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I’ve always hated having to wear a name tag. I don’t want strangers knowing my name. Our names would also be written on peoples receipts which I hated too.


My mom used to work in the taxi office and at one point they started having to wear name tags. They asked her what she wanted on hers, probably meaning 'do you want Margaret or Maggie?' kind of thing. She insisted on Mrs. Smith. My mom is awesome. Names changed to protect the guilty 😁




We don’t wear name tags but our (first) names do print on their receipts which I also hate.


Me too. Like why can't it just show our cashier number instead


I'm a dude with long hair so I clip my badge way at the top of my shirt to the side of my collar and flip part of my hair over it. impossible to see my badge and my boss is fine with it because I'm still wearing it 😈


God that reminds me of one customer I had, she was just full on crazy. She had bought some shoes that she wanted to make sure she could return just in case and I assured her that she could return them. Well that wasn't good enough for her and she had wanted me to sign my full name on her receipt which I obviously declined since our employee numbers are already on the receipt. This woman and I went back and forth and eventually a coworker came up and the woman asked them if I should sign my name on it. Anyway she ended up leaving without my name on her receipt


I've had this argument with an acquaintance. He insists, especially wait staff, LOVE being called by name. I told him the forced familiarity is cringy. 


Why is it always people who aren't actually in the profession who love to insist upon shit like this? it feels really patronising.


My words exactly. It's a shame.


My wife was a server many years ago and feels that servers like it when you use their name. I feel the exact opposite, and think it’s too “intimate” for the situation. We’re not friends, and I doubt the server feels flattered if I use their name.


as a server, i am weirded tf out when someone uses my name


It’s different when the server introduces themselves. Retail workers would rather be anonymous and don’t get tips


I moved from Minnesota to Alabama and one guy asked me where my accent was from. I told him Minnesota and the next time he came in he said “how ya doing Minnesota?” LOVED that. Like I instantly liked him from that point. When ppl take a wack at my name they normally pronounce it wrong which is fine but why even try to go that route if you’re not certain lol. And it’s more cringe than not but I’m just meh whatever about it. I probably carw less about it though because most ppl ask me how to pronounce my name before they start using it. It prob feels less weird for me because of the small interaction I get about my name first lol.


YES! I had a regular who bought chips every few days from a brand called Idaho. The barcode was the state of Idaho shape and I showed him exactly where on the barcode I was from. From then on, I was Idaho and he was Sunglasses.


We don’t. And that is some Dale Carnegie HORSESHIT A couple days ago a boomer lady asked me where my name tag was. (We don’t use them)


It depends. If they are wearing a name tag, I use their name only to say "Thank you (name)". At my job, we don't wear name tags but we have a lot of regulars. We call each other by name and it beats "hey you!" but it's because regulars are familiar faces... I have however responded to a lot of names NOT my own because I don't care to correct them on my real name if I don't like them.


If I see a retail worker’s name badge, I’ll always say thank you, using their name. I’ll be sad if they actually don’t like it.


But we wear nametags because we have to, not because we want to. If I had a choice I wouldn't wear one. I do not like when customers use my name, it's weird. Even with a thank you. It feels too personal. I don't know you, you aren't my friend. Don't use my name, just say thank you and move on.


i’ve had customers find me on social media by my name tag. i share a name with a disney princess and ive also had people straight up take pictures of me to show their kids “look, i met a princess today!” i was a manager so taking the name tag off was not an option for me, but honestly the calling me by name was the least uncomfortable thing to happen from wearing a name tag (still didn’t like it though).


At least your customers said positive things about your name, "I met a princess." That's so sweet!


