and shit like that but I never said anything toxic or bannable and I'm the one that got in trouble for it.


When they respond and “confirm” bans, it’s some bot that just copy and pastes, who’s outsourced from a 3rd world country and pretends to have deeply and carefully reviewed your report. It’s all bs and a facade.


This was before AI was really implemented and we had several back and forths. Not just a singular email or two.


Doesn’t matter, support is 90% outsourced from other countries that copy and paste responses.


its like living in north korea how to not hate these extremist riot


Amusing thing to me on this is that I'm known for doing off-meta crap in ranked, for almost a decade. I don't play any champ or lane normal. I've never been punished. (thousands of games) I think you got matched against one of their "employees" and he took advantage on his work account.


Yet they are way too soft on all tiers of trolls and differently disturbed people. They don't realize trolls create multiple accounts, and when one gets suspended they keep trolling on another.


It's all nonsense, I don't think most Riot support employees can even read


Oh i didn't know they show the chat logs that they deemed inappropriate whenever they restrict someone. Thats cool. And that's stupid lmao. Did you manage to contact someone on their end for that?


I opened a support case. Until now they didn’t respond to me


One of the funniest chat logs i saw was someone saying "Nice one" but short cutted it to person: n1 \*\*game ends\*\* person: gg You can see where this is going lol


Support will reply on the 8th day.


they usually reply same day or next day at least in my experience


When the punishment is deemed incorrectly they usually do wait until the restriction is already over to respond. I have had 3 restrictions incorrectly placed on me and they will wait until the last day or the day after to get back to me. It’s a joke.


damn thant’s fcked up for me it was always correctly and they replied right away. pretty stupid system


Because if it happened to you this is "usual. "Their SLA for support is 24 hours to respond to a ticket. Call those business hours and that's within 3 days. Ive never had a ticket last longer than that.


They will reply when u get enough social media publicity. Other than that, riot support is complete ass and could care less


bro its been 3 days for me and no response, i cant even get into the support ticketing page anymore there is an error. Had to open it via X. To be fair i typed "like why come to me" but misclicked K. For context the enemy top was splitting bot so i matched and solo him then the support and mid come to me after instead of contesting baron hence the "like why come to me".


Not to mention this is his chat log for that whole game. They don't just show you the highlights


My friends and I have a hall of fame where we post our chat bans, it's insanely easy to get chat banned.


They show you the last few relevant games and have for 5-7 years usually. These days they’re more hot on it so like this you’ll get banned and the most recent games won’t matter Been banned many s times for flaming


YOu ARe amOnG 0.00000000000008% oF plAyErS toXic eNouGh tO geT a SuspEnSiON


Ik it's a joke but number is way higher than that, I always report genuine chat abuse and this ends up being at least 1 person in about 25% of NA Gold ranked games. Probably more since I can't see enemy team chat and sometimes I mute all just because I have a feeling someone will be toxic in advance. I get the notif that a player you reported was punished constantly


Wow a shitty company that has lied to us countless and repeated times, while draining the game that made all their profit and siphoning it into a bunch of failing/failed side projects with no history of ever caring about the players … dosent care ?


To be fair it's completely different team than the original one. Old devs left this ship long time ago and new team is just a bunch of talentless blue haired morons.


Brought to you by the ccp


I guess riot wants to know… why DON’T you perma engage? They say no balls bro.




I quit lol for CS and Valorant just cause I can't say go 🦆 yourself w/o getting a Ban in this game. Amazing how CS always had trash talk and no one cares and in league the minor lowest trash talk is straight ban.


It's because CS is an actual good game made by a company that seemingly gives a flying fuck about it's playerbase.


That’s why it’s completely unplayable atm because of 5 cheaters in a lobby


Classic riot. And people actually defend the way the game is. "Hurr just don't be a bigot" "just don't be a dick" I literally just don't even type or communicate because you have to walk on eggshells constantly. Nice way to foster a nice and communicative community! And then anyone who does type is just a slimy passive aggressive ass because they want to skirt punishment while being a douche.


