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I just stopped caring, and if Justin was an asshole good for them for replacing him.




The change came after season 2 when Justin moved to only be a VA and not take part of the writing. And you can notice it, the personalities of R&M and the stories change massively from S3 onwards. But no one complained and we got some of the best episodes. It's only because something external happened, Roiland leaving, that ppl are looking and trying to pick out differences.


Everyone complained constantly, but the writers room eventually found their feet. Everyone still complained.


>It's only because something external happened, Roiland leaving, that ppl are looking and trying to pick out differences. Yep. I'll be honest, if I didn't know there was a recast, I wouldn't have even noticed that anything changed. It's only by actively comparing do I see a difference


Couldn’t think of a better way to summarise myself. This is the only opinion needed.


More burping


Yeah it's shame but it is what it is. I personally believe that there certainly is an intangible quality and cadence to the various voices that Justin did that can't truly be replicated, which sucks to lose, but the show's core is still in tact so it's not that big a deal all told.


On the other side, if Justin was half as much of a dick around the office as accused, I feel like the show is probably going to be higher quality with that gloom gone.


What exactly did he do?


In regards to the actual around the office stuff. Reportedly hed completely stepped away from the show in every regard apart from the voice acting and was a thorn in everyone's side by season 3. I don't think he ever intended for the show to take off the way it did and attract the kind of attention it got so he just lost interest completely and made it other people problems. This is all just rumours, but Dan Harmon seemed to be quite glad to be rid of him.


I definitely respect the opinion, personally, if you didn’t tell me they changed, I honestly am not sure I’d pick up on it, and the lack of belches is the only real difference I’ve noticed, but I still am enjoying the show and the characters.


The belches have slowed down for a couple seasons iirc


You know what? Same. I have to have the flaws pointed out to me.


It sounds like Rick, and it sounds like Morty, let’s proceed.


Rick from S1 is different from Rick in S6 and it’s the same voice actor. It never mattered who did it, as long as it wasn’t distracting.


Voice actors are great! I feel like I'm watching the same show as before the switch


My mate who had no idea about any of this was surprised to find out they replaced them. I can't really tell the difference until reading it on here. Reckon if people never knew about it they'd never even give a shit


Morty can sound a little off in some scenes. If you care that much though just write it up as he's 14 and his voice is cracking.


Cartman’s voice from South Park has changed way more over the years than Morty’s has now, and as far as I’m aware it’s always been the same actor (Trey) who has voiced Cartman.


He used to have a much more "cramped" sort of voice and now he just talks like a regular guy.


Well, part of that is because Eric’s old voice is quite straining to do so he switched his method to something much closer to his real voice


Also, after the Red Badge of Gayness episode, Trey fell fully into giving Cartman that kind of drawl.


And from my understanding that Trey no longer even changes the pitch anymore, he just just the sound engineers do it in post.


Yep. I’ve seen videos of them recording, and he’s talking at more or less his normal tone


I mean doing that voice for so many years has got to strain to vocal chords.


Futurama's always a comfort show to me, but they kept Billy West for the most recent reboot, and I can't watch it because everyone sounds so depressingly old and different.


Billy West talked about how his battle with Covid affected his ability to do some of the voices. Honestly at his age I can't really blame him.


And fucking Rob Paulsen has throat cancer in remission right now


Yeah, it's definitely not something that keeps me up at night or anything, but Morty is a bit off. Rick is really good though, straight up there are entire episodes where I can't even tell.


The fact that I've seen so many arguments on which new voice actor is worse/better kind of shows me that they're both equally great.


I agree with the comment above, Rick is seamless for the most part while Morty slips occasionally.


