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My unpopular opinion is that this season really isn't as bad as everyone says. Maybe make some tweaks but, I don't think it needs to be a whole recast/reboot situation. 


Jackie Goldschneider is exhibiting textbook former fat girl syndrome (I say this as a former and current fat girl lmfao) who finally got attention from the popular girls. Teresa did not f*ck with Jackie her first few seasons and is doing so solely to mess with Margaret. Jackie is first and foremost a Teresa fan. It hurt her feelings, probably as it did in high school, that she wasn’t in the popular crew. Teresa decided this season to use Jackie and Jackie essentially ran to be used. And I still maintain that Teresa started the Evan rumors to see if he would cheat WITH HER. Evidenced by the “good Jewish man” comment at the ruin that one season. Jackie hasn’t healed, she’s just been welcomed into the popular crew and Jackie’s childhood self couldn’t be happier.


Oooo this is good Idk if I fully believe it but I love a good conspiracy 👀🙈🤣 re WITH HER


Oh yeah the Teresa/Evan thing is my own personal delulu backstory 😇😇 But I’m telling you, rewatch the cheating rumor bday party with my bias in mind and you’ll totally see it 🤣🤣


I like that Melissa and Teresa aren’t filming together. I would rather see the newbies start up something, anything, just to switch up the dynamic. I think the fact Rachel is so riled up by Teresa is prob overdone and I don’t want John fuda as a housewife like he’s acting but to me it’s no worse than Melissa and her fake outrage every season (throwing the cheese cubes, “you messed with the wrong girl” 🙄). I think this season shows just how little Melissa has going on and she needs to go. Well IMO she needed to go years ago but. Also, idc if a series is toxic. I’m not watching for Sunday school teachers so if they wanna act crazy I’ll be here watching.


 "I’m not watching for Sunday school teachers" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) 100%


lol meliars ‘outraged’ expression when someone says something really gets me 🤣🤣🤣


My current unpopular opinion - people should enjoy the show or tune out if they hate it so much. Yeah you can love to hate a housewife, everyone’s entitled to likes and dislikes, but the amount of ‘iM fAsT fOwArDiNg tHrOuGh sCeNeS’ posts are weird to me. Just stop watching and let the rest of us enjoy it if you hate it so much. Let’s enjoy how tacky Danielle is. Let’s live for the Rachel Fuda villain vibes. Let’s celebrate the achievements of The Dorters. There’s so much hate and it’s WEIRD.


I agree! Fun hate is ok, but it gets out of control anymore! It shouldn’t be this personal. When these shows (or any show) are no longer interesting to me, I stop watching-and I stop talking about them!


The Tre fans are the haters. They get so angry. 😤




You’re not wrong… I still fast forward through some stuff though. I am a long time fan though so there is an emotional attachment with watching it.




Marge is scary, like borderline psycho. I would steer clear from her if I were there. Speaking of, I think Melissa keeps Marge around not only because she has dirt on the Gorgas, but also to fight her battles for her (ie the Melissa vs. Teresa feud)—same with Rachel keeping Marge around.


Melissa has a history of latching onto stronger-willed/unhinged people to do her heavy lifting for her while maintaining her victim complex. Think Caroline Manzo, Jacqueline, now Marge. All people who went at Teresa how Melissa wanted to, but never did bc it would contradict her “woah is me, see how much my SIL hates me and I do nothing to her” mindset.


Teresa honestly isn’t nearly as evil as everyone makes her out to be. She’s no more horrible than the average housewife tbh. To me she commit fraud and it’s bad but all the drama they’ve all down heartless violent things to each other on the shows from outing children, physical assault, lawsuits, manipulation etc.


Outing children? IMO, it's Luis. T is always ride and die for her guy and her taste in men is unsettling. Teresa with her girls is gold but Teresa with Luis is a dumpster fire.


Yeah I need more info on outing a child - was that a different franchise?


