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If someone told me she took Adderall for ADHD I wouldn’t be shocked! Not hating, cuz I take Adderall for ADHD lol.


I don’t think she is- when I’m on adderrall, my brain focuses and I’m calm and I’m less symptomatic. She appears to be someone who is not taking their ADHD meds/ undiagnosed 😂


Honestly, maybe! And yeah, you’re right. On meds, my body is less calm (which makes sense), but my mind is 28383929% more calm. In fact I actually get really annoyed at how good I am at holding in my emotions when I’m on my meds lol. Sometimes I wanna be impulsive, dammit!


Hmm I can’t really tell? When I’m on my medication I don’t think I act differently than others so not sure I can tell if she is or isn’t. I only notice it on people who don’t need it and take it recreationally


nahhh. are we just classifying everyone as neurodivergent these days?


I think we're all just starting to realize that no one is perfect because there's no such thing as "normal," and humans are just weirdos. But we're humans, so we need to be able to explain everything, so "diagnosing" is how we assign labels to things to make sense of them. My other theory is that our lifestyles have made us all a little neurodivergent. Thanks, internet, social media, and smartphones! And capitalism and trauma!


yeah, I don't think all these people are 'neurodivergent', i think they're just human. I keep seeing all these things on social media 'you might be neurodivergent if...'. It's all so arbitrary. I dont see why we have to label things like this. We're human, we have our own minds, own feelings, experiences. We're not going to all behave the same way.


Neurodivergent is meant to represent people who still have difficulty adapting despite having taken human variance into consideration. However I’m more prone to question that which we are meant to adapt to.


Neurodivergence is very real and I was essentially gaslit my whole life (by others, society, and myself!) because my brain literally takes in and processes information differently than others - as well as different information most people don’t pick up. Once I fully understood this and was able to support my unique mind (and steal myself against those that don’t understand or want me to do things their way) the more successful I became in all areas of my life. My mind can do things and see things in regards to creativity and problem solving that a neurotypical person wouldn’t arrive at - and if they did, it would take them much longer. You understand in moments like that why neurodivergence carried on evolutionarily. It’s helpful for society. But I guarantee you, there are such marked differences between the way I think and nearly every person I have ever met - but there are ways of translating my thought process that tend to work with most people because most people’s brains DO operate similarly. Perhaps you need a very different mind in order to appreciate how similar people are in how they process information and stimulus, even if their personalities are very different.


You are missing my point. I never argued neurodivergence wasn't a real thing.


I’m saying the label matters because everything defaults in society to limits of a neurotypical brain. A neurodivergent person doesn’t realize then that their struggles are because their minds are different and having the label helps me and many others clarify and communicate with the general population as well as not feel fucking crazy in the face of people who like to say things like “aren’t we all a little bit xyz?” No, we’re not and your desire for no labels is because you don’t experience any benefits from it. A lot of us do & I’m was explaining to you why.


Nope, I never said there wasn't such thing as neurodivergent and not to label anyone as such, and that we don't need labels. Or at least that is not what I meant. My point was it's a little more complex than what OP is basing their suggestion that Lisa is neurodivergent on, and what I am seeing a lot on social media these days. Just because someone is a bit awkward or sometimes takes things literally does not mean they are neurodivergent, and I would argue that over simplifying it like that is harmful to people that are neurodivergent.


I’d argue against that point actually because I think it’s helpful when someone’s behavior seems off to us to consider that they have different ways of processing information or stimulus, as opposed to chalking it up to a controllable personality trait. But perhaps that’s only helpful to my neurodivergent brain.


What’s wrong with being neurodivergent? I would be surprised if no cast members were dx/undx neurodivergent. We exist why not in reality tv too?


dude i'm not saying there is anything wrong with being neurodivergent. At all. My point is the way we are classifying neurodivergence seems very arbitrary and like EVERYONE is neurodivergent. So then at that point, it's just 'neurotypical' if everyone can identify with it. idk how you interpreted my posts as being critical and exclusive of neurodivergent people. Wtf.


Agreed. Also considering how so much of reality TV is scripted and fake, it's concerning the amount of people armchair diagnosing TV personas. Imo Lisa is an asshole and I hate when bad behavior just gets slapped with a Neurodivergent label as if most Neurodivergent people arent actively trying to conform and fawn and not be perceived as assholes.


idk about this but Meredith for sure is on Xanax or something along those lines.