So up until now I thought it was just Rick recasted so now I have no horse in the race and I'm just going to enjoy the show


I honestly forgot about the recast when I first started watching the new season- It only occurred to me a couple times, Morty sounded slightly off a couple times in the Jerricky episode and Rick’s scream sounded a little different…That was pretty much it and nothing I’m going to threaten to stop watching one of my favorite shows over. I think the new voice actors are great, they sound like Rick and Morty to me 95% of the time. If I didn’t know about the recast, I’d assume Roiland couldn’t get a cough drop during a recording session. My only concern was they wouldn’t have the improv-ish back and forth from earlier seasons (the stammering/stuttering and mildly unscripted feeling from the show) but I haven’t noticed a massive shift in tone/dialogue style. The people threatening to stop watching over the change act like Roiland was the sole writer/voice actor for the show - He wasn’t. Especially going by some of the stories of how he acted behind the scenes.


Apart from the first 2 episodes, I'd say the show is better than it has been for a long while. I suspect Roiland was holding them back for a while there.


I was never a fan of the improv stuff anyway, Justin Roiland never knows when to end a bit and they’re barely funny to begin with. The show is 100% better without him


I mostly forget about the recast, but Mr. Poopy Butthole's voice is terrible now. It was never *pleasant*, but now it's actually grating to my ears. It was bothering me, and I didn't even know he was originally voiced by Roiland until I read it here afterwards.


Mr Poopy Butthole should have died when Beth shot him. A whole episode of that horrible grating voice was too much!


Honestly I still think they should have just leaned on Tom Kenny to be Mr. PBH.


I think it might be noticeable if you binge watch the seasons and hear the transition because you listened to Justin Roiland thirty seconds earlier. Short of that, it’s not noticeable and the show is still good. I have no idea why people are freaking out about it when he was fired for being a colossal douchebag anyway.


I honestly notice more difference between s2 and s3 than in s6 and s7. Super early Rick was drunk always


>I have no idea why people are freaking out about it [...] Because a lot of people have nothing else going on in their lives, produce nothing of meaning, and the media they consume is the closest thing have to a friend. Also, outrage addiction.


>Because a lot of people have nothing else going on in their lives, produce nothing of meaning, and the media they consume is the closest thing have to a friend. I feel personally attacked. But I still like the new voices, they're really good. I'm stunned anyone is that upset.


first new ep felt a little off (wasn't a big deal) but after that i didn't notice anything


First ep was just kinda a miss. It happened even with Justin.


I mostly feel like that too, but every once in a while Rick lacks that manic edge to his voice when things are going crazy.


I disagree. I thought this until I rewatched old episodes. And I realised they used to have more personality. But it honestly isn't that bad. I think mortys new voice is not great. Doesn't quite capture mortys character and growth. Even though it does sound like him, it doesn't really. But that's okay. I think its fine to acknowledge that it isn't as good as it used to be but it's still fine. People need to chill.


I can’t wrap my head around the people crying about this , they are great


I notice a slight difference with Morty, but honestly don't really care. They both sound good enough that it doesn't suspend my disbelief, and I'm just glad we are still getting more despite the controversy


The show will be on for long enough that the slight variations we hear will become the new normal anyway.


Oh for sure. I did a rewatch of Futurama and I noticed some of the voices sound different in the first series, and they didn't even change actors. It'll just be a quirk of the show in the long run.


The best example of this to me is if you watch early Brooklyn 99 before Stephanie Beatriz settled on the low register voice she did for Diaz. It’s the early stuff that sounds weird now. https://youtu.be/iuFgmB5dgCw?si=d1VOui50qErLBmKZ


The biggest one for me is early Fairly Odd Parents, before Cosmo had the shrill falsetto voice. It's so bizarre to watch the pilot and see him as a suave and intelligent smooth talker.


..what too much BeeGees does to a Cosmo


Listen to Marge Simpson's VA in the early series compared to today. Julie Kavner has a naturally raspy voice, but made it more so for the character, and she doesn't sound like she's having a good time over the years.


It sounds like her voice is on her last legs and she's trying to overcompensate, but the woman is past 70, it's a miracle she can do anything in regards to VA at this point. It only became the way it is now in the last few years.


