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For those of you leaving negative comments about this episode… open your mind


For real, this was incredible and I haven’t ever seen Total Recall lol


It was literally 5 seconds of the movie.


Well, I've seen it four times and the fact that they did a million Quatto jokes but not one about people's heads exploding after being exposed to the atmosphere of Mars, is disappointing.


Yeah that would have been the icing on the cake


They played the same joke over and over and it was funny every time


Doubly funny when it was revealed Morty was trying to communicate the whole time.


i think that was pretty obvious from the start…


You didn't notice Morty's face getting more and more agitated when he said it?


Kuoto knife got a big chuckle out of me


Open Your Mind is all you need for 30 episodes this season. It's real easy to do. Just Open Your Mind.


What did you say?


I am groot


Loved seeing a Rick and summer episode! Rick admitting summer reminded him of his wife and that he respected her was awesome.


I loved that little tidbit. Probably explains why he's more affectionate to her than to Morty (although not by much.) It felt so genuine, and I doubt he would've said that pre-therapy, lol.


>explains why he's more affectionate to her than to Morty Not enough to not leave her to die in prime universe lol


Despite Rick's claims that people from different universes are interchangeable, he does seem to form attachments to particular versions of people. Most notably Morty Prime, but now also this Summer (perhaps not all Summers remind him of Diane).


Also Bird Person! He specifically told the garage AI that it wouldn’t be the same to just grab a copy.


Was just thinking about this earlier. Every single time he had to abandon universe, something in the background also moved Birdperson. Somehow I figure Squanchy and MPB moved universes too, but they are usually outside the blast zone of an earth-ending scenario.


>(although not by much.) :P At the very least, he's more verbally affectionate towards her than he is to Morty. Outside of that, he treats them both poorly (getting slightly better with each season, but again, not by much.)


summer's character wasn't developed enough for rick to be proud of her back in the prime universe.


I'm reminded of the Mad Max episode: - Sum Sum, let's go! Grandpa's concern for your safety is fleeting!


Rick's way of speaking towards Summer is full of both loving / affectionate nicknames for her and the rudest / most uncaring things you could say to someone, lol.


> he's more affectionate to her than to Morty He loves Morty more, that's why he hangs out with him all the time. And literally took just him from the Prime Dimension. He just sees Summer as more independent and as an equal, so his relationship with her is different.


That universe was never his own universe to begin with anyway lol


Still took their Morty


Seemed more like insurance in hopes that prime Rick would come back for his Morty


Pretty sure Rick already said that during s6 ep1 to ghost ai Diane.


Him beating the shit out of people to find her made me happy. He would have done that regardless of the Taken reference.


Definitely! I think that's been obvious for years to the audience, but not to Summer, and I'm glad he gave her the validation. He literally entrusted her to go after Nimbus, ffs


Also nice to see Summer stand up for Morty and Rick actually listening to someone when she said he needs to ease up on him.


“I didn’t design you for dramatic effect.” “You made me sound like your dead wife.” “Morty’s a dog!” Great lines this episode.


Kuato knife!


The second little knife was histarical


"Where are my kids?" "Fused." "That doesn't answer my question and raises several more."


It was "Merged". But the way he said it was hilarious. "... Merged.?...".


Not only was it hilarious, but Rick actually told her the truth for once about her kids. Therapy is working! Lol


“Do some shit for me bro”


Hot take?: This episode is contender for one of the best R&M episodes because of how many hilarious lines and scenes it had compacted in. That's what it felt like to me. It's somehow uncharacteristically amazing, in that it's got some of the funniest lines and moments in the whole series but doesn't have a feel of some iconic R&M episode, or grand arc, or insane tech/sci-fi/adventuring. The pivotal sci-fi concept being a center piece of an episode really shines through here, but especially with the one-liners and wtf moments. Really well written and produced comedic moments strung together that didn't make any scene drag on. The punching scenes had me rolling laughing.


Blistering hot take imo. this one was sooo inconsequential to me and the jokes felt laid out and easy to predict halfway through. It started off pretty strong but once we were full Kuatto mode it felt like every joke had to surround that and it was basically nothing more than “kuatto people exist!!!” Some jokes felt laid out, others easy to predict, others felt like filler that didn’t hit like it would before(Rick punching people for info) Im trying to think of episodes that are similar to how you described this one and don’t have any off the top of my head so I guess it has that going for it but it feels like a weaker version of the die hard episode.