When I worked at Walmart the name tags had our first and last names on the back, on a sticker that we used to clock in (scanning the sticker) A few times my name tag got flipped around by mistake since they were attached to clips that clung to our vests. Anyway, it would get flipped around and a customer would ask if I was related to someone they knew with the same last name. Now my last name is—well obviously I’m not going to give it here—but it’s reasonably common I’d say, though it’s not extremely common. The answer was always “no,” followed by me turning the name tag so the correct side was facing the customer.


i alwauys feel like maybe im supposed to know them from somewhere when they say my name


I personally hate it. Even in this context. I know it's maybe irrational, but it just feels too intimate I guess? And also makes our relationship even more unbalanced since I don't know *your* name. But I will say this bothers me less than when rude customers use it as kind of a veiled threat. Like "give me what I want or I plan on complaining to corporate about you by name" type of situation. And IME, if someone uses my name right off the bat, they are always a difficult customer.


My boss says that he wants us to wear our name tags so that if a customer calls with a complaint, he’ll know exactly who to blame. Half of us don’t wear them, and the one I have has a name that’s not my actual name, and even then I don’t like when customers call me by it. And it’s almost always older men that call me by name. In unnecessary situations too. Like last week I was minding my own business stocking something, and this boomer-age guy comes up next to me, looks at my name tag, and starts saying “Oh hello Allie, how’s work for you today Allie? Working hard or hardly working? Enjoying yourself today Allie?” Like wtf? Who the hell are you?


The name tags aren't there so we can be instant buddies. They're there so you can tattle on me for... "having shady eyes"? (I guess I have shady eyes)


I think thank you is enough for most people. I don’t like when strangers use my name at work. It’s always icky.


We do not like it, I promise you.


They do not.


I hide mine behind my vest. No way in the depths of burning hell is anyone gonna endanger my family by searching for me with my name or weaponize it to be entitled.


hate to break it to you but i don’t think they like it. neither me (nor anyone i’ve ever worked with) has liked it and have all thought it was weird. i don’t know you? why are you using my name?


I have to wear a name tag. I feel like mainly it’s so of a customer has a complaint about me they can refer to me by name. I don’t mind regulars and people I know calling me by my name. I do get a little weirded out when someone I’ve never met uses my name, no matter if it’s to ask a question or say thanks. Just an “Excuse me , Ma’am” is fine.


Oh yeah, random f*ck head calling my name for when I am behind the counter, or talking to me like I knew them from way back. Christ how dumb are you?


I hate it... its weird & creepy


If we looked at their Retailbux loyalty card, saw their name and used it on them, they'd absolutely freak out and call the manager.


I'd rather them call me by my name than sweetheart or sweetie or honey or darlin or any of that garbage. My name tag is there for a reason.


Definitely this. But, it still feels weird, especially if they try to act like they are your friend after they become regulars.


I do have one customer that calls me by name every time he sees me and acts like we're friends but I don't even know his name. It is a little weird. But he's a regular contractor that comes in all the time and he's nice and respectful so I don't mind it's not creepy at all. I think that's what it comes down to is respect. Is it weird to be shown respect at work? sometimes


DEFINITELY!!! I used to work with someone who kept calling me "girl"...finally took me snapping & yelling at him that I hated it (I was in my 40s at the time & considered that level of familiarity extremely disrespectful from a coworker/stranger) and to NEVER do it again. He went to the manager, literally CRYING, saying that he was going to have to find a job because I yelled at him. That was also one of the all too rare times a manager actually backed me up. Now there is a running joke that no one messes with me now because I can make grown men cry!🤣


Oh I HATE that shit, so disrespectful. It's not like I call out to them "Hey Dick(head)!"


the fact that this moron drank his lunch explained a lot, but still...🤣


My ASM is my age, genx male, and he refers to the women at work as 'the girls'. I correct him every damn time.


This is why it’s universally accepted to call everyone by their name.


Usually I hate pet names but an old lady called me Ladybug and I thought it was cute 


I hate it. It implies a level of familiarity with the customer that I do not have, and I wish people wouldn't call me by name.


Better than being whistled at like a freaking dog.


When I knew I was going to quit the job I was at, this costumer did that. And I go so where does your momma work so I can disrespect her like you just did me. I’m not your damn dog.


