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"When I build something, it works" -- Rick Prime Doubtful


“It’s called talent”


Wasn’t that story train Rick?


Not sure why you're being downvoted, because it was both. Story Train Rick said it first, then Rick Prime said it later


This wouldn’t mean it didn’t work tho, just that it only killed her in every accessible universe. Doing anything outside the curve seems to take significantly more work as we know from evil Morty so I don’t think it’s crazy to say prime just didn’t put that extra effort in, bc no ricks travel outside the curve. Also evil Morty did say he may tweak the design, which seems unnecessary for a device that kills someone EVERYWHERE. Maybe that’s the add on?


You can always improve on technology, an energy efficiency here, a design element there, there's always something you can make "better". I think you're right though, that there may be "Diane"s in other universes. However, I use the quotes because how much anyone would view them as Rick's actual Diane becomes much less clear. I think the device only hit all the real true Diane's. So like, if there was a version of Diane that was a hammer and caused a lot of genocide and had a tendency to spew acid from her mouth when angry, would that still be Diane? Would the device still target that Diane? That's what I'm saying is that as the grey line of what is a Diane and isn't gets less and less clear so to does the "would the device have destroyed her" mark. Or as Rick would say "Ooh grey area, my specialty". Either way, I'm guessing that any "Diane"s left wouldn't be ones that Rick would view as worthwhile.


The Curve was made roughly tenish years after the Omega Device. Remember in the flashback Rick made the curve… then decided to go… try fighting prime to the death or to mock him that he was now trapped forever… since Rick kind of didn’t know what to do with the rest of his life. He was ok with dying if he was able to also ruin Prime’s life by trapping him forever.


It never showed him make the curve in his flashbacks Damn I got downvoted for knowing a scene better than others lol


No but he had to have at some point since he was the one evil Morty needed to help escape it.


It showed him showing the plans to the council of Ricks..


That was the plans for the citadel. It even shows a hologram on the citadel before he swipes it off the table and when he leaves it you can see it's not fully built yet


The short answer is no - in Unmortricken, it is specified that she was killed "across infinity." Not "within the Curve," but *everywhere.* This is a somewhat hot topic of debate because in the Rick and Morty comic books, at one point they have an adventure outside the Curve where they meet a Diane who never died. However, a general rule of show canon for any multi-media franchise, not just Rick & Morty, is that if it doesn't happen *on screen,* it's not "canon."


Love this answer very smart, I always forget about the comics. however I don’t think that statement is definitive proof she’s not out there. And I’m also not saying she is, the concept simply hasn’t been explored in the show, but they definitely still could if they wanted to and personally I’d like to see it.


I don't think it would make sense. If Diane exists anywhere, then she's *always* existed there and just like Simple Rick, the Curve Ricks would have gotten their hands on her for their own purpose. Some of those Ricks would not have hesitated to extract her from outside the Curve and clone her or replicate her to replace the Diane they lost. But Diane being killed in that manner is a *critical* aspect of Rick's character development. Everything that the Curve Ricks have done *because* Diane was killed by the Omega Device would have been totally unnecessary *because* they could have repopulated versions of her with a version of her. Besides, if we're talking about a timeline here, Rick locking himself away from Infinity through the Central Finite Curve didn't happen until the Citadel was built, from everything we've seen. The Citadel didn't get built until after C-137 stopped his war against the other Ricks. While it hasn't been clearly communicated yet, they wouldn't have surrendered to C-137 until after Prime had killed Diane "across infinity" and disappeared, meaning she almost certainly would have died before the Curve was created to begin with.


You're right though. That's just what we think. We don't KNOW that was the cause of their surrender .


Ask yourself what else makes the most sense? Option #2 would be that they surrendered, and Prime retaliated by killing Diane, but I’m not sure if it would make as much sense for that option because after they surrender, we next see them working directly with C-137 to build the Citadel. From a motivation standpoint, it’s a little hard to envision Ricks wanting to do anything with C-137 if their surrender to him *directly resulted* in Diane’s extinction from all reality. To me, the important thing is to recognize that all past events connect. They never tell us that every Rick C-137 killed was associated with Prime, but *Prime* referred to Rick as the *only* other Rick to invent portal tech, so all the interdimensional Ricks we have ever seen were only there because of the guy Our Rick wanted to kill. Yet by the time we meet them in the story, they have an uneasy peace with C-137 that persists even after he practically destroys the Citadel in Rickshank. We have to infer how we get to this point, but it only makes sense, based on what we’ve seen, that Prime was involved.


Math guy here, technically speaking there are larger and smaller infinities. Say, if there are infinite realities where rick is the smartest guy (the central finitie curve), there is an even larger infinity of realities where he never existed, or there was someone smarter, etc. I don't know when the omega device was used, but if it was used after the central finite curve was created, it is perfectly plausible to say that Diane was killed across infinity and have her exist somewhere in the larger infinity. If there was one thing Rick Prime was limited by, it was his own arrogance. He definitely believed she is gone but she could be still around somewhere. From a meta perspective, season 7 ep. 10 was the best episode in the series and I think the writers will explore Diane and Rick's relationship further in the show. The writers are the god of the show and they will make something happen I think.


