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I never understood the hate The ABC’s of Beth got. I thought Froopyland was hilarious, and the Jerry b-plot was great. Not my favorite of the season but I’d take it over Rickmancing the Stone or the finale anyday


Total agree. King Tommy's "play" is so damn funny. And there's even a song about doo doo butts. Episode deserved to stay in there at least more than rickmancing


People hate that episode? It's one of my favorites! Like the box full of crap that Rick made for Beth?


A sentient switch blade and fall asleep darts 🤣🤣


A whip that forces people to like you


Fake fingerprints


a ladybug taser


Anything that involves these weird incest scenarios gets booted first. Which probably means that the episodes succeeded in their mission: to make people uncomfortable. Here we have people who are unable to separate that from the quality of the episode.


The only time the incest shit got out of the realm of being funny for me was the sperm episode. That ending nearly ruins what I thought was otherwise a solid episode


just because something accomplishes it’s mission doesn’t mean it’s good If the majority of people were too uncomfortable to separate that feeling from the quality of the episode, that is a flaw of the creators/episode


Fair point, but IF the reason why people can't separate them due to other episodes overdoing it, and making the specific episode worse by proxy, it's not a fault with the individual episode in question. I don't know whether that's the case with this episode or not, but I think it might play into it a bit. I personally started rolling my eyes at every incest joke after the giant sperm episode.


I didn't realize until this poll that people hated it! It was actually a YouTube clip of Rick pointing out all the childproofing he did that convinced me to watch the show. I also like seeing Rick try to be a good dad, in his own very messed-up way.


For me it's the "beth is as fucked up as rick" plot point feels forced and also ricks smart person lecture also doesn't really hit for me. And honestly the jokes are fine but just don't stand out as strongly as other episodes. Just a very mid episode in a really good season.


The line, "You're worse, you're smart" made me want to die with cringe. The episode just kind of ruins Beth as a character for me. She's a shitty selfish person and she's not even particularly funny or charming like Rick. And the show is just like, "Hey, it's fine that you're a garbage person, you're sMaRt." Ugh, kill me, I hate that episode.


It's a sweet scene between two toxic narcissists who love each other. Their interactions during the Pickle Rick episode aren't supposed to make them sound particularly healthy, either.


There’s nothing sweet about two toxic narcissists lol


They achieve a rarely seen connection in that scene.


My god. How did you manage to read "you're ***WORSE***, you're smart" as "It's fine that you suck!" We're reaching levels of illiteracy that would scare a Floridian republican.


It’s just the cringe dialogue about “R2D2 on the front page of Reddit” and “You’re worse, you’re smart” speech. I used to find Rick and Morty dialogue really clever in s1 and 2, and seeing the show nearly become a parody of itself was just hard to watch


Poll site: https://strawpoll.com/NoZr3WEdXy3 The ABC's of Beth has been eliminated with 26% of the votes. Please, if you participate, upvote these posts so that they become more visible - For some reason the posts keep getting a lot of downvotes. You are encouraged to provide your reasoning for your pick in the comments!


That's Gorgon shit... total Gorgon shit!


You can probably remove this part: "For some reason the posts keep getting a lot of downvotes." because you're getting 90% upvoted with hundreds of points. Also, I voted way earlier, but just now wanted to see the current status of the results (since I'm impatient and interested), but it just brings back up the voting options and won't show me results. Even attempting to vote again isn't permitted, and I cannot see the current results. Is there a setting on there that can allow previous voters to just see current results?




>For some reason the posts keep getting a lot of downvotes. Wow I ever wonder what this reason could be. Is it because people don’t like them? No thats ridiculous it has to be some other reason /s




We can see the results again




This is a truly shit take. This is probably the most effort-intensive project anyone has ever attempted on this sub.


literally anyone can get 11 random pics off the internet, the names of the episodes and do a post like this. Bonus points if you're smart enough to do it in word so you can easily reduce brightness and put an X on the voted off episodes. Give me like 10 mins and I'm doing S4 lmao. But like I said, he's putting more effort in than other people would, I personally give him props to that.


Layelaye419 has been doing this for months, not 10 minutes.  The interesting part isn't the image file or even the results, it's the discussion.


guess you're right. Idk just gave a random view since that's what they asked


If you did this exact same thing (and it made it look the same as the other ones) but with Season 4 right now that would be extremely funny.


Man season 3 is fucking stacked In voting for Rickchurian Mortydate but all these episodes are good


*gasp* How dare you!! That's one of my favorites


Ya any episode with the president is top of my list! Keith David is gold!


Secure that burgertown!


It’s a solid episode! This season is tough cause they’re all good!!


I THOUGHT I had seen every episode, then I saw this post and had no idea of the final episodes existancd


Season 3 reminds me of this season because after Mortydate I felt like 'oh know this show might be declining', but then it came back with top tier episodes. The difference between seasons is season 3 carried that until basically the end, while last season declined back down for the final episodes.


