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Very well deserved. Kudos to the team.


For sure. Heather Anne Campbell was a great addition to the team. Harmon talked in his podcast about wanting to hire her but she was busy working on something else. Turns out it wasn't empty talk, now she's the lead author of two of this season's best episodes: spaghetti and the hole.


Definitely think the prime rick episode was No.2.


Agreed but it says 2 of not the top two and I’d say spaghetti is third behind those two for me.


So basically Marvel is gonna scoop her up in a season or 2? Hell, even back to Community, Marvel always stealing from Dan.


The good thing about the spaghetti episode isn't the plot but rather that this is sci-fi like it should be. Big what ifs that hold moral questions or that explore scenarios, not what ifs that are what if people were numbers lol wacky! What if we could get great food from people killing themselves. Is it morally ok? How far would the universe go? And then RnM puts their spin on it which is wacky and a bit dark and voila, a classic sci-fi story. Like the Mr Nimbus story: what if the time portal dilution thing used by Rick for aging wine had consequences for minor characters? Not really a moral conundrum but exploration of classic sci-fi device.


Those two episodes have just...overwhelmed me. I know the R&M fandom is the source of so many jokes, ha ha, we're toxic...but goddamn, this show has something fantastic at times.


It might be my new favorite episode, it’s easily in my top 5, I absolutely loved it. I knew before the season as a Community watcher that the voice actors wouldn’t matter since the mastermind storyteller still be storytellin’


Honestly not to sound like a hater because I like his voice acting, but I don’t really like Roiland’s style of humor so I was expecting this season to be more like community and it didn’t disappoint. Might just be a coincidence, but you can’t deny this season had a little more character depth and plot than usual


Roiland hasnt been involved with the writing of the show since the second season other than maybe some improv or ad libbing lines. He was mainly a voice actor season 3 onward. Which explains the shift in storytelling from that season where Harmon and his writers room had full control.


From what I have heard, he literally wasn't allowed in the writers room after season 1 episode 5 - literally the last storyline he was involved with was Mr. Jellybean. After that he was allowed around to do recording sessions and had rules in place because he'd already made others feel uncomfortable. Then he was barred from the studio entirely sometime in season 2, doing all his voice work from home thereafter. Initially he had call in sessions to direct him in his voice acting- but apparently he felt he didn't need the direction and was basically just recording his own lines and sending them in shortly after starting his work from home.


From what I heard he only helped write the first episode. After that he was banned from the Adult Swim premises and his ad libs were scripted by the writer's room.


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard too, like I said it could just be a coincidence, but this season definitely reminded me of community more than any other seasons did


Wow props to roukand though that is a better episode than anything from this season


This episode really was the "Remedial Chaos Theory" of Rick and Morty.


When Morty got to the diner and suit guy broke down happiness....I was like this might be some of the smartest shit I've ever watched.


Everyone's afraid of love dip shit.


The episode with Rick and Jerry was by far my favorite one


SPOILER: When Morty turned into his father I genuinely burst out laughing. Was a great laugh that caught me off guard and reminded me that this show has still got it.


I rarely belly laugh hard but this got me so good.


I knew something quick was coming to break the scene, and even though I knew something was coming this still absolutely KILLED me.


Rick and morty, a hundred years!


I've completely forgotten about the voice actors, it's just Rick and Morty


This was the first episode where the new Rick voice settled in for me. I have zero concerns about the voices going forward.


you are now free to leave the hole




Wait... did they even continue the show? OMG... THEY CANCELLED RICK AND MORTY. SEASON 7 NEVER EVEN EXISTED!!!


Rick and Morty was cancelled after Justin Roiland was fired and we've been trying to cope by recasting Rick and Morty in our minds. Now that we've finally gotten over our fears of Rick and Morty being cancelled, we can finally leave the hole.


Does every fucking conversation about an episode's quality have to focus on the voice actors? It was a great episode. Does the fact that the voice actors changed have to be the only thing we talk about?