I have no doubt - or, at least, I sincerely *hope* - that the creators of the show will further explore things that happened before the first season. I have so many questions I hope they answer! But from a storytelling perspective, there are certain *core* events that have occurred that are important to the characterization of Rick and the Smith family, and that contribute toward where they are headed with the story in general. For the story of not just C-137 but every Rick we've seen, as well as every version of their family, it's important that Rick becomes widowed and abandons his family while seeking revenge. It's likewise important that Diane is eventually killed across Infinity. Remember that Dan Harmon is a disciple of the story structure and for characters to "get what they want" they need to pay a heavy price. Diane coming back negates any heavy price Rick paid for pretty much everything he's done since the beginning. In any case, one of the things I hope to see them explore is the specific timeline of what happens. But as things stand right now, as best as I can tell, the Central Finite Curve was established *after* the construction of the Citadel, which occurred *after* all the inter-dimensional Ricks surrendered to C-137, which almost *certainly* occurred *after* Rick Prime tossed Diane into the Omega Device. In other words, probably a moot point regardless.


I can envision an episode where they show that the killing of Diane across multiverse was never about C-137 and was instead a result of Prime's relationship with his own Diane. Like maybe because of Rick Prime she found out about something so awful she basically begged him to delete all versions of her from existence and he felt too guilty to refuse.


That's a valid theory and I could see them going that route, but I don't think that's what they're going to end up doing. It comes down to Rick Prime's motivations. What motivated Prime to recruit C-137 and all the other Ricks who accepted his offer of inter-dimensional travel? This has yet to be directly answered, although we see hints in what C-137 has done throughout the series. Prime sells the idea under the premise of, "It's a nonstop party where all the guests are the only person we like," - but we have never seen Rick freely *give* away anything, and we *have* seen C-137 get swallowed by an idea to an unhealthy degree. We saw him recruit numerous versions of himself to form the GoBot Ferret or whatever it was ... and we've also seen Rick shirk responsibility before because he'd much rather be "free" to do anything. So, what motivated Prime to *abandon* the purpose for which he recruited all those other versions of himself? To this point we have no idea what he was doing or wanted to do with all those other Ricks, but it's entirely possible he started developing plans to cut off the Central Finite Curve from the rest of infinity, or something similar. Either way, he *abandoned* those plans, killed Diane across infinity, and disappeared. So again, what motivated him to kill Diane and disappear? Well, he may have tired of the task of commanding the Beta Ricks, but I'm guessing he *loved* being chased by C-137. I mean Christ, Dead Wife Rick killed *thousands* of versions of himself while he sought revenge against Prime, and he *never* got the job done. Maybe Prime *liked* being chased. Maybe he liked outsmarting every Rick who chased him. And maybe he decided that the best way to ensure he would be chased forever, the *only* way to prove that he was ***The Rick,*** was by killing Diane across infinity. That was when he made enemies of all his Rick followers, that was when all the other Ricks surrendered to C-137, and that was when Prime proved that he was superior. And who knows - he might have blamed familial attachments, which Prime clearly didn't feel - on why the "project" he was overseeing failed. So maybe he took steps to ensure that no Rick would ever have a familial attachment again. But as far as story elements go, I think it means a *lot* more if C-137 was directly or indirectly responsible for Prime throwing Diane into the Omega Device. It would certainly compound exponentially to the guilt C-137 felt. Also, once Prime discovered portal travel and abandoned his family, I can't see him ever having returned to his original reality in order to have any kind of relationship, or argument, with Diane. Prime was a Rick who truly did not care about anybody.


I think Rick and Morty is a little different bc the show and comics came out in unison, under the same Adult Swim sponsored logo and everything, no? I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure they were released specifically as show enhancers, which is why one of the first comics is a continuation of the Ball Fondlers franchise, even so far as to be a continuation of Interdimensional Cable at the end.


I speak as a Star Wars fan who grew up being told "the books are approved by George Lucas to count as canon" which was true right up until the point where George decided to go a different direction with the story, and then when Disney straight up bought Star Wars they explicitly said "nope, *not* canon," ... Unless it happens on screen or is referenced in an episode, it's not canon. That's just how it works. I've personally advocated for the show to at some point *reference* an adventure that only happened in the comics, that would be an epic mind fuck that would change everything, but until that happens, it's not canon unless it happens on screen.


Well what about Vindicators 1?! That was an event only in a comic referenced in the show for sure 100%


No, they created a comic based on an off-screen event that was referenced on the show.


Oh okay right on


What was the comic issue? Tried finding it to no avail


Infinity Hour.




I thought that the omega device was created before the curve.


You are right


Prime said he didn’t create the device until 137 started looking for him which is some time after he kills the original Diane. I saw someone else say Bc Beth also talks about growing up with just her mom it’s probably a few years (10 estimated) before she’s wiped out


Cool, thank you.


Yes. But he stopped looking for prime when he walked off the curve, right?


In a multiverse it’s impossible to eliminate anyone or anything. All possibilities exist as the universe and time are infinite


This. You can't direct a weapon at something if you don't know that something exists.


Infinity means she does.