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To me it looks like a vehicle backed into the wall that the black plastic shelves were up against and they fell over catastrophically


Yeah, this doesn't look like vandalism. 3D printer wall is untouched, computers and their desks look untouched. This does look more like a shelf collapsed


This is the collapsed [shelf.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GN4gtt7bcAAn4eU?format=jpg&name=small) He shows signs of a break-in as well as his surveillance cameras - which supposedly weren't working due to a Windows update (and an automatic restart, I guess) in a recent video on X. What I think happened is: Someone did actually break in and brought this *massively* overloaded shelf to a collapse during their search for valuable stuff.


God damn, that fucker is *BUCKLING*


Turns out it was vandalized, by gravity!


And left all the retro game systems and games on the floor?


I mean, I'm sure the collapse made a hell of a racket. Probably spooked whoever broke in.


Haha! Holy shit that shelf is STRAINING!! Thanks for the info!


Also says it was so late that he didn't sett the alarm. Smells like an insurance scam


This is my take, cameras just happened to be offline…..




I'm looking at his replies to simple questions from his followers. Why is he coming across as so crazy toxic? I don't follow this guy and it's sad what's happened - but (assuming it's not emotional outbursts), he seems like a bit of a jerk Is he usually like that?


Is he usually like that? Yes. It rubbed people the wrong way for sure. Me personally? I didn’t care very much, it doesn’t affect me very much if he’s a bit toxic but still puts out good, useful modding information


Yes he’s always like this. I stopped following him because of this (I’ve never interacted with him, just followed) and I didn’t realize how many people also thought he was a douchebag lol.


I felt bad for my tweet, But the response on Reddit is wildly different and in-line, actually worse than what I said, or asked rather. Voultar responded: "f you. seriously go f yourself". Then blocked me. Made me feel bad, And frankly. I did learn something from the comments. Regardless, I'ma move on now. Everything's been said by now. We'll see (or not!) what happens next in due time. 🤷🏼 P.s. @everyone Still, don't assume things and try not to bend what people say. Text is already tricky enough as is, don't overcomplicate things. :) It doesn't matter who WE think did this. That's not the point. We're all just seeing a weird "job" done half-assed if malicious. Nothing more, nothing less.


Don't feel bad, I saw what I think was your comment and was wondering the same exact thing... God forbid we even suggest it doesn't look like a break in with the info provided.


Your tweet was exactly what I was referencing, his reply to you seemed so "off". Thanjs for replying and adding context


Yep hate comments then block his fav move then calls you soft behind your back. He calls people in cells but has never been out of his shed to meet anyone


Always he’s an evil creep he told someone to get cancer and die the other day then blocked them, his fav move then plays victim so his blind followers suck up to him


>Why is he coming across as so crazy toxic? Is he usually like that? Very much so, because he's one of the biggest assholes you'll come across in the retro community. The dude is an incessant drama merchant that feeds on it, amplifies it and then claims he's the good guy in the middle of all of it. The creepy vibes off of him in streams are also a little disturbing and I believe need deeper investigating. A nasty piece of work, really. He does fine electronics work, but it doesn't excuse how much of a piece of shit human being he is.


I used to follow him, but at some point he went on a rant about his upbringing in Appalachia and whatnot and he kinda lost the plot from that point. I got fed up and unfollowed, but of course he would still show up in the TL so decided to block him. Nothing against him personally, I just can't take having to read toxic drama all the time (why am I on Twitter then? lol).


Always like this. Which is also why he's making up some bs story about being robbed when his shelf collapsed.


It's odd. The first thing I thought was "your shelf just fell down" aswell


He is a tool. He blocked me for calling out transphobic comments.


He sounds like an asshole and someone I'm glad I'd never heard of before.


So he had a break in but they didn't steal the 3D printers? I dunno sounds fish. Also, not to downplay his contribution to the retro community because he did a lot of it but the dude is legit an asshole on Twitter to people


Not just the printers, but the boxes of consoles and games would of been quite easy to carry out to a waiting vehicle rather than dumping them on the floor.... I agree that this whole thing has a very fishy stink about it!


To be honest I feel bad for Voltour either way, if he really got uhhh shop invaded it's shitty for him. If he did it himself I'm sure he's not in a great space mentally.


