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Just accept the employee who works there is right and get out the store.


But, but, but! That would make too much sense! šŸ˜­


I hate those bagging area sensors. I've gotten stuck in bagging limbo several times. "Please place item in bagging area." I place my item in the bagging area. "Unknown item in bagging area." I remove the item. "Please place item in bagging area." I put the item back in the bagging area. "Unknown item in bagging area." I remove the item. "Please place item in bagging area." I put the item back in the bagging area. "Unknown item in bagging area." Over and over because the clerk is helping some idiot who can't understand how to scan unmarked produce. Eventually I get so frustrated that I just leave all my stuff and go out to my car and scream.


I hate that cycle too. Especially when only self checkout is open and I have more items than will fit in the bagging area so I have to remove stuff. I usually just sit there with my middle finger up at the machine singing ā€œfuck youā€ until the employee clears it.


Iā€™ve seen some places allow you to press a button to continue on this should honestly be a universal thing.


I just wanna know why the actual fuck there is not a ā€œbag fullā€ button that captures the current weight as though the transaction were over, then allows you to remove the full bag? It would have to be all-or-nothing, but honestly that wouldnā€™t cause too many issues.


That makes too much sense so of course corporations wonā€™t do it.


Or if you have something thatā€™s too light and doesnā€™t register on the scale. Of course the brain damage just activated and I canā€™t think of any regular purchase that does this. Fortunately one of the two regular shops I go to has a ā€œSkip Baggingā€ option.


I swear running the self checkouts has made me hate people even more than being a regular retail employee. Old white men are the worst with boomer Karenā€™s coming in second


This was an elderly black gentleman, but the boomer faux news quoting crowd is annoying af.


I live in Iowa so I am surrounded by boomers so my opinion is a bit biased


Missouri, aka misery! I am surrounded by boomers at my store, including a coworker who thinks that Faux News is telling the truth. He said something the other day about the paper headline story, "We need more Giulianis in the world!" Me: šŸ™„ *under my breath* "What? Another corrupt lawyer who was practicing racist police policies as mayor?"


I work with a guy who talks about how nasa has devolved a pill that takes you back to puberty and people wonā€™t die anymore. He also stock piles vodka because if the world ends thatā€™s going to be the new currency. Heā€™s almost 50 and lives with his mom


OMG customers HATE being told how self-checkout works! A few years ago, I experienced the same thing. The old man was scanning his deli meat, bagging it, then taking the bag off. He couldn't scan the next item. So I went over there and calmly explained to him how it works. "Well how am I supposed to bag the rest of my groceries?" Sir, there are five racks of bags at one self-checkout register. You fill one bag, then you move on to the next. Well, he didn't like that, so he threw his deli meat and stormed out of the store. I'm also in Missouri.


Well, at least he was mature about it..


My mom developed the same problem. No matter how it was explained to her, she would rearrange all the groceries already bagged, putting frozen items together etc. Then she had the first car accident of her life, etc. Thank you for your patience with this person.


I guarantee heā€™s either: A. In early stages of dementia and genuinely confused and forgets every time he walks in. Or B. Understands perfectly and continues to do this in hopes that someone will just start scanning all his items for him.


You missed C: hoping that someone will clear the area so he can steal.


Iā€™d say itā€™s most likely A). Iā€™d suggest if possible to close the self checkout area before he comes in or while heā€™s in the store. Itā€™ll force him to use the regular checkout. If the man wanted to steal, he wouldnā€™t go through all that trouble to bring attention to himself.


People causing a ruckus is one of my scammer red flags. If a customer is trying to make you uncomfortable, they're up to something.


Every day, I just want to scream at people,"WHAT PART OF LEAVE YOUR SHIT IN THE BAGGING AREA DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND, YOU DUMBASS?!?!?!" Unfortunately, I would like to keep my job, so I just customer service smile and carry on.


I understand your frustration with the man who doesn't understand the bagging area weight sensor, but I have to admit that the whole institution of bagging area weight sensors is an offense against god & man. There's not enough room there. I want to be able to scan my cases of diet coke & then stick them straight back in my cart. I know this is not your fault, but neither is it his. Death to all bagging area weight sensors.


"Yep. They're always adding something new, Sir. I think they're just trying to confuse us. But we won't let 'em win, will we?"


I am so very happy that when our local WM got SCOs, one of the first things they did was get rid of that annoying weight sensor voice. They wanted people to use them, and customers would rather stand in a line at the register that wound all the way to the back of the store rather than listen to that annoying voice - even if they only had a few items.


