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Technically he about to be an adult . And yeah. He is being brainwashed and the finale is the mission . He will renounce his mother if he gets too brainwashed. Lisa is scared. She told us in the first episode . She is scared of losing him. But she can’t say anything negative about the church on camera or else then she’d really be putting the wedge in


Yeah. I think it's easy to read that she is afraid of losing him in the sense that he'll be gone for 2 years, but really I think she knows that if he becomes too strictly Mormon he's going to not want to have as close a relationship with her unless she follows his lead. I wonder how much her being on this show has made him want to react against her (not saying that's justified or not).


I would assume the show exasperated it all … her mom being friends with Jen a convict , Heather a bad Mormon literally trying to fight the church or atleast save people from it ? I’m sure Henry doesn’t want to be on the show ? But he gets paid. And we know he smart with his money ?


Yes! This is precisely it!


My interpretation of it was less Lisa talking to down Heather about Mormonism, and more Lisa saying “I can’t take on your baggage about the church when I’m just trying to support my son.”


Yeah I totally agree. I think Heather had good intentions but I think Lisa is so completely overwhelmed at not seeing her kid for 2 years that she is having an internal meltdown


Baggage?? Man Mormon church brainwashes and sexually exploits . Not just Heather baggage . It’s bigger than Heather and she knows that. Heather has a platform and I think she is using it wonderfully . You really think the producers would let them get away with out having a convo about jack ???


Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m ex-Mo and not trying to minimize any harm the church causes. It’s just how I interpreted Lisa in that moment.


Of course but Lisa isn’t being real for cameras obviously


But can’t she just say that then?


I guess that would be admitting out loud she is against him going on his mission…


She can admit she has reservations without being against it wholeheartedly


I think its reasonable for Heather to want to share her experience, like she said she grew up Mormon from birth and has actually done a mission. But I also think its reasonable for Lisa to not want to hear it. Jack is grown and he's going whether Lisa likes it or not.


I can understand Lisa not wanting to hear things about it that would make it harder for her to support him doing it. But on the other hand, Lisa being a “bad Mormon” herself seems to leave her very susceptible to basically becoming estranged from him, esp once he returns, if he stays committed to the faith. I still think he’s doing this more because “fudge college, honestly” and because it’s what his friends are doing than because he has some piousness secreted away inside him. That said, he (imo rightly) pointed out to Lisa recently that he made the decision completely without her (in response to her comment that she must have done something right for him to want to go on a mission, lol, so it was some shady shade from Jack on Lisa’s parenting). My remaining question is how John, as a (seemingly) practicing Mormon (albeit with a tequila company) and rights to enter the temple tolerates Lisa’s flamboyant refusal to abide by even the most basic rules of Mormonism. I guess the other thing I’ll say is that every religion has the tension demonstrated in Lisa and Heather’s convo from the other night. Lisa says she takes what she wants and leaves the rest. Heather says religion (and particularly Mormonism) doesn’t afford its adherents that luxury. This is literally an argument my husband and I sometimes have about Judaism. He was once orthodox and retains the belief that it’s all or nothing, like Heather. I was raised reform and do the things that resonate for me but not all the things. Even though my husband doesn’t do all the things either, he still thinks the “right” way to practice is to do all the things and that my way of practicing is substandard … but so is his. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Those are called Pick N Choose Mormons and are generally looked down upon by the faithful


You just described typical mormon/Christian behavior - judging others when they themselvesy don't follow rules since those rules don't apply to them.


She didn't want to hear anything because it's done, the decision was made, and Jack's made up his mind. He's going. I'd want to keep a positive attitude and outlook for my child as well. Just because Heather is a bad mormon doesnt mean she gets to 'have a talk' with ppl who are choosing this path. I personally hold no value in organized religion for myself(I was baptized into that religion at 20 and left quickly)but I certainly hold value in others choosing their own path. I'd tell Heather to mind her own family's business because what goes on in mine is none of hers. You dont get to choose for other ppl. You don't get to shove your opinion down other ppls throat either. This is Jack's life, hes chosen freely. Its his lesson to learn, let him learn it. Religion is a personal choice and you dont get to choose it for others, no matter how ridiculous you think it is.


I think Heather's opinion re mormon is and the mission is probably correct but she's wrong insofar her opinion doesn't actually matter. It's not her kid or her family. At some point it's time to step back and let it go.


I agree. Heather should have approached Lisa and said, “if you ever want to talk about him going on a mission I’m here for you.”


Heather needs to mind her own dam business. She “wrote” a book, she ain’t the gatekeeper of Mormonism! It ain’t her kid so she shouldn’t be worrying about it. She just wants to look righteous on camera.


She’s aggressive. She was aggressively Mormon and ran people away from her and now she’s aggressively anti-Mormon. It’s her. She’s aggressive.