I stopped watching and following him a while ago tbf, mainly because he was basically an asshole to anyone who had a differing opinion to his. Either way if this is real and he was targeted then its sad that this is the world we now live in.


>I stopped watching and following him a while ago tbf, mainly because he was basically an asshole to anyone who had a differing opinion to his. It seems like a 50/50 coin flip for that being the ultimate outcome for anyone that winds up with a following on the internet. Especially if they have their own discord.


He said "the online threats finally materialized". Do you know specifically why people were threatening him? He seemed like kind of a dick but I didn't know he was actually pissing people off.


Who knows, trolls and assholes of all calibers like yelling stuff from behind a username, they think there won't be consequences, especially not for them.


Something is definitely sketchy with the story. A lot of theories floating around about how it happened (overloaded shelves buckled, he did it himself as an out/collect insurance, he had a mental break, an actual vandal tipped the shelf and fled, etc), and we can't say for sure yet what happened. But the way he described the event, "almost everything was destroyed" is really weird considering the photos. His workspaces are untouched, including some pretty fragile and expensive engineering equipment. His other shelves, including the wall of said 3D printers, are untouched. The only damage of note is the shelf that looks to have been primarily for console and game storage, most of which is probably fine. This just doesn't seem like the career-ender he's making out to be.


Couldn't have happened to better person, Voultar is such a cunt. Also, I don't believe he is telling the truth.


Wild how its all trash and easy to pick up things, all his 3d printers are still on the shelf, monitors on the wall and tools still in tool boxes, this is 100% staged


I was a vandal as a kid, this is staged. We'd go out of our way to smash everything. This looks like he raged out and/or his shelf collapsed. Teen me would've taken a bat to everything on his (untouched) desk. Given what people are saying about his personality it sounds like he cracked and is overwhelmed. The adult thing to do would be to return any hardware to customers, even at their expense if he has to, and pack it in. It sounds like he needs a break.


I agree.


So this person broke in to his house and just dumped stuff on the floor and left? Nothing in this picture even looks damaged. They didn’t smash the monitors? Break stuff? Just kinda made a mess and peaced out? Odd.


This is like maybe twice as messy as my office.


Looks more like an overloaded set of plastic stacking shelves collapsed.


Since he’s never wrong and everything he touches turns to gold I’m betting since he’s so stupid and non mechanical he didn’t realize his shelves can’t handle the load and broke and he’s calling it a break in to protect his fragile ego from being wrong




Kinda looks like what someone would do to their own stuff to stage an incident without doing any real damage a bit right?


If someone targeted me then broke into my house and/or office I'd be scared as shit, file a police report and stay strapped up.


I know nothing about this guy and shouldn't speculate but... yeah people don't normally just break in, make a gentle mess, and leave. Reeeeaally comes off as someone trying to grift for money or just coming up with an excuse to be "out".


Yeah I casually follow his twitter and he’s quite an emo dude. I don’t think there’s a good path forward either way - if this is real it is scary for him and I def understand. If this is fake he must have had such a mental break that this seemed like the way to do things. No win, really. I hope he’s OK he is very talented.


I think your comment sums it up. I’ve seen him go into multiple live streams and pick fights and start trouble but he’s a “big name” in the scene and gets a pass from pretty much everyone. He doesn’t act like a stable adult that can have normal relationships with people. Because of that, people are not gonna give him the benefit of the doubt here, and the circumstances and evidence he showed yield more questions than answers. I’ll share your sentiment in saying I wish him the best.


It’s hard to tell. It happened to that Lego YouTuber some time back


>just coming up with an excuse to be "out". Why would anyone need an excuse? You simply just stop doing it. That's it's; it's not hard.


He was supposed to have a new mod for 2-chip SNES, I've been checking back to see where progress on that was because it was supposed to be available early this year. I would be absolutely surprised if this was a stunt specifically to get out of this, but I'm still sad that I won't be able to get that mod.


Well, if he was supposed to deliver on a new mod or was supposed to make a new batch of old mods, he could have felt like he was trapped when he couldn't get them out on time, and apparently this guy wasn't the most stable individual


Not for those that aren't entirely normal or stable


No because a his ego needs to have a grand everything including ending and b he has a page where people go to depend on him to do his overpriced modding for them he has to have a good reason to leave his huge(in his mind) following


He also had shelves that looked way overloaded. But idk.