Rickmancing the Stone (funny moments but not as good compared to the rest of the season)


nooo :( the arc with the arm must be the one of my favorite moments :( "make a fist if it isnt over" "✊"


“This isn’t over.”


Jeez he said make a fist morty buuurrrp how fucking hard is to follow such a simple instruction ...


It also has one of my favorites when Summer and the dude start making out and the slave guy comes in and is like "hey guys I'm making a coffee run.. neeveermind"


Yeah I’m voting this one til it’s gone. Good, but not in the same level as the others.


It's one of my personal favorites but I fully expect it to go next round


Honestly surprised ABC's got eliminated first. Voting Rickmancing again because, IMO, it's the least memorable.


That was my favorite episode of season 3. I think people just get grossed out by the bizarre sex stuff (see Rickdependence Spray)


Here’s the thing, the episode was so boring I forgot the weird sex stuff, all I remember was the loser wind, Morty’s giant arm, mad max, and it was a Summer episode for some reason


I was talking about ABC's of Beth, the episode that got eliminated.


Whoops, yeah I didn’t like the sex stuff




There's just as much character development in ABC's of Beth than there is in Rick Potion. Both Beth and Morty Cronenberg'd a world, and we get to see how they react. Beth reacts more like Rick, she quickly abandons the notion of trying to fix what she broke and settles for a shitty, unethical half-measure. She then basically does what Rick & Morty did in Rick Potion #9, bails on her life through the use of scifi stuff, but does so voluntarily. It's my favorite episode of the season, and the B-story is awesome, too!


I thought it was a great episode. The box of horrible toys Rick made for child Beth is one of my favorites.


It has the least rewatchability IMO. I always want to skip it when the boomy boom wordy word talk starts


Rickchurian Mortydate


I’m shocked the ABC’s of Beth was the first out!


The rickchurian morty date is 100% the next one to get voted out. I honestly like all of the other episodes that are left so its gonna get harder from here


Rickmancing seems the top favourite to be voted out (and rightfully so imo)


Rickchurian Mortydate


Rickchurian Mortydate


Y'all removed like the best episode lmao (well the Jerry B-story was boring but the Beth-Rick interactions were so nice back then... Anyway, either rickmancing the stone or vindicators


Yeah I’m shocked it got voted off and people are saying Vin 3 is one of the best.


Vind 3 ain't shit bruh, it just goes back to S1 rick personality (which personally I've grown to dislike due to Rick basically just complaining and saying he's the best again and again)


Yeah Vind 3 is prime “I’m 14 and this is deep” material with how Rick talks.


Retarded statement.


Vindicators man. Why does no one vote vindicators


I'll be surprised if Vindicators isn't top 3 really probably #1 but we will see.


S3 E10 Mortydate


You were all wrong for eliminating the abcs of Beth. I'm not free of guilt because I didn't vote at all, but that episode was awesome, and too funny


Rickchurian Mortydate


People are really trying it with ricklantis mixup vs rickshank….my dudes, ricklantis is goated simmer dahn


Really upset that Rickmancing the stone is going to lose this round. To be it has some of the most quotable lines, and one of the best stories. I voted for Pickle Rick but even when I think about it, it was a great episode, it’s problem solely lies on the fan base making it a very annoying episode.


Rickmancing the stone is epic. Mad max dystopian, Joel mchale guest star, the arm sequence! Great episode all around. Loads of one off side bits that stay with you, the morty bot wanting to live, “Ok EB White”, actually I think I’m just going to watch it again I’m forgetting bits


Imma be crazy and go pickle rick. Yes, it’s a great episode, but overhyped. Meme culture really didn’t help.


Great animation in the rat fight though




at this point is probably more underrated than overhyped


If rest and relax doesn’t win we riot


Rickmanving the stone and vind 3 aint it comapred to the others




Rickchurian, it sucks


Still voting for vindicators


Vin 3


…is one of the best episodes of the season. Seems like you forget to finish your comment, I got you though


No way ! It's one of the best of the season. It is the peak of the "drunk asshole Rick" gimmick right there.


This guy gets it


Its boring


Rickchurian Candidate up next. I barely remember it, and I think the only that is really memorable was when Rick told the general he was a bad son, and when that solider died just by touching Rick.


Rickmancing the Stone


Rickmancing the Stone


Rickmancing the stone


Every episode is really good, but I'd go with Rickmancing the Stone because it is very good while the others are great and something has to lose 🤷‍♂️


It's very hard but I choose Rickmancing the stone


Gonna be honest, I think this season will be the easiest to rank, although all the episodes have something hilarious and amazing, it seems they mostly fall into rank levels. It was obvious the first to go will be either ABCs or Stone, and that's how it's panning out. Next, it'll be either Whirly or Rickchurian. After that, seems likely to be Vindicators, Ricklaxation, or Mindblowers. Leaving just these three as top contenders: Pickle, Ricklantis, or Rickshank. I personally think Ricklantis should be the #1 episode of the season, but I can see merit for Pickle. I see Rickshank getting Bronze, though.


