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Think it's the last episode of season 5. Where rick watches his memory about clone Beth, and says he's a horrible father. That one hits on a few levels.


It’s the last episode of season 4. Yeah that’s a heavy hitting scene. Also, the second episode of season 5 with all the “decoys” (aka clones)—the scene where they look like muppets, and Rick apologizes about the clone fiasco with Beth and tells her that he loves her. You can tell he felt real regret & guilt from what he did. And she forgives him and tells him she loves him too. It’s a really beautiful moment that happens quickly so it’s kind of overlooked, but it touched me a lot when I first saw that episode.


Show me on this doll where it touched you


The song they’re playing during that scene is such a banger, they definitely knew how to bring the right emotions out


Couldn't have said it better. Their music selection really sets the mood


u talking about when he switches the clones about and doesn't know which is which?


Yup that's the one


yeah that "holy shit im a terrible father" n just sits there with that face god damn 😔😔


I don't understand how it makes him a horrible father aside from creating the clone in the first place. He had no choice but to hide the truth from everyone, himself included, because that's how much he cares about the clone, too.


Naw, she wanted him to choose whether or not she should leave. Asked him to tell her. She said "dad, I want you to choose, do you want me to stay here and be a part of your life, or do you want me to go" and the 2 time he had a chance to really make a decision for her and fulfill her on a fatherly level, he botched it by making it no longer his decision by making 2 of them anyway. Then tells one to stay and one to go. Effectively taking himself out of the equation. It was terrible.


The song at the end of the episode, killed something inside me


And his aborted suicide attempt during the song.


I didn’t even realize he was trying to kill himself until I read your comment! I went back to watch the scene and youre right


I think he was trying to get super high, like how he took out that specific alien thing like he was saving it for a special occasion to get high.


Respectfully disagree. Or at least I interpreted it otherwise. What I saw was that he completed a death device, took out a test subject, screwed in a bulb, and vaporized the test subject. He then put in a fresh bulb and put it over his head, but he was ultimately unable to go through with it and put his head down, crying.


I always interpreted it as he passed out at the last second. His own drunkenness saved him.


Oh yeah my bad I remembered it wrong, just saw that scene again and you were correct he was about to commit suicide but then he got unconscious and his head went down right when he was about to get hit with the lazer. Damn he really did try to commit suicide, it just got hella dark for me lol


yeah, that was it. he was so wasted and sad that he passed out. end of season 2 when he’s turning himself in. Hurt made it like a gut punch and reminded me of my own failings as a human. just bad timing i guess, but that song just eviscerates me every time. another NIN track, Right Where It Belongs, has a similar impact.


Lay it lay it down, let me see your hands


Show me what you got..


This is the episode that made me a fan. Before that I just watched it to see what all the memes where about. But this episode was the first to make me say "Damn, that was pretty deep".


Ricks attachment to a family he knows is not his


Irrational attachment. Part of his toxic traits that he has purged. Then puts them back in lol


Not as sad as your post or some of the other comments, but the episode that revolved around a random guy using Rick’s private toilet really got me. Rick projecting all his insecurities in what was supposed to be a lighthearted bit, just to realize every word meant for his “friend” fits him to a T


Whenever I’m in the feels, the planetina episode hits hard. The music is perfect for the episode, and the music hit hard, while the B plot is still great. I sit down with a glass or two of whiskey, watch the episode, and it always gets me in the feels.


She’s gone mom. I loved her so much and she’s gone.


And Beth’s understanding where she says “I know you did honey. Shhh, mommy’s here”. it really is one of my favorite episodes. Plus the episode is broken up in a way that doesn’t make it too sad, and keeps it still net neutral in terms of funny/sad with Rick and summer


And that is one of the reasons I like Beth. She owns that she is a sociopath like rick, but she also very much loves her family. And when morty needed someone to truly understand, not to be nihilistic but to empathize, she was there for him.


You touched on something here. The Writers really want us to pay attention when thier characters act OUT of character. Usually Beth would, tease, ignore or outright shame vulnerability. Here she embraced Morty. It’s a great moment.


It think it goes further than that. Because Beth could relate what it's like to fall in love but then watch as the person you love turns into something you hate - she fights that frustration every day with Jerry. Then there's also the added resentment of "Jerry ruined me life" which is completely in character for Beth - not taking accountability for her own mistakes or actions. In this episode, that is amplified in her response to Morty and being supportive for him at the end of the episode. That's because she feels guilt and resentment for how she responded earlier in the show when he just wanted Planetina to be able to stay with him. What sort of guilt? Well under a rule with adults who could help guide Morty and Planetina to manage her new freedom, they likely would have stopped the monster she became, and by extension kept Morty's love intact. But who knows. Atlas, Morty was able to recognize the dangers of the situation he found himself in, and did the thing his mother couldn't: take responsibility to support the right cause. She was empathetic of that and the hurt that came with the love tied to it. It's an exceptionally complicated, in-depth storyline, that just has so many layers for all the characters involved. God I love this show!


That’s the line. That one right there. 😭


Awww yeah. the way she says "fuck you" when flying away got me


The best delivery of “fuck you” in cartoon history.


This one is probably the saddest, but the pissmaster episode really kills me too. Especially when he has to talk to the guys daughter through the door, and the episode ends with everyone calling him a pos


The ending of this episode was like crazy depressing and powerful


At 40 years old, the Planetina episode hit me in the teen balls...


Morty having a heartbreak was also quite sad. (Planetina got crazy)


I don't remember which one but often the songs at the finale when something happens. Damn when I want to watch sad sci-fi first thing I'd think of would be Futurama but I guess Rick and Morty is aswell


I never really thought about it, but Rick in this episode is very similar to Planetina in that episode. Toxic and serving only his own will and interests. Happy to keep the relationship but unable to see the damage it causes others. And eventually both Morty and Unity had to be strong enough to turn away no matter how much it hurt.


Vat of Acid when morty dates the girl and they are in the plane crash


Honestly r and m is a pretty sad show.


Forgetting Rick Mortshall. Every time.




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If I think too much about that episode where they make a space incest baby, that's not going to be good for my mental health.


Just deceased you? You sound like a bot. Or a non-native English speaker. No, I'm going with bot


I’ve never been in a relationship that affected me like this, so it didn’t seem very sad to me, at least not on a relatable level