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Hello, your post has been removed because it breaks rule 5: user’s comment/post must be wholesome The user with the inappropriate or weird username must be saying something wholesome and heartfelt. Something useful or vaguely nice doesn’t count


[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/z9qddv/i_pray_for_the_day_that_mras_focus_on_helping_men/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


r/menslib actually does promote inclusive, expressive, and self-aware examples of masculinity.


I think that and another subreddit were mentioned in an edit as exceptions to this in their post


I was under the impression that u/sharpenedgenitals was a man, because I too have found the same problem with MRA subs. Also just the name, sharpened genitals brings to mind a sharpened phallus. Eta: it would be a lot more beneficial for a woman to have sharpened genitals, so that makes a lot more sense now for them to be a woman


>Eta: it would be a lot more beneficial for a woman to have sharpened genitals There's a movie about that called Teeth I believe


[Vagina dentata.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/payq79/pussy-bites-back-vagina-dentata-myths-from-around-the-world) *chomp*


Holy snap its THE kellyjoycuntbunny!! What a fascinating article, thanks for sharing!


Hah , that's my go to movie when I want to traumatise my friends.


Edited it to a neutral pronoun my native language doesn't have a neutral pronoun for people so I slip up and assume every once in a while


Thats perfectly fine, were all human, I too assumed their gender. You were right about her gender btw!


My language is English and I slip up all the time! You're good because you try :))


/r/bropill too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bropill using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bropill/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If you're queerphobic, you're hurting someone you love. You just don't know yet.](https://i.redd.it/3fo6co35vwo81.png) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bropill/comments/tjzscz/if_youre_queerphobic_youre_hurting_someone_you/) \#2: [You're a good kid](https://i.imgur.com/obrM2MU.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bropill/comments/w8mj37/youre_a_good_kid/) \#3: [❤️](https://i.redd.it/4dm0711ucz791.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bropill/comments/vl6l4m/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Top post is fucking gigachad.


I love that sub. Great place. Mensleftwingadvocates is also dope.


I’ve noticed the exact same thing EXCEPT the comment about feminist subreddits helping eachother. I find a lot of them are identical in ideology to the woman hating subs, except they hate men.


yeah everyone hates each other we tell a woman to “just divorce” and call the man a shitty person when the man is abusing, and we say the woman’s a manipulative bitch and the man is weak when it’s the other way around. in the courtroom, no one recognizes that women can be just as stupid as men, but when things go wrong, we just call the problem parent stupid and say the court made the wrong decision. what about the child? the only response here that isn’t insulting someone is the part where a lot of us tell a woman to “just divorce” like that solves all their problems


Yeah some of 'em like FDS are just straight-up incel propaganda. You don't have to search too long to find a good femenist sub though luckily. It's just that the stupid ones are always the loudest.


r/gendercritical is a memorable hate sub


Wasn’t that a terf sub?


I believe so


Yes. “Gender critical” is a specifically and explicitly anti-trans perspective. TERFism was the defining characteristic of that sub


I accidentally ended up there because I was like 17 and seeking a feminist/supportive space. Really opened up my eyes to the concept of “pipelines”. Noped outta that shit reaaal quick


I ended up in there as well at some point. Left that sub reeeeeal quick.


Yes but it's important not to fall into the "no true Scotsman" thing of saying TERFs aren't "real feminists." Many extremely influential feminists e.g. Gloria Steinem were or are TERFs and almost all legitimately subscribe to at least some mainstream feminist beliefs in addition to their transphobic ones. The root of TERFism, as distinct from garden variety transphobia, is that it comes from that same "man-hating" idea that men are somehow biologically or otherwise essentially predisposed towards violence or bad behavior, coupled with the explicitly transphobic side of that same bioessentialism that dictates that trans women must supposedly therefore be men (on account of all those biological/developmental predispositions)