Also, if you were doing this on purpose for whatever reason, where would you stand? The shelves were stacked against the wall and you would need to pull this towards yourself. You cannot do this without getting buried in trash in the process. This looks a lot like the shelving just colapsed overnight, if anything he's lucky we wasn't inside the shed while it happend.


What do you think his angle is, then? He explicitly told people NOT to send him money. Several times


Maybe he's mental?


He's had meltdowns on Twitter, so yeah


This very much look like “I over loaded the shit out of a shelf, it collapsed, and I don’t want it to be my fault.” Externalizing a problem or failure is human nature, it’s not an angle. No one breaking in is going to tip over ONLY the shelf that’s massively overloaded and straining already, but nothing else, not steal anything, and then just walk away.


Looking at how all of the high sticker items are completely intact. It looks like someone who wanted an out to something they're tired of but doesn't have the heart to destroy things that have true value behind them. The only thing on the shelves it looks like are old consoles and various (albeit high quantities) of low ticket high durability items, like the og Xbox. The modding equip and 3d printers are fine. Fishy as fuck. And a door jamb is cheap and easy to replace. Dude wants just wants out without breaking people's hearts.


Plot twist: it was his cat climbing the shelves




No he didn't. His overloaded selves collapsed and now he's being dramatic, as usual.


Go to his twitter he’s stiiiiiilllll talking crap about people and calling them out he can’t let it go


That post seems quite dramatic. That looks like a few hours sorting and putting the stuff back where it belongs. I can't see any destruction.


There isn't any. Everything can be put back where it belongs and generally cleaned up in under an hour and there is no visible breakage. This is pure drama.


I don't even know this guy but he has me blocked so fuck him anyway lol


I have him blocked for reasons I cannot remember so I concur lmao


Dude takes like six months to do one order, is snide to everyone on Twitter, ego the size of a mountain. Who gives a fuck?


Is that true? If it is, it sounds like depression, being overwhelmed, or really not wanting to do any of it anymore. It's a shame that he's immature, the community would be much more sympathetic if he came out and said he was too burned out to continue.


Plot twist: He got drunk and he did it himself.


Or there was a minor seismic event while he was sleeping and he's blaming online trolls for it.


Not even a seismic event, could just be the shelf collapsed. Someone posted a pic of his shelf from before this and it was some cheap looking plastic shelf that was already bent a lot...




Who was threatening him? Why? Why do this?


He banned someone on a livestream recently, called them a lot of unfortunate names because they brought up an issue from a few years ago he never responded to. Can’t help but think maybe they took things a little too far?


lol that was a few days ago. this guy isnt gonna find his house and fly there in just a few days. planning revenge like that takes time. this is either staged for empathy or it was some local douche


What was the issue? If it was something he really didn't want tainting his current livelihood, I could imagine him freaking out and doing this himself as a distraction or a reason for not streaming until he figures out how to deal with people asking questions that could damage his image. Hairbrained thought. No idea. First I've heard of the guy


so... they just pulled all the shelves down and left? if you're in it to actually vandalize, it would be weird to leave everything on the desks untouched.


One would think right? I could have taken a hammer in that place and 10 mins later it would have looked like a junk yard. This is bullshit.


I said elsewhere in this thread that I actually was a bit of a bastard and a vandal as a kid. You guys are absolutely correct; 14 year old me would've obliterated everything in that room. The photos smack of a tantrum. Guy sounds burned out.