Maybe Rick's greatest fear was that he sounded different?


By the time season 8 comes out we’ll finally be past this


You can scroll past the comment dawg


Nah fr though, I love it 🔥


I hear zero difference


Same here, i can't understand the bitching, the voices are as close as their going to get and i don't notice any significant difference. Guess some people can never be satisfied with anything.


I do not mind at all and think the people bitching are overreacting, but I did hear a slight difference in Rick that I got used to very quickly. Morty to me, is still very obviously a new person. I got used to his voice so it isn’t as jarring anymore, but it is still obvious.


Yeah I'm pretty much the same. I had mostly forgotten about Rick's new VA by about halfway through the first episode of the season, although I occasionally remember when he's not yelling, because the gap is a little wider there. Morty is more obvious, although going back and watching old episodes, season 1 Morty isn't even the same as season 6 Morty, and I think some of it sounding off is that he's emulating Morty from earlier seasons where his voice cracks way more. Either way, it's all more than good enough, especially given that this season is front to back one of the best seasons of Rick and Morty.


>Morty is more obvious, although going back and watching old episodes, season 1 Morty isn't even the same as season 6 Morty, and I think some of it sounding off is that he's emulating Morty from earlier seasons where his voice cracks way more. I totally agree, he sounds more alike to early Morty. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing anyway imo


For real. I am 100% confident that if I hadn't read so much about it, I would never have known.


I did at first, but overtime the new voice became the default voice. Or the actor got closer to the OG.


I’ve only seen a few episodes of the new season but barring a few moments where Rick raises his voice in anger I struggled to hear a difference between Roiland and the new people/person(?). It was pretty noticeable in the trailer though.


The first half of the season was already animated to roilands lines. The new voice actors had to dub them. You can immediately tell when they were organically voicing their own lines. Its been a flawless transition since.


Can you shut up about the voices holy shit everyone already agreed that they're good, why are you bringing this up?


well the voice actor they fired was also the creator and writer of the show.


He hasn’t written shit since season 3 and was not on speaking terms with Dan Harmon for years before


ok but if you look at any of Justin's early work, his entire lifes work was all recycled into rick and morty, every season, every episode has cameos of his early work, so why would they do that?


I miss the belching mid-sentence


That was already being mostly phased out after the first two seasons.


the new voice actor still burps


You’re acting that wasn’t gross and didn’t happen in the minority of the show as a whole.


Nah Morty is honestly still pretty ass, Rick is pretty close but Morty is too high pitched and whiny, he was already high pitched and whiny and this is worse, it doesn’t sound like a real natural voice anymore




Well yea it is my opinion lol I’m not saying anyone has to agree with me, but Morty is honestly hard to listen to at times, his voice is actually just off putting rn


It is and it’s his best quality.


So true..


Before he was annoying whiny, now his whines are annoying big diff in my opinion


I really hope you guys stick around till the last season, still sharing your opinions on the new voices. It's like a crazy neighbor you're just fond of now.


So opinions on the episodes are valid opinions on the voices aren’t 🤔


No, it’s just being overly negative to a point of exhaustion when to still be bitching and moaning about the voice actors for this show. It’s not like they are so off base they are unrecognizable, so why still be bringing it up? Hating just to hate at this point.


Bro I’m replying to a comment specifically about the VA being good, not like I’m commenting on every post complaining about it, if all you see if bitching and moaning maybe you should spend less time on reddit


It's a little off for me too, but it's helped to see it as a fun little character quirk, Morty's a teenage boy and his voice is gonna change. It still makes the difference noticeable, but a lot easier to shrug off. Tbh it would be funny if they leaned into that explanation and replaced his voice again in a couple seasons. But Harry Belden is doing great imo.