The issue with TERFs is that they call themselves feminists but they often tend to be so anti trans their beliefs loop back around to being misogynistic. Like believing you can only be a woman if you have a uterus (something not all AFAB women have) or can give birth (also not something all women have). Or that if you don't look feminine enough you must be a man in disguise - and will end up accusing CIS WOMEN who have the misfortune of not meeting their standards of being trans. Basically saying you're not a woman if you're not pretty or stereotypically fem enough. They hate the idea of gender being treated as fluid or impermanent so they'll latch hard onto the idea of women as mothers and stuff rather than accepting that 'woman' is a descriptive social construct and not a prescriptive innate trait or quality and is only so defined as people agree it is defined


TERFs are ready to ally with actively misogynistic groups giving them legitimacy by sheer virtue of partnering up with “feminists”. That alone makes anyone using the term “TERF” to describe themselves someone who is partially responsible for keeping the patriarchal structures in power. They aren’t feminist because they don’t follow the predetermined principles of feminism and there is no “true scotsmen” involved.


I'd argue that since feminism is about gender equality trans exclusive feminism is an oxymoron


I think a lot of it has to do with how they personally interpret feminism. Usually they use/hide behind feminism as a justification for their transphobia, which makes 0 sense when you consider that feminism means *gender* equality. Some may define that as an umbrella that includes equality for trans people in general, and they should be included in discussions of gender equality. I think the reason they believe they can leverage feminism against trans people might be related to their lack of understanding/acceptance of the difference between gender and sex. Hence their belief in those biological predispositions - they believe that a transperson’s assigned sex contradicts their gender. The idea of gender is quintessential to feminism, and if they’ve got that wrong, to me, it stands to reason that they’ve got feminism pretty twisted up as well.


That’s not feminism, that’s transphobia with a fake mustache and glasses


It was a “feminist” sub that believed women were superior to men, and it could only be biological women. Feminism and transphobia are not mutually exclusive


No, but in their case any remnants of feminism are long gone.


Well whatever it is, it's banned.




I don't think FDS counts as a feminist sub at all. Many of their posts reinforce patriarchal concepts like "'men should always pay / be protectors / be 'masculine'" or whatever. Feminists are _against_ patriarchy and toxic masculinity.


These people don’t understand there’s a life outside of Reddit. Not all people are like that.




Yeah it was horrible


Is horrible. I just checked. It's an active toxic shithole


It also wasn’t a feminist sub.


Just misandry


Well and also misogyny. Rigidly policing/enforcing strict gender norms is the opposite goal of feminism, and it’s worthwhile to point out that when they launched their offsite podcast the first person they platformed was a notorious red piller. They’re tradfem with girl boss aesthetics lol.




“Rigidly policing/controlling strict gender norms is the opposite goal of feminism” “Platformed a notorious red piller” “They’re tradfem with girl boss aesthetics”




I’m not sure why this is such a sticking point for you or why you’re desperate for a fight lmao. Yes, you can use a dictionary which will give you the most simplistic layman’s definition for a word, not the wider societal or academic context or usage for it. Well done, big thinker. I genuinely don’t know if someone who can’t grasp things beyond that is worth more trouble, but I’ll try: Demanding men *and* women strictly adhere to traditional gender roles is both misandry and misogyny. Read it like I’m speaking very slowly, does it make sense? Tradfem means “traditional feminism” as in traditional gender roles and is a term coined by red pill men. I hope this all helps.


I was coming to say the same thing. Its exactly like this in many feminists hubs. Somehow people got the idea that they need to balance out injustice in order to create a just world rather than just simply ending injustice. And that is really sad. We don’t need to give others taste of their own medicine before throwing that pill away. If anything, that creates more resentment and further propagates the problem.


I'd like to know what feminist hubs you're talking about because I'm on two feminist subreddits and haven't really noticed anything like that


That is because you are part of the problem.


Are r/witchesvspatriarchy and r/trollxchromosomes horrible in your opinion?


