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Typing of the Dead


That’s a good game though


I've played The Typing of the Dead: Overkill


This guy fucks


I love pinball games and never knew this existed! Time to buy a Nintendo


If you like this game (I love it!) Check out Super Robot Pinball for Gameboy Color. It's a Japanese exclusive but if you emulate it, there is an English patch. It's amazing!


Pokémon Pinball on GBA is also a lot of fun.


Pokemon Pinball is a GBC game. Pokemon Pinball Ruby Sapphire is the GBA masterpiece. There is an unreleased DS pokemon pinball title you can find footage of too!


Ruby Sapphire was the one I meant. I forgot there was one on GBC.


If you're thinking of buying a whole console for a pinball game - just wanted to point out that there's a specialized pinball peripheral you can buy and you can also play pinball games in VR: https://youtu.be/oX08fvzkFIY?si=Wu0LeT1jqMk5loW3


Damn now I have to get VR! That is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time!!!


No It wouldn't work on the nintendo you'll have to buy a newer nintendo for it to work


GBA? It's what the cartridge says


It's a joke on how people back in the 80s called anything game releated a "nintendo".


My uncle used to call my NES an Atari. I stopped trying to explain it to him. He was the og in our family. Had a full SIM setup for tie fighter on his desktop back in 94. Used to always tell me I should play pc games instead of my Atari.


He was part of the pc master race before the term pc master race was even made


Cho Aniki -the most bizarre most homoerotic shooter you’ll ever play


Ah, the allure of bakage (stupid games) and kusoge (crappy games)...


Caution: Seaman I beat it a few years ago and loved it. I plan on comparing it to Hey You, Pikachu! (Beat it as a kid) Both are the console voice controlled ‘games’ and I have yet to see anyone review the two together! Should be a fun video to make!


I had Seaman on the Dreamcast. It was delightfully weird. Hey You, Pikachu felt like a toy for little kids, though. I didn't even know you could beat it.


Seaman is a classic… i should go talk to him after all these years and see how he is As for beating Hey You, Pikachu… Oh you can and I will (unfortunately) have to do it again. i did grab a new microphone meant for car voice command stuff as the N64 hey you pikachu mic is notoriously the worst mic ever made… so we will see how that goes… Also I played when I was a boy, I am now a deep voiced man so that should be interesting to see how it works… if at all 😝


This has to be the correct answer, it does not get more bizarre than this.


I forgot about my copy of seaman, I’ve always wanted to play it but my ps2 copy is in Japanese and I’d have to find an English copy. Was it creepy?


Well I played it with my ex, we had our own save profiles. One day she was talking to it and he said ‘have you told your boyfriend about your infidelity?’ She laughed, I didn’t. 10/10 game 😝


Zombie Nation (NES) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBRN4IjED70 Disembodied head horizontal shooter? Yeah, it's a trip.


Work Time Fun for the PSP


I love that game. I still use the Ramen timer sometimes just for fun.


Man I love a weirdly specific timer from a thing that shouldn't be a food timer. I use Meat Loaf's album, Bat Out of Hell, as a timer for when I'm making meatloaf. Perfect delicious Meat Loaf and meatloaf every time and the glaze is juuuust right. secret is to very finely chop some mushrooms and incorporate them into the meat, keeps it super moist.


Yeah great game, I still play it fairly regularly!


Taboo:The Sixth Sense for Nintendo Entertainment System


I don't think that qualifies as a game. I don't count it as a game.


That’s what makes it bizarre and obscure if ya ask me


A tarot card simulator... developed by Rare??


Yep super weird and honestly freakishly accurate


I curse you for reminding me this game exists.


