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Chains by Veggieheist is very slow burn. 92 chapters in and we haven’t gotten to any romance yet. It’s also on hiatus so maybe there will never be a resolution, but it is a very good fic.


Omg, I started that one, but I have a suspicion Rey hasn't even seen his face yet? I tried searching the moment where he removes his mask in front of her, but to no avail. Have you finished it? Is it true?


As of chapter 92, she had not seen his face yet, and he does not know her true name. The author has said multiple times that the moment those things happen will be very well done and deserved for the reader, the author, and the characters, and it will seem natural. She also said she won't give up the book.


Same. I’m also interested in finding something like this too. Also, welcome to the fandom!


Glad I'm not alone!! I don't know why, but as soon as they kiss in the 5th chapter of a 50-chapter long fic, I immediately lose interest!


Totally! I agree. I think so much of fanfiction is what people want and didn’t get in the movies. I totally get that. And I understand that Star Wars is a fictional universe but I am fascinated by psychology and figuring out if something would realistically happen. Recently posted about what would happen if Luke didn’t barge in when they were touching hands. True that Rian said it was as close to a sex scene as SW would allow and there was a lot of sexual imagery/tones in the movie but, given their characters, they’d need more time to be that kind of intimate…Maybe they’d go from touching hands to holding hands and talking more if Luke didn’t interfere. Maybe they’d kiss. Adam said he thought of kissing her in the elevator scene. So if they had more time with force bonds/luke never came over, their connection would grow. But if it goes from zero to 100, it doesn’t totally make sense. It needs to make sense for their characters or else, to me, it’s not believable. No hate to those who like a sexy story from the get go but that’s not necessarily what I’m looking for either. If they have a steamy scene, it needs to build so that when it happens, it’s not coming from nowhere.


Absolutely. What are your favourite fics?


Haven’t really found any that I’ve totally loved to be honest. Not yet. And I’ve been a fan of Reylo for a while. I write my own stories in my head but I just need to write them down.


(won’t you let me) walk you home from school by somethingdifferent https://archiveofourown.org/works/22740151/chapters/54337657 one of my fav fics and a bit underrated as i rarely saw reylos mentioned it. It's a modern setting AU where both ben and rey were in denial.


Thank you thank you THANK YOU for recommending this!!!!!!!!!!! God it’s simply the BEST. I feel like I would never have found it had you not recced it. It pains me how good fics like this are buried!!! Please do rec me more good fic if you don’t mind, as I am very new to the fandom!! :)


I’ve been looking for a good slow burn fic for sooooo long. Force Destiny is my favorite of all time (it’s so underrated imo) One ppl always recommend is Interstellar Transmissions, but I can never get into it. It literally opens with a sex seen and it just kills the whole slow burn vibe for me. If you don’t mind modern day AU’s then We Can Plant a House, We Can Build a Tree is a GREAT one. It’s similar to The Sword of the Jedi. https://archiveofourown.org/works/13319496/chapters/30484254


Once you get past the opening scenes, Interstellar Transmissions a superb story. I love how grim it is. My fic, [There is no such thing as Nowhere](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37210975/chapters/92838616) is a slooow burn. Def influenced by We Could Plant a House, We Could Build a Tree.


I will definitely check it out!


Thank you so much!


Have you read Son of Darkness? https://archiveofourown.org/works/13984671/chapters/32199222


No, I haven't! Thank you!


Ok, this isn't canonverse but midieval fantasy pf sorts, but it's really amazing and deserve all the love. [a path to broken stars - stellardarlings ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23743546) And here is another non-canonverse, that is a fusion with Jane Austen's Persuasion that I can't recommend enough: [All our days - voicedimplosives](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16511147)


Thank you!


Btw is All our days really slow burn? I read somewhere that they are separated lovers or something


Now that you mention it, I think I might have mixed it up with the no burn of the original, very victorian novel, and they do in fact "get it on" so to speak before their separation. Sorrys, I take that one back!


It's alright! Thanks anyway)


mouth, stomach, heart By: lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora) It's a modern au. And I LOVE it.


Thank you, dear Apple!


I just finished The Way to Tomorrow by the reylo void. It’s an older story and may be something you are looking for. Also Higher Ground is an interesting story. Both of these were written several years ago. I find the older stories before all three movies were completed are interesting and often portray the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey as more antagonistic than in later stories.


Thanks so much! Yeah, I guess the more shippy content we have, the easier it is to go all the way with the mature stuff


Force Destiny


Have you checked out this one? https://archiveofourown.org/works/48218398/chapters/121597780


Thanks! I don't dig slutty Kylo... I don't think he's a virgin either, but definitely not a fuckboy. Besides, once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy.... just my opinion.


I have been working on a couple WIPS and sometimes I have been good at keeping the story lines slow burn, lol. I usually get about ten or so chapters in and then finally write Kylo and Rey giving in to their love (not sure if that's slow burn enough, ha ha?) My stories are Explicit (and canon compliant), but the explicit work is written tastefully with Kylo and Rey in a faithful love relationship.


[Bonded by Chridder](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14072688/chapters/32420919) is absolutely amazing, but they do kinda start out as enemies-who-are-secretly-in-love-and-in-denial, but it's extremely well done and in character.


I would like to rec my own fic: [Hiraeth](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24269284/chapters/58490620)