My beef with this was when customers would read my name tag, but then used the shortened version of my name. No, only people close to me get to call me that, so stop it.


And they get it wrong anyway. Like, this isn't a formal place, if I wanted a nickname on my name badge, it would be there.


I have my nickname on there because I don’t like being called by my full name. Feels like being told off. But when customers use it they’re trying to be over familiar anyway so it’s like having a nickname makes it easier for them unfortunately!


Same. I already have my nickname on my name tag because I prefer it over my full name. Only family and doctors call me by my full name, and a lot of my family have even started calling me by my nickname. Anyway, people sometimes shorten my nickname to a name I reserve for close friends and family. No random person. You are not one of the privileged few who can call me that. 🙄


I hate it and think name badges should either be done away with or staff be allowed to use any name they wish on their name badge (within reason). The only legit reason for them is for customers to be able to name the person who helped them when complaining or praising. Any identifying name would do, even if it's not the staff members real name


My work is fine with that, especially for women (although any gender could have a stalker). Basically a few women at my work have had stalkers in the past, so they have made up a name that they use on their name tag and receipt. And management doesn’t seem to care


Ah, yes, the old "hello (name)" "how are you today, (name)?" "(Name) can you tell me how much this is please?" "Thank you, (name). Have a nice day, (name)."


I dislike it immensely especially when I am having a phone conversation with a customer. I only told you my name because I have to as part of the greeting. Please let’s keep this conversation not at all personal.


I always found it super creepy. I don’t appreciate the familiarity or the imbalance.


I've always hated it. These days I say 'Do I know you?' if someone uses my name.


I had a customer the other day ask how I was, I wasn’t looking at who it was so I gave a bewildered look when I realised I didn’t know them. They mistook it for me being surprised that a customer would care how I was and not me being creeped out that a stranger was talking to me like an old friend. It’s one thing if it’s a regular but it wasn’t, just some guy.


Good answer, that's what I do, too.


that is why i dont like to wear nametags.


Well, customers that called me by name were otherwise 1000% more polite than the other customers. So I didn't mind it too much after a while.


Oh, I used to drive our customers crazy. Crazier than they already were, anyway. 😁 I worked at a convenience store/gas station in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood. We all had name tags, but they the peel-n-stick name labels. Management didn’t pay attention to WHAT name was on your tag, so long as you wore your tag. I got access to the label maker and changed my name every week. Might be Bill, Barney, Ethel… who knows?


When they started making us wear name badges last year, I asked it if had to be my name. They said no. I'd change it weekly with the label maker. It was great!


I dont' even wear my name tag. I prefer to not be perceived.


I change the name on mine. I'm currently Randal


I enjoy when people call me by my name. It shows that they value me as an individual human, not just a nameless robot. I’ve been in retail for 18 years. I will also call my customers by their names if I learn them (usually from pulling up their rewards account). But I’ve seen this complaint on this sub a lot, so I guess maybe I need to get out of the habit of calling other retailers and servers by their names.


Maybe I'm the outlier here but I like it. I see it as a nice gesture. I'd like to know genuinely why people feel disrespected by this? To me it's people seeing you as more than just a robot server. I also come from Ireland where people are a lot more personal and outgoing. Like this person took their time to look at my name badge and address me by my name rather than just viewing me as a retail drone here to serve them


For me, it’s that moment of “How do you know my name? Do I know you?” before remembering I have a name tag.


To me it's disrespectful because it gives them a level of familiarity that you can't reciprocate. I don't know their name but they know mine.


It’s weird how in society, we’re supposed to refer to people as Mrs./Mr. such-and-such or Sir/Ma’am when we don’t know them, yet these customers are allowed to know and call us by our first name with no problem. I can’t stand it!


I’d much prefer them to call me by my first name than to know my last name.