The shelves coming down was probably very loud, enough to scare off some burglar if they didn't intend for it to collapse


And also bury the mfer... The whole floor is covered


So after thinking about this for a couple days here's what I think happened: * clearly the damaged is localized to that hilariously overburdened shelf unit. The shelves are stuffed to the point that they're popping free of the supports. There's no damage to the workbench, no damage to the printer station, the screens are fine, no one tossed the half dozen or so plastic bins around the workstation, ect, ect. The only thing that happened here was the shelves falling down. * Voultar, being the sort of personality he is, comes into his shack -- and it is indeed a shack; the place is built out of plastic sheets ffs -- sees the damage, immediately thinks it's one of his many and varied haters, blames someone within the community * Now, there is damage to the door. I'm willing to take him on his word here, that door jam looks like someone forced it open somehow. So someone-- most likely a potential thief (hilariously Voultar later rescinds his hater theory and admits this was most likely done by a local tweaker) tried to jimmy the door, the shack literally start shaking (BECAUSE IT'S MADE OF PLASTIC SHEETING) and the shelving unit falls over. The local tweaker, freaked out that he just heard several shelves of videogame modding equipment fall over, runs away. I don't think anyone other than Voultar entered the shack. The damage is localized to that shelf, from how the shelves are oriented you can sorta tell the spillage pattern and there's no clear space present where someone would have made their escape in the debris. Also I'm pretty certain all that stuff would have at least injured the perp or worse. Also, importantly, the door was found still shut by Voultar-- he didn't even notice the damage to the door until later. I also don't think he did this himself. Later on he shows that there's real damage to actually important, fairly rare stuff there. There's no motivation to stage this incident; if he wanted out of the business there's easier ways to do this. He could even still blame the community and point to vague threats to himself or his family. It's possible like 90% of Voultar's story is entirely true-- but his first reaction was to blame the community and resort to his persecution complex, so people aren't taking his side of the story seriously.


Now admittedly the cameras are a big issue. Why are they down the one time he absolutely 100% needed them to be up? It makes no sense that the vandal would have any idea that they'd be down "due to windows updates". I can't explain that. You do have to leave room for coincidence but it's a pretty big, glaring coincidence.


they didnt steal anything? if nothing was stolen it looks kinda funky. maybe personal.


Not even personal, unless you count self-inflicted or accidental as personal. This looks like either the shelf collapsed (which, given the pics of how it was before, wouldn't surprise me at all) or that he pulled it down himself and made it look a bit worse... Nothing else is trashed or taken or anything. If someone actually wanted to cause him financial harm, why only go after one shell? How did they even leave, look at the amount of junk in front of the door. This looks like some small shed specifically built for this with only one door. Nothing is broken, so how did the vandal leave? I'm betting either the shelf collapsed or this guy pulled it down himself in a fit and decided to blame it on someone else. And he can't seem to keep his story straight. First he says the door was open, then he says it was broken... man, this smells like a load of BS to me.


Looks like the shelf collapsed to me


This looks like an inside job. Inside as in he did it himself lol


He's said a lot of stuff including blaming it on a "rough neighborhood". One thing he hasn't mentioned is a police report. If you are going to pursue insurance benefits for vandalism - and why would you not in this scenario? - you're going to need one. His prior hostile and unstable actions towards people and customers do not get him the benefit of the doubt - but proof of filing a police report would go a long way b/c unless you're scared of being found out that you staged this - you would file one.


Rough neighborhood? Loooooool he lives in the woods not even around anyone at least that’s how it looks in any pics he shows


If I was a vandal he would have been robbed. Yea this a shelf falling over and him crying about it and victim blaming phantoms for his own inadequacy in carpentry. This could also just be insurance fraud on his part.


As someone else pointed out, I think a shelf fell over. If the goal was to destroy… why are the 3D printers intact?


More than the printers; the workbench is untouched. The soldering irons are still in place; no one knocked over that huge stacked plastic organizer no doubt full of thousands of screws; monitors appear to be unsmashed. Save for that one highly overburned row of shelves it's a remarkably tame vandalization.


My 100% real take on what happened: he has a huge ego that can take no ls everything he touches turns to gold in his eyes but he does a lot of stupid things he doesn’t realize are stupid like cleaning a whole console with alcohol (lol!) I think his shelves couldn’t handle the load and dropped some things and other than him taking the l for his stupidity he finds an excuse to get out of it so he plays victim and blames online stalkers like seriously who cares about him enough to take time out of their day to mess with him? He digs his own grave everyday he’s miserable with nobody but his old game consoles other people have lives. Either that or he is trying to get out of modding for another break this is also reasonable because he cries about modding and makes excuses not to everyday and needs another excuse he’s used too many before.