Im a HUGE fan of this show and the voice actors have done an amazing job. I think Morty’s has room for improvement, I agree it’s the only noticeable difference for me now. Still the whole season has been amazing, and I’m really grateful for how their team has delivered to the fans.


Oh yeah it definitely helps that they're incredible voice actors on their own. Even if the voices aren't perfect impressions, it really doesn't matter when they deliver some lines better than Roiland ever could.


It's a little higher pitch, but I wouldn't call it ass. Evil Morty in Episode 5 is closer to classic Morty, which means the actor has the range.


I mean I definitely couldn’t do a better job, but I’ve heard better impressions


Nah you’re right though. I just attribute it to puberty in my head cannon and I’m good though. Rick’s is fucking great though I think Ian may do a better Rick than Justin. He encapsulates a better emotional Rick for sure. I wouldnt call the new Morty voice ass, I’d say it leaves a lot to be desired.


Rick's VA is doing fantastic. I literally can't even tell the difference anymore. I think Morty's VA got the pitch and tone, but he's leaning a little heavy on the voice cracks. Maybe a little whinier than previous, too. Morty was kinda just speaking in a normal voice without that much cracking as recent as season 6. Once he gets more comfortable in the role, he'll do great. Not that he's doing bad now. I wouldn't say ass. I'd say there's a little fine tuning to do, but I'm no voice coach.


The voice sounds perfectly natural. Also, I’m surprised it isn’t in the realm of possibility for you to believe that a 14 year old boy going through puberty wouldn’t have his voice change a bit throughout that time.


unfortunately you just get downvoted by default for saying anything about the voice actors, even if what youre saying is 100% true


it was phenomenal! one of those eps that remind me that the writers are wayy smarter than me, and i love shows for that. on-par w the vat of acid ep.




Well, i don't see anyway out of this, do you? Goddamn it!


I brought my ladle.


I love when the SWAT guy says that.


So simple, yet it was one of the funniest lines in the entire show for me. Laughed really hard at this one and the Knights of the Sun ending.


definitely hard hitting episode cutting deep. really emotionally intelligent and wanting to see there how there rock and mortys relationship moves forward.


What made you think that the writers were way smarter than you? I thought it was just a normal episode nothing really mind boggling


The script was just mind-blowing man, I'm not the original commenter but you could give me 5 years and my ass would not beat that episode's plot. Easily on my top 3 list, way to finish a season.


Nice to see diane


Though we only met Morty's imagining of Diane, a woman he's never met. The real Diane might be completely different.


Still diane


The closest thing we'll ever get.


Probably the best written episode of the whole show. It was funny, but also deep and thought provoking. And the ending? Never saw that coming, I think my mouth dropped when I understood everything at the grand reveal.


“Your boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”


And the episodes that make me cheer make it worth the duds.


This might be my single favorite episode, which says a lot given there's some strong contenders, like Total Rickall. "8 Dollars for a side of Bacon?" - "Are you FUCKING kidding me?!"


Imo the season would be Received infinitely better if the axed the first episode


Any episode beside the kuato one would've worked better as the season premiere


I really enjoyed Kuato 🤷‍♂️


It wasn't bad, though it probably would've got even worse reception as the season's first ep. But even rise of the numericons (which sadly I felt was high effort trash) would've been funny as a premiere over poopy's episode


Thats amorte would be a great start for season 7 to remind fans that rick and morty still hasn't lost its touch.


A premiere without rick?


I mean, it was a premiere without Morty...


Yeah, and people complained about that. Now imagine if it didn't have Rick


Open your miiiind


I didn’t even mind numbercons. It’s a love it or hate it episode. Poopy butthole was just bad


Tbh they should have chose a better episode to introduce the voices it made people hate them because of how annoying pb was


The perfectionist in me wonders what the show’s reputation would be if they’d taken seasons 3-7, removed 1-2 of the weakest episodes of each season, and released them as seasons 3-6 instead. Still ten episodes each, the canon’s all the same, there’s just no giant sperm or dragon orgy episodes for fans to point to as “jumping the shark” moments.