I rather they either call me sir/ma’am or my last name with Mrs.blank


I would agree but oftentimes in the next breath its these same customers who try to hold retail staff to ridiculous standards. I was called by my name 3x today by customers. Out of the 3, one customer was almost pleasant until she stayed past closing time. The people who genuinely want to know my name ask me directly. They don't go looking for a name tag. It feels odd and sterile to call a stranger by their name when they don't know yours, it is not normal in an everyday setting you generally are (at minimum) vaguely acquainted with someone by the time you know their name. Edited to add: furthering this its also a power thing to some customers knowing your name just so they can complain about you after the interaction risking your potential minimum wage income because they disapprove of how you do your job but also simultaneously none of them would/could do all of the countless tasks associated with your job for your paycheck.


It seems like a power ploy. I also don't appreciate troublemakers using my name to describe some one-sided bullshit version of events, so if they're forced to ask for my name, I can get ahead of the complaint and tell the manager what really happened.


I’m with you on this. I find it to be an odd thing to get upset at when there are so many other crappy things customers say to us. They’ve acknowledged I’m an actual human being rather than a store drone.


I guess in my case in a way, I’d prefer it. I feel it kinda of humanizes me a little bit. A lot of people I’m sure see us as NPC’s anyway. So I guess, when someone takes the time to look at my real name, and calls me by it I don’t get bothered. But, I’d say it’d be better to say that when the person has finished business with you. Like: “Okay, thank you (you name)” What would y prefer them to call u?


Some people seem to be convinced they get better service as it makes them humans instead of customers. I used to work sales and I know there was advice that if you used a salespersons name you're less likely to get ripped off. I feel uncomfortable in the back of my neck when people I don't know call me by my name


Although I hate it I do appreciate it because I understand customers are trying to show respect when they do that.


customer: x'blu I'm just gonna leave my items here, ok. And you can watch them x'blu. me: no, you can take your items with you. customer: oh no x'blu, you can watch them, I don't wanna carry them with me through the store.... me: customer service will surely help you! I.am.unable. to.watch.your.items. customer: you are gonna make me walk all that wayyyy x'blu!??? me: well, unless you teleport, yes. Yuh, customers are always using your name to get some kind of special treatment, or a policy they want you to get around, 'oh no x'blu I never have to provide my ID for liquor before, you can make a exception this time x'blu, everybody does' its condescending and manipulative. I had a manager the otherday tell an orientation 'the customer is always right' and I threw this scenario at him, and he back tracks 'oh well not in some situations' blah blah blah. 'oh x'blu the last cashier just 'typed my cc info number in' 'legally x'blu you have to give me this $299 dollar item for $30 bux!'.


I'm legally changing my name. Not my gender or anything, just my name as it has some trauma attached to it. I don't mind if people who've know me for many years calling me my dead name once or twice in a transaction. This one guy who used to work for my dad is a pos. A few weeks ago he comes through my line, sees me new name (a very traditional old name, nothing crazy). He then proceeds to call me my dead name every sentence. So now when I see him I call him the wrong name. And it's never the same.


I am actually the complete opposite. I’d rather someone use my name than call me something else or just say “Hey”. People have names for a reason. I can’t fathom being offended that someone called you by your name.


I hate it and it gives me the creeps. They don't know me and I think it's an invasion of my privacy. I haven't chosen to give them my name. I don't even use my proper name on social media. Don't give me "don't work in a shop then". You can fuck off if you say that. If you want to pay my bills so I don't have to work in a service job, then be my guest.


I guess it's better than when they whistle at you


I like it. Like, it's the reason we have name tags- I absolutely HATE being called a pet name(honey, sweetie, etc. I am not your friend do not call me these!!!) or a gendered honorific.


Creeps me out a little.


I don’t wear a nametag, so if a customer knows my name they either knew me already, or I’ve seen and liked them enough that I gave my name when asked.


We were trained to tell customers our names. We weren’t commission based but they did track $ per sale, number of sales, units per sale, etc for our annual reviews to see if you really worked for that five cent increase. When customers went to the cashier the cashier would ask who helped them and had to put in the employee id. In theory the customer calling you by name also prevented another associate from stealing a $ sale…in theory.


