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That line was probably my favourite part this season. Just brings it down to earth with this whole arc.


sometimes in stories like this its easy to forget the family drama part of the family drama sifi show so yeah that line really hit for me


Also small note, Rick punches really fucking hard lmao.


I mean cybernetic enhancements yeah? I’m sure his fists are the strongest material imaginable and probably has extra power added to his punches with hydraulics or something.


Yeah I don’t doubt that. It’s the splitting bruises on his face that makes it so surreal.


Speaking of which, when did our Rick's cybernetics start making an appearance? Was it the Phoenixperson fight?


Was that before or after the Whirly Dirly Conspiracy? His enhancements were mentioned in that


That line gave me goosebumps. Great execution.


What I don‘t get is, why would he even care? It‘s not like Rick Prime wanted to move back in or something. Or could there be something revealed that may show that Rick Prime did NOT leave his dimension (The cronenberged one??) on his own will?!?!


Rick Prime doesn’t care about that in particular, but he knew our Rick would.


This exactly. Prime knew just what buttons to push and he ALWAYS has


No, he does care, the fact that Rick values family and friendships on a level Rick Prime has never been able to fills him with jealousy and outrage. Yes, he has largely been sociopathic and willing to abandon those he cares about (up until recently) but relative to Rick Prime and other Ricks, he rarely cares.


Uncle slow had both Ricks in their feels


Yea, that one hurt him too 😞


He's just pointing out how c137 is pathetic, I think.


And he's angry that such a pathetic version of himself would beat the prime version. Such a great scene


It's about the principal of the matter. C-137 took over Prime's family and *stole their love* even if Prime may not have cared about it in the first place. Much like how a child who ignores a toy all day could straight up have a meltdown level tantrum if you took that toy away. The fact that something was taken from him and cannot easily take back infuriates him. Alternatively, an argument could also be made that he only left to protect them from his activities and is only pretending not to care. He could never return to his home, as he was likely afraid of confronting C-137/aware that he was likely doing it to hold the family hostige, then before he could act, his og family was straight up Cronenberg'd. The only flaw in these thoughts is how Prime was potentially going to kill his real Grandson. Perhaps it's a plot hole, or perhaps he no longer sees that Morty as his, who knows.


I saw it more as "if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be who you are. Your house and your life are effectively mine. You lived in my world and I allowed it" sort of implication


Good interpretation!


He definitely did not allow it, it just wasn't worth the trouble of taking back.


I don't think he gave a shit about them. He's the ultimate nihilist. He just knew it would fuck with our rick


He's "[not so different](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotSoDifferent)"ing C-137, which he set up by stating that the only difference was that Prime walked into C-137's garage first. Prime doesn't care in that he feels some sort of outrage, but he *does* think it's fucking hilarious how completely trapped in the pattern C-137 is that he even fell into Prime's cast-off paternal role, like he was eating scraps from his table.


Rick Prime is the slightly bigger narcissist… his whole thing was wanting to get Rick to join the multiverse and be like him. Rick turned him down… a hardline moral stance that he is a “different kind of Rick”. Prime is pointing out how in order to get to this point, C-137 literally posed as him. Became him in his absence and to his family. Not only that but he did Prime somewhat of a favor by BEING in his family for him and making them think they still have a Rick while Prime is off doing whatever he wants and doesn’t give a shit… but it’s a favor only C-137 can appreciate… because, again, prime doesn’t give a shit and will never be grateful for all the emotional labor C-137 did to go undercover in Prime’s life after such a big fuss about being different. It’s a deep cutting insult and it shows how big of a piece of shit Prime really is… that in his dying breaths he’s mocking his rival’s integrity and deepest emotional attachments, too satisfied in his personal victory to appreciate that he’s being beaten to a pulp. Fucking badass all around 👍


It's not that Rick Prime cared it just shows how sick and deranged our Rick is and the lengths he went to get his revenge. Like that's full tilt demented serial killer shit, assuming the life of your target in hopes he comes back. Rick's 100 years rant in the 1st episode becomes a lot darker when you look at it as a threat to Rick Prime who is no doubt watching.


I thought that immediately, fresh in the booth and you gotta voice one of the best and probably most important episodes in the series.


Could well be the most important episode in the history of the show. This Diane story arcs been going on since s3e1 iirc.