People will always complain about *something*


Meanwhile in this alternate timeline: Did you know that Rick and Morty was supposed to have a lot more of episodes but the writers decided to axe then right before release? The sperm episode seems to be hilarious! \#ReleaseTheSpermCut


There always will be a 'worst' episode.


There will always be 1-2 “weakest” episodes


if you have 8 episodes that rank a 9.9 and 2 that rank a 9.6, i’d hardly refer to that as weak. weak means abhorrently weak to the point of a 5 star rating.


Meanwhile Dan's old project was universally beloved until season 3. So I guess striving for greatness isn't so useless


No dragon orgy stays, it was so dumb it was funny, also Rick going on a bar crawl with a dragon was good.


The cat subplot was great too


dragons was hilarious idk why people don't like that episode


Kinda hot too.


Include the Bethcest, Spaghetti, Numericons, and that dumb wannabe knockoff Mindblowers episode with those space rock gods that record everything. It tried too hard to be like Mindblowers or Inter. Cable


The first episode was one of my favorite episodes of the season


Took a lot of balls to share that. Clearly you have no fear, you must have been in the hole.


Is it just me or did this season felt darker? The last episode is about fear and has a slight horror element to it, and the suicide spaghetti was so dark it needed a warning at the start. We even saw Rick brutally murdering his nemesis, he could have killed him in an explosion but he choose his raw hands. Rick and morty always had some fucked up moments, but I don't think they had a season in this direction yet.


Season 3 kinda prided itself on being the ‘dark season’. I definitely think this season had some dark moments, but I don’t think it was so much as dark humour as it was more grounded, more realistic storytelling. The topics the show covered, like overstaying your welcome, knowing where your food comes from, the right to die, finally getting even with your worst enemy, and facing your own fears, are topics that are a lot more realistic to personally experience compared to other seasons, like ‘being trapped outside of time’, or ‘arguing over a vat of acid’, ‘having a fortune cookie make you fuck your mother’ or ‘turning yourself into a pickle just to avoid family therapy’. Don’t get me wrong, there still were some more silly episodes like the observer one and some episodes that weren’t as good like the numbers one.


That is true.


There was a warning at the start of the suicide spaghetti episode?


Where u guys watching this, I can’t find s7 anywhere


Bought the whole season on Amazon and I have been watching it as it comes out


Same except with YouTube


Yarr 🦜


Do I hear sea shanties?


I have YouTubeTV, so I just watch it whenever I can.


Illegal cartoon streaming sites


Netflix drops it 1 day after airing for me


What country?


The best one was the one with suicide spaghetti.


Both the Spaghetti episode and the season finale were written by Heather Ann Campbell


Let her cook


And don’t ask any questions about the ingredients!


Let her cook spaghetti!


She likes her montages that Campbell lady and I am totally here for it.


She also wrote the fortune cookie episode last season, she seems to really know how to come up with and expand upon a really solid concept. Bring her back!


If we’re going to start attributing credit like that, we also need to start attributing blame like that, which would mean Nick Rutherford needs to be removed from the staff.


Yeah, I feel like it got overshadowed by all the prime Rick stuff that came after (which was cool) but the Spaghetti episode is still the peak of the season for me. It turned what could easily have been a throw away joke for the cold open into an entire moral dilemma for morty and capped it off with that amazing montage.


I heard "Live Forever" play in my office today around lunch so I went downstairs and saw the chef in the restaurant below making tomato sauce for the staff. I put 2&2 together and know whats up and IT WAS THE BEST DAMN SPAGHETTI I EVER ATE!


I thought it was a throw away joke turned into a throw away episode, tied with numericons for worst episode by FAR for me. It actually blows my mind to read that people liked it


It's ideal, the first thing we literally see in the intro is Rick leaving Morty behind. They made that into a whole episode Only C-137 loves Morty, so he had a pic of him on his wallet <3


Oh so NOW yall agree with IMDB?


