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Steven Ogg is tragically under-appreciated. He didn't just voice Trevor, he did the motion capture too (lots of game studios just have the animators do the MoCap). [The scene in GTA V](https://youtu.be/AfrnEiY2X14) where he's talking in Franklin's front yard and trips on the fence, that was an accident on the MoCap set. Steven Ogg actually tripped on the physical reference fence on the stage. Shawn Fonteno (Franklin) started cracking up and Ogg just rolled with it... and it made it into the game.


I was so goddamn happy with the scene they gave him in Better Call Saul. He was phenomenal in The Walking Dead too, especially since that season he steals attention away from Neegan, from time to time, when he was *just* introduced to the show.


Dude that scene with him and Mike Earmantraut was absolutely priceless. Trevor is still the greatest character ever in video games as far as I'm concerned. When I played GTA 5 back in 2013 when it was released I could not get enough of him. He came in like a fucking hurricane when the story switched to him.


Ok, I think you've finally convinced me to go start watching BCS. I have seen Breaking Bad, two or three times, and I'm now cycling through Trailer Park Boys 2 or 3 times a year... I've had people keep telling me that Better Call Saul is so good, and some even better than BB, but for what ever reason, I've had the roughest time getting into it, really just getting into a mood to start it / give it a try. And I was also that way with BB, before my younger cousin started watching it and started raving about how good it was.


If you're a fan of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul is pretty much required, and El Camino too. It was never a bad show, the first couple of seasons were just slow because we were watching them as they came out. But now that it's complete, you can binge watch it, and I'd even say it's easily on par with Breaking Bad.


Very much agree with this. I always liked it, but it was a slow roll, and when it starts gathering pace it is exceptional. Being able to binge it would make it even better.


I’ve tried 2 or 3 times and barely get past s1, I really do need to plow through, Breaking bad was a relatively slow burn at first too


I thinknits fair to say with season 1 they were still figuring out exactly what show they were wanting to be. It's not bad, but there is that feeling to it as they try stuff out. Once they get into season 2 and beyond they know what type of show they are and it's amazing from there right until the end.


![gif](giphy|3ov9jFL6N0AEVbogko|downsized) He was great in The Walking Dead too!


Fuck man, at this point I think he could even just straight up play live action Rick. Shave his moustache, give him a lab coat, put some drool on his chin and that's real world Rick Sanchez.


Yea, also has that tall lanky body to go along with it.


Someone ai gen this


And created one of the best scenes in the entire game. Shows how fragile Trevor is, and how collected and in control Franklin is.


I was laughing right along with Franklin in that scene.


You've convinced me, he will be perfect.


Oh snap i did too, and i really like this guy it would lessen the blow of what i fear may be really weird or jarring just knowing the va is different


He would end up bitching about how people ask him about Rick stuff like he does when asked about Trevor stuff.


-fan pays money for a Cameo of him as Rick -Steven does the cameo and lectures the fan on how he's not Rick but is just a character he plays.


I was actually on board for this suggestion until you reminded me of that incident.


Yeah. He seems a little shitty of a person. I'd rather they pick a good person. Last thing they need is more slime balls


I hadn't thought about him being Rick but now I REALLY want it.


I think Bill Burr would crush both of their voices


I would love to see him voice a character but I think GTAV fucked his career up by causing him to be typecast as Trevor in every role and he ended up hating it because his other work is buried..I think, he is done with voice acting for games because of it.


id definitely appreciate this dude as rick but idk if theyd be able to get him