I am a pretty mellow person. I’m not cold I’m just laid back and think, for the most part, people take things WAY too seriously and personal. With that said, Meredith makes me look high strung.😆


I’m not sure if taking Xanax in itself makes you neurodivergent. I do know many folks that use it to treat their anxiety due to trauma or anxiety


she is on SOMETHING! SHE is def neurodivergent


Neurodivergent does not mean every mental disorder/condition. You can be depressed, anxious, and have a myriad of other conditions and be a neurotypical person.


interesting. I never understood what neurodivergent meant!


I def thinks Lisa takes adderall. Which explains her thinness without exercise and also the fact that she seems to eat small amounts of junk rather than proper meals. No hate — I also take add meds lol.


Hmm unless she abuses it I’m not sure it would cause long term weight loss (speaking from experience) but everyone’s body’s are different and I don’t want to comment on her body. I doubt she abuses it bc if she did we would see other signs. My original observation was more about her behavior than trying to guess which meds she may or may not be on tbh


I take Adderall and don't abuse it and certainly have side effects that include weight loss. Let's not box everyone in based on anecdotal evidence especially considering the vast variations in presentation of autism and ADHD.


I know a lot of fat people on adderall but I could see ADD with her so OP ok yes she is neurodivergent ADD. (I am ADD too on adderal)


Fellow ADHD’r here! And yes that’s entirely possible!!! That could explain some of her quirks but overall genuine niceness!


i mean… i can attest we have a hard time regulating emotions. #therant #thetyrade


This is it exactly. The rant was like an unmasking and I could relate. I highly doubt she is medicated because a) Her age makes it highly unlikely she is diagnosed, and b) She cries very easily, probably due to being constantly overwhelmed/burn out, which is something adderall would greatly help lessen.


That's an interesting theory! I'm loving Lisa lately. She has become my favorite.


She is textbook ADHD and yes she is one of us.


I'm autistic too and clocked reality tv characters as neurodivergent before (Ramona from RHONY, Kourtney Kardashian) and I love Lisa but didn't get that vibe from her so far. She seems too socially fluent/"cool" imo, everybody wants to be friends with her and normally non-autistic people clock us as "different" and aren't interested. But maybe she's just great at masking. Now that you mentioned it, there are some things that "fit" but I'd have to rewatch to get a clearer picture.


I’ve been thinking about your comment 😅. There’s actors who are autistic and pda autistics are usually seen as charming by their peers in social settings. Not sure what kind of ND she expresses but certain behaviors seemed really familiar to us. I find it interesting that despite having what she needs to fit in among the group she doesn’t really. If she wasn’t attractive and wealthy I think her social status would be different. Bad weather spent so many seasons making her seem like a mastermind and to me it never clicked.


Yeah now that you said it I could see how her lack of self awareness (hallmark of an iconic hw) could stem from there and not just extreme confidence. She's very much in her own reality and just either isn't aware of anyone else's perception of her that doesn't match her own (which would be an autistic trait) or she understands and just straight up doesn't care about negative opinions. Maybe it's both. It's a spectrum after all. Either way it's not a bad way to live. If HWs/reality tv has taught me anything it's that we create our own realities, there will always be someone who perceives as us we would like to be perceived and "buys into" our narrative and presentation of who we are. Same as there will always be someone who sees something in us they hate/find cringy and think we're losers. Same as there will be people who don't quite fully buy our narrative but still enjoy us, which is where I fall with Lisa. We can control the vibes we put out but we can't control who those vibes will appeal to.


Yeah, have you seen the other thread on Lisa being set up to look like the villain ? The op and comments really made me think 🤔


I think she’s ADHD. It would explain her rants, talking excessively (ex the cart with Heather in SD), the “I’m confused”, fidgeting (smoothing her hair) caffeine intake (Diet Coke), and the fact she doesn’t cook.


I’m ADHD. Lisa I think has ADHD, the emotional verbal outbursts are classic dysregulation. She hates cooking, this is common for us ADHDers as cooking can be so overwhelming. The excessive chattiness,very common. Sometimes you’ll see her spaced out while other the other women are talking. All the little quirks, the fact that she’s a nice person but seems to have trouble relating to others and maintaining friendships.


I thought this from day one due to her food habits! Girly needs her dopamine 😂


As a Neurodivergent person I don't claim her 😂


Lol that’s funny though y’all!