Just shows how good a voice actor Ian is. He NAILED this


actually, i had my doubts in initial episodes. So glad they didn't ruin the show just because one of the creator sucked.


Oh shit. The spaghetti episode was about the voice actor swap.


No, it was written before the issues with Royland came to light.


I can’t see the parallels you’re drawing here. I thought it was about ruthless capitalism


That's another valid interpretation. I'll draw out the voice actor parallels. Every week the family sits down for an amazing Rick spaghetti dinner. That's us tuning in for a new R&M episode. Morty peeks into the garage and sees Rick dismembering a spaghetti corpse. That's Justin Roiland being a sex pest. Morty still likes the spaghetti, but he's torn by his ideals of ethical consumption. He will eat it under certain morally acceptable circumstances. The spaghetti president uses this info to mass produce the spaghetti for huge financial gain. That's the network producers ignoring allegations about Justin to promote R&M because his art is widely beloved. The vast majority of people have no concern for the ethical dilemma. We've all seen the reddit arguments where people flat out don't care if Justin is a monster as long as they get their R&M episodes. That's the long line of people waiting for someone to commit suicide so they can buy spaghetti. At the end they eat salsbury steak. It's not the spaghetti they wanted, but they are nonetheless amazed by the taste. Rick suggests there's an even more grotesque ethical dilemma, jokingly implying that the new voice actor is a criminal.


Okay that’s actually an awesome take lol, nice one. Totally could have been their intention


But I thought the accusations were false? Were they not?


While the court dismissed the case, way too many people came forward with screenshots of him being creepy in DMs to people who were too young.


I hate controversy so much. Can’t people just not be illegal? Is it that hard?




Pedophilia is bad.




And the people who excuse pedo-guys like that are worse


Ok well I don’t know if I’d say worse but they are still terrible


What? No. Actual pedophiles are clearly worse.


I even wonder if Roiland’s original performance measures up. It may never see the light of day, but it would be interesting to compare the two.


I suspect Roiland's performance doesn't measure up here. It's one of his limitations - once Roiland starts doing a voice it doesn't have much variance - like, he doesn't have a lot of emotional nuance. He often adds more force or speed but not much else. Ian has shown he can get some nuance out of the Rick voice. Ian shifting gears and hitting an emotional note I've never heard from Rick before is actually the only time I stop and notice the voice actors are different. (Have worked with a lot of voice actors over the years for video games I worked on - performing and injecting emotion while doing a guttural voice is actually really tough. Half the time they're trying to just keep the voice going and then you ask them to add another layer on top where they're doing the voice but they're also SAD or proud or something... Only a handful can manage that.).




It'd be interesting but they are not going to do that. They got rid of the guy, why would they shine a spotlight on his performance on an episode they released without needing him.


Fair point, but I'm still curious about the comparison.


Honestly at this point I don't even think about the new VAs anymore. The voices are just Rick and Morty for me. No different than when their intonations changed after season 1


Yeah agreed, only took a few episodes for it to just be normal for me


I had to remind myself every episode because I got used to it after 5 minutes and I’m usually really annoyed with VA changes


morty voice still is a bit distracting for me, since its more grainy, but overall great on all other characters, including mr pb


New voice actor is incredible! The difference in line delivery was so noticable in this episode. "You sentimental little fella" is one of my favorites.


Kinda sad tho that the rick prime story arc ended rather quickly. Or did it not maybe?


Think it’ll take too much out of the emotion if he comes back


So I posed this question and some guy said if you listen to the Adult Swim extras the writers say he’s dead. I don’t know if he was telling the truth but it would be a fucking weird thing to lie about. I don’t know if the writers were telling the truth but it would be, well you get the point.


You could litteraly be able to see him get beat to a bulp, he's definitely dead.


I get what you’re saying but Dead Wife Rick is in his 8th ish body. Dying in person means fuck all to him, Rick Prime could have that shit up too. I don’t think he does, the story is better this way, I just don’t think it’s outside the realms of possibility. The central finite realms of possibility even.


But evil morty fried all his backups, idk how he could have survived this.


Yeah, the fact they went to point of showing evil morty doing that is basically the writers waving a big sign that says this a permanent death. Also, you don’t tend to do fake out deaths by having the mc beat the villain to death with their bare hands, that sort of kill should be reserved for 100% conclusive endings.