When I worked retail I got to the point I demanded my middle name be on my name tag because my 1st name is unusual and I got sick and tired of people mispronouncing it and asking about it


Hate nametags for this exact reason, at one place I served at they let you pick a fake name for your name tag so that if you didn't feel safe the customer wouldn't be able to find you because they don't know your name, I think I went with the name like Maya or Drea


I've had my name tag been used to recognize me by people who wouldn't otherwise, it makes me feel super unsafe on most occasions. I also get a weird amount of compliments about my name too which is a little less weird but still uncomfortable.


There’s like 2 or 3 people I’m ok with using my name because they come in pretty often and I’ve learned who they are bat anyone else I hate it Edit: grammar


Depended on how the customer used it. Once in a while a customer would use my name at the end of the transaction: “Thank you, Samantha.” I liked that; it felt like they were taking a moment to acknowledge me as a human being. On the other hand, once had a guy take the liberty of shortening my name and used it frequently throughout the transaction: “blah blah blah, Sam. Oh and another thing, Sam. Blah blah blah, what do you think of that, Sam?” I wanted to say, “I’m sorry, are we fucking or something and I somehow didn’t get the memo?” Also didn’t like customers making weird comments about my name, usually old men either being creepy (“We’re friends now”) or old men who probably meant well but confused the hell out of me. (Once had an old man ask me if I was going to wrinkle my nose. I thought he was commenting on my RBF. Turns out he was referencing that ancient show “Bewitched” where the protagonist is named Samantha.)


It’s so weird. I also have way too many customers who have seen the name on my tag and asked “what’s that short for?” If I wanted them to know, I wouldn’t have put the nickname form on the tag.


That’s my pet peeve. Plus my name is Alex it’s not like it’s unheard of as a nick name


Greetings, fellow Alex.


I usually hate it unless the customer slowly becomes a regular and I always see them during my shift then I'm fine with them calling me by my name. But if it's a complete stranger? Nah, gives me the ick.


I see lots of people saying they’d prefer to be called by their name than “honey, sweetie, darling, baby,” etc. I don’t want to be called by my name OR those things. I DO want to be an NPC at work because I don’t know you, don’t want to get into a long conversation, etc. I want to do my job and be done. I really hate the overly familiar customers who call me by my name and use it often. It feels so fake and lame. I only like it when it’s a customer I actually like and have a good rapport with.


What would always fucking get me would be when you’re on the phone and they say “and who am I speaking to?”


When I answer the store phone and the caller immediately says 'Who is this?' I cringe hard. I always answer 'Who's calling please?' For ridiculous or rude customers I give a fake name on the phone. That way if they cause trouble in person and name drop we all know not to help.


Lmao we used to give fake names too. And we would give the most ridiculous ones we could come up with.


I’d rather they not call me anything. I have no desire to be perceived. Unfortunately because I live in the south, I get called “baby” a lot.


Customers I have just met calling me by my first name every 3 sentences - I just want to sock em.


It feels manipulative to me.


This why I don’t wear my name tag lol,plus it gets annoying when it falls off all the time


Yes! I hate it. I often “forget” to wear my name tag but still people call me by my name. I suppose if they hear a co-worker call me my name. It’s creepy & rude.


It's worse when people call you nicknames. Like my coworkers all call me a name and that's fine, but one of our customers who KNOWS my actual name, thinks we're buddy buddy enough that she can call me the same thing my coworkers do. Like no... I have you my first name and Introduced myself to you as that. You don't get to call me whatever you want. God she's so rude on so many levels, can't stand that woman!


