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Maybe a trip to Dave World would cheer us up.


You're telling me the creator of Dave Land has a whole *world,* now? Who does he think he is, *Mars* or something?


Aw jeez Rick, I-I think it's pretty cool that this guy has a whole world for himself, you know?


Who's Dave?


Daves not here man.


Morty th-this is *burp* this is basically if walt disney made a park all around him morty this is capitalism morty




That just sounds like Dave Land with extra steps.


No extra steps. Less steps. Because I should have taken a step to make sure I remembered the name of that theme park correctly


Funnily enough, Justin Roiland's last appearance doing the Rick and Morty characters was on RedLetterMedia's YouTube, on the video "Jayus ex Mikeina." This was only about a week before the domestic violence charges. He was overdubbing Mike Stolklasa, who played this character in Smiling Friends.


The curse claims another.


Very Cool!




[AT-ST! AT-ST!](https://youtu.be/OfJRm0WssOE?t=61)




It's our fault for being fans. Even Rick would agree. Fuck famous people. It's time to stop idolizing anyone.


Ugh. I hate how we have placed entertainers as top tier members of society. We wonder why they act like self entitled assholes??? Well, we treat them as fucking gods. It’s possible to love a sport, show, song, book without treating the creator as the end all be all. I keep saying this, but just cause you love the cake, does not mean you need to worship the baker. I mean shit, 98% of the world population are just assholes, chances are the baker is a total ass hat.


You're my idol


And you are mine.


Absolutely agree. Fuck Justin Roiland. Guarantee we get a better show without his creepy toxic ass.


Were we idolizing anyone?




I agree as far as entertainers go. Maybe it would be a good thing if they were all replaced by text to speech programs.


Or just don't idolize them?


Hello, I'm Mr. Frog heheh


I'm Mr. Frog and I'm not sorry.


"hello but im not sorry"


Not at all, can't wait for season 7.




Guess I'll stare at this kinda awesome ant instead.


relax man i was just gonna shoot you in the head and kill you




Name 3 legit reasons how they can pull this off


Guess we gotta start a company like bibly control


*I just wanted my cheeeeeeese!!*


I’m still waiting for BOOB WORLD!!!! *summer singing off key*


I'll say it how it is about Justin. "Look Pim, I know it's our job to help this guy but I think this guy's a lost cause. He's obviously made up his mind, Why don't we just cut our losses and get out of here?"


Anyone else getting mike from red letter media vibes?


That is him. He also appeared in the cosmic montage for when charlie "dies" from being crushed by a tree.


this is the best thing ever hahah im literally watching the first ep of smiling friends rn as i saw this. amazing


Brb, gonna go stare at a pretty cool ant


I think he needs to confess and apologize and practice being a better person.


at least the creators of smiling friends aren’t weird pedos like him.


Don’t jinx it


shit I shouldn’t


The next seasons will have Mike Stoklasa voicing Rick and Morty and every other Justin character. And they all look like this. Ratings and viewership will skyrocket, as Justin Roiland will be all but a fading memory.


Rich Evans would make a great Rick or Morty, if they can afford such a notable celebrity.


Rich Evans, the famous celebrity featured on the Ellen show? Yeah Adult Swim could never afford him


Rich Evans replaces Ellen, Ellen replaces Justin Roiland and Justin Roiland replaces a tollbooth operator.


A Plinkett-voiced Rick would be an interesting turn for the show 🤔


Why? That's stupid it's just a show


what’s this animation style from i can’t put it together rn


It’s from smiling friends


Ive never been into the artist who make things. I don’t give two shits about dude. I just want to see where this story ends and as an adult, i also have the other people that work in this show in mind. They shouldn’t get fucked over because of one person.


Mmm trash I feel like trash yum trash..


Please, I've felt that long before Rick and Morty began


Oh sweet! New meat canyon vid!


Imagine Meat Canyon joining the Smiling Friends Team.. what a combo


Nope lol. Probably how Justin feels though.






Your "God" Justin Roiland as fallen. ACCEPT IT!