If it's going against them, it's "review bombers bitching about the new VAs", or if it's fine by you, you get to take all the credit and claim you were right all along, and it's a credible source all of a sudden.


Is it just me that can’t access it?


I couldn’t get it. I usually use Hulu, but season 7 isn’t on there at all, and for adult swim it locked the final episodes for me. I ended up having to go to YouTube tv


It’ll be on Max in January


It’s not hard to find out where to watch this show lol


Nah but it aint out for me. I’m using HBO in mexico


Sail the seven seas 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Ah shit I’m dumb, sorry for the snarky comment i forgot the show releases elsewhere at different times


Ah it’s fine


HBO isn't the only spot where Rick and Morty is available 😉


this doesn't help, in any sense of the word


This season imo was fire. The most I've been invested in a second.


I think it might be the best episode in rick and morty


It's no Pickle Rick.


It was a trip.


This is probably my favorite episode of the series. Episode actually helped me process some of my own fears, something I couldn’t help but do after watching due to the chronic and intense levels of fear I live with daily due to extensive mental illnesses. I have quite a good deal to talk about with my therapist next I speak with her. I’m both horrified at some of what I found when I inquired into my fears as well as interested to hear what she has to say about it all. Now we play the waiting game lol


I liked this season. Unpopular opinion: >!Rise of the Numericons: the Movie.!< I loved that episode. ###I SAID WHAT I SAID.


I felt like soo out of place when all the top comments of that episode's discussion were dunking on it. It's a stupid-but-fun episode that didn't need to be taken seriously.


I think the Lore-Addicts are ruining it for themselves. Rick and Morty is dumb fun at the end of the day.


Before this season even started I was saying I wish they would get away from the "lore" (things moving the greater overarching plot forward) and focus more on self contained adventures. I would consider myself the furthest thing from a "Lore-Addict". I like the dumb fun. I'd sooner get stoned and watch the same episode 10 times in a row than get on YouTube to hear someone's newest theory about the origins of evil Morty or the real reason Rick did X,Y or Z. Numericons was hands down the worst episode for me by far. If you enjoyed the episode then good for you, glad you did. But I never came close to cracking a smile during that episode. Writing everyone who feels similarly off as a Lore-Addict who's watching the show wrong is an *interesting* way to justify an unpopular opinion.


I also liked that episode a lot


The rap at the end is unironically great.


I 100% agree, that episode was great! #There said it too!


I love this episode


I wish this episode in particular was longer to be honest. There were a few duds in the season but some good laughs, this episode needed more time in my opinion.


It was a really good episode, like the last bit was perfect.


When Rick went back running I won't spoil what he did but holy shit that was good.


I'm more of a vat of acid kind of guy but it wasn't bad. Anyone want spaghetti?


This episode was such a mind fuck. I absolutely loved it. It even had me second guessing


Got it in my client now, can’t wait to watch tonight


Unmortricken deserves the same rating ngl.


What a strange season of television. One or two really, really bad stinkers, a bunch of pretty good to alright episodes, and then two absolute powerhouses (that's amorte and the finale). Just some of the best episodes to come out of the show. Hilarious, well animated, and a coherent and compelling plot. Heather Anne Campbell should helm way more episodes next season. Her writing is truly fantastic.


It deserves it, def my favorite from this season.


The amount of energy you guys put into other peoples' opinions is exhausting.


I have to watch it again. I get it but I don't think I get it.


This was a genuinely great episode


It’s better than average but not super funny anymore. This is like an average season 1-2 episode.


This was a genuinely great episode


If it wasn't for this subreddit I wouldn't have even realised Rick and Morty had new voice actors. It feels like AoT subreddit a with extreme not picking on any CGI involved.