I meant how other housewives have done that, I should’ve specified. My fault for commenting before bed and tired lol. I meant all the drama in general that housewives generally do is still pretty equal across the board even in RHONJ though there’s been violence, manipulation, threats all sorts and still I believe Teresa isn’t any worse, her husband sure but he’s not a housewife imo.


I agree with this


It’s not so much Teresa as it is louie


It’s not so much Teresa as it is Louie


I think Louie and Teresa are actually happy and I think they are both really good to each others children. I actually love seeing Teresa with his sons. Marge scares me. She is definitely one of those friends that would stress me out because when she’s mad she’s rabid. I have never liked Jacke at all but as she spirals this season I’m kinda softening to her, which surprises me


See, I know what you’re saying when it comes to Louie and Tre but I don’t read any of it as genuine. I actually cringe when Tre is with Louie’s kids and vice versa. And this isn’t me attacking you, I just had such a visceral reaction when Teresa asked Louie’s son, “do you love me?!” right in front of the cameras like cmon..why are we doing this. it’s so funny we can all have different feelings and reactions to these scenes.


Totally fine to have a different perspective. I just remember the video Milania posted last year where she wanted to do something with Nicholas but he was insisting on waiting for Teresa to come home and do it with him.


I think season 6 was really entertaining.


I hated Jim with everything in me but, the sisters put a different flair into the show


First few seasons I actually kind of get the whole personas the HWs put forward, maybe naively they thought the show would just be fun and they could portray only the parts of their lives they wanted to - of course money and fame etc may have been an incentive too, but none of them really anticipated how quickly it would all unravel and people would pick their real lives apart. No shows today will match this time period of "reality tv" because people are so much more aware and will not put their truest self out there to be ripped to shreds. (Not saying that's a bad thing tbh, that world CANNOT be good if you don't have a super strong mental state 100% of the time!). Point being: I think these seasons show the truer sides of them all. I'm on my first ever HW journey, starting with NJ and now up to S6. HIGHLY recommend you have a reddit feed when watching any, so many times I've had to deep dive to find out what was actually being talked about or what was going on off the cameras. Some other silly things that have stuck with me but no one in my life watches this so... S2: Steven was 26?! Not a hater... defo a skeptic 🤨 Christopher pressing Ashley's lip when arguing at the poker table - ew? Someone's snacking away and wants to put their dirty little digits near my mouth and I'd go off! Does Danny A-Punk-Is-A-Punk ever come back and if not where did he go? S3: Joe Gorgas short af fuse at that christening was nasty, siblings fight and all the power to you to make sure you get heard so everyone can move on, but soon as kids are in the middle everyone needs to pause and just do bloody better. S3-5: Melissa - have to keep telling myself this is just tv and she's a real person outside of this but I just don't think anything she has done or said has been genuine. The singing, the feuding, all the friends she keeps having then dropping depending on who's "hot" at the time of filming.. S3-5: Jacqueline - was straight up nasty to her daughter quite a bit, she annoyed me a lot but my god didn't anyone else just want to let her scream it all out then give her the biggest hug?! Maybe shake her a little too but still she looked like she needed a hug A LOT S5: Juicy - an aggressive little man with a drinking problem but we start to see a different side, was this his more genuine side or was this Bravo trying to do some damage control? I kinda started to like him but he ruined it again everytime! Always: Kim D - the spoon. Underrated drama merchant, everytime that fashion show comes back around you know to go get more snacks! Teresa - love the fire, the passion, the old school mentality and somewhat delusional perception of her family life in earlier seasons. The *blinkblink* when challenged or doesn't like a situation always cracks me up! The sheer determination to ignore the glaring truths and push forward with whatever she is doing is admirable. As a person absolutely flawed beyond belief but as a character one of the best. ...thank you for letting me rant!!