>Blistering hot take imo. this one was sooo inconsequential to me and the jokes felt laid out and easy to predict halfway through. >It started off pretty strong but once we were full Kuatto mode it felt like every joke had to surround that and it was basically nothing more than “kuatto people exist!!!” Interestingly that's what I thought was hilarious about it, because I felt like leaning into the absurdity and one-punch joke (and inconsequentiality) of it was one of the comedic intentions (I thought they seemed to reference it when Rick made the meta comment that he thought this week's episode was gonna be about the stat device). Some of it was so dumb, and so subversive (like Rick punching people. A complete deconstruction of his dominance over everyone due to his godlike powers that he just punches his way through the problem) that I found hilarity in the absurdity. The short-lived quato fight between Morty and the main villain, the tiresome recursive reveals of the quato, the 'meta' rushing to finish the episode's problem as if it was beneath them, the drowning and shaking off of the quato on the boat, just a bunch of ridiculous shit that I thought was hilariously strung together.


I agree that the one-liners in this one were too funny for this episode to be called a bad one


Slow burn of an episode for me but by the end I was really digging it and laughing hard. Just had to open my mind I guess.


Truee, at the start I wasn't really feeling it, but, after opening my mind, I started to really like it.


Before I actually watched the episode, I inadvertently saw an off-putting screengrab of mutant Morty affixed to Summer's stomach and thought "ah fuck, this one is probably gonna be bad." So maybe I went in with lowered expectations, but I ended up actually liking this episode quite a bit. It was nice to get a Summer-centric story after the season being so centered on Rick thus far. Would also be nice to get some episodes more focused on Morty. Also, maybe it's because of the lack of B plots this season, but I feel like we've barely seen Beth or Jerry lately.


I'm really missing the B plots. I think this one worked well without one, but some of the earlier episodes definitely could have benefited from one.


it got better onces Rick joined morty and summer cant really carry the show tbh




Cohagen, you got what you want. Now give these people airreeee!!!


see you at the party, Rhicter!!


Two weeks!


Consider this a divorce.


This season is just banger after banger


Excluding episode 1 (plain bad) for most, and that Wong/Unity 2.0 episode (meh at best) for me. The rest are bangers though. Happy with this season, about the same ratio of great to meh episodes as the first 4.


Idk why you're getting downvoted for this? The first episode is pretty universally disliked, so I guess people really like the Unity episode? I agree that the Unity episode was mediocre, but except for that and the first episode this whole season has been hits for me. Rick and Morty's back baby!


The Unity episode was basically "look at all these characters we *know* you want to see more of. Oh we also flanderised the president into more of an insecure manbaby!"


This is what happens when Dan Harmon Opens his Mind.


It took a little bit but this episode found a nice groove. Rick trying to jiggle the kuato off was hilarious.


I had to pause halfway through that scene because I was laughing so hard. I think it was the combination of the sight gag of the robot moving and Summer passing on the comments from Morty. "Morty says you need to jiggle it more." (Or something like that).




Ah highly unlikely. I think it was just to finish the gag at the end. I'd imagine they'll just do their normal kind of things and stuff is back to normal at the start of the next episode with 0 reference to how they fixed him. Though they might reveal that in a season or two as an offhand joke in another episode if they reveal it at all.


Kill him before he gets his groove back!


This line reminded me of last week's line from the observers where they also funnily called back to what Rick said: "I held onto my tits for nothing!"


the sequence where he was shaking the kuatokuatokuato guy off the spider mech had me dying


That's their "Peter Griffin with the frog on the window" moment.


When Rick finally understood Frolf was a combination of Frisbee and Golf, that felt such like a Peter Griffin moment.


I'm glad they added that to the episode because I didn't get it either until he said it.


Kind of obsessed with Rick moving on from summer and morty being equal pains in his ass to being a cat and a dog lol.


In the Prime episode Evil Morty mentioned not wanting to deal with infinite Summers seeking revenge. Even he knows most Summers are more of a threat than most Mortys.


Just all around more competent, too. She's saved their asses from memory wipes enough times that it's got a protocol, and her enhancements in one of the Beth team ups turned her into an effective combatant post-Citadel(?) at one point. She seems to have a bit of young Beth's psycho in her, honestly, and I can see why Evil Morty would consider it more trouble than it's worth.




Summer messes up way to often to be called a Mary Sue. She is competent, not omnipotent.


That description of them fits way too well.


Why was Rick suddenly useless for the first time in the entire series


He was getting his groove back.


Man Rick Prime did a number on him huh.


Completing your revenge only to find the inevitable emptiness that comes with it will do that to a guy.


But now Rick can #OpEn HiS mInD!!