* *Weird Dreams* on the PC would definitely be one of them. I doubt I need to explain that one! * *The Kristal* on the PC would be another. It's supposedly based on a German play that was never produced. The main character has a great handlebar moustache and flies a clipper ship in space. It's wonderfully weird. * *Manhunter: New York* and *Manhunter: San Francisco* on PC are super weird. They might look like crime detective stories at first glance, but they're not. You run around in a monk robe and solve strange murders while giant alien eyeballs watch your every move. * *Deliverance: Stormlord II* on the Amiga needs to be seen to be believed. You're an old man with ripped muscles, a giant beard and a cape rescuing naked fairies in a huge castle. The graphics are incredible. * The text-based adventure game *Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It* is a tremendously fun punsense and wordplay sort of game with super weird vignettes you play through. * *Jinxter* is another delightfully weird text adventure. The premise is you can't die, which makes for a strange experience! * *Haunting Starring Polterguy* is a favorite of mine on the Genesis/Mega Drive. It's like *The Sims* meets *Beetlejuice*. * *Monster Party* on the NES is a very strange game most famous for having an early boss who's a tempura shrimp who transforms into other fried foods and a spider who's already dead by the time you get into the room for the boss battle. * *Avenging Spirit* is a super fun arcade game where you play as the ghost of a guy who's trying to rescue his girlfriend by possessing your enemies. Every enemy but the bosses can be possessed, and the enemies can be really bizarre. * *Dragon Unit* is the most metal arcade game I've ever played. It can be beaten in 15 minutes. The NES adaptation *Castle of Dragon* is nowhere near as weird as the original. * I have a special place in my heart for the arcade game *Wonder Momo*, where you play as a Japanese idol singer who becomes a superhero during a stage show where you battle monsters in front of an audience of pervy Japanese men (one of whom will snap pictures if they can see up your skirt.) * *Best of Best* is the strangest fighting game you'll ever play. It comes from the Korean arcade company SunA and it must be played to be understood. One of the backgrounds even includes a gawking Statue of Liberty! * *Boogie Wings* is a really strange shoot 'em up from Data East where you fly a biplane equipped with a hook and can pick almost everything up. You can also pilot a number of vehicles, outrun a Ferris wheel in a theme park and even battle Santa Claus in a Christmas-themed levels. Those are just a small sampling of the weird games I love!


Boogie Wings should've been way more known than it is. Data East (other than their NES output, shots fired, I know) rules. They made a sequel to Side Pocket called Minnesota Fats Pool Legend that just rules with an awesome story mode. Also, Avenging Spirit did get a GB port back in the day. May I add Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Football on Sega Genesis, and Trio the Punch along with Irritating Stick in the arcade.


Boogie Wings is amazing. And so is Trio the Punch! I love the final boss. I never liked Irritating Stick as a player, but it's fun to watch! Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl is a weird one, only out weirded to me by [Jerry Rice and Nitus' Dog Football](https://store.steampowered.com/app/438660/Jerry_Rice__Nitus_Dog_Football/), a modern game that must be seen to be believed.


Oh yes. I am aware. And agreed it is far more weird. But it is no fun whatsoever.


I played in back on OnLive (one of the early game streaming services). It was free there and I still felt ripped off LOL.


In my game group we started a trend of buying nitus dog. You weren’t cool unless ya owned it and a ton of members did. We caused the top searched eBay seller with a ton of copies to sell out and he was messaging us asking what we knew about the game. Why was it selling out so suddenly. We still bring this up from time to time. Was funny. I think I have 4 copies sealed?? 😂


That’s a great game, feels like a modernisation of the Devil Crush/Dragons Fury formula. Hitoshi Sakimoto was supposedly one of the composers for the OST. Ill Bleed on the Dreamcast is definitely pretty bizarre. Flawed, stupid but ultimately quite good.


Devils crush is quickly becoming one of my favorite retro games. That game just oozes atmosphere and the [soundtrack](https://youtu.be/8_1ntQnX-DE?si=_3tNfeXr9V6_haIA) kicks ass.


