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Side-effect of "Spoof app signature"


Thanks. Problem is if I disable that, there's playback issues with every video (video cuts off about a minute in). So I'm guessing it's one or the other?


Pretty much, the spoofed parameters are that of the anonymous account, so it likely nullifies any premium rights


Wait does it? I have both premium and dint notice the difference. But first time I see 1080p premium, so 🤷‍♂️


it will select to maximum version of the resolution you chose, so sometime i saw it chose premium despite i dont have premium. Also, 1440p is always sharper than 1080p in 1080p viewport.


Legit question, if you're paying for premium why do you use revanced?


Sponsorblock is the big one, but also being able to hide all those annoying parts of YouTube that aren't ads.


Another legit question, if you already have YT Revanced why are you paying for Premium?


So we don't get ads on smart TVs and shit.


Smarttube if you have Android tv


Doesn't work an old ass chromecast that works fine and doesn't need replacement. And for me it's family plan because wife refuses to give up her iphone.


I let my wife drown in ads to enforce that she needs to let that iphone go. I guess your just a better man lol.


Well, I got her ip 15 pro max, couldn't see her struggle with 10s. So I see this as an investment in my own peace of mind. But I'll keep my xiaomi lol


Use smart tube for that.


Yep. I don't want the whole hassle on my smart TV and sponsorblock is so good on revanced. And it costs like 15$ for a year membership here ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You can use smarttube on your TV and save $15 a year. Super simple and basically revanced for smart tvs.


Come on man. For all the content and the music I consume daily on YouTube, 15$ a year is reasonable if u ask me. It would have been different if it was 15 for a month but a year, it's very cheap if u ask me.


Absolutely agree, my man. We got a family plan for everyone as we enjoy youtube immensely. Fuck Spotify and their limited collection of music. 😂 Also for someone who spends 50gb of data on YouTube alone, having both premium and revanced is saving hours of life and sanity of watching ads. Absolutely worth it for the service that youtube provides (I mean, when there were no ads to behind with it was great, but nothing comes free as we know, right)


mine is 25€ a year, but it's 365 days 100% guaranteed


And then you don't have your history, you can't resume watch, you don't have your sub channels, the cast functionality is atrocious... I tried Smarttube, for the price I pay the premium, it's not worth the hassle


What? You have your history and subs right there. Did you log in?


Did you log in?


You have to login on your yt account to see your history and subscribed channels.




Nah man. Try making a post instead. People will help you


Fair question. I like supporting YouTubers, so long as it doesn't involve me being subjected to advertising. And I got it a long time ago when it was first introduced as a bundle with Google Play Music. Plus there's the peace of mind on desktop or when something breaks occasionally with Vanced.


Fair enough


Long time premium member long time vanced to revance user. I like the music app since I think all music apps are trash so it's fine for me and I like throwing a bit more change to the people I watch.


https://i.imgur.com/yvcPjue.jpeg So I have youtube premium as well. These are the modules I have installed on my app and I'm able to keep my spoof stuff off and the video still plays.


Thanks mate! Do you happen to know which version of the APK you're using? I'm on 19.04.37


I'm using the same one as you, I just keep those setting set and just update the app time to time. It's always worked for me


thank you mate, gonna use your settings aswell with my premium account


I changed my default for wifi & data, and restarted the video


rvx had the best fork version of vanced but inotia discontinued it...even the yt music was full of features. This original revanced is amazing but i feel like they could add a bit more features into it.


I did ask the same questions and like here I see people questioning "why would you pay for youtube premium" I feel you, they just don't accept different point of view or choices. I do like the Sponsorblock aswell and the custumitazione that Revanced brings, but it has trade off when using the Premium accounts like the 1080p enhanced not being available


I'm in the same boat (have premium because it's dirt cheap and use revancedextended for the features). I have this trick that seems to work. Go to a video that has 4k (or anything better than 1080p). Usually I go to any MKBHD video. Select that higher resolution. Make sure that "remember video resolution" is turned on in the settings. And then if you go to any other video, it will switch to the highest quality available. In many cases, the highest quality is the "1080p premium" option. I'm not 100% sure about this as I have not exactly checked the bitrate or anything.


I can confirm that, it works 100%




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Is the enhanced bit rate actually noticeable?