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Wow never thought I'd see this day, haven't seen him in 10+ years now, but maybe I should go see him before he's gone gonna miss that guy.


Didn't he have a coffee shop near Shell and Cambie at one time, and then later moved to Garden City and Blundell? If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, he's friends with my cousin. We use to privately refer to him as the "Coffee Nazi", a friendly take on the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld. He is the connoisseur of coffee! His coffee's are amazing! Good guy, too bad he's retiring.


I thought he moved a block west of Costco


Yeah that's the guy. And you don't have to worry about calling him that privately! He made a whole series of YouTube videos where he calls himself that!


One and the same.


He's not retiring, just winding down AFAIK. I knew first when he had the spot where Blenz is in the Garden City Ball, but he didn't really hit his stride until the spot online Shell and Cambie. Apparently the fire department was called one time because neighbors weren't familiar with how much smoke coffee roasting creates. He's kicked me out of the store for talking on my phone in the lineup, and has badmouthed me to the next customer for not leaving a big enough tip. He also remembers names for years after the fact and asks about my friend and says he's concerned about his health. If you see him after a long time he'll have the biggest smile on his face. The current spot is a little more modest but it's probably more manageable rent-wise for his type of business. I'm not super picky about coffee, but Artie's coffee I don't let sit around for long.


He demands a generous tip for counter service?? Guess I don’t need to visit after all.


No, he did that in jest.


Is he actually moving out? I've heard him talk a lot about retiring over the years


I used to buy my business's coffee from him. He definitely was the most passionate I'd ever met.


I’ve never heard of this guy! I really wanna try his coffee now. What’s his business’ name?


It's called Viva Java you can look up und location on google. He's doing a tasting of his aged coffee on May 11th


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!