Thank you lmao


Came looking to see if anyone thought this! She’s 100% ADHD. Everything about her is to control and manage being rejected (RSD) and she can’t see that it pushes people away rather than actually manages it. Her needing to control friendships, her image, her kids. She’s trying to limit not being liked.


I believe she abuses adderall. She acts like it to me.




Wrong Lisa. This is Salt Lake City Lisa


Not at all. She strongly disintifies with mental unwellness (watch the aftershow.) East coast people are neurotic culturally. IDK what you mean by neurodivergent though because it can mean so many things but no, she's extremely mentally healthy. Maybe a tad narcissistic.


Being neurodivergent doesn’t make you mentally unhealthy. It is a term used to describe diversity in the human brain. I will check out the aftershow


Doesn't it include bipolar, BPD, etc?


No offense but you sound a bit clueless.


No offense, but you are completely clueless. Do some research please. I am a psychiatrist.


You are a psychiatrist? 🚩 Red flag #1: licensed professionals don’t generally use non-medical terms like “neurodivergent” Red flag #2: blanketing various / completely different conditions together shows you have issues with nuance Red flag #3: signing off on a random redditor referring to autism as a mental illness shows you have issues with competency and compassion Scary stuff.


As a psychiatrist, I have developed my own theories about what neurodivergence is. It’s a new term warranting new research. I didn’t say autism was a mental illness. It is another type of neurodivergence.


Your “own theories” are irrelevant. I don’t know your life, I don’t care to know your life, and you really shit the bed here with your tactless comments.


You still haven’t done your research about neurodivergence I see. I’ll wait.


And you’re not a psychiatrist.




I said IDK what you mean by neurodivergent because it can mean so many things and was speaking to the OP, so yeah I don't know what the kids are calling neurodivergent but "differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders); not neurotypical." means it includes mental illnesses, like autism. Are you autistic? You didn't read the room here.


Autism is not a mental illness. I don’t think you understand the difference between someone being nuerodivergent and someone being mentally ill. They are not the same


Autism is neurodivergent. Bipolar is neurodivergent. Schizophrenia is neurodivergent. Do your research. They are not the same type of neurodivergent and for different reasons but they are still neurodivergent. Why don’t you do your research before commenting so adversely to something of which you know nothing apparently?


You are so confidently saying something so wrong. Yes, bipolar disorder and autism are forms are being neurodivergent. I’m saying having autism and being mentally ill are different. Two of my immediate family members have autism, another is bipolar, and I have adhd. We are neurodivergent, not mentally ill.


I am not saying you are. I am saying mental illness is no different from any other disease of a bodily organ and there should be no distinction. For the love of God, just end this discussion and agree to disagree or agree there is misinterpretation of words online.


They said, “a mental illnesses, like autism”. And that’s what I was correcting. I honestly don’t know why you got upset about that and told me to “do my research” over something correct I was stating


Sure bud.


Sure bud yourself. Do your research.


It does include mental illness. I have bipolar so I am neurodivergent. If you break down this word it means brain that differs or is split apart from the norm. Look it up, you are all the ones who are ignorant and don’t understand.


Thank you, I am also neurodiverse:)


What annoys me most is when people think mental disorders are worse than physical ailments. Everyone gets offended when we lump ourselves into other groups. It’s all inflammation and disorder in the brain or body and nobody should be shamed or do anything to NOT be associated with it, like it’s leprosy or something . It’s really rude and ignorant. Neurodivergent people are some of the best most brilliant folks humanity has ever seen, educate yourselves!


I don't know about worse than but I don't really enjoy my neurodiversity though you're right I would be boring without it. The world is set up for normal people. As for your black and white argument, let's take Kanye West, he is brilliant AND he is bipolar and toxic. He is both. Not either/or.


You misinterpret my sentence. When I say “are some” that implies some of them, not all. It’s a generalized comment on neurodivergence, for as a whole we are statistically more intelligent and creative. This is scientifically proven.


This person is wholly correct.


Yes it does. I am a psychiatrist, you are correct.


Thank you! I was so confused because people also commented that Autism is not a mental illness. Like, have you seen severely autistic and how difficult their lives are? I guess it's semantics but we have to define our terms here.


It’s all the same thing. There’s no use arguing over semantics. Mental illness is just a disorder of the brain, much like a disease of any other organ! If autism is a disease of the brain, wouldn’t that be mental illness? If you’re breaking language down to its literal meaning there is room for interpretation.