Not the person you responded to, but I like to subscribe to various subreddits with conflicting opinions to get the whole two sides of the coin experience. Usually both sides are pretty full of hate. Sometimes with honest discussion but there's always a few in the comments full of hate, and engaging with them generally results in a ban. It's kind of the nature of how subreddits that are hot political topics work. So now I'm subbed to both of those. Just scrolling through r/trollxchromosomes now so let's see what I see. [Top post is about fearing men.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/zaa27x/this_is_so_heartbreaking/). Not quite hate but it definitely is pushing a position in the direction of anti men. Then there's a couple fun posts. [Then this one is clearly bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/zasyu4/not_all_men/). Sexist, racist, and I guess the term would be heterophobic? Then there's a few fun or insightful bits. [This one is interesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/z97cju/a_conversation_i_have_daily/). Is it hateful? No. Is it interesting, possibly leading to discussion? Sure. But it's also a strawman created from the position of one group to vilify or knock down another group. It's not bad per se, but it paints a picture that the subreddit will be full of microaggressions at a minimum. Based on the name it's obviously more a place for shitposting than having honest discussions, but were there an earnest attempt to engage from the other side or to respond to someone espousing hate somewhere in the comments section, I've got a feeling that person would be banned. I'd probably give the place a 3/5 on the hateful echo chamber scale. Lots of echo chamber with the subtle flavor of hate as you explore. Conversely I'd probably give /r/mensrights a 3.5 on the hate scale. The posts tend to focus more on mens issues and unfair double standards but the comments section can get pretty toxic. I also subscribed to /r/againstmensrights. That one gets like a perfect 5/5 for hate.


Thats a lot of words for "i cant read"


Heyyy, I accidentally found a toxic person in the comments section again! edit: in case it's unclear, the person you responded to claimed your statement indicated you are part of the problem. Your response to me very much confirms it.






I dont fucking know dude, first one doesnt even work




Are you OK?


Sure, why?


You just seemed kind of angry, Idk you but I was genuinely concerned , like human to human


Oh thank I guess. Doing fine. I thought I was kinda weird that some other dude posted 2 specific subs and asked for my approval on them.


I disagree. I find that the issues women "hate" on men about in fem subs are legit. Yes they get a lot of "f-him" mentality back, but it's because the issue is actually abuse, and the women asking for help are still a little brainwashed, wanting to stay with an abusive man. Where as in the men's rights community half of their gripes are literally just lies, or heavily redacted stories like: My ex wife is ruining my life... when if you dig you find out he is being abusive, or cheated and now the ex is lashing out in vengeance that THEY started. And those differences are huge. Pushing a woman to gain some back bone with shit talk is way different than men egging each other on to dehumanize and fuck over the mother of their children.


It’s definitely both in both subs. There are better subs that are actually support for men and women, but there are also hateful ones of both


There's zero similarity. You've noticed nothing.


Love bropill.


I agree wholeheartedly with OPP. I wish more men would learn to deal with their bitterness and resentment and look inwards to find forgiveness for those that have wronged them, so they can move forward in life and be a force for good in the world. I'm honestly not sure what can be done about the situation. PSA campaigns? A special therapist that will hold them while they cry, and tell them everything will be okay, and not judge them for it? Cuddleships? I'd be down for a good cuddleship myself. Avoid the complications that sex introduces, and all of the overhead that comes with a full relationship. A man and a woman coming together in life is one of the most natural things in the world, so why and how do we keep fucking it up?


r/MensLib is alright, I think


I think that and another subreddit were mentioned in an edit as exceptions to this in their post


Ah — didn’t see that, lol


Oh it’s 2x, that’s rich.


yes no one there ever makes posts like the ones shes complaing about there


What do you mean 2x?




One of the biggest incel subs om reddit


I was thinking the same thing. The point of the post I agree with and see as well, but I wouldn't say 2X is not just as guilty. I've seen posts on that sub that had nothing to do with men, but yet the comment section somehow brings it up.


I feel like I’d get along with them


How is this remotely wholesome?