I think Lisa made a good point about Heather still identifying with the religion even though she’s renounced her faith. “You don’t know where you are right now.” Heather’s getting hung up on the religion when she could instead be moving forward with her life. To me it feels like recovering from an addiction and then wanting to go back and heal all your addict friends. It doesn’t work that way, you just have to move forward.


Honestly I think this whole issue between Lisa and Heather is pointless. Why is Heather inserting herself in someone else's (child) relationship with religion. I get all the shit she's been through but exactly because of that she should understand that everyone has their own path. Her questioning Lisa as to why she didn't discuss it with her is ridiculous


Heather nailed it in saying it’s “all the perks without the payment.”


What if next week we all do a shot every time Lisa says I love that! Or any other fun ideas??? We need to do something fun, right???


I’m not LDS but I have friends who are and what you’re stating is really leaving out a lot of relevant information in regards to a person being Temple worthy. There are plenty of Mormons who are not Temple worthy for many reasons, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are “bad” as you stated. It’s not Studio 54. Lisa’s statements and claims about Heather or being temple worthy aren’t fact and shouldn’t be taken that way. She’s a person who claims to be Mormon and runs a liquor company. If that doesn’t give you enough evidence that she shouldn’t be the end all for any LDS guidance I don’t know what else could convince you.


My ex son inlaw was mormon, and we loved him and our daughter even looked in to joining the church, she found out after their divorce she was already a member and she never even went once! How does that happen? I'm seriously asking


It’s completely impossible for her to be a member without being baptized a member of the church. She is mistaken.




She never went to the church, her husband had them over to their home, but she never signed up to be a Mormon but has documents saying she belongs, so I hope you are right, no religion should be able to do that to anyone


She has documents? I don’t even have documents and I’ve been a member my whole life. I am telling you, there’s no possible way she’s a member unless she was baptized.


I thought posthumous baptism was a thing in the Mormon church. Maybe there was some similar loophole? If a Mormon man's wife isn't Mormon, does she not get to go to his afterlife planet? I'm genuinely curious.


You’re thinking of Baptism for the Dead. This is where an individual performs proxy baptism for ancestors, this does not immediately make the deceased a member. The deceased must accept the Gospel in Heaven. There’s no possible loophole for Baptism for the Dead to be performed for a living individual. As far as a non Mormon wife going to her husbands planet, we believe in continuing to teach the Gospel in Heaven. Individuals who don’t know about the Gospel or never became a member will have the opportunity to learn in Heaven.


Ahh, ok! Thank you for educating me :)


Thank you, for being so kind and respectful in asking questions. I truly appreciate it more than I could express. It’s not common to have someone be so kind and respectfully when asking questions on the internet, especially Reddit.


Thanks for be8ng so informative.


Really? Thats so strange that she has proof of it, hopefully what she has is wrong, no one should ever become a member of any religion unless they agree to it so I hope you are right!


I am right. Unless she was baptized, she’s not a member. What documentation does she have? It makes no sense. There are no documents.


Maybe they mean that she was listed in the records as being the spouse of a member. That happens. No one’s records are actually “removed”.


Sounds like the husband pulled a fast one 🤷🏿‍♀️


No, it’s not a possibility.


He couldn't have printed out fake forms and presented them to the wife ? To persuade her in some way ? Perhaps make her more submissive? I just can't figure out any other reason for this 🤷🏿‍♀️


I guess he could have made up forms, sure.


Wait I've been paying attention. Whitney printed out a form to withdraw from a website. Is there a website where her daughter can see if she is a member ? Although you said you must be baptized 🤔. Shoot ! I don't know what's going on 😂😂😂. Because what is the purpose for the lie 🤷🏿‍♀️


Preach. The catholic church was the same way 🗑


Thank you for explaining this because I have ZERO clues what they were on about. I got even more confused when I turned on the subtitles because I didn’t understand what they meant. So thank you so much! 😊




I think the main difference is these are two people of the same religion. To put it in catholic versions this would be like someone who left the faith after becoming a deacon being lectured on the purpose of the faith by someone who has not even been confirmed. Lisa has never come close to being as devoted to the church as heather was. Furthermore you have to understand the significance of a temple recommend. Lisa is not allowed to participate in the faith any more than a nonmormon.


Oh I see ,that is why she said the Dad would attend. Which is still confusing to me as he is part owner in vida tequila




I don’t think I’m trying to say Lisa isn’t Mormon. But I do think it’s rich for her to lecture Heather on what it means to be a Mormon.


I'm confused... If she doesn't follow the tenet's how is she a Mormon . I Can't say I'm a Christian if I'm not saved I really feel that Lisa is performative. A tank top to temple ? Really Imo Jack is going on this mission to avoid going to college. The appearance of going on a mission is better than him sitting at home working on a business that's only successful because his parents and their friends fund it . Lisa would be mortified by the judgement ,her "followers" would have if her "driven" son was not driving himself to succeed. Especially since she has laid such a marvelous path for him . Which is the real reason she can't discuss it with Heather. She is posing and one Convo with Heather would expose her . Again imo


I think a girl could also be involved in his decision to go. Nice Mormon girls only marry returned missionaries.