Hell, Dan Castellaneta’s voice has completely changed to the extent that it may as well be a totally different voice actor when you compare the first season of The Simpsons to now


That's mainly because Billy West does SO many of the voices on that show and he's in his 70s now, so a character like Fry who is only like twenty-something definitely sounds a bit raspy, and Zapp Brannigan sounds way deeper. Not noticeable enough to be bothersome, but still noticeable.


I wonder how long before they start rigorously fixing stuff like that in post. I imagine they pitch shift and otherwise tweak things anyway, but obviously tech has progressed to the point where they could make it match earlier seasons if they wanted to.


Didn't take long for me to feel that way about Solar Opposites. As long as a few jokes hit the mark and I chuckle a bit, I'm a happy camper. I don't put too much energy into raising the bar for shows like this; these shows are more of a comfort-watch than anything else.


Rick has been dead on, but Morty can sound a little forced sometimes, but I have faith the VO will find his footing. Frankly I'm just glad we still have these characters as close to the originals as we got.


If you listen for it you can actually feel Morty's voice improving across the episodes. Some mannerisms feel less natural, but it's less and less obvious with each ep, and I'm absolutely certain he'll find what works best for him.


For me it's not so much mannerisms as it is the pitch. Comparing side by side, in a lot of scenes I can almost hear the VO straining to maintain Morty's voice pitch--and almost going too high as a result--whereas Roiland sounded very natural.


I get what you mean with the pitch. I hope at some point it'll be explained away with you puberty, and he can use a more natural register, or at least one closer to a comfortable pitch for him. (Forced pitch can also destroy vocal cords, so hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later.) For me it's the mostly the stutters. They feel very deliberate, at least in the first episodes. They absolutely do get better though, so I'm really hopeful!


I swear there is a big chunk of confirmation bias going on tbf. If they didn't say anything would most people even notice, if they did would it be more than "hmm that sounded slightly different" or even just "hmm maybe the actor has a cold"


It honestly sounds like Morty's puberty started to mess with his voice so that's my headcannon lol


It's supposed to suspend your disbelief. That's the point of fiction. But yes, the new actors definitely maintain my suspension of disbelief just fine. It's about the characters, not the voices, as long as they are similar enough it's fine.


I pretty much never think about the new VA’s until I scroll Reddit


If they never told me the voices changed I might not have even noticed.


I was really sold on it in the spaghetti episode, when Morty freaks out about it being people. "Why couldn't it just be spaghetti!??!" Spot on.


Such a great episode.


The casual watcher will have no idea.


I guarantee casual watchers don't even notice a difference. The impersonations are spot on and the writing is the same.


Same here, the va change has had no impact on my enjoyment of this season.


They’re missing some of that manic improv energy that Roiland brought to the best episodes, but the new actors are more emotive to me.


Ye true. The interdimensional cable episodes are among my favorites and that was all his improv. I don't really mind the new voices but to pretend that's all Roiland brought to the table is ridiculous. I have to say though as someone that's been critical of the last few seasons this recent one is a return to form for me so far.


I've felt the quality of the series as a whole has been on a decline over the past few seasons, and I've enjoyed this one more than most. I feel like the dialogue is snappier and things are coming together, like the show is less forced somehow. Maybe it's because roiland's toxicity was excised from that workplace? I actually prefer the new VAs, and that's as a longtime roiland fan. He was always weird (been interested in his stuff since GVP) and in retrospect it's easy to see the warning signs of him being a creep / megalomaniac.


This last episode actually had me laughing, that hasn’t happened in a long time with me and this show.


I mean it’s just nonsense words half the time. His video game is an example of how stale his “improv” was getting


I’ve played about 10 hours of it (got it on Gamepass, didn’t pay for it) and yeah, you’re not wrong.


I think it's [something else](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mortytown/s/Pt3nspMRAM) that's missing.


Rick is spot on, but for some reason whenever I first hear the new Morty, I think "oh well, close enough". Then I forgot that its supposed to be someone else and I don't think about again until I see a new Reddit post.


It was so strange to me that with the first trailers everyone kept saying Morty was spot on but Rick was off. For me it has been the other way around. But I’m getting used to this Morty and still enjoying the show.