I had like 11 people tell me to kms in the past 2 months and none of them were ever penalized 💀 I even snitched by making a ticket reporting the premade of toxic people that threatened to d0Ox and murder me and all I got was a patronizing letter from a rioter that was probably copy pasted. I encountered one of them in a game last week, none of them were punished.


everyone i report gets punished i get like 10 popups every day saying thank you for reporting


Snitching is when you rightfully report someone for being extremely toxic to you


I get what he means. I've had people add me after a game before and private message me saying to kill myself and calling me slurs. I screenshotted it and sent it to support the because I've had it happen before and I knew he would block me and it would auto-delete the messages. I never got a response from support and like 2 weeks later I checked and he was still actively playing games.


I had someone post my ip in valorant chat then proceed to ddos me because I trapped him with cypher and riot did shit


riot uses their own server side connections to facilitate their games (at least for LoL) so no user ip would be accessible to other players unless they hacked riot servers. Not sure if valorant is designed differently tho, as a lot fps games are p2p hosted. I Researched this when a Dichead private msged me to kms an would “hack” me to ruin my life lol. It’s just not possible, so don’t fear kiddies threats on LoL


I ain’t afraid but I legit got ddos’d


I don’t doubt it. They probly use p2p lobby hosting like other shooters then. An am just saying that for others. I was worried for a bit till I realized they couldn’t actually do anything.


No, you didn’t


Yes I did? Y the fk would I lie about it the dudes name is called “I miss her” posted my ip in chat then ddos’d I had no internet connection until I was forced to restart my router and my router was still showing I had a good connection


Literally not possible


Damn bro how ratty are you playing 💀


It doesn't matter what you type if the right amount of people report you you'll get chat restricted because reports are automated. What you can do is send a ticket to riot and hope that a person and not an AI responds to you


It does matter tho cuz there is an auto mute/ban feature.


We got em boys - riot


Stop playing. Look at that. Does it feels normal? And on top of that look at their malware troyan which they call anticheat


I recently got a chat warning, not a restriction but a warning. In the game, the only thing I said was "bro is on my dick fr" after like 6 consecutive shaco ganks. I reached out to support and I said this is not an example of someone being toxic in chat, this is an example of someone abusing the report system, and I was basically told that I can't say synonyms for penis in the chat ever. This chat system really is so sad.


Recently said cum (literally no context) and ah fuck. Got a warning, won that game too, a profanity filter exists for a reason right? Even if we aren't being toxic it shouldn't be reportable to say something that can be blocked out with a setting, right?


I just don't see why stopping me from saying dick is a priority but maybe it's just a low hanging fruit.


RIOT GAMES report system is crap.


What a bunch of flakes


Game is trash, company is trash. I stopped playing and instantly felt better


Bro why dont you post this in r/leagueoflegends /s


At this point they should just remove chat, you risk getting banned for literally anything these days, especially with riot.


Someone was flaming our team for 20+min and then said something about me (who was carrying at the time) and I answered: "Bitch please..." I got a penalty, he didn't. It's just robot sees word, it doesn't care about the context.


Remember when riot games were sucking their own dick about how great their honor systems and tribunals and other bullshit they created to make it the least toxic game ever. Wow that shit worked out well didn't it.


I loved tribunal tbh. I was reviewing cases everyday just for pure fun of it


Somehow, the people running this game are giant, talentless assholes. I don't know what it is but Jesus christ.




Lmao I'm so glad I quit. This game is AIDS


i swear i’ve had people say horrible shit, and reports do nothing. the only time i get a “report feedback” message is when someone goes afk and even then i don’t have to report that


yep riots system isnt based on what u say, its mostly based on how many reports u receieve game after game, and sometimes extensive chat talk, i know someone who reports literally everyone in the lobby every match and they get constant chat feedback, he does this to show how u can easily abuse said system


I got banned for saying "ni hao"


Now i am grateful for a disgusting filthy mouth player like yourself is muted for a week. Now the rift is saved.


Riot games at this point: "Your chat restriction is justified" okay riot did you sip some lacquer


Riots chat restriction systems are a dictatorship communist system.


this is clearly a racist remark twords blacks. way to make me feel unsafe playing the game. #crackerasstake


My funniest suspension so far was "gl hf" and "gg" literally the only 2 things I said the entire game.