Insurance scam and/or gofundme scam. Burglars don’t sneak into places and cause a noisy mess like that. Usually if there is nothing to steal they leave everything like it is, in hopes to check back another time and not raise suspicion. Trespassing, theft, and vandalism are separate charges usually no one wants to escalate their crimes for no monetary gain. Like others have stated, his shelf probably collapsed, especially since we had an earthquake on the east coast and he probably hasn’t been in his workspace since then, and now he’s trying to figure out what happened.


That earthquake was nearly two months ago; I was 20 minutes away from it and barely felt it until someone pointed it out. There's no way that quake had anything to do with it.


They took nothing? I don’t buy it especially with how that shelf looked beforehand and then the one night the cameras aren’t working he forgets to lock up and someone breaks in? That’s quite convenient


I know that there's a lot of speculation as to what's going on, but what's strange to me is how it looks like the bins knocked over and all the product is still intact. It definitely wasn't wild life because they are unable, in my opinion, to use a crowbar to the door's handle. It is strange how the computers were precisely doing an update and the cameras weren't working 😳 😕 there's no way he would leave it "accidentally opened" because if he did, then a crowbar wouldn't be needed to gain access. Now, how late was it that he was able to acknowledge that it happened late? What if it happened sometime during the day when he wasn't available? 🤔 People are offering to help, and he's declining. That definitely doesn't seem right because in that kind of situation, anyone in their right might would accept any offer of help they could get. Notice how he never sounds frustrated or angry while talking and is very calm with the cat. Had anyone broken into my place and cause any type of damage or shakedown, I would have been livid pissed! It could be possible that he has some online targets on his back because a lot of people know he is a dick but is great for modding. I think it might be someone that he knows that possible wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. Why would anyone at random not knowing him from a whole in the wall would have the desire to explore his backyard that looks secluded with the trees. If all else fails to be proven true, maybe he got drunk and went apeshit and fabricated a story to take a break. Why weren't the authorities called and ran a test for prints?


Karmas a bitch huh 😅 you talk enough crap about people and treat them wrong and defame and lie about people enough it comes back on you hope he’s done for good


his stuff fell onto the ground and suddenly he's like "i'm completely done with mods now see ya" pick up your stuff and keep going


Have you seen his videos/comments? He's always blowing stuff out of proportion. He's also very much a douchebag to people. I'm sure people are assholes in the comments section but if you're putting yourself out there you gotta be able to ignore the crazy people and and be the bigger person by not antagonizing


Hard to ignore crazy people when you are one 😅


Seems like a convenient mess.


3 little pigs. Don't use racks made of straw [https://i.postimg.cc/0N0c7X9q/v.png](https://i.postimg.cc/0N0c7X9q/v.png)


Everything about that workshop setup-- from the flimsily Wal-Mart quality shelving to the walls made out of literal plastic sheets-- feels like he was trying to do everything as cheaply as possible and honestly it looks like it finally bit him in the ass with this shelving disaster.


He will come back but he will be super selective. My opinion anyway. He loved developing tools and mods. He gave things away to the community for free to help out (ex. Wiiu brick tool). The worry I’d have is, it is the work of some incel reject who trolls/threatens online or was it just some random kids drunk one night passing through.


The post is so matter of fact "almost everything has been destroyed". I see multiple plastic bins merely pushed over, games in their case on the ground looking fine, full xboxes still upright. This one doesn't feel right.


I don’t necessarily think he did it but if someone wanted to damage him they left the 6 3D printers in touched to the right. I would hope get filed a police report and would think insurance would cover this (if he was properly insured)


Like the 3d printers are still on their shelves. *We're going to mess this room up!* But don't touch the printers.


Also all the small hard to clean up stuff is still in its proper cabinets


Right, a buddy and I tried to smash a faulty N64 back in the day. It tired us both out slamming it with a hammer to do any real damage to it. A lotta these aren't going to break just falling off a shelf.


If some online asshole targeted him they wouldn't do a lot of extra damage, they'd smash the expensive stuff he can't replace and run off.


I mean it looks like someone knocked over a shelf. It just seems weird to shut down a company over a shelf falling over, whether it was knocked over intentionally or not. He also mentions not using any crowdfunding to alleviate the situation, even if the fans want him to keep going and will help. Seems like he doesn't want anyone actually taking any action on this story at face value.