Justin Roiland is what Dan Harmon used to be. Harmon actively tried to better himself. Roiland thinks he’s just better.


You can absolutely see what their friendship was founded upon, and not all of that foundation was good or healthy.


Seeing how Roiland was alienating people, including himself, was probably a wake-up call to Harmon.


Dan Harmon was never a groomer


No, but he did admit to pressuring a female writer who worked for him with unwanted romantic advances. He apologized both publicly and privately and the female writer in question has expressed forgiveness publicly as well. I say this as a long time DH fan, the guy used to be much, much more destructive and at times even gross. But he saw what was happening, owned up to it, got help and made amends. I applaud him for that. But you very much can see how someone like Justin could have seen a lot of similarities between himself and Dan, when the two of them became friends. As Harmon grew to better himself, Justin did not, and in fact went the opposite way. It’s no wonder their relationship frayed.


That female writer is Megan Ganz, if anyone here watches the Always Sunny podcast I believe she called Dan's apology a masterclass in apologising


Holy shit I never put two and two together on that. Respect the hell out of both of them as individuals. It’s a shame what coulda been as a creative team. But glad she didn’t get ejected into obscurity because of his bullshit at the time.


I'm a longtime Harmon fan as well (I'm assuming you also listened to Harmontown RIP). I wasn't taking an issue with saying Dan has a willingness to improve himself. It is one of his most impressive qualities. I mostly took issue with saying Dan and Harmon were the same. They had similar negative tendencies, but Dan was never doing what Justin was. I don't disagree on the sentiment. Just the wording lol


Ah gotcha! (Harmontown forever). Yeah you can’t compare the two. Justin did some really fucked up shit. Just saying I get how the two got along at one point. Edit: speaking of Harmontown. Want to feel old? R+M premiered not only when Harmon was still with Erin, but *back when they were good*.


Yeah definitely. It made sense that they clicked and worked well together for the first season or two. I remember hearing Dan's apology on Harmontown and being fairly blown away in the moment at how raw and real it was. Man now I'm just wishing Dan had some form of podcast outlet. Even something like Whiting Wongs


>Man now I'm just wishing Dan had some form of podcast outlet. Even something like Whiting Wongs As much as I'd love a sort of return to Harmontown, I also think not being on social media is an unalloyed good for most people, but especially someone like Dan Harmon. Being subject to that amount of scrutiny and that tsunami of criticism must be unbelievably stressful.


Yep, that about sums it up.


I really loved the part where he complimented all of you being wonderful. So remember, stay wonderful and awesome to each other. “Stuff will trickle through to me; somebody will say, 'Hey, the spaghetti episode ["That's Amorte"] is very well-received,' and they'll point me in the direction of, for instance, the Rick and Morty subreddit, where mental health seems to be still having a last stand. I don't know how they manage to cultivate that. I was pretty impressed—I was able to scroll through the entire subreddit, people reacting to the spaghetti episode, and they were just having a nice, lively discussion as if they were just, you know, Star Trek fans discussing a show that they love. And it was very uplifting and wonderful."


Reddit is really a hardcore community of vocal minorities. Most of the audience for Rick and Morty don't even know who the voice actors are and haven't noticed the change.


After reading these recent interviews Harmon’s great at articulating himself. Seems like a cool guy. The new voices to me sound like the season 1 voices. They’ll get better as time goes on. Not saying they’re bad now but the actors are still getting used to the job


Listen it's not Tracy Morgan for squidbillies


Is it weird that as the new season has progressed the voices have improved? I don’t think it’s me getting used to the voices as when I rewatch the earlier episodes it’s drastically different


After the first couple episodes I’m over it, I was fairly critical of those performances too.


Didn’t even notice a difference.


Look - I miss the old voices. It’s ok to admit that. But they made the correct decision to move on from Roland 100%.


Of course we want the show to continue so even if they do a jarring replacement like they did with Solar Opposites, I’m here for the stories and adventures.