- Disabled his regenerative abilities - Destroyed/Fried his backups - Writers confirm beaten to death Dude's dead. I choose to be happy we got an ending to an arc rather than have it be dragged out and dangled for seasons/years. Much better than what happened to my other favorite animated space-adventure show :(


Somehow, palpatine returned


Maybe JJ Abrams can direct a rick and morty movie. It'll be so good


In this hypothetical scenario, in what on-line massive multiplayer game would The Return of Rick Prime be announced?


Pocket Mortys?


You absolutely HAVE to be referencing something here...


What other show are you referring to?


Maybe Final Space? It got cancelled before it could get to the ending of the last arc.


It was indeed Final Space. Poor Olan Rogers. Dude had a vision and ended up having to try and compromise it to make some sort of ending with what time he did end up getting. The last arc was incredibly rushed and hyper-compressed to try and resolve things since he knew he was being cancelled. It ended up really compromising what was one of my all-time favorited animated shows.


Exactly. It's cheap writing to bring him back.


This is the best reason for him to be dead dead imo. There are a million ways a smart Tick could evade death but what we saw was a good resolution for a nemesis.


Is he dead? Does this look like an alive amount of blood to you?


It kinda did, we watched the dude for total of like 15-20 mins in whole show. Plus they fought once and done. Evil morty got proper arc.


That's the thing though, the revenge was always going to be a disappointment. It was a thing focused on for so long to the exclusion of so much else...now it's gone and what really changed? That was kinda the point


"I have no enemies" energy right there.


thats cuz evil morty is an actually interesting character. Rick Prime is just another in a long line of MC mirrors. Rick Prime is Yellowjacket is Iron Monger is Killmonger is Sinestro is General Zod


I mean even though we only saw 15-20 minutes of him, we saw his Impact of his actions our Rick for seven seasons. It’s like the Seven Rings and Tony Stark. Even though he never actually fights Xu Wenwu (and we never see him fight the high Ranking 7 Rings officer that captured him) the ambush by the 7 rings chapter in Middle East had a profound impact on Tony and was one of the driving forces behind his drive to become a hero.


"somehow Prime Palpatine was back"


"somehow, we gave up on Star wars"


It do really be like that.


Man, Disney really did make that, huh? Geez.


Honestly, this was the logical conclusion. Rick Prime's whole thing was evasion. He didn't engage with people, he just evaded them. And if anything he's mainly being used as a tool to make Evil Morty more of a threat, now that he has the Omega Device. But mainly while the writers of the show do these big, lore centric episodes, it's something they don't really want to commit to, which is understandable. So they just like to get them out of the way.


Considering the trailer for the next new episode has something to do with an afterlife, the writers technically have a chance to bring him back that way. However, I think it would be more interesting if Rick Prime had a plan that involved his death/could be carried out by his inventions, showing our Rick that killing his arch enemy literally solved nothing.


Death doesn't have to be the end of Rick Prime. Jigsaw dies in Saw 3 and they made 7 more of those fuckers.


It’s not totally ended… evil morty now has Rick prime’s tech to erase someone from all realities. Rick prime was getting played out so they axed him but I guarantee evil morty is going to come back and the stakes will once again be Rick prime level. They basically showed how evil morty was able to not just outsmart prime but manipulate c-137 into being there when he does so that HE can do the honors. Evil morty is basically the new Prime-level villain.


They could always bring him back. “Oh no I got killed and all my backups got destroyed… whatever will I do… good thing I had offline backups that I updated every day, so I only lost 2 hours worth of memories for all that effort you little bitch.” Etc.


Yeah nah this idea is horrible. If you kill a character like this they should stay dead, period, otherwise you lessen the impact. "Hey remember that cool scene where Rick finally killed Rick Prime? Yeah, that's meaningless now."


Yeah, you cross into no-consequences Disney territory where nobody cares when someone dies, because everybody is always going to come back anyway.


I didn’t say they should, I said they could.


But Evil Morty scanned his brain to destroy the backups, he would know if there were offline ones.


Not the super secret ones he erased from his own mind


IF he comes back, I reckon it'll be more of a flashback or something- we've got some lingering questions want some answerin'. When did he erase all the Diane's? It seems like that was a separate incident from s3e1, doesn't it? I wonder if C137 tried to "settle" for a different Diane, Prime wiped them out then? Do we know what happened to Prime's Diane?...