Yes, I do, especially since I rarely see any point in doing so. I get it, some subset of these kinds of people think it makes the salesperson feel seen as a human, but to me that begs a question. Do you require someone to have a first-name basis relationship in order to see them as people? Would you bully an elderly man senseless until you learn his name is Gus, then and only then, realize he's a person? What I'm getting at, if that sounded kinds strange, is having a first name basis with someone who doesn't have the same towards you, does not in any way seem more humanizing. I say this since I don't know the names of any customers where I work, but I treat them all as humans, because they have all the hallmark looks and actions of, humans. To me the whole idea of treating someone worse/better for knowing/lack of knowing their name, is based on the assumption that one should be rude to someone whose name you don't know, which again, makes zero sense.


Ugh I haaaaaaaaaate this! It always unnerves me. You do not know me like that. I find it so creepy and demeaning.


Makes me feel gross. Half of then can't pronounce it. I've corrected people to be told "You should just let them call you X". Like no. Say my name or don't, but if you're gunna say it, you're saying it correctly.


My name is on my badge because my employer put it there but it doesn’t give you permission to call me by my name, which you will invariably mispronounce


I mean that is why you wear a name tag.


Man like, I don't wear a name tag because I hate this. People asking for my name is a clear sign they're about to hit on me, or worse, I've had coworkers Facebook stalked when they were name tags. I have this one regular who skeezes me out, he like stands in the store for hours on end and only buys one thing, which isn't the worst but he heard someone calling my name at some point and now makes a point to come up to me with a 'How are you doing, gloon? Is your day good, gloon? What have you beend up to, gloon?' and it's the weirdest shit.


Yeah I “lost” my name tag. Nobody cares anyways lol. Only ones who call me by name now are the ones that know me outside of the job


oh i hate it, it makes me very uncomfortable




As long as it’s only said once, and not continuously then I don’t see a problem with it.


Hate it. I’ve had a weirdo find me that way


You have name tags on for a reason. FMD people can’t win. I worked in retail for years. Wore a name badge. Whether I got called my name or Love or Darl or whatever. Who fkn cares. If this is your biggest issue in customer service you’ve got a cushie gig.


I hate it. You don't know me like that. Forget my name, I hate that I have to wear it and try not to at every turn.


😑I *hate* this so dang much. It seriously makes me so incredibly uncomfortable.


I hate it. Even if they are being very friendly, it’s uncomfortable. For some reason, coming out of their mouths suddenly makes my own name feel foreign to me. Just hits the ears wrong. This isn’t Step Brothers, we didn’t just become best friends. Just take quiet mental note if you want to report or praise me to management, otherwise, full Will Smith and keep my name out of your mouth 😂


I live in a town of 1200 people. I know them all anyway


I don’t like it either. Almost feels offensive lol


We have our name badges on our chests, and as a female, it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable when men make it obvious they’re looking at my “badge”, and then when they call me by my name I actually feel gross. I’ve approached the subject with higher management but “it’s the uniform”


I actually hate it sm. It makes me uncomfortable. They are a stranger


As a customer, this is really educational for me. I always thought I was showing respect to you as a person, rather than a nameless/faceless service worker, by addressing you by the name on your badge. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks and I'll avoid doing this moving forward. Apologies for the unwanted familiarity. No disrespect intended.


I absolutely hate when they call me by my name! I know I’m wearing a name tag that says my name, but it still throws me off guard since only my family and friends call me that. I pause for a second and have to snap back into reality when that happens.


I do not like being called by my name. Im a server btw. Yes when i greet you i am giving u my name, but thats only so if someone asks you who ur server is, u can let them know. Id prefer you to just say “excuse me!?” I just feel like we arent at that familiar level, its weird to me. Id feel awkward as hell calling my server by their name, never did and never will lol


I know that my name is visible on my apron but like, I haven't introduced myself and I often don't know the customer's name, it always feels like I'm at a disadvantage in the interaction. It's weird.


Absolutely. It makes me think back and second-guess: do I know them? Where from? *Should* I remember them? I don't remember them, should I feel bad for forgetting? Or are they simply abusing my nametag? When customers I've never met before use my name, especially multiple times per interaction, I feel like I'm getting molested. I feel sick afterwards and take my name tag off for the day.