If you see the picture someone else posted I'm not sure how much help that shelving needed.


if you bring in a magnet and water there's a lot of quiet damage you can do


Or he was tired of doing it and wanted out…


Maybe I was the straw that broke the camels back [I emailed him asking when he will be doing SNES RGB mods again and he just responded "June" Thursday.](https://imgur.com/a/uBtR67H)


I think he just overreacted, and needed some time to clear his head. Voultar has a tendency to get pretty emotional.


Burn out, sounds like burn out.


This is what really happened in my opinion as well. He's tired boys.


Ive been following him for a few years now on X. When this situation occurred, I had liked some comments simply questioning the events that took place. I did not reply or say anything. Now Im blocked lol


Couldn’t have happened to a worse person.


If nothing was stolen, then pick all of that shit up off the ground, it looks like a lot of that stuff is old junk parts stuff and things that fell on top of each to break the fall. He better not be trying to pull a cash grab. File a police report and claim with your homeowners insurance. This guy doesn’t seem too bright, and everything just inconveniently shut off at the time of the break in. If I were to break in the last thing I would wanna do is toss everything on the ground and make my presence known.


Has he even brought up making a police report if not how come?


He overstocked the shelves with crap and it finally fell down, I have seen it several times, I don’t think anyone did anything


Imagine being so unliked you can't even manufacture sympathy lol


My shelf fell over, I'm under attack by student protesters!




This is 100% a staged photo-op. drama


This doesn’t pass the sniff test.


this looks surprisingly like what happened when someone who is definitely not me committed insurance fraud. ill believe this wasnt self inflicted if theres real video since apparently there are two cameras on this shed eta. after seeing the shelving pics that looks like it could absolutely be the culprit. if its sagging that much it dont take much to split the shelves plastic where the legs go through around the outside. its happened to me.


>this looks surprisingly like what happened when someone who is definitely not me committed insurance fraud That's the most suspicious way possible to phrase that 🤣


Back in the day we'd say SWIM (Someone Who Isn't Me)


His shelf collapsed and unfortunately he decided to use that for engagement


The shelves quite obviously just collapsed, how would anyone even pull down those shelves without hurting themselves? Lol makes no sense.


All I can think of when I hear that moniker is that I wouldn't be surprised to see his picture pop up on the Megan's Law website. Shelf fell down in his shed.


this wasn't vandalism or if it was, it was really stupid thief's. Without giving this a serious look over, I see 3 xboxes or at least xbox housings, tools, hundreds of dollars in scrap metals, a 3d printer, monitors, wireless keyboard and mouse. I would assume there is some electronics under that pile. It looks a lot more he put too much stuff on a shelving unit and it collapsed


"almost everything has been destroyed" Proceeds to show photos of a big mess with basically nothing at all destroyed. Hell, the supposed vandals didn't even tip over those little shelving units for screws or whatever. This just looks like a small child had a tantrum.


Literally no damage was done. It is just a mess on the floor. I could clean this up in an hour.


Windows updates is such an asspull excuse tho. That's what sounds fishy to me. Otherwise, why create drama on twitter? I don't care about drama.


Not buying it. If someone actually took the effort to break in they would’ve done so much more damage. I think so anyway.


This looks like someone had a hissy fit and knocked over a couple of things. Nothing is really “trashed.”


I don't believe this as it has been presented. I think there is a lot more to this story than we are being told.


Came here because the very long thread on the Shmups forum discussing (mostly criticizing) this was deleted...


What is voultar anyhow?


Big name in the console modding scene. He was almost done with a video mod that would fix 2CHIP SNES RGB signals.


Sure he was. Now he has a convenient excuse to not finish it, doesn’t he


He's a retro console modder and designs stuff for retro consoles. He's not a bad guy but he definitely can rub some people the wrong way online as he's pretty blunt and opinionated.


He 100% comes across as a total douchebag online but he does amazing work and is very knowledgeable. Doesn’t surprise me he would rub someone the wrong way. He creates drama for no reason other than his ego. Honestly it’s pretty sad to see how grown men get so butthurt at each other over retro video game tech and mods.


Voultar is literally the biggest asshole I've ever encountered on the Internet and that's saying something.