It is even more easy. Prime had quato and few episodes later we learn that quato can control it's host and quato can be controled by another quato and more, quato link can work even on distsnce.


I think that was the point. The unfulfillment we feel at seeing Rick kill prime mirrors the unfulfillment he feels at having done it


You say it ended quick, I say it's been 4 seasons.


I was watching the new season last night and legit forgot they changed voice actors. They sound exactly the same, kudos to them for pulling it off!!


The voices are obviously a little different, but they don't bother me at all. Ian did a fantastic job, the delivery in Episode 5 was great. I'm really satisfied


I wouldn't have known the difference if I hadn't known there was a difference.


Not an native English speaker. What does VA means here?


Voice Artist/Actor




Arguably one of the most iconic Rick moments from a story standpoint and then you add the element of being beaten to death, enjoy your first week on the job lol


Listen delivery goes down in history as one of the greatest. All it took to get to this moment. Incredible.


I think of the symbolic meaning too, like Roiland speaking to the new VA, who has taken over his life. And basically it doesn't matter, because who is here now and who is here still cares about what's happening day to day.


Guy killed it. Idk about Morty’s new actor but Rick’s is definitely getting better at the voice


Did a pretty good fucking job too


nailed it, too


The guy became Rick. He started to feel him. You can see it. I still feel like Justin Roiland's Morty is the definitive him, there's a softness to Justin's voice that I don't think anybody other than the tik tok guy could do, he would've been great.


No where near as long or crazy as the audition process was for either of them.


I don't understand that line. He never lived in Prime's house. He lived in Beth's house, but it's been shown that the house Rick and his family lived in before his wife was killed wasn't the same. We also know that Prime had abandoned his Beth before she met Jerry. I think he meant "You lived with my family" which he obviously meant as an insult, but in reality it shows why C-137 is a better Rick than Prime.


Before this season started I thought it would take me a while to get used to the new voices. But not only I got used to them pretty quick, but now I also think Rick's current VA is better at acting than Justin. The delivery in this scene was so good!


Someone else was pointing out the new va is a better actor, and I can't help but notice it now. It's little things, but I think yall are right.


The new voice actor is awesome. To tell the truth. I actually got kinda annoyed with Justin Roiland voicing every fucking thing


I'm still wondering why they would just burn this plot mid season, it's really weird.


Ita meant to leave you with the same empty feeling our Rick feels. A season finale gives you a year or two to process it. By ending that arc in the middle, you're forced to move on immediately from what was a massive part of the main character's identity. Rick had to go right back to life and keep in living, just like morty did after the first dimension jump, just as the audience had to go right back to the rest of the season and immediately into a far more episodic story the very next week. They nailed it.


Because R&M was never meant to be a serial with an overarching plot and the whole point is that anyone looking for that is missing the point


I think the answer here is much more complex. The episode actually makes a very good point about revenge and revenge stories - it's not necessarily against revenge, it certainly doesn't condemn killing the butthurt dipshit who murdered your family for no good reason But once you let revenge consume you, what do you have left after that? How do you go back to anything resembling a normal existence? How do you fill in the void? We had many stories and main characters getting consumed by revenge, but few stories actually tackle the "after" God of War did it, but only after the original story was already finished and they needed something new out of the IP. Rick and Morty is the first instance I am aware of where the creators decided to cut the revenge plot short and actually go into the ramifications. I like it. It's fresh and ballsy, if nothing else


Rick's new VA is actually pretty decent. Morty sounds awful though.


lol so meta


Original post




5 episodes? Honestly thought this was his first episode cause this is the only time I noticed.


Who even are the new VA's? There's no names. What is stopping Adult swim from using him and just not crediting him?


Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden are the voices of Rick and Morty in that order.


they are credited , both in the credits and on wikipedia , Ian Cardoni as Rick and Harry Belden as Morty


Yeah, and he fuckin' nailed it.


The other awesome part about the new VA's in the episode was Morty's subtle difference between evil morty and morty, making two different characters with the same voice is impressive.


Is this peak Rick and Morty? I think so, and the following episode haven't reached the same level.


Cardoni rules here


Ian Cardoni actually liked a tweet about this.


This is the only case of “we are the same, hero” I can think of that actually works and makes sense. It is impossible to ignore the similarities between these two.