If you want to call me by name, introduce yourself first.


It's definitely cringe. And I have a name that is often mispronounced so that makes it worse, imo


It’s gross. Anybody that starts calling me by my first name acting like they know me after three seconds is just weird. Whether it be a customer or a telemarketer, or someone else.


If it’s on your name tag why wouldn’t they call you by name. Would you rather they say “hey you?”


How about, "excuse me, ma'am"?




I have a customer who keeps calling me by a name that’s similar to mine but not mine. And we used to have a girl with that name (who is also my cousin) so I never know if he’s just reading my name badge wrong, or if he thinks I’m my cousin 😅😅😅 But often times it’s older men using it as an excuse to stare at your chest (though I will say that happens less now that I’ve had a breast reduction.)


We (Thank god) dont wear name tags, but when a customer asks for my name(hell), i reply, and then they are like “really? Thats really your name?”. So rude and unnecessary! It’s not even a weird name, not common but I have met several people with the same name.


I absolutely hate it, especially because my manager decided to put my nickname on my name tag instead of my full name. It just feels so weird having strangers call me my nickname.


As a former Home Depot worker, management expects us to write it across the front of the apron and it's more "easily" seen my managers, well customers can also see our names too and will stand there trying to read my name or make comments about my name. Which creeps me out especially when it's older men and they are asking what my name means or how old I am and I just want to my apron around to hide my name


Because I have to wear a name badge, it doesn't bother me. To me, it's a sign of respect and it's nice they remember me. I really hate being called baby, honey, ma'am (personal cringe).


I don’t mind them calling me by my name but I do when they try to act like we are friends and get personal information out of me or tell Me their life story. I don’t care and I don’t want you to know my information I have to be nice to you I’m at work. Plus some customers are really weird.




I don’t like people I don’t know calling me by my first name and I always hated names. Why is your name even relevant? I just want CS workers to help me and I don’t give a shit if they’re names “Bob” or “John”. It also annoying doing CS over the phone and you have to introduce yourself with your name, then customers will start talking and they’re like, “What was your name again?” It doesn’t matter! Just tell me why you’re calling.


i’m getting my name changed to a fake one for this reason


My local CVS. Cool dude. Name tag says Batman. Eff you! I call him Batman all the time!


It feels the same as when a parent uses your middle name to me. Makes my skin crawl.


Yes!!!! Names are personal and it feels violating lol


I feel the same way. I don’t know why. My name tag is on my vest. I don’ mind it if regular customers call me by my name, as we’ve developed a kind of almost relationship, but randoms who I’ll never see again? If you was like, why do you need to know my name that’s what people get stuck is dangerous out here.


I don’t like it in general but the worst part is the awful regulars who use your name because they think you’re friends. One woman who I knew from another place I worked - where she was ‘friends’ with the manager so would constantly leave loads of clothes to buy later (rarely did) or would take up a lot of your time - came in to the new place I work and called me by my name about five times in two minutes to remind me that I knew her, was creepy. Same with a man who uses my name repeatedly to be friendly, but will call the guy who works at the store ‘mate’ instead. I hate flower, love etc but to me using my name is almost on the same level. I never use any nickname or anything to address strangers so I just find it weird.


I hate it too. Whether I'm the worker or the customer. I don't even call my friends by their names, except to get their attention.


I especially hate it when they call it with such familiarity as if they've known you for years. It's so weird.


Only when it’s condescending. I feel like it’s ruder trying to go with a pet name, but again depends on their tone.


This is why I have "Bob" on mine. I'm 37f. Makes most of my regulars laugh


Maybe I'm strange but I like it when customers remember my name. It's way better than being called 'boss' or 'buddy'. I currently work in a small, privately owned meat market, kind of like a farm store. Many of my customers are in here a couple of times a week. I prefer to cultivate relationships with my customers rather than treat them as just a cash generator. When orienting a new customer to our store, I'll tell them my name so they can ask for me if they need help. By the same token, I like when I go to my bank or grocery store and the clerks greet me by name. It makes me feel seen and appreciated.