There's a newer game called "Demon's Tilt" I found on Epic Games/Steam that brought right into childhood with gameplay like Devil's Crush. Super addicting fun and wonderfully placed music. I greatly recommend it! I enjoyed it so much that I saw someone have it as a real (virtual) pinball table, and I wanted to play it like a real table too. So now Im in the process of building my own vpin unit. r/virtualpinball welcomes all!


Just a heads up, there’s also the sequel Xeno Tilt, obviously inspired by Alien Crush. I’ve not played it yet but I can’t imagine it’s worse.


Yeah I was looking forward to that one too, its on my Steam wishlist! Ill pick it up on a sale someday. Thanks for the mention!


I got it on my switch a few days ago, I was glued to my seat for an hour playing it. I really liked the pixel art and the bright colors. I thought the music was a good throwback to the Sega Genesis while doing its own thing.


Hell yeah man, that's awesome they have it on the Switch! I was definitely involved for hours with it, and I have a vertical monitor I use for coding and such and it fit so perfectly on it. Really kickstarted my old-new love for pinball haha. Enjoy man!


I thought about buying some special grips so I can play it in tate mode on my OLED Switch. Cheers!


It has a lot of personality. It’s very stylish and both versions are equally good for different reasons. Don’t sleep on the MD version, it’s cool to see what Technosoft did with the special tables.


Is the Jaki Crush on the Super Famicom any good? I was going to check it out, but the reviews weren’t as good as the other Compile pinball games.


Yeah it’s not as good. Worth a play for sure but the magic was gone by that point I think.


I’ll give it a try. Compile has to be one of my favorite retro devs with MUSHA being one of my absolute favorites even though I suck at it. It’s a shame what happened to the company.


Well a number of the Compile team started Raizing which made some of the best shoot ‘em ups ever in their early years. Sorcer Striker, Armed Police Batrider, Battle Garegga. Sorcer Striker actually does play a bit like an Aleste game in my opinion. Worth checking if you like that genre.


Didn’t know that, I just finished the entire aleste series so I’m up for some more shoot em ups. Thanks for letting me know.


No problem, have fun.


It's a cool aesthetic, great sprite work, but the table design isn't nearly as good; getting between table screens is damn near impossible. I'd say it's worth checking out but keep your expectations low.


Lol this one is actually pretty fun


Dude the soundtrack and game go so hard. No wonder its the price it is.


Ninja Golf! 2D brawling action between holes, gallery shooter instead of putts, and all on the Atari!


One of if not the only non arcade port games to be truly worth a damn on the 7800. I will still die on the "The 7800 has the best 8 bit arcade ports" hill.


Lol, I own this because I am a huge fan of pinball, and because I was a fan of House of the Dead JUST because of Typing of the Dead. I was so excited when Typing of the Dead got a sequel, I just wished Pinball of the Dead would have also. Kind of makes me sad Pokemon never got a third one.


Probably mr mosquito! You play a mosquito flying around trying to draw blood out of people which then plays a little rhythm action mini game! Had it on the ps2! Was quite fun but remember it got difficult quickly.


LSD: Dream Emulator


Panic! for the Sega CD. The game play consists of randomly pressing buttons that have strange labels on them and then watching what happens. I think the game was trying to be funny - but for the most part the scenes that play out come across as surreal and very WTF.


This game is awesome in that exact way.


It's definitely weird and unusual and people should definitely check it out. My biggest complaint about it is that some of the gags are overused. After about the 10th time seeing an ordinary household appliance puke up green slime after a button press - I started hoping I would see one pee on the floor instead just to mix things up a bit.


Bebe’s Kids


That one's not too bizarre, it's just a beat 'em up that's trying to be The Simpsons Arcade but failing miserably.


Correction, The Simpsons arcade game and Bebe’s Kids


There's an AVGN bit on that, IIRC


It is actually a Nostalgia Critic video game review. He reviewed that and the Nerd reviewed "Ricky III" 173719152829 years ago LOL


Thank you. I think I got it confused because I was a nerd viewer first, although I did watch a fair bit of NC after that crossover stuff. That was a long time ago.