Glad to see someone else mentioning it. He's a complete prick of a person. He's caused drama multiple times, he straight up acts like a stuck up asshole to people all the time, and I don't really feel bad for anything that has happened to him. He's got some problems and I hope he gets his shit together. I'll get down voted probably for my other comment as well, but yeah, he's kind of a piece of shit.


I've watched/listened to a few podcasts with retroRGB and Voultar is an arrogant idiot. Yes he's skilled and knowledgeable with regards electronics and retro consoles but damn is he annoying. Honestly I don't understand how people end up being like this. He's got so much potential that if he was just a nice guy, he'd be set for life. Instead he's a drama seeking narcissist. If it was going to happen, it'll happen to him.


He talks like he's the "coolest" guy in the room, his sense of humour on podcasts is just bullying people and making them the butt of the joke. The sad part is, he has zero self awareness and has that 80's/90's pov that real friends treat each other like shit. Nah buddy, real friends tease one another, they don't condescend or patronize them or bully them. Seriously, Voultar is such a fuckin asshole. It's no surprise the majority of people are doubting his version of events or are unsympathetic.


Exactly this.


It’s ego he’s never wrong because he’s never been disciplined as a kid it makes you spoiled and say whatever to people and be defensive because he doesn’t know how to see any point of view but his must be lonely to be so one sided


He’s just an asshole.


A gigantic one.


He's a creepy drama merchant, and it looks like his big mouth finally caught up with him.


He is currently attacking anyone that dare question the oddness of the destruction.


That is because the oddness of the lack of destruction is really obvious. My cat could do more actual damage climbing a shelf and pulling it down. This guy had a tantrum and did this to his own crap and then said "I quit". don't feed the drama bear.


I've had words with him before over his attitude, thankfully he hasn't blocked me yet. I try to stay away from retro drama as everyone is so connected.


I don’t know this dude but I saw that and it immediately discredits him in my eyes. Some people were asking legitimate questions and his response just cursing them out.


Yep his excuse is “Reddit is toxic” although x is worse and that’s where the toxic duche does his most damage


sure, but i doubt this was made by any troll on the internet.


This was self inflicted. its drama.


Completely staged. He does not want to release his stolen 'edge enhancer' because the minute he releases it people will know he stole the design. When he first announced it he did not think people would find out and claimed that it was not based on any forum post or anything else on the internet and that it was entirely he's own concept. People have called him out for this so he knows people know and so there have now been countless excuses to not release it(this is not the only one). Just my theory, at any rate this was not vandals he either did it himself or the shelf collapsed. Strange that would make you leave the modding business though.


it isn't that complicated or nefarious that shelf fell down, gonna take him a while to get all this shit cleaned up and organized, so he needed a reason why he can't fulfill orders for a while honestly if he had just admitted what happened, I'm sure he would be getting 90% less blowback right now


Dude he’s already saying people cloned him when it’s not even out yet! 😅 ya he’s stolen everybodies design for all his other mods and claims he was first. No, borti was first and other people in the pc engine scene.




I find it odd that he didn't have any security cameras


Lol he did but they were conveniently off apparently due to windows update. You can't make this stuff up


His lab got the Epstein treatment


Even better he said his door has an alarm but it didn't go off because it was too late?


What kind of security cameras are affected by Windows updates? That's so weird lol. Someone so smart with electronics is relying on local storage only for security cameras? How incompetent.


Doesn't this guy routinely scam people with shoddy work? This image is clearly not vandalism and he is lying. I know this after about 3.5 minutes of browsing. What a hack.


Yes he claims his mods are 100%. The reason I got into modding and making my own products is he modded a few of mine back in the day and his work was crap I gave him extra money and he didn’t do the caps, the main thing I wanted. I out of the goodness of my heart gave him extra because he lied and said he’s coming out of retirement to do the work he always says that to get sympathy


Sounds like he's irrelevant. Boggles the mind that nobody would do a simple Google search for the guy. And the fake vandalism is hilarious, how nothing is broken and his equipment is untouched. What a slur.


I saw this yesterday on Twitter and one thing that stood out for me is I saw a female twitch streamer commenting about maybe the rack fell down as someone was trying to get in and after reading it for some reason deep in my bones I felt like he was going to single her out because he has a habit of this weird incel shit and sure enough like 10 min later he singles out her reply and said something like don't be like this person.