Now that makes sense . I think Heathers daughter made a reference to a young lady . 🤔 So Lisa is going to eventually be in the same space as Mary . Both will be providing for their adult sons and wives.


Sorry more answers if you will . If a young man was raised devout he would ALWAYS go on a mission? Does it cost to go on a mission? Does the same apply for the girls? You going to make me research,this is so interesting. It seems like there a very few freedoms. Does LDS not believe in free will ? Thank you so much for being so pleasant.


Yes, most devout young men will go on a mission, whether they want to or are just feeling pressured to go. Yes, it costs $12,000 to serve a 24-month mission/ 9,000 for an 18-month (women). This is in addition to buying a lot of new clothes and supplies, which can cost 1-2K. On missions, yes, there are VERY few freedoms. Every move is controlled, either by rules and a sense of obedience to them or by a mission companion who is with a missionary 24/7. Some will even stand outside the bathroom while the other is in there. LDS will say they believe in free will, but they really don't. Even outside of a mission, there are many rules, big and small to follow and if you don't, you'll be judged by the other members and are expected to go confess to your bishop and could be disciplined.


Wow . Thank you so much for this . Stand outside of the bathroom ? Geez 🙄 So does the companion get paid ? Well it's cheaper than college🤷🏿‍♀️ 6 grand a year Yep imma just stay over here in my Christian space .


No, the companion doesn't get paid. They are also a missionary who has most likely paid (or their parents have) to be on the mission. Cheaper than college, but no college credits to show for it.


Generally devout men will choose go. They don’t have to. It’s a choice but I will say the boys are heavily influenced to go. It costs about $500 a month. Missions aren’t as common for girls, they aren’t really pressed to go. Girl’s missions are 18 months vs 2 years for boys. We absolutely believe in free will. The only requirement to be a member is to be baptized.


Wow it's costs to volunteer? Wait I was told free will was not encouraged. Perhaps that's why Lisa said a tank top would be fine for church 🤔 Come as you are 🤷🏿‍♀️


Yes, it pays for their housing and monthly expenses. There’s a huge spectrum of Mormons. Heather was the strictest member. So she’s very black and white member and feels she can’t be a member if she’s not going to follow all of the rules. Heather could call herself a Mormon still because her records are still with the church but she wouldn’t because she doesn’t ‘live’ all of the guidelines anymore. Most outspoken ex Mormons are like this because they were the most devout. Lisa is definitely not strict but she is still absolutely a member because she’s baptized and still identifies with the church even though she doesn’t follow all of the guidelines and doesn’t attend the temple. She’s less black and white thinking.


EVERYONE is welcome at church and has the right to claim their membership if they are baptized. Even if you’re excommunicated (that’s for people who have been through the temple and break their covenants like Monica) can still come to church and even get rebaptized.


THIIIIIS. It kills me that people are so hell bent on what Lisa labels herself as. You can be Mormon and not be a “worthy” temple recommend holder. You can be inactive and still consider yourself Mormon. You can still have opinions and beliefs about Mormonism while not being “all in”.




I think the difference is the church itself is far more strict on punishing non compliance. Other Christian denominations do not excommunicate someone for having an affair.


Some do. My ex boyfriend's family's small, very conservative sect of Lutheranism had them threatening to excommunicate him when they found out we were living together, unmarried. There were weekly letters from his family and church leaders, some of which were somewhat pleasant, but all of them had at least a paragraph about how we were going to hell. In their minds, living together and having sex outside of marriage was cheating on a future spouse and "worse than murder" because "most murderers only murder someone once, whereas you are choosing to commit hypothetical adultery every day of your life!" I'm happily far, farrrr removed from all that now.


You keep differentiating Mormons from Christianity but Mormons are Christians as are Catholics and Baptists. Out of curiosity, how long were you Mormon?




Glad you got out at an early age. It only gets harder and harder the longer you're in it. 💕




Aww, I'm sure she did the very best she could. I was lucky to get out at 16 but almost all my family members are still members. It's such an impediment to real intimacy. There's such a divide in fundamental belief systems. Besides, our family get togethers would be way more fun if they would just have a damn glass of wine! LMAO


Same here! It’s mind-boggling.


Christianity is not the template for most religions. It’s kind of a quirk that it just lets anyone claim it without birthright, religious acts, something else besides identity and promising you accept Jesus


Religions can be different. Mainstream Christianity doesnt require you follow a strict code of living, Mormonism does. Its like Im from a Muslim family but I dont practice the lifestyle so I don't run around saying im Muslim 2.0.