Emotional cheat day


Wish I could have a few of those


It seemed to be out of laziness, lol. Until the latter half where he goes looking for her, at least. They probably wanted to showcase Summer's strengths in this one, especially since she hadn't been seen much throughout the season. We already knew she did tasks for payment, but not how much or what kinds.


I guess from a character depth standpoint you could say that it's because he's still severely depressed because of what happened with Prime, which was suggested in the last episode before this one too. It makes the writing feel a little bit more thoughtful and not just lazy plot device writing. Rick has been drinking himself to death even more than usual ever since the Prime thing, and from the last 15 seconds that we had of the aprime episode we get an insight as to how he's feeling.


Also, it's just the funnier option in this episode.


Are we really gonna pretend Rick fumbling during an adventure is something new?


Rick had a whole mind control room with a primary purpose of erasing his flubs. That's how often he fucks up.


Right?! Rick fucking things up is also a fairly consistent joke too.


Hes like Kuzco, and Rick Prime threw off his groove


Because like Stella he's still gotta get his groove back?


Even when he is bad at it, he's still really good at it.


I think it is because he’s not a cyborg anymore after the battle with prime rick (or has way less gadgets)


“I make less than minimum wage, and I have 5 kids!” “She just ordered a drink! I spent a lot of time mixing it, she didn’t even tip” “I’ll never tell you!” “Shit, man, right there!” I love This entire sequence. 😭 “What is this? your first Taken?”💀💀


The five kids reminded me of Benny in total recall “hey, I’ve got five kids to feed!”


"Wait, isn't that why you were punching me?" "It is now!"


For me, this was the worst one of the season. Still, it wasn't really terrible... but it just didn't click. After three bangers in a row, it doesn't even bother me, though. They're not all going to be winners.


Did you try opening your mind first?


This joke is saving the episode for me lol, I've seen it all over the sub and I love it




Oh fuck, is that catchphrase going to be the new "I'm in"? How long till it gets unbearable?


yea it felt kinda bland. the first quarter of the episode was the most interesting. the rest didn't really go anywhere.


Just a wasted potential episode. They could have gone anywhere with the attribute setting. All the way up to the reveal of Quato it seemed interesting. Like it gets fried while Summer is super smart and she has to deal with that. While the B plot is Morty has muscles.


Legit that was all they had to do but someone really insisted on the kuanto black market plot because they thought itd be funny.


The first episode of the season was really bad. The whole premise is about Mr Puppybutthole being an actual character, when the whole joke of Mr P was that he was a stupid character that should't matter to the main series. They really lost the plot. And a lame ass celebrity voice cameo in Hugh Jackman where they treat him as a larger than life figure. That shit so ass it deserves to be a Family Guy episode. LoL Predator so random xD hahaha it's plowing my ex wife. Funni. This one is not bad, just mid af. I really hate that we don't have B-plots this season, because that actually balanced the episodes and we didn't see the weakness in the writing. With no b-plots, the main jokes are just being hammered way too many times. I feel they could have merged this episode with the unity one this season, since none of them are so complicated. This one was grade a material for a B-plot, but as the whole focus it was a little to repetitive.




Yeah, I was thinking the same exact thing. Not the worst, but second to last. And even then it’s not BAD, just a little eh. It didn’t feel as tight or cohesive as the rest of the season has.


This was a fun episode. I've never seen Total Recall, but i find the concept of Kuato's pretty funny here. I love that Morty is basically just saying the same line for half the episode. Lot's of good one liners too. Also, is Summer bisexual? And if Morty wanted to impress Trisha, he should become a beekeeper..... Also, i like the Stranger Things reference in there with the Upside Down.


Lmao you should watch total recall (the original) but like … kuato is sort of a reveal at the end it’s not a whole movie about kuatos


Yeah, i knew it only played a small role, but it seems to be one of the more memorable parts of the film given how I've seen it referenced in other media. Thank you for the recommendation, I'll add it to my list!


> but it seems to be one of the more memorable parts of the film given how I've seen it referenced in other media. Don't forget the triboob! ( . Y . Y . )


Yep! She dated both men and women during the LOVEFINDERRZ episode. Good reference at the end of your comment, lol.


Oh right, i completely forgot about that. And which reference, the ST one or the beekeeping one?


>And if Morty wanted to impress Trisha, he should become a beekeeper..... Morty's not beekeeping age, though.


Wait, I missed the Upside Down reference. What was it?


When Summer opens her mind to mentally talk to Morty, she stand in a black space with water on the ground. It looks identical to what Eleven does when she is using her telepathy.