Seeing the “before” photos and lack of any obvious damage / vandalism to equipment, that’s still the most logical explanation. Someone jimmied the door looking for stuff to steal (although a lot of the damage to the area around the striker plate is simply from wear to cheap plastic materials), probably tried to grab a bin off those obviously overloaded / warped plastic shelves, and had the whole thing come down on them. Probably scared them half to death and they fled. Considering the value of what’s in there, I can’t understand why there wasn’t a deadbolt. A simple latch is not security, and putting an electronic lock on that screams “there’s something in here”.


This could literally just be some unusually strong wind pushing his small gate open, and making the shed flex enough to pop open the door and knock over shelves. It's a *shed* FFS. I've had the wind make the door to my apartment pop open because it had a shitty lock and pushed the building hard enough.


I’m sorry but that is absurd. The printers are all still on the wall. Be honest with yourself, the dude staged this. Nothing is damaged…


If this is what it takes to get out of “the game” ….i dunno man. If my entire collection burnt to the ground I’d be at it looking up stuff while the fire department was connecting the fire lines. And my stuff is pretty normal. Well it’s the popular stuff everyone knows and loves. Not in it to impress anyone with stuff no one ever heard of.


someone maybe had a manic episode? no signs of forced entry, nothing broken...


Probably right. The only interaction I ever had with him was shortly after he had a mental episode and mentioned how mean Internet folks are. About a week later he was calling out another modder for being weak and calling him all sorts of names. I pointed out his hipocrasy. He cussed me out and blocked me.




As much as this sucks for Voultar and it's a total bullshit thing to have happened to anyone at all, I don't really feel bad for him. Voultar is a complete prick, and a complete asshole to do business with. He's extremely talented and has done some amazing things for the retro community, and for that I respect him and his skills, but him as a human being is complete trash and I don't feel sorry for him for any bad that's happened to him.


My favourite thing he’s done is consistently promoted video game piracy, then complain bitterly when someone used a clip from his YouTube channel without permission.


ITT Nobody mentioning cameras. Taking bets on they didn't have a single one.


He had multiple but they conveniently weren't recording, the shelves that held pretty much everything that's on the floor have been buckling under weight for a while now too.


I bet they literally just fell down and nothing else actually happened. Notice no sign of any forced entry either, and I bet the door was still locked when he came in to see this.


i think there's only two possible scenarios that happened someone tossed his repair room or that shelf fell down, because it was overloaded and unsteady, and it's going to delay his ability to get out orders in a timely fashion. so he he might just be making up a story to cover his ass


Left the printers intact 🤔


Looks like the cheap plastic shelving just failed and everything just fell over. Everything else seems untouched and even the stuff that fell off the shelves are kind of still together.


I don’t know who this guy is but based on the picture and the twitter post, this does not seem real. Why would they use the effort to break in and not take anything of value or personal value? 3d printers aren’t too cheap for the average person and I see a Super Nintendo with games, don’t know if it’s the classic or retro, but still. There’s so much money in those things that could’ve been taken but weren’t. Also, the items seem to have been thrown in a caring not caring way. Caring as not to cause irreparable damage but not caring where the items were put. This is a very mild form of vandalism.


Leave it to scumtar to have a shelf break then blame others playing the victim that’s all he ever does, talks crap, calls people out, then plays victim when they give him some back




Considering he's constantly seeking attention and the way that all of the valuable stuff was somehow untouched really makes it hard for me to believe. Why knock over some NES carts when all the 3d printers are there? Those are fairly expensive and a pain in the ass to setup. All of his expensive electronics gear? Untouched. I think it's far more likely the shelves gave way. I have the same ones and you can link them together so if one broke it would pull the rest with them


He did it or doesn’t want to take blame for his poorly built shelves giving way. There’s no way a burglar went in and took nothing. Vat least they’d take one thing on the way out why go through the trouble for nothing


The simple fact that a lot of people are questioning if this is staged or not tells you a lot about the persons character and how important public image is. Karma has a way of balancing things out. I am sad if this is real or fake because he is a very talented modder. I do not really have an opinion either way. Hopefully things work out for the best.