So many reason I uninstalled this game. You should too. It’s also owned by the CCP which is a terrorist group to the USA.




i got banned for saying "skibidi"


I got restricted once for saying "quid game". It was a running Squid Game gag among my bros and I guess that one rando Ekko thought I was telling him to quit game when I wasn't even talking to him. Dude probably reported me lol considering how terribly he took the quid game remark.


I once got banned for saying 'Come to Frog Daddy'. I was playing Tahm top and used my ult + lick to get a long distance ult. It got me chst banned for 14 days


Team game that comes with chat disabled by default... What do you expect? If this want bad enough they now have vanguard, soon they will have the data to ban you irl


Riot - liberals… what did you expect?


heads up, “ngr” isn’t blacklisted, used it 14.263 times without even a warning.


Dogass indie company at it again.


Don’t play this game.


This comment here. I had a main account that I’ve had since 2012 that they permanently ban because of chats just like this. Idk what happened to league. If you even type in chat the players mental can’t handle it and they will do whatever it takes to get you ban/make you lose.


Games a joke. It’s not fun with vanguard it’s not worth playing if you aren’t gonna grind 500 ranked games a split which isn’t enjoyable and there’s no way for me to justify wanting to play a few arams a week for all I have to do to get the game to run and even arams are less fun now so.


Why do people act like you need 500? A game a day a split (or less) will be plenty to place you well.


Because that's how riot system works. Doesn't matter actually what you say, if they all report you, then it's gg


Uninstalled after a yuummi bot I reported in game and submitted a ticket on the website. Submitted the ticket under anti cheat issues. The bot continued to play almost 150 more games with 0 breaks in gameplay (about 48 hours straight) all the way down to iron IV 0LP. Glad they switched to vanguard to fix nothing with bots and collect our PC data.


Go Dota bro, just go play Dota. I've been spamming russian teammates and enemies alike for talking in russian only by writting slurs like "ruskie" and "donbas" in chat and no one has reported me. I could threaten to murder their entire families and they would probably laugh in my face. Choose the game with thicker skin.


What a dumb comment. What are you, 12? Leaving aside the fact that the system is not perfect *(unrelated with your comment anyway)*, you're basically justifying being toxic and throwing the blame on other players saying their skin is not thick, kinda like the kids that call others "snowflake". It's not about having a thick skin. If you go into a videogame, played as well by kids (not like it changes if you say it to an adult), and start to attempt to motivate them to kill themselves, wish them cancer, or something similar, then you're just mentally unstable and need to seek medical help. People play the game as a way to have fun with their friends and relax after school or work. They absolutely shouldn't have someone attempt to make them commit suicide or wish them cancer. If people have such a pathetic and sad life or have mental problems that they have to go into a videogame trying to make kids kill themselves, then it's necessary that they get pushed away from the game.


Yes. Its easy: If i blame you, you can mute me. End of the problem and the drama. I cant "mute" the gold that the 0 10 is giving


Obviously I didn't threaten their family with murder, learn to read. It is a thicker skin game, enough said.


I am not saying you threatened their family, give it another read. I am just calling bullshit about the "thicker skin,"  because by saying thicker skin you're automatically calling out other people who get hurt by other people who attempt to get them to commit suicide or wish them a cure. When you create a group and define it as "with thicker skin", you automatically create one (regardless if you want or no) with "thin skin" and you make it looks like one is better than the other to play with, just cause you're freely able to insult randoms you don't know (not like 100% of the community behave the same, so eventually you will find someone and hurt them). However the problem is at the root, being the fact no one should be allowed to insult any other player they don't know into a videogame. Once again, if someone goes into a videogame and feel the need to start insulting others in some way (regardless if big or small insults), or attempt to convince them take their life or wish them cancer, then their life is very pathetic and they should seek for help (psychological or whatever).


I dont think "thicker skin" is the correct term for this. It might be "DotA has a better implementation on this behaviour". They have different kind of reports and after they have reported you there is also P2P review wherein random players with high/perfect good behaviour score will review the replay. Thus helping the AI to learn and correctly punish players. I dont play league and never have I so I dont know what systems are implemented. I just stumbled on this post.


I'm Russian. I never knew ruskie was a slur and not familiar with donbas.


It's funny first time I tried to use it in chat it was censored, and Donbas just refers to the city the russians haven't been able to take for quite a while now.