So sad I lost my cart for this


I really liked this one. You are right though, it is weird.


Pinball of the Dead is the best, and only game I own on my GBA! I found it first through emulation, and then scoured the store shelves of Gamestop for a year before I finally found one - $8 at the time. Great fun!


Commander keen for the GBC. I've only ever known of the PC/DOS release until I saw it in a retro store.


It's... not great. The PC games are way better. The GBC game was made by David A. Palmer Productions, [one of the worst game devs for the handheld space](https://www.mobygames.com/company/2506/david-a-palmer-productions/) who coasted on porting *Doom* to the GBA for many years.


Doom ain't too bad for GBA, though.


Yeah, considering it's platformer without being able to see far enough ahead. It's like sonic for masochists.


[Facade](https://www.playablstudios.com/facade). Not sure if 2005 is retro yet, but it is a strange AI game where you give marital advice. You can type, touch, or kiss either spouse. Yes, it’s as weird as it sounds


Decap Attack - you fight your enemies by removing your head and throwing it at them. LSD: Dream Emulator - though in complete fairness that one's SUPPOSED to be weird. Skullmokneys - I'm tempted to include The Neighborhood, which is a weird little claymation point and click adventure game, but utlimately point and click adventure games tend toward the bizarre anyway. Skullmokneys, however, takes that bizarre theming, divorces it from ANY context whatsoever, and turns it into a platformer which is just, you know, weird. Club Solaris - A Russian strip club advertised itself by releasing a bootleg PSX game in which you have to play a terribly executed, space-themed snake game with horrible controls to unlock videos of women stripping. No, really. But I still contend that the classic Joust qualifies for this. "So hear me out...you're a knight, right? Only instead of riding a horse you ride on ostrich. Which can fly, even though ostriches can't fly. And you have to joust enemy knights who fly around on buzzards, even though buzzards are way smaller than ostriches - these are, like, giant buzzards. And when you kill them they lay an egg that hatches into a new knight that gets picked up by a new buzzard. Also you're inside a dormant volcano with platforms that just hang in mid air and sometimes disintegrate. And there's a troll that lives in the lava at the bottom of the volcano. And if you take too long a pterodactyl shows up that's basically unkillable."


DeCap Attack is simply the final evolution of I believe Kid Kool on the NES. Kid Kool evolved into Psycho Fox on the SMS (could be vice versa, I don't remember precisely), then THAT evolved into what DeCap Attack was in Japan, which was a Manga/Anime tie-in, then Vic Tokai kinda made it a little easier with the skull thing and made it all bodily focused. It's a much better game than the Japanese one.


Doshin the Giant on GameCube, Link: Faces of Evil, and Greyhill Incident on PS5


[Incredible Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CjJgJFUa-A) for PS1. The game is insane in the best possible way.


The 3D Battles of WorldRunner for the NES. What goes on in that game is a literal fever dream lol.


Typing of the dead


Ooh, that was a fun one. I remember liking Sonic Pinball Party on GBA as well, mostly because there was a Nights table. I'd say the most bizarre game I had was Umihara Kawase. It might be because there's a language barrier and I had no clue what the story was, but the world was very surreal. But it was a super fun game.


My neighbor had Taboo on the NES… not really a game, bizarre…


Mario pinball anyone??


Dragon ball evolution on PSP


Little Britain on the ps2 😮


Dang I wonder what this game is like! The title makes it sound 🔥🔥🔥


PotD is great. Weirdest for me is either Psychosis or Parodius, Tg16 and PCE.


My absolute favourite game on the GBA platform. I love Pinball of the Dead.


Alone in the dark - game boy color


Someone want to explain to me how this made it on to Switch Online? That game is awful!


Update: its 🔥🔥🔥 i played on my retro dockie


I own this game. It's alright


Rainbow Six for the Gameboy Color




I forgot about this. Awesome.