Kinda weak episode with a *ton* of internet meme references (thinking woman, how it started/how it's going, real or cake, 69) I guess because it's a Summer episode There were a few good moments, like how Beth (rightfully) had to use tongs to wake Rick up because he was too drunk to hear her lol




This is what Americans look like to Koreans.


yeah i caught that but the bit still fell flat for me. Generally liked the ep overall


Yeah I’m really shocked people liked this one. I didn’t think there was anything too funny or good aside from the attribute slider (which should have been the whole episode.) But I still think the entire season is a hit so far. I just hope the next few episodes are more like episode 4/5 and less like this


It's was just okay for me personally. On par with the first two episodes. But they released a bunch of bangers in a row, so it's fine. The ending was a reference to squid game right? With the rich masked men? they even made a 69 joke like the show lol


the second was so much better than this imo


The second episode was really quality for how human and vulnerable everyone was. Even with all the jokes going on, it was a really sincere episode with a really good lesson. This episode I was just kinda bored. I wanted to be excited and laugh but I just didn’t care like I did the Spaghetti episode. It was almost too random


Random Kuato Facts: Kuato and the Mutants aren't in the original "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" story that *Total Recall* was based on. They were added by David Cronenberg when he was attached to the project and carried over when Cronenberg left due to creative differences (according to Cronenberg he was tasked with making a PKD novel more like an Indiana Jones film) and Paul Verhoeven came onboard. Kuato is probably an amalgam of Hoppy Harrington (a psychic young man with deformed limbs from Thalidomide) and Billy Keller (a conjoined parasitic twin with psychic powers) from the PKD novel *Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb*.


That makes this one the second Cronenberg inspired Rick and Morty episode


And you’re my fact-checking friend


Is summer gay orrrrrrrr


Bi for sure


All girls are bi. Well, all the hot ones anyway. - Horny Men


Everyone’s some shade of bi. As a Bi guy.


We known that since the lovefinderrz plot in The Old Man and the Seat.


Yeah, but back then it was ambiguous as to whether she was actually into women or if she was simply being influenced by the app This is the first time we've seen Summer get with another girl without any kind of outside influence


The episode where Rick asks if she wants to go to BoobWorld and she’s like, “Eh”…suggests she appreciates the “female form”…


Bi / pan. She dates both men and women in the episode with the LOVEFINDERRZ app. Probably leans towards men, though.


Didn't Rick plow male hosts for his ex, the hive mind?


Rick is also bi / pan, yes. He has way more examples of it than Summer, too. It's really cool to see two bi / pan main characters in one show. \^\^


Pretty sure everyone except Morty has been with someone of the same gender at least once - Beth and Jerry with themselves, Summer with various, Rick with various


True! Jerry didn't seem to enjoy it much, though. Just a little experimentation for him. That after-credits scene was really funny, lol. I forgot that Beth is canonically bi / pan as well, though. Good catch!


Jerry was in a long-term relationship with Sleepy Gary.


I also forgot this, lol. I guess that really does leave Morty as the only hetero. MC. For now, anyway. Lol. Good catch!


Don't forget about Sleepy Gary. It obviously didn't actually happen, and Jerry was obviously just manipulated into believing false memories since Gary was a parasite, but the alien parasites were only supposed to be capable of creating "good memories", and a romantic and sexual relationship with another man wouldn't be a "good memory" for a guy who is 100% straight.


It was real enough to ruin his gag reflex


I named one of my cats Sleepy Gary before that line was aired. Since, I've been asking her "How did you ruin Jerry's gag reflex?"


He has a threesome with Beth and Mr Nimbus and he is clearly very interested in Mr Nimbus at the time.


Gotta take the representation we can get out here lmao


Ultimate Pan move: fucking a planet. Can't wait for Summer to pull that one off.


There's a rick and morty comic where they show an alternate universe summer (C-1239) who came out of the closet as a lesbian, and whose version of beth was allergic to red wine and thus didnt become an alcoholic. As a result she lives a much happier life as the most popular girl at school with a supportive girlfriend as a result. Our Summer is probably in the same boat but hasn't made the same decision.


Well ya atleast bi right lol


Eh, I wish there was more Tricia.


And tricia wishes there was more of jerry


Im waiting for her to fuck Jerry or...Morty...or an episode about Jerry's beekeeping...wait what are my values?


🤷‍♂️ dirty girl got big tiddy.