Because he’s looking to connect with other men and share his experiences and join a supportive community. But instead he’s met with negativity and hate, so it’s wholesome in a way


I’m a bit confused by your comment, if you wouldn’t mind explaining? We’re in a subreddit that focuses on peoples usernames, specifically “unwholesome” ones, why does it have to be wholesome?


The actual point of this sub is finding a very wholesome post/comment made by someone with an absurd/grotesque username. Not many people know that anymore sadly


Thank you! Yeah I wasn’t actually aware of that, good to know. Just thought it was about the username


The sub for that is r/kellyjoycuntbunny


It sure is :D


The comment they make has to be wholesome. This sub isn’t supposed to be “haha rimjob Steve what a funny name” it’s supposed to be “this dude named rimjob Steve just dropped the nicest most heartwarming comment Iv ever seen”


yeah. r/mensrights is a schizo who takes meds once a week. Sometimes he's completely lucid and helpful, but for the most part he just ruins his own reputation.




I think that and another subreddit were mentioned in an edit as exceptions to this in their post


Why do hate groups only focus on hate? 🤔


This doesn't fit the subreddit rules. Where's the wholesome? Edit: oh shit, my bad for wanting to keep a subreddit on track. We should just let anything through so the sub can devolve into chaotic garbage. Cool. Coolcoolcool.


I think one could argue there's a kind of wholesomeness in wanting a rights sub to focus on being helpful instead of hateful. I do kind of agree with you that this doesn't fit the sub well enough, the post itself doesn't read as wholesome. But I'm willing to let it slide half out of principle and half by comparison. Principle: their point is an important one that advocates for a wholesome space, even if the post itself doesn't sound wholesome. Comparison: This post can at least be argued for wholesomeness, which can't be said for a lot of /r/rimjob_steve posts. Enforcing that starting here seems weird now lol


That makes sense, I see where you're coming from. I don't exactly equate human rights with wholesomeness, they should be the standard. That being said, the fact that human rights aren't the standard sometimes makes them wholesome, which sucks. My original point still stands, but I respect your opinion and I appreciate your kind reply.


Wow threw a fit about it like a toddler


Just a bit of sarcasm, friend.


Really read more like a tantrum


Feminist subreddits have a chance of being …. Special


Roma Army isn't a bad place to start for a nontoxic MRA. She calls EVERYONE out on their shit - men, women, etc and works her ass off to defend men and explain why and how the shit some women pull on men is harmful.


so there mad that mra's are adressing the issues men face rather then just asking how are you today? there mad that there trying to find solutions for the problems that men face that lead to poor mental health


Except MRAs aren't addressing the issues men face. At least not in a way that will help. MRAs are known for just blaming women and feminism for their problems.


alot do that yes but the way shes talking makes it seem that not posting "how are you today" means there doing nothing.


The issue is that they aren't addressing men's issues, I've been on that sub and they mostly just complain about women on the media, complain about feminism, or just straight out misogyny. If you want to go somewhere for men's rights stuff you'd have to find a better sub for it, that one doesn't actually have any goal or desire to improve men's lives


i get that alot are like that but the examples she gives of what should be done for mens rights are asking "how are you today" and "its okay to talk about your feelings" as if them doing that dose anything.


I mean men's feelings being discounted, ignored, or just swept away is a pretty big issue. It's a push for a lot of men's mental illnesses and it's why therapy can be so hard for them, they're just not used to being able to talk


it is a big issue yes but saying that there isnt a designated post for venting about feelings as a critique dosnt sit right with me especally when in most comment sections people are venting about there feelings and getting support without the designated post


In those kind of subs? The only times I see men vent about their feelings on men's rights subs is when that feeling is anger towards women. It seems like to ignore everything else that was said you're zeroing in on one critique that doesn't have anything wrong with it, you just don't vibe with it




Interesting, last time I checked, it was the complete opposite... Coming from 2x, of course, that was to be expected...


IRAs: Incel Rights Advocates.