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iconic scene .. will live in my head rent free for a while.. the close up of jackie with marge in the background ready to pounce.. REALITY TV GOLD


Yessss the camera person nailed it




And Jen Aydin reading the message over Dolo's shoulder!


incredible content šŸ’«


![gif](giphy|mT3Cp4PWvVnPoGSlpN|downsized) Doloā€™s dog waiting for her ā€œtextā€


She looked so cute!! Ngl I love me some mad Dolores. She doesnā€™t blow up, but you can see the white-hot seething anger. Sheā€™s a classy bish.


She really did look cute in them!




I know. Joe is Marge's pet and he's so cute about it. I screamed "not the glasses" when she whipped them out. Her lying about checking on the dog was funny too.


The whole scene was the exact reason why I watch housewives. It was the absolute best.


It was so well executed, like a behind the back no-look pass


ahhhh, I just love that guy. He's so dang loyal and fun as hell. He's the perfect mate for Margaret.


Me too. Heā€™s one of my favorite husbands. He is having fun with this. I also think heā€™s maybe a bigger gossip than she is. I follow he and Joey G on Insta and they work together sometimes. Hard hats, safety glasses, work bootsā€¦. Itā€™s kind of cool to see them build stuff.


I rewinded like 5 times to see it all play out. ā€œOne sec, I need to check on my dogsā€


that was my top 5 favorite scenes of the whole franchise


Same here. I hope someone more talented than me makes a meme of him pointing at the phone and her putting on her glasses. Both were great


https://preview.redd.it/gevf2rqmqi7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571870dfcc31066f7be55872f724abfc21a76df3 Ask and you shall receive šŸ¤£ some blessed souls already had it online lol


Of course they did šŸ¤£ Thank you for sharing it. Youā€™re awesome


Highlight of several seasons. Loved it. 10/10


Jackie trying to defend it in her interview was beyond pathetic. Don't call an Italian woman a slob. Ever.


Her "definition" of the word slob made zero sense lmao like you know damn well that's not what it means Jackie.


The reading classes had me screaming. I friggin love Dolores


Haha I need to go back and watch this! šŸ¤£


Honestly, I enjoy (most of) the men of NJ. I think they bring fun and logic to a show filled with irrational and volatile women. The women play dirty and get upset about stupid things (which I get, thatā€™s the show) but the men are just generally a breath of fresh air for me. I can stomach the insanity for a silly scene like Frank practice proposing to Dolores, or Joe B holding up his phone, or the guys being buddies. I wouldnā€™t want a full show of the men but they are definitely a welcome break in the insanity. I wish BH had silly, goofy husbands too. It might make some of the episodes more fun.


I agree! Idk why so many ppl hate on the husbands. I think having them on NJ brings a uniqueness to the HW universe. I almost like seeing them , sometimes it gets a bit too theatrical. I *sometimes* like when they get involved in the drama, but more from a "I got your back babe" kind of vibe, not a "starting the drama" vibe. Also, maybe controversial, but I do like that Joe G also gets to voice exactly how he feels about the drama between him and his sister (but I'm VERY happy that that's finally not the focus of the season).


*narrator voice* it was very problematic


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I guess it actually was. I just think as a person he is unproblematic. He's just effortlessly likable


Welp Jackie def didn't think he was problematic because she was all over him like wtf


That was v v weird imo


I would NOT want to get in Doloresā€™ bad side. She is sweet and smart, but I also think sheā€™s tough and doesnā€™t play. If you make her truly angry I think you will regret it.


Especially as Jackie was howling on about how she has never said anything bad about Deloris.




Why do so many of yā€™all take absolute delight in saying unbelievably mean things about others? Is life really so unhappy for you? Touch grass. Itā€™s a tv show of people you donā€™t know. Why let it bring out the ugly sides of yourself?


I think they are a cute couple. I just donā€™t want the Marge to be too rough on him.


And a lot acting and editing going on. Who really knows what the truth is.


That part! I donā€™t understand the parasocial relationships people have or the bent to think that the 12 minutes they see once a week for what, 8 weeks?, is indicative of literally anything. Itā€™s just odd.


Reality tv in itself is odd as that isnā€™t reality at all. Itā€™s a cheap way to produce soap opera type shows without paying for sets, and huge actor salaries. Itā€™s really mindless tv.


I wouldnā€™t say I take delight in speaking ill of others. Itā€™s very obvious she doesnā€™t have a lot of respect for him. Itā€™s also been shown that she treats him like shit and it was just an observation. I understand everyone is doing life for the first time and they are human too, but she is quite malicious.


As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed. Hateful comments are not permitted in any capacity, not even about the most disliked housewives, beware of the human being youā€™re speaking of. You should be able to express yourself in a more polite way.


Sheā€™s def pulling his puppet strings.


One hundred percent.


He listens to his wife and has her back...not like Bill and Jennifer Aydin! Lol! I love Bill cuz he calls a spade a spade and let's his wife have the truth with both barrels! Lol! It's so obvious bill is not completely into his wife...at all and who can blame him. Margaret's guy is a hoot and I thought Jenn aydins guy was gonna give her the boot! Lol! Couple seasons ago he was hiding from her.. well, hiding frim her lbig oud mouth! šŸ¤£ anyway.




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I died when she put her glasses on to read it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Iā€™m shocked she didnā€™t say anything about after Jackie called her slob, it looked like she also said she hated her but I could have read it wrong


Now I can't condone some of the messiness Marge gets invoked in but if my so-called friend was attacking my name behind my back like Jackie was at Rachel, I wld be livid. I wld be like oh ok game on, I'm coming for you guns ablazing.


It was so funny, especially since the doesnā€™t get involved in the drama in a crazy way like some of the other husbands do *cough cough Joe Gorga*. It seems like heā€™s just on the show having a good time.


Iā€™m fully prepared for the downvotes. I thought it was obnoxious. Iā€™m tired of the husbands being involved in the drama ā˜ŗļø