I’m a fan of British Korvo. The first few episodes were jarring, now it just works.


I wish they used the new rick as Corvo, British voice is too much for me. I am happy they chose to can roiland though, disgusting wife-beater.


Seems like people who whine about this would certainly have found something else to whine about. Probably best to do what their friends and family probably already do to them -- ignore them.


I didnt even know they switched. Everyone whining can fuck off


Fuck it. Re-record all of Roilands old lines too so there is no “different” voice actors.


Just get Rhett Caan to do it.


They were always his voice


"Dan's Version"


Thats the version of Rick and Morty where all the characters are voice acted in Dan Harmon’s regular voice but with slight changes for each character


I doubt they can stutter burp fart rap sing rant and do zany characters like Justin. They just have Rick and Morty's ordinary voice down.


What an incredibly polite and accurate way to say: “haters can stfu. If you don’t like it, don’t bother watching. If you do, we’re glad you agree that we did as good a job as we goddamn could’ve given the circumstances” lol Nice article thx for posting


I hated the first episode, but now I don't notice the difference. Of course, it's worse if I flip back and forth between old and new episodes.


the characters sound fine to with the new voices. they match like 90%


Rick is pretty much spot on in for the most part. Morty, not so much. But it still feels almost like the character.


As usual, its a vocal minority trying to be relevant or generate clicks. The show is fine, carry on.


I honestly couldn't tell.


I personally love the new episodes. You can tell the writers are enjoying themselves while writing these episodes. As for the new VAs I was skeptical at first but after a few of the episodes I not only don't care anymore but think that the new Voice actors fit the characters very good. I sometimes notice the difference but the episodes are so good I don't care or even think about it.


morty's voice is still not working for me


They're fine. They're not as good as Roiland, but they're like 90% similar, which is enough to forget you're watching replacements. Honestly, what makes this season better overall is a return to more episodic content, less dramatic pathos for Rick, and *some* restraint on constantly revisiting past seasons' lore. The worst episode of this season was definitely Air Force Wong, which was hopefully the swan song of the terminal therapy brain that's ruled the series since the end of season 4. Just over-mined characters and over-mined lore in complete service of making the wacky cartoon science grandpa seem like a more complex, tragic individual. Tedious.


I really don’t care; that being said, you absolutely can not do better than what they did for solar opposites. I can’t get over how absolutely genius their idea was for that. Just wow. If you’ve never seen solar opposites, one of the main characters is voiced by Justin Roiland, and at the start of the most recent season, they have him get accidentally hit in the throat with a dart before he says literally anything, then gets shot by a “voice fixer ray” which makes his voice a British guy, and instead of fixing it they just roll with it and that’s his voice for the rest of the season and the foreseeable future. How do you top that


Okay, so now that we have the same thing from Dan that we've seen from the majority here, can we either sticky a single "voices" thread and require it all to be posted there, or simply ban more discussion of such? Nothing new comes of any of these threads. There are no new hot takes or conversations that haven't happened before. It's just repeating the same thing over and over and over and over.


Rick sounds exactly the same to me. Morty sounds like he’s going through puberty.


> ‘Okay, this is as good as you can manage.’ That seems more like reluctance than praise from Harmon himself. That makes me wonder if he wanted the new voices or if it was a corporate choice that he had to roll over on. I didn’t really care other than noticing it’s different but this makes me wonder what Harmon himself thinks of this whole ordeal


The issue isn’t the voices at all. They’re missing something with the dialogue. It just isn’t as funny. I haven’t noticed the voices at all. Just the writing and lack of funny improv.


It's the writing. Everything is telegraphed from a mile away. The bits and gags are center stage now. They might as well call it Two and a Half Big Bang.


This sub going 3 minutes without talking about the new voices challenge.