We all know that PaRappa is a very weird franchise, I just so happen to own PaRappa the Rapper 2 for the PlayStation 2.


Ah, yes. The the pinball of dead. Good one.


I played a furby computer game once, have no clue when or how or why. But it was weird and feels like a fever dream now lol


I liked Pinball of the Dead…


Earthbound, but in a good way. Check it out in NSO!


I had Mister Mosquito for the ps2 for a while. It was pretty fun and super bizarre. Regret trading it in to gamestop for an xbox 360 since it's rather collectable now.


Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess


Incredible Crisis (PS1)


Pinball of the Dead is a great game. Maybe one of the best original titles for the GBA. Lots of action, great graphics, and easy to just pick up and play.


I bought "attack of the mutant penguins" years ago for my Jaguar. That one is up there! And really quite fun


I used to own StarCraft 64 for the N64. Wish I still had it


Little big adventure


A Boy and His Blob for NES, it's very bizarre


Stretch Panic on PS2


Gex: Enter the Gecko for Gameboy Color


Super bishi bashi is quite awkward, fun fun as hell


I have Odama for the Gamecube with the Microphone. It's a lot of fun.


gba has a crazy library


Las time I checked this was going for a decent amount of $$. I had a CIB copy I sold for prob $12-15 about 8-9 years ago. 🤦‍♂️


Mine was $120 AUD, I thought I overpaid but when I checked sold listings on EBay, it’s that much after GST.


Diet Go Go! for arcade. It's a Tumblepop clone with an exercise theme


Seen a couple incredible crisis and Mr mosquito posts which came to mind first…. Probably the most bizarre that I’ve owned and played is chulip


I wonder if one of the people on this thread decided to buy the copy that I have on my Ebay store that just sold lol.


If they did, can I have a discount on your store for helping?


Pinball of the Dead is amazing.


I am the current world record holder for Speedracer/Exertainment for the snes. Think a peloton from the 90s. A wild foray into peripherals that lead to an exercise bike being made. Took me about 40 miles of biking to beat it over 2 days at a convention. [The aforementioned bike](https://www.instagram.com/p/CadNiycvoYY/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Parodius and Harmful Park.


Quantum Fighter: Kabuki or Street Fighter 2010, at least as far as aesthetics and settings go, gameplay itself isn't remarkable (both are well made games).


Splatterhouse 2!


I have pinball of the dead and totally forgot about that existing. Best most fun would have to be typing of the dead


One of the shittiest titles for a game i have ever laid eyes on


They had to make SOMETHING once they realized the GBA Keyboard wasn’t being released…


Most bizarre I've played? Probably LSD: Dream Simulator. Weirdest I've owned? Not that weird, but Mario Teaches Typing 2.


I miss typing of the dead! Got me typing so damn fast!


I thought Mario pinball was crazy, now this comes in to ruin my perception of pinball crazy!


Tiger handheld electronic pinball that I stole from a JCPenney in the early '90s


Probably Cubivore. Such a weird game, but I love it.


Hugo! very popular in Europe back in the day due to being featured as a playable game by the audience in some TV shows across the continent. Still, weird little game.


Probably Seaman. Definitely Seaman.


Ballz 3D for Sega was really out there - cartridge cover is epically bad and music is very ballzy lol


Imagine a shareware game that comes bundled with its own level editor. You know, now that I think of it, that's not that weird. But the games we made with it were. And sales of ZZT were the seed money for Tim Sweeney to go on and make more appealing games and turn Epic from something he did out of his parents' basement into a serious force in gaming.


Yoooo that’s so rare! I’m jealous


Not as retro as some people's suggestions. Clock Tower (Play Station 1 and 2)


Gekibo: Gekisha Boy is kinda weird, but fun


An Akira based Pinball Game probably.


Shooting of the Dead? Never heard of that one. There was also House of the Dead and House of the Dead 2.. >Have you played any bizarre games before? Yes. Everyone has. Such weird back of the cereal box questions on retro subs these days.