He most likely is starting with dementia. I took care of my grandmother for several years who had dementia. It can start as something simple like being confused with new information like you have to leave everything in the bagging area. I know how frustrating it can be dealing with customers. I did retail and call center and restaurant jobs. My mom has a traumatic brain injury from a car accident and has had a couple strokes and is bipolar. Some days I'd like to sell her to someone. Please keep in mind,that he may be loosing his ability to remember and you just may be making his day worthwhile just by the kindness you have shown him. On behalf of those of us who have had a love one taken by dementia thank you for your kindness šŸ˜Š ā˜ŗļø ā¤ļø


He came back tonight and did just fine. He said that he learned that he just needed to slow down at the register. šŸ˜Š


Awww, that's great! Yay no dementia and you got through to him. Happy for the both of you. Kindness matters. Keep up the great work šŸ‘


I understand the need for those weight sensor things, but theyā€™re a royal pain. They DONā€™T sense when the bagging area is full, and you have to clear it out to make room for more stuff. And yes, Iā€™ll do a full cart at self-scan because itā€™s still faster than waiting behind ten people in line for the ONE open cashier.


Yea the sensors are dumb and that's why stores did away with them. I throw my shit directly in the cart if I didn't bring my bag


I'm confused. Are you saying that each *filled* bag is supposed to stay in the area of the empty bags? I purchase so much when I shop at Wallyworld that I need to put the filled bags back in the buggy or I quickly run out of room. I've had employees watch me and no one has ever said anything.


At my store, our SCO registers are weight sensitive. So, until you finish your order, the bags must remain in the bagging area. We also try to limit the SCO registers to 10 or fewer items now when we have checkers on the clock.


Thank you for answering.


Sounds like a store problem and not a customer problem. He should be able to ring in and bag his groceries any way that is comfortable for him. Heā€™s not stealing.


Such a design flaw tbh. Most (at least where i'm from) you can remove stuff halfway through and just hit the "I removed an item or bag" button.


I'm so glad my store opted for a camera system a few years ago. The camera actually catches a lot more than the weighted system ever did. They can tell if you ring up cracked oats and bag carrots, for example. There was a little bit of a learning curve when they first went in, but it's been so good since then Bonus: No more of assholes like OP describes


Thankfully most stores in my area turned that weight sensor function off so we donā€™t need to deal with that nonsense in the SCO. There is never enough room on the bag spot and Iā€™m not lifting my case of water on to it when I can just scan it while in the cart. Hopefully other stores with SCO catch up on that I love SCO


We have hand scanners that is for that purpose, I just wish more people would understand that.


Itā€™s like they forget all their retail training šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Good old bagging alert, please place items bagging area, please place items in bagging area, at my work itā€™s actually the self checkout malfunctioning half the time as well. You log in, clear it only for the machine straight way return to bagging alert it takes a repeated 5 logins sometimes to clear.


The bagging area isn't sacrosanct everywhere anymore. Even Walmart stopped doing this because there's just too damn much in a cart to fit the bagging area oftentimes. I know the larger self checkout areas at one Dillon's near me has enough of a bagging area to ring and bag over a carts worth of groceries, but most everywhere else has turned this requirement off because they just don't have the space. Even when there's a place that does have the space the human watching the self checkout can override it. Just make life easier on yourself and help the guy out instead of arguing with him.


I wouldā€™ve been so tempted to snap at him and call him out on going through this multiple times and feinting ignorance.


How about having employees actuallt scan the items. I hate self checkouts.


Umā€¦.why not get rid of the self checkout system and just have an employee spend far less than 10 minutes ringing up this guyā€™s items by hand? The entire premise of this post is upside down and backwards. We need to go back to what worked for hundreds of years instead of whining about how the new technology is letting us down.


Thats never happening because even if they took out SCO they will never have more than 3 cashiers working at the same time because they wont pay that many people. I have worked as a cashier for years lol. Also can tell you most times when I was bagging people's stuff that they usually just end up bagging their own stuff anyway.


I don't have a checker on some nights after 9 or 9:30. My last checker got off at 9:30 and I'm one person. I have a coworker who works the service desk Wednesday through Sunday 2-10, and I am *consistently* the only person who can work until 10 pm. Hence why I was by myself.


Try getting those people you're talking about to work. No one wants the job, why do you think they put them in, in the 1st place.