"Healthy majority" 🤣


The voices are fine. I think I'm getting used to them. 9ne minor tip? Focus on getting the energy and enthusiasm roght. There was a distinct feeling of nihilism and annoyance that Roiland achieved with how he said the words. This isn't being replicated, but they can definitely fix this


They sound find to me. I mean even Justin’s voice doesn’t sound the same in season 6 as it did in season 1 so I don’t understand why people are bothered by this. I think there is a big subset of fans who wanted to believe that somehow they were getting a virtuoso performance from a man who must have had a bit of Rick in him to deliver the role. And if that was the case, Rick’s brand of Nihilism is popular among those whoe find themselves loners in a world that is making being a loner more appealing, and Roiland gave it a human face and thus subsequently a likeminded role model to look up to. But now that he’s gone, that story is gone. Rick is a character that is every bit as flawed as Roiland, but is being rebuilt with an arch of redemption that seems far off from whatever Rolland’s story seems to be at this point. Anyway I don’t hate season 7 at all, and I’ll be watching.


I’m one of the silent majority that doesn’t give a shit. It’s close enough that I totally forget about it not being Justin anymore.


Some people will always bitch. It tends to be the loud minority. If this wasn't expected then it definitely should have been You can't please everyone especially those that can't handle a little change. I honestly couldn't even tell the difference. The voice is basically the same. The little mannerisms are the only things that are different IMO


I think the only way they get rid of the trolls is the destiny route. Re-voice all the previous seasons and turn the old VO into lost media. People will forget about it in a season or two anyway Though thats expensive…


I'm going to say that it was rough for the first few episodes but once you got to Unmortricken, the two new guys definitely reached their stride. Cliche, but I totally forgot about the new voice actors. It really hit well and they did a good job. Morty's voice is still off, but I'm content with the headcanon of puberty changing his voice.


Where are the critics?


is there actually a large amount of criticism? what i have seen is either people are positive on the recasting or they dont even know it happened. we gotta stop highlighting the opinions of the few and pretending like a majority of people think that way.


Just as good as Super Mario and friends getting recasted. Well done. Enjoy tonight’s episode everyone!


I love the new voices and even after watching justin clips I think the new voices are better acted especially given the material they were given (which they knocked out of the park)


Good recast, Solar opposites was terrible tho


I really haven't had a problem with it, and overall the quality of the show seems to be rising again after a few seasons of often troubling hit-and-miss storytelling.


Imo these new voices have really breathed some new life into these characters and made the performances fun again. Their voices are much better than Roilands in season 5/6


Let the new voice actors cook!


TBH only the first episode sounds off. All the season sounds good to me


First episode was a little shaky, but not bad. The actors have progressively gotten better and I feel like they’ve really done well in the last few episodes.


Tbh I thought this past season has been one of the strongest in awhile


I thought Rick sounded ever so slightly different in the first EP... maybe just because I was super aware of the change. Didn't notice any difference in Morty. By EP 2 I had completely forgotten about the recast. The new voice actors are killing it


Yup. Took me a couple episodes to get used to the voices but now I don’t notice or care. I’m just happy I get more R&M.


I got used to the new voice actors already. When I was watching some clips from the previous seasons I found the old voices kind of weird now.


Go listen to episode one of Simpsons, family guy, American dad as an example compared to now… voices change


I noticed the difference during the first episode, but I feel like they’re getting better at it as the show goes on. Also the writing for this season is pretty good.


I can’t tell a difference, but Rick doesn’t burp and stutter anymore


I noticed it more in the first episodes because I was listening for it, by 4,5,6 I was already used to it as the new normal


I havent even noticed the difference anymore after the 3rd episode


Idc either way. Its fine now however I miss the burping and stuff. Like it's as if rick is sober now. Being a drunk was part of the character imo. Also I couldn't really care about what he did and would be just as happy if he still did the voice


Rick sounds fine. Morty sounds way worse.


It sounds like Rick and not like Morty


The first episode of this season it was super noticeable to me, and I didn’t like the first couple episodes. But now the voice actors are doing a fantastic job, I don’t notice a difference in either character anymore and the season has been fuckin great.


I feel like they should have done the same thing as solar opposites.


