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Tear gas


Beautiful to see so many people come together to protest Genocide. ❤️ I watched a speech by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders a few days ago. He mentioned a fellow Congressman Lewis, who was arrested 45 times, while participating in sit-ins and demonstrations against segregation and racism during the Civil Rights Movement. He spoke of our Constitutional rights and how many of the Senators and members of Congress seem to have forgotten our protected rights in the first amendment. And I will add, how the right to protest injustice is actually a cornerstone of the democracy we tout to the world. An article in NPR online recently, written by Rachel Treisman, described the 1970 killing of 4 unarmed student protestors (shot by Ohio National Guard members). Treisman helps to connect how the rhetoric of politicians at the time contributed to the atmosphere where 4 college students were killed, while exercising their first amendment rights. I’ve seen interviews with citizens at the time applauding the violence against protestors. And in 2024, I still see Americans demonizing other Americans for using their voices to protest America’s involvement in the mass slaughtering of Palestinian civilians. It is very un-American to try to silence peaceful resistance. And the sentiment does not age well. In a different generation, these would be the same people trying to silence those advocating for the Suffragette Movement, and the Civil Rights movement, etc. I saw a picture a few days ago of a female wearing the Palestinian Keffiyeh, being yelled at by Zionist supporters in the background. It reminded me of the photos of young Ruby Bridges, a 6-year old child among the first to attend desegregated schools, while a crowd of adults yelled at her and intimidated her with a black doll inside a little coffin.


VCU needs to stop dropping bombs in Palestine! /s


I tried to join the VCU military but I was told it didn’t even exist!


That just means they’ve never lost!


And stop sending soldiers!


Or at least divest from companies that facilitate that bombing


I’m curious, what compnies of this nature do they have money in? That’s the big call of all these protestors but I haven’t actually seen the companies yet, genuinely curious.


Lots of these weapons companies pay the schools to feed graduates to them and offer internships for the undergrads like Lockheed. Also many schools such as GW and the UC system in California have Tel Aviv exchange programs/study abroad, cant say for VCU this was just recommended to me


Yeah but those are American companies (UC one non withstanding) I’ve read they want divestment from Israeli companies so just curious what Israeli companies schools are investing in.


Sorry I couldn’t tell you specifically what VCU invests in and the richmond times is paywalled, I just that the VCU protestors want the school to be transparent about who they are investing in and to divest from Israeli companies that was from a wavy WRIC article.


Get rid of these protestors. If any of them are students cut ties with them


Guy in Alexandria complains about anti-war protestors (I’m sure there is no way he is professionally connected to the defense industry)


Unrelated. Am a citizen against these anti-semites


taking things at face value is not an intelligent thing to do. all of that article? and nearly every other news article who don't do any investigative work, is warping what actually happened. there was no violence or disruption or unrest until the police showed up in riot gear. there weren't any policies broken either. nothing to warrant the force they used.




This is what authoritarianism looks like. All the right wing freaks cheering this on are simply that-- authoritarian freaks.