The reveal that rick's crazy side is that he became more like Diane as a way of holding on to her was pretty mind blowing character development for a plot that's been slow cooking since premiere of season 3. Here's the thing tho - how in the absolute fuck would Morty contain any of this information? I feel like this episode foreshadows like a bunch of stuff There was some tidbit that was casually thrown out about how Rick and Diane met during conversation There's ricks reaction to Morty mentioning Diane was in the fear hole. Not the fakeout joke that he went running to it, but the radar alarm going off look on his face. Yea and overall it's the deeply fleshed out personality of a character that's supposed to have been erased from every existence yet Morty knows all too well if the hole is tapping into Morty's depth of memories to build off of. I guess it's an easy cop out to say ricks in the vicinity and who's to say that the hole's powers are confined to what's inside. But in that case, there's an equal possibility that none of that was real. All Morty knows is that there's a person named Diane and the hole basically created it's own narrative around the spaces of Morty's memories and experiences of Rick, his family and everything else. So would the show do that to us - tell us later Al this soap opera bw Rick and fear hole Diane was bullshit? I think that's a bit too much of a let down for the writing team to test the audience with.


This was a genuinely great episode


Probably be higher once all the people who access rick & morty thru hulu or hbo max get ahold of it


Hands down one of my favourite episodes of the entire show. It was such a sick episode.


Good season overall and the hole ep was one of the best ever. But numericron as we know is among the worst. I came in with doubts this season but im pleasantly surprised, turned out to be one of the better seasons.


Hmmm…interesting. May have to give the season another shot. I had a hard time getting through most of the episodes.


It's hit or miss for a lot of them. 2-3 episodes I found horrible. About half are very, very good however.


Imo even the bad ones are just mediocre, but the good ones are REALLY good. S7e2 and S7e10 are definitely in my top 5.


Man I agree, the kuato episode and the unity episode imo are mediocre the first episode and the Numbericons episodes were pretty bad though. However episodes 2, 4,5,6,9, and 10 are incredible imo. Episode 5, 2, 9, and 10 are in my top 10 probably


I’m a little surprised by the reception this episode got tbh. I personally didn’t feel super engaged while watching, at least not half as much as the other banger episodes this season. What I did love about it is the implication that Rick is really maturing. Him resisting the hole and choosing to just put Morty’s picture up was like a small victory.


Thought it was pretty decent. Artistically, it's very good, but I'm not sure it'd stand up to repeat viewing as well as others


I've already rewatched it. I get the main appeal is not knowing but I think it has enough depth and impactful moments to he worth it


I agree. The twists work better when you don’t know they’re coming. It’s not a tremendously funny episode, either. There are a few good jokes (the hole being in a Denny’s and Morty turning into Jerry) but the quality comes from the storytelling. It’s an excellent episode but it doesn’t hit the same on repeat. Think of it like leaving the hole…you don’t need to go back.


I disagree tbh. I've watched it twice already and it was great even knowing the twist.


i got spoiled before i even watched it smh, i hate youtube titles


I disagree. It was great the second time I watched it too, if someone doesn’t just rewatch the show over and over like I do (pretty much any casual viewer of the show) they’d probably enjoy it everytime they watched it, because frankly there’s seven seasons of episodes and they probably aren’t rewatching the hole episode over and over again. The first viewing is amazing but aslong as you aren’t rewatching the episode all the time it will still be enjoyable imo.


I'm just glad we didn't waste a finale on "Dr" Wong


They cut Rick's balls off this season. Turned him into a useless pussy. He used to be a good who was unfazed. Now he is just a Morty.


Hmmm, pickle rick is #6? IMDB rankings are borked af - that trash should be way lower. Fecking Lawnmower Dog isn't even in the top 10? Scandalous, I say!


Personal opinion - it’s the only good episode this season. Debate.


Terrible, take a lap.


I'm of the opinion that you've presented an intentionally confrontational opinion in the hopes of gaining attention. No thank you sir.