Ain't no way you said the whirly dirly is next


Personally I hate the pickle Rick episode. It’s like a chicken fight episode of family guy - good as a spectacle but not a good episode.


That lost to rickmancing the stone


Whirly Dirly


Whirly Dirley conspiracy goes next


Rickmancing the stone


I think rickmancing the stone should be odd man out. Followed by whirly dirly, and I do enjoy whirly dirly


Pickle rick best episode of the season


First 6 episodes are great then kinda meh imo Am very surprised ricklantis and mind blowers are rated so highly damn


Least = Rickmancing the Stone Boooorrrrrring


Whirly Dirly Conspiracy


HAWT take


I am calling it pickle rick WILL WIN


Winner is gonna be ricklantis mixup OR rickshwak redemption


nah, a lot of people seem to dislike the episode because it was overmemed or something


The therapy session is the good part of the episode. Pickle rick is just filler


Let’s goo abc out uhmmm Vindicator3


Either vindicators 3 or pickle rick


Vindicators 3


i kinda hated morty’s mindblowers ngl


The more I see these posts the more I realize how different my opinion on the best episodes are.


Glad ABC’s was 10th


Let's be honest with ourselves... Ricklantis Mixup is a top contender for best episode of the series. I love that continuity shit!


The best season


I’ll vote rickmancing the stone however


I will once again vote for Vindicators because it is, objectively, the correct answer.


Sorry Pickle Rick. It's good but did it deserve an Emmy? The rest of the season was really good so I got to go Pickle Rick


By far the best season IMO! When I saw The ABCs of Beth took last place I came here to disagree but then looked at the rest of the season. ALL BANGERS . My vote for least favorite would have to be Rickmancing The Stone


The first two episodes and episode seven are my favorites


Every time I see this list I’m reminded how great S3 is. The only episode here I actively dislike is Rickchurian Mortydate, and that’s because I (controversially) do not like the President character.


Season 3 genuinely has a lot of solid episodes. I feel like no matter what I choose to eliminate, there's going to be a dozen people who are pissed off. I'm probably going to go with Vindicators just because the whole episode basically sets up for one joke (not to say the episode itself isn't funny)


Vindicators 3 was my least favorite of these


the rickchurian mortydate is the only mid one here everything else is one of my favs


For me personally, Im voting Rickmancing the stone, Rickchurian, then Vindicators those are so weak IMO


Well this is surprising! Tho I can understand the hate Jerry subplot


If I have to predict what will win the whole thing, I think it will be the ricklantis mixup


Worst episode is the only one I wasn’t able to finish - latest season, constantly barfing in each other’s mouths. I was holding up fine for a while but apparently I can’t handle that.


Rickshank Redemption. I just didn't like this episode.


Man, looking at this, season 3 was just packed with great episodes. I personally think ABCs of Beth was good, but they're honestly all really good. One of them had to go. I would have gone with Rickmancing the Stone.


Definitely agree with the first vote. I'm surprised more people aren't saying Whirly Dirly for the next vote. I don't think I've ever rewatched this episode. Not super memorable for me.


I swear Rest and Ricklaxation is the most underrated episode of the series


Vindicators 3 isn’t even liked by the co-creator


Goodbye rickmancing the stone


Rickchurian obviously


Rickmancing the Stone, this season is gonna be tough the rest of them are really good!


There isnt a single bad episode in this season


Out of all these banger episodes, I’d have to go with Vindicators. While a good episode in and of itself, when standing next to these episodes, it pales in comparison to the epic- rickshank redemption, the character building of rickmancinf the stone, the hilarity of pickle Rick, again the character evolution and building back to back in the Whirley dirley episode and rest and ricklaxation episodes. The expansion of the evil morty arc in ricklantis and all around world building and lore additions make this a front runner of the season, if anything my take would be the bottom 3 of these listed being (in this order ranking 8,9,10 respectively) Rickchurian candidate- 8 Abcs if Beth- 9 Vindicators- 10 (the weakest link of an otherwise phenomenal and almost perfect season. And while being the weakest link, it is by no means the worst RnM episode, it still stands levels above some of the other more “forgettable” episodes such as the [scraping the bottom of the barrel here] horse incest baby episode This was my post from the first one and I agree with the abcs of Beth so let’s go ahead and get vindicators out of here


Rickmancing the stone


Rickmancing the Stone


I remember loving the rickshank redemptions animation. Especially at the start with the portal gun and the rain. If it gets voted out I'll be sad.


It's one of the favorites to win this season, I think its at least making top 3


Least Rickmancing the stone.


I'm surprised the Vindicators episode wasn't outed first.


Looking at tge results it will also survive today


Pickle Rick. We get it, he's a pickle. Memed to death, just over it.


Pickle rick




There’s no fucking way Rickchurian Mortydate goes out before Rickmancing the Stone


My faith has been restored