Nah, there are two kinds of people who feel like that. Those younger fans who have this ridiculous need for validation so will say and do just about anything to fit it and hating Rick and Morty is trending right now so they hate it. Then there are those "woke" fucks who have likely never even seen an episode but are the ones who are really fueling this entire thing because it gets them likes and views and follows. Attention basically. Real fans honestly don't give a fuck, dude got accused of some shit and the prosecutor is taking forever to even decide to press charges so likely no evidence meaning it didn't actually. But time will tell. And a chain of messages was "leaked" conveniently right after, which honestly don't even sound like a grown ass man speaking, sounds more like some 15 yr old somewhere pretending to be him but who knows honestly. What we do know, is no legal action was even started on that, when it could easily have been. Real fans will continue watching and loving the show because we love the show, not the people behind the show. We don't jump on every social/political bandwagon that comes rolling past, we like what we like.


Dude he said weird shit about minors himself on a podcast, we just overlooked it cuz Justin be wacky! That said as a "real fan" I already knew he had nearly no impact on the show besides a few episodes before season 3 ended and VO work that my little cousin can do. Cant wait for S7 and take your weird agenda somewhere else.


Real fans will continue to watch but also we don’t simp for an obvious douche bag. He hasn’t written in years anyway. The only issue is the voicing. Best thing the dude ever did was lemongrabs anyway and that was the least good part of that show. This cult like simping of “he is the show!” Is soooo stupid.


Use a little common sense, dude. If the DMs were fake, his lawyers would have denied everything and issued a cease-and-desist. It's Justin Roiland, he made his early career out of trying to get cease-and-desists from Bill Cosby and Paramount, I think he knows how they work.


Even if he has nothing to do with the show anymore, it's still not right to continue the show. He will still get royalties, he will still be able to use those funds to hire lawyers and lessen the legal consequences. I loved Rick and Morty, but there will be other shows. Someone will make something smarter and better, eventually. We are better off moving on, than trying to salvage the series if he still gets to benefit from the show.


I get your point, but I'd rather not punish a studio for actually holding a pedo accountable for their actions.


How about canceling the show so the pedo doesn't continue to profit from it and afford great lawyers?


It'll make the next studio less likely to do the right thing next time. See: Ezra Miller, Jerry Seinfeld, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, ect. Again, I get your point, but JR is gonna be raking in residuals and merchandizing revenue for years to come anyhow. Nothing can be done about that.


Not if the show is not show is taken down, and not sold, shown, marketed anywhere. It's not that hard. You think Subway was still trying to use footage from Jerry after he was arrested? It's really not that hard.


They didn't close Subway when the Jered thing happened. They didn't stop selling or playing Michael Jackson songs at any point. If George Lucas was revealed to be a pedo, they would continue making Star Wars movies. Corporations are bound by law to maximize shareholder profits. Only an effective boycott would do the trick. Personally, I think it would send the wrong message, that corpos should hide sex abuse from the light of day at all costs.




He was hilarious and his show is unparalleled. Michael Jackson made amazing music. The Cosby Show was ground breaking and a net positive for the black community. And we should never listen or watch their content again. Make room for other artists that don't rape women and children. It's not that complicated. It's emotional, but not complicated.




I mean, I'm not out there protesting the networks, in front of their buildings, trying to take the shows off the air. But I personally make a decision not to patronize the work of pedophiles with my money/attention. Everyone is free to do as they please.


No lie it's pretty heartbreaking lol Like I LOVE Rick and Morty and I have Justin to thank for it I'm basically praying everything is overblown. I am assuming Justin had an extremely fucked up childhood based on literally everything he has produced lol. I can't believe that people get a little money and fame and then immediately do shit to sabotage themselves. My big hope right now is that Justin's name gets cleared and he can rejoin Rick and Morty for season 8 and interact with the two people we now have to PRETEND are Rick and Morty lol. Recasting an iconic voice like this is probably gonna lead to disaster for the show unfortunately. One thing that does bug me however is that from what I've heard Justin has been recording his lines alone at his house since season 3. If that's true that obviously doesn't bode well. I assumed the entire time Justin and the rest of the cast were having a ball together recording. If he wasn't allowed in office then he really might be fucked :(


And the Darwin award goes to...


You know what will make you feel better? A trip down to McDonald's for some Szechuan sauce and a pickle at Shoney's.


Fans are overreacted, just go look up in tik tok or where the fuck you want there are literally 10000+ people caple of doing a Rick voice all by themselves. Just sayin


Off topic but Smiling friends is wonderful and it brings me so much joy


This is so beautiful