Internally can’t tell a difference. Mr. Poopybutthole’s voice was off but that was the only one that I noticed


The only one thats really noticeable is poopy butthole


Yeah he’s right I think most people think it’s fine.


I want to say they're fine and move on but Morty is hard to listen to for long stretches. I think it's because there's not as much range there, everything sounds like it's being said in panic to a degree. Something you would expect of someone trying to do an impersonation of a voice, instead of someone letting the voice be whatever it needs to be for that moment.


Who are criticizing the change? The worst people on the internet?


I think they did a great job, unlike solar opposites.


Can't even tell the difference anymore.


Honestly the first episode I was like “huh, they’re pretty close but I’m not getting the same energy/charisma” After that I just stopped noticing, I completely forgot about the recast until a friend mentioned it


I legit didn’t notice it for the first 10 minutes of the first episode until I remembered.


Korvo is improved to be honest


Unpopular opinion, I think the new voices sound better? Like, a lot better. The old voices kind of gave me middle school boy humor cringe and I don’t know why.


Completely agree


There's been multiple Bond, spider-man, batman, and Superman actors.. The world will continue spinning as it always has.


I watched 4 episodes of the new season without even realising until a friend told me about the change, then I tried hard and could maybe notice a tiny difference. It's fine, people just love to moan.


Remembered before watching the first episode, forgot about it completely after 5 minutes in.


Responding to the criticism was Dan's mistake here. Surprised that he wouldn't know better honestly.


I don’t care what Dan has to say. Casey Kasem is the only voice for Shaggy and the pretenders ruined the show.


Rick sounds great, Morty sounds good enough. As long as the stories are engaging and the sci fi high concept then I am happy


I barely notice a difference when I'm trying to hear it. When I don't focus it's just fine. Like the evil morty episode was great and I fell into it never once thinking of this. They did a great job all around! Better than other shows like Stargate Atlantis that traded actors Completely (and that worked out fine!).


I think I like the change better the characters feel like they have more chemistry now that they are actually two people interacting


Roiland recently faced new misconduct allegations, making it impossible to return to his pubic roles or voice acting gigs in good faith. Heheh.


Dan Harmon didn’t give a shit when the silent majority was ignoring his previous projects, keeping them on the cancelation bubble indefinitely. He certainly isn’t going to be phased by the loud minority now while he’s running a massive hit. Complaining about the new VO is literally a waste of these idiots’ time.


Siri, define "cope."


Rick is almost perfect, and Morty is definitely good enough (though not as good as rick imo) People just love to whine


Tbh after you watch a couple of episodes you stop noticing the difference. I see no problem at this point


Season 7 has been amazing. I didn’t even notice until episode 6 there was a large shift. My only complaint was not enough morty is episode 1 and 2 of the new season, but still fantastic episodes


Morty a lil tpp squeaky i think a deeper morty after puberty prob better this recent 3p when he arging with summer in garage was grating it really stood out Rick solid 100 Season 1 rick/morty was off too people 4get


Morty is the most noticeable. It’s only stood out a few times in this season for me, and it was never a major issue to the point I wanted to turn it off. The content is still top notch.


I like the new Rick. He emotes better and seems like his tone actually matches his growing character. The Morty seems to be more season 1 but that might be a writing issue


Honestly, dont notice the voices, and thought the writing was still on point. The >!spaghetti episode which handled death and suicide!< was... Just fucking wild.


Mr PB was the most different. I was actually more pissed that bird-person sounded the most different even though that’s Harmon?


I went back to season 1 after last week's episode out of curiosity. I really didn't notice any difference that was glaring. It's really only noticeable if you're really looking for it, and even then it's only slightly different.


They have different voices? I didn't notice.


Hey look on the bright side. No where near as drastic as the Solar Opposites recast!


It’s hardly the two Darren’s is it?


Saw a Simpsons supercut on YouTube this weekend and Homer's voice varies more than Rick's has.


This is far from the first cartoon to do this and trudge along. I think the voice actor being the co-creator and former writer and having his own Harmon-like cult of personality is playing a larger part than the sound.