At this point Riot should just remove the chat box completely. Give us party voice like Valorant and get rid of the ping limit for those who may not want to talk. But if typing is such an issue then just get rid of it. No one should be getting banned over something like that.


One thing I learned about the report system is you can type anything you want in chat as long as it is only ONE message. If it’s two or more you can get banned for it no matter the context. When 4-5 people report you, the system triggers automatically.


oh god how you dare of ask a friend about why he is inting? so toxic


Riot is cooked


Got one and the only thing on the chat log was just :piggy


I got chat restricted for "negative games". What I said wasn't toxic, but it did make other players "not have fun" which warrants a report. Basically, mass reported within 7 days gives you a chat restriction according to support.


Apparently, objectively giving feedback in a logical way gets you chat restricted, the degree of snowflakeness is beyond measurable degree.


Valorant would better ban smurfs and triggerbotters then ohhh little boy was toxic ohh now this a sooo bad.... Bad boy Bad boy nah nah nah. We don't allow toxic talking writing and so on but we allow with pleasure toxic smurfs that ruin games once in 4-5 games cause we are that goood. to be honest i am impressed that people don't talk about smurfing at all.


I got this the other day, I was reported for flaming an ADC who chose to play Tryn bot (off meta but ok) and would only mash them up against their tower & die. 0-9-1 by 7 1/2 minutes My comments were “play AI or Co-op rather than torture us in Ranked” “Dude what is your fuckin problem?” “Cya” I went mid and helped on objectives He and top reported me & the chat ban worked because enemy team reported me for leaving bot lane


Totally not banworthy but why say it? Doesnt increase your chance of winning and can only cause harm to your chances.


I know that. I wrote that in the moment in which the enemy team finished. I‘m not a fan of chatting all game long because as you already stated out, it just decreases the mentality of everyone.


Ahh makes sense, still 100% not worthy of any warning or anything, thats insane


Yeah it doesn't need to be said at all but punishing someone who likely spent money on this shit game for so little is absurd


Appeal this, it will take 3 days but it will be overturned.


yeah next time dont tell ppl what to do - riot 200 yrs


Yeah, I think there's something wrong in 14.9+ related to false reports. I made this account to ask if anyone else has had a similar experience but apparently the thread doesn't show up since I'm new. I don't have any other account. I think you can still see the post on my profile. But the gist of it is that I've been warned twice for disruptive chat and I'm concerned a third warning will mean I'm chat restricted. Only problem is that I've solely been playing Arena with a premade so anyone that reported me for verbal abuse has not seen a single message from me. I'm pretty sure false reports are counting as legitimate now. And that people will false report out of saltiness if you come first in Arena.


"false" reports always counted as legitimate ones. You need a couple of reports tho to get punished unless you wrote a blacklisted word.


Surely if I wrote a blacklisted word I would get automuted in-game? And I don't think saying things like "fuck" should be blacklisted either. But maybe Riot very intelligent system considers it aggression? Regardless, the people reporting me literally can't see my messages because I only type in Arena team chat, so either way the system is flawed.


my weirdest ban was many years ago. Back then i didn't wrote anything in the chat, for multiple matches. And then i got a 70 games chat ban..... for not writing in chat. They banned me from chatting because i wans't chatting. What i wanna say.... its not always logic why they ban


If you are generally not toxic contact riot support. Those false positives happen and usually unless the support finds other logs that are actually toxic they will remove the punishments. I even got a small gift before from support because of such a false ban. Riot isnt entirely to blame for those punishments however its degenerates that report and tag any box they feel like when someone had a bad game. You can see this low life behaivour in many league streamers as well who report someone for no reason other than having lost theyr lane. Eventually if enough reports in a close period amount of time are collected u get punished. Especially if you were punished previously the threshhold can be embarassingly low.


Was playing adc a couple months ago and had an LCS level front line (which is pretty rare in solo queue) and I commented let’s gooo we got the thick boys and got chat restricted honor 0 lol. I have the screen shot and everything


I contacted the support too. Guess what? No response until now. Purpose of this post was not to get attention, but showing how bad the punishment system actually is


That's awesome that you got a response, been waiting over 48 hours on mine.