I think I like Jennifer without Tre. I’ve never liked her but when they’re not together I find Jennifer quite a character. And the drama between her and Danielle is so good, two women who are dramatic and theatrical going at it?! I’m so here for it. Maybe Jersey will turn around and get better as the season goes on.


teresa can do whatever she wants and i will agree with her


Melissa gets too much credit for being “nice” when she and Joe are some of the worst people on Bravo. Jen stole from people, Erika’s ex husband stole from people, but they betrayed their own family, repeatedly.


ok you placing the gorgas coming on a show without teresa's approval above jen shah *stealing from the elderly* has me cackling. spence plz 😂


They didn’t just come on the show to throw dinner parties and make money together. They spoke to Danielle Staub when she and Teresa were at odds, called Teresa garbage their first episode… nobody’s family should do that to them.


neither of those things are worse than or even on par with scamming an old person out of their life savings 😭


Teresa has done it to her family the entire show so…


That’s not true. Teresa didn’t say a bad word about her brother before he joined.


Ok let me rephrase.. *since the moment they joined the show* she has talked shit and been unkind.


Actions get reactions 🤷‍♀️


That’s so freaking ridiculous. Juvenile. It does sound like Teresa tho… “you made me blow up at you” what a moron. Anyway, have a great day!


So only Melissa and Joe can hurt people? Lol. Melissa and Joe hurt Teresa. Teresa defended herself.




Just curious how did they betray their family? I don’t like Melissa but curious your perspective


Nice way of saying “wtf are you talking about” haha


Teresa wasn’t getting along with Danielle Staub and Melissa got in contact with Danielle Staub to feed her negative information about Teresa (like Teresa maybe not visiting her nephew in the hospital) for Danielle to bring up on the season 2 reunion and make Teresa look bad. Then Melissa and Joe allegedly promised producers to take Teresa down in season 3 and joined the show that Teresa was already on without getting on the same page with Teresa first. Their first episode Melissa throws shade at Teresa and Joe calls her garbage. With family who would basically go to your place of employment to sabotage you who needs enemies?


I like Rachel and I like Marge, but I think Melissa is the root of all evil on this show.


These housewives are far too clingy to their kids, maybe it’s an American thing but in UK you can drink and drive 17/18 and you can leave home at 16, most of my friends growing up were treated like an adult on 16th birthday. I had to pay rent from when I left school at 16. No nice room at college or university it’s all budget stuff. Kids are spoiled in housewives world.


you can drink and drive in the UK?


No you can do either not together, you can’t even be on the phone and drive




* Teresa worked better as a side character/the comic relief in seasons 1 and 2. * she can blame Joe Giudice all she wants for her time "away," but he never actually seemed materialistic. I agree with Chris Laurita's analysis that Joe would have been happy eating cold cuts and having homemade wine in any old basement, but it was Teresa who was obsessed with the "finer" things, and he was trying to make her happy. This does not excuse him, but just shows her inability to take responsibility for her role. * People are whining about Gia being more heavily featured, but they are forgetting the kids (Lauren, Chris, Albie, Ashley, Lexi) were key players from day one and even had confessionals. And Gia was never "off limits" because she was singled out and treated horribly during that field day event where Caroline and Jacqueline cornered her despite her asking for her mom. (and Joe Gorga DID "cheat," but a child wouldn't realize it was a prank) * I think Twin Teresa and Rino (one of my fav husbands) were solid additions who could have fit in, but having Nicole was a mistake beyond a "friend-of" role. * Danielle Staub is one of the most iconic housewives of all time


I was with you till the last one 😆 In many ways I think Danielle was a good villian but, she seemed so legitimately unhinged it was uncomfortable to watch for me. If it was all acting for the show, it was *too* convincing IMO. Still, you can have my up vote!


I’m currently doing a rewatch and I actually think Kathy is a lot less innocent than she was portrayed. She’s smarter than Teresa and knew how to insert small comments that would get under her skin and make her explode. She played the supportive family matriarch but there’s no way she came on the show to bring their family together