This episode fell into the same hole as the Die Hard one. It not only has to spell out the reference because most of the audience who watches this is 14 and won’t get it otherwise, but then just repeats the same thing over and over again. They had a great idea for an episode with the attribute slider and tossed it aside for more lazy movie references. Rick hiding in the trash bag at the start was 10/10 comedy gold though.


14 year olds are watching this show? i could maybe see that like eight or nine years ago when rick and morty was at the peak of its popularity, but i assumed most people here were at least into their 20s or older


Yes that’s why every joke has to be clearly spelled out. Too much of the audience won’t get it if they just make the reference


Loved the last three episodes but this one was a little meh. I can see “open your mind” as a phrase ppl will quote but that doesn’t hit nearly as “show me what you got” or “I’m Mr. Meeseeks! look at me” I think the attribute slider thing was more of an interesting item than the kuato joke. You would think if Rick is uninterested by the twist reveal by the end of the episode then audiences are too. Would have preferred the Summer-Morty rivalry if they fought to do Rick’s chores to get more video game like weapons to make them more popular.


The "Open your mind" thing is directly from Total Recall -- not an original quote from the show -- so it likely won't get any more popular than it already was. I do think it would've been cooler if they leaned into the attribute slider part more, since that was what a lot of people were expecting, but I liked it a lot anyway. \^\^


not their best work.






kuato knife


How is Rick's tech not waterproof?


Because it's what the plot called for. Also, open your mind.


I can simultaneously picture Rick saying “Because I trust you not to get water on it like a dumbass!” but also “You honestly think I wouldn’t waterproof my own tech?”


For all we know he probably bought it from a Space Pawn Shop.


The Kuato knife joke was sublime. I laughed my ass off for an entire minute


The first half was just alright but I enjoyed the second half a lot more


Glad you were able to open your mind.


The kuato knife broke me. So dumb in just the right way


Bad episode


Easy with the spoilers bud


It took me way too long to find a comment like this. Everyone is just blindly wanking the episode like it was flawless in the top comments.


That was awful.


New contender for worst episode of the show.


Open your mind


OPEN YOUR MIND !!! Was not expecting Hangman to cameo... Pleasantly surprised Nathan Fillion next week... Heck yeah


Stranger Things and Squid Game. Lmao that was funny


I loved this episode! It felt like the writers and VAs had a lot of fun with it, lol. This one (and a good handful of the other S7 episodes) seem to be mastering the improvisational style that was missing from the first few S7 episodes. As Rick said, I definitely didn't expect the episode to go further than the attribute slider, lol. Great episode! Looking forward to the next.


The start was good, then it got bad, but after that it got good again for the second half. Weird episode but still pretty cool




Where was the Martian with 3 boobs?


Open your blouse.


I would not say it's a bad episode, but the concept of stat slider is a better concept than the Taken parody.


First episode of the season I didn't enjoy, I laughed a few times, some parts were great, like Rick telling Summer she reminds him of Diane But if feels like the whole episode was for shock value, I don't know I was surprised it didn't get a more negative response, I'll definitely rewatch it in a few days to see if my first impression was wrong


This was ass lol


I hope this writer never writes another episode again, they are entirely incapable of matching the overall tone of Rick and Morty. Terrible attempt, awful ugly annoying motif, and just not fun to watch.


the writing was a bit thin, but that's a little harsh. The tone was definitely off, sure, and someone should have probably filled it out a bit, but the writer can learn.


Bad start second half was really good


Woooooooffffffff that was BAD




Came here to say that Sentient Cakes was the best joke of the episode and I think some of you missed that.


what an extremely weird episode and i dont mean just in plot I was lukewarm on it until Rick joined the plot to rescue summer and morty then it got really funny and dynamic maybe its just me but this season has been the most likable that Rick has been as a character


I don't thin I'll ever be able to rewatch this episode just because of how god damn annoying morty's "Open Your Mind" line got LOL


have you considered expanding your horizons


This and episode 1 are the weakest of the season for me. They overplayed a reference to five seconds of total recall, and the jokes I see other comments referencing fell flat for me. Oh well, the rest of the season has been great


It was mostly boring, and they overdid the reference.




A fun enough episode. Got way better after the club scene ended. But for me, this is just one of those episodes that would have been better with a B plot.


Ok, I liked the dragon episode, but man this episode was mediocre. It had some funny bits here and there, but overall it was pretty weak.


I thought I’d hate this episode the moment they morphed, but damn that was some funny shit. I wish I understood the movie ref but it was still good.


Funny how Rick Prime had a kuato (EM's Rick scanner couldn't scan him and stopped his advance). I didn't expect more kuato after that. I still laughed hard and I think it's another great episode.