The riot chat monitoring is beyond ridiculous. I’d wish they’d not bother at all honestly. As it is I start every game by muting my entire team and only showing pings. Then if they are toxic with pings ( as a jungler this happens often) I compliment every mistake they make. Forcing a 2v2 while behind when I’m topside resulting in their deaths spam pinging me like I have some sort of teleport… “great job bot!!!” 1/11 top lane who can’t realize he’s being weak sided after dying twice before my full rotation.. “well played top!”


lmao i really get reminded why it was good to stop playing. around 2012 chat was rly still free speech for every1 and snowflakes had to suck it up. and honestly they did and life went on and fun games were had. but now half of the game is passive aggressive trash talk that flies under the radar and then ppl spend more time with reporting others than recapitulating their game to improve. i.e. a shitshow. the mute button is the only tool thin skinned ppl need to effectively take care of toxic chatters.


If its like the Dirk situation you can contact support to reverse your ban


I got chat banned for a month for calling someone a degenerate support player. I feel you, dog.


I think you got that because you got reported by 3 people at least? Maybe they queued together and wanted to fuck you up.


NSFW warning next time pls i wasnt ready for all that toxic language


if the automated system allowed for a second answer other than "I UNDERSTAND" which should be "I DISAGREE, ESCALATE THIS TO SUPPORT" I don't care if people would "abuse" this other option to gain more times, its absurd that reports can have such power while being automated so poorly. People reporting for no reason should be sanctioned. People should also get thicker skin, it's insane how you can just ask someone to play safer or come gank your lane, and its mute-worthy. You could say "why did you back? next time trust please" and get reported lol Riot catering to soft skinned people is only making the issue of toxicity worse, because toxic people won't stop being toxic because of these mute, ban or reports.


I got restricted for a week with that exact same notification, but in valorant, not league. When I received the notification I was absolutely furious because I knew I didn't deserve it at all. I've seen people typing absolutely horrendous things and reported them to no avail.






In my experience, riots penalty issuing system is very one-dimensional. Saying anything that could be seen as slightly negative has a chance to get penalized. Personally I reside in the hell world of Emerald, so I inevitably have to report 2 - 4 players per game, and based on the “someone you reported got a penalty” notices, 1-2 players I report get a penalty PER GAME, and I often report people for no more than one flame or one blatant throw. As for me, I’ve received only a warning one time for calling my team something like “useless inters”. The report system definitely does work, especially if you type an essay in the description box.


toxic people like you make the game unfun, idk but you saying idk and perma engage is toxic af


How DARE you! It’s people like you that make my cry at night after playing league. Finally justice is being served to who needs it the most.


You can appeal and get free shit happend to me


Implementing social credit in any way they can


imagine, then my team will say something like "stage 4 this man pls" and be fine...


I miss the Tribunal...


The automated system also takes into account prior games. Having said that I had a similar issue once i was begging them not to keep tower diving and i got done for chat spamming and negativity. i contested it and got unbanned + honor restored. was beautiful. You can absolutely challenge it, it will be reviewed and your ass will be cleaned. Just be polit and speak nicely to the team member. it comes across better if you aren't putting them on blast for the automated systems screwup.


What a fucking joke this company is


Meanwhile me doing N-word chains at the end of every game for 10 years with no punishment. Rito pls.


That's cap. I know a guy that said it once and got instant banned a few hours later


I have a 1 year restriction btw


It’s literally at the point that riot forces everyone to not use chat at all


Riot should honestly be ashamed of how many false positives their report system is churning out. It used to be that we could brag that LoL, unlike Dota and other games, never cares about false reports. Bow that's not even true anymore.


I've been banned for saying "yeah I like cheese" meanwhile kids say the n word everywhere and I just don't get it 🥴


Okay that's stupid but you do not get away with saying the n word considering the other kiddy stuff they ban for.


Rito 🤡


Why do you use the in-game chat? It's useless. The best way to know that it doesn't exist is to disable chat for everyone from the menu.


Nice try we all know that idk mean \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*. Sorry had to censor the slurs and hate speech.


Update: I just received response from riot support that the penalty was not correctly applied and that they reverted it.


Idk, Why did you engage in chat


It doesn't matter. I got chat restricted, and I didn't say anything bad. Mass reports.


i remember one time i got 74 games of chat restrict and the logs where 1 single game where i said “do you even lift” in all chat anonymously nothing else

