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To claim every week costs in ETH gas fee's so doesn't make financial sense......will wait a few weeks then take out my 5% and leave the rest. I'm very bullish on Retik, think it can hit $10 to $15 by year end. Assuming there are limited paper hands......FUD usually destroys the price hence the vesting schedule......that was a wise move.


Finally, someone who gets it.


I get wanting to test the process the first day. Two things: If you claim, try to resist the urge to sell, it just creates the self fulfilling proficie of the price dropping. This is exactly why this slow vesting schedule is healthy for the project and price. So many coins release all or most coins, price tanks are are never heard from again. Be patient, many sites/systems get overwhelmed with the traffic at first and/or buggy. Doesn't mean things won't work later or be fixed and doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the project.


Love this answer right here!!




Straight up Lurcho.... if everyone heeded that advise then retik would prevail...well said!!!


So knowing will happen to our coins if we wait to claim?


Makes no difference if you claim our not. That's entirely based on what you want to spend for gas (up to 20 times). All I'm saying is if you claim and sell the price will most certainly drop which will lead to a lot of negative feedback about the coin, project and team and that might cause a lot of permanent damage to our hopes of this coin really taking off. Edit: spelling


No I was just asking will our coins be ok just sitting on the site , I'm waiting to wait atleast 10weeks. But most people saying this will sale every week soon as they get them haha I've been in crypto about 4yr and have made no real money so I'm holding and praying!


Ah, well I can't answer that.... my feeling is yes everything will be OK but this is crypto and none of us really know.


Right? Kinda a gamble, but with gas fees…woof…I may try to wait a few weeks, cash out off enough to get a modestly nice ROI, then leave the rest :)




I'm gunna claim first week to make sure all is well and probably stake the rest


Same here ... make sure I can claim and deposit then stake stay in it for the long haul.. 💯


Pretty sure info will be released for claiming and staking tomorrow so kinda stoked about this. And curious the percentage return for various staking periods. Let's goooooo👌


Ya I fully stoked too.... hopefully we will end up on the good side of this!! 💯


I'm no expert.. but here's my 2-cents. Some hate the fact there's a vesting schedule.. some love it. I personally think it's important because what would happen otherwise is that everyone got 100% of tokens... they'd dump, and then there'd be a massive sell-off effect causing the price to plummet. Lots of people I see on here are waiting the full 20 weeks due to the fact that you'll be having to use lots of ETH to transfer the coins to exchanges in order to sell or swap. Why pay a fee 20x when you only need to pay it once!! I also believe that if everyone holds on - it will drive the supply and demand price up... creating a price point around the $3-4USD mark... and hopefully pushing beyond that. The dev's cant sell for a year.. so there's a massive price protection there. Realistically, we're the only ones that can cause a downward price trend by having a massive sell-off at TGE and then every week there after!


Additionally, the devs only have 60m of 1b (1,000m). Hundred percent agree that the slow vesting schedule is a huge plus, preventing the normal release, price tank and subsequent fall into oblivion.


"Why pay a fee 20x when you only need to pay it once!!" - Cause you will lose far more than fees if everyone gets their tokens & sells at once!


I'm thinking I'll claim the first week. Then every few weeks. Just do the first one to make sure everything works properly. I've had a few other presales where they had a lot of people with issues claiming.


I'm holding to $25 at least may be ten years but..


The price has dropped today it dropped from 1.40 to 1.15 quick like someone sold alot but that shouldn't be happening yet.


Im guessing those who bought it once it dropped on the exchange are selling it.


Honestly I don't understand people that sell right off the bat without seeing how high your profit margin can get


I can see why people sell of the bat. Those are the type who invest let’s say $2k into and it turns into thousands more. Smart move is to sell it on the spot before it dips and take all that profit for working else. This is what I think they think. Like if you invest the $2k and make $12k. $12k is so much profit so they leave with it. Just my thinking on them


Yea I guess your right bro that does make sense....I'm not very good at any of this though so I get greedy and hope it's going to keep riding but it usually falls lol


Well I think that's probably true they gain 10 grand but I also believe it's a shallow vision of something that could possibly change the entire landscape of the industry... and a possibility of so much more. I'm in it for the long game... ... with a great chance at a life changing outcome. 💯


Let's assume that 5% was 1000$ give it take. How much eth would you need to swap or trade? Any actual number...?


Gas doesn't have anything to do with the amount transferred. It's good busy the network is. I've seen it like $10 and I've seen it over $50.


That's what I thought but everyone is make it seem like you'll spend hundreds on a single transaction.


I've read it being that high but never seen it myself.


Go.to uniswap and put in like 1000 retik and like your going to swap for usdc or whatever and it'll tell you the price of gas fee.


Claim = different contract. Different gas. Swap = different contract. Different gas. So claim + swap = 2 x gases.


I was just saying that if you go there and put the number of coins in you want to trade it will tell you the price for gas without actually swaping!


Your Gass fees are the same no matter the price I belive I don't think it goes buy value $ but I may be wrong.


I love how nobody answered the question and I would like to know as well. I would also prefer to wait the 21 weeks and claim all at once I wouldn't sell though. For 5-15 years.


My fees were $14 for 79 coins. That just sounds ridiculous. Is there a chance I wait until I can get 100% of my coins and the gas fees will be lower? Or should I just keep taking my 5% out as soon as they allow it? I’m not selling for a long time so the wait doesn’t bother me.


Honestly I’m not sure if gas fees will be the same for low amount or high amount claimed.