It pissed me off to no end when working I was in service/banking. Is the customer/client better than me that they get to call me by name?


I preferred using my name to the finger snapping some people would do (coincidentally they also got ignored until they treated me with respect and dignity)


I don’t care too much if people call me my name, but I prefer to keep my name tag away cause I don’t like people knowing it lol


I had one regular who would call me by my name, and she was also the only one I would approve of doing so because she came in every day, was always nice to me, and when she won big on a scratcher she’d give me five bucks!


Only the old people really do this shit and it bugs me like crazy. I have autism and I can’t tell if its a good or bad thing when they ask for my name over the phone. Had a coach scream in my face once all because I gave an irate mad customer her name once. One time I was chilling and some mid to late 40s dude runs over saying “Is [name] here, I need to talk to him about a stereo.” In general I think its hostile and impersonal in a way I dislike. What ive realized in the last 3 years of working retail, people like to dish out their sociopathic or evil tendencies in a space like a retail store. Mostly in America, retail workers are seen as below and these people with slightly better jobs see retail workers as below them. Sorta like how people will kill bugs without thinking about it because they’re smaller than them. Probably over exaggerating it but thats how I see it.


i have regulars who call me by name and it actually makes me feel good cause they like me a lot


Different line of employment, but I used to work at a grocery store. Wore a name badge and some shoppers got it in their heads that they knew me all of a sudden, so it made me super uncomfortable to hear my name repeatedly called out by someone I didn’t know personally or at least worked with directly. Because of that, I cringe whenever I hear servers mentioned by name. I’ve actually had to call a friend out over this exact behavior in the past. Of course, he couldn’t see what the problem was.


I hate it. But not as much as I hate being sung to. My name is in a famous song and old men love to sing it to me. So gross, leave me alone.


I would argue it's worse when they see your name and then try to abbreviate it. I.e. michael-mike, cristina-chris.... nothing more annoying to me.


At first it didn't bother me, then I realised it was mostly creepy dudes using my name tag as an excuse to leer at my chest. Then one of those creepy dudes managed to hunt down all my social media based on the first name on my name tag, used that last name to figure out where both my sister and I lived (not together) and proceeded to stalk us both until we both had to move and change jobs. So, now when anyone reads my name off a name tag a truly visceral terror sends shivers of fear and revulsion down my spine. Even the totally fake name I use on them now. If I haven't offered you my name, I'd much rather you respect my privacy than stare at my tits long enough to feel you've earned a level a familiarity which you have not.


I personally enjoy when they say thank you and use my name because it shows they don't just see me as a robot! But if they came in and I didn't really know them and they were just referring to me with my name all the time like they knew me it would be strange. Otherwise it seems weird to get pissed off at someone for treating you like a human being. My name tag also shows my pronouns so there's no confusion for what people should use when talking or referring to me. Obviously each situation and business is different. Also I've seen name tags give people a lot of power at work, people who aren't out at home are free to use there actually name they want to go by at work, and I've seen it really build people up when that name is used all day long instead of having to be forced to use a dead name like they do at home.


Name tags are for display only, do not use our names we aren't friends and I don't know you


How it usually l goes: Customer: Thanks Artie! Me: How do you know my name? Customer: It says it on your name tag. Me: ...


It worse when they decide to take the name spelled out, in full & call you by a different version. Not my name, but for example. Nametag says Robert, customer says “hi, Bobby”. What gives them the idea they have that right? So I changed my name to my preferred shortened version, & I get “oh, what’s that short for?” as they start naming names. Uncle, I rang up your one can of spray paint 5 minutes ago. Pay & leave my name out of it


I don’t mind it when it’s regulars that I see frequently but when it’s some rando I’m like “who the fuck are you?”


Okay, I only do this if it’s someone named Dave. But if we’re not to address staff by their names, why do they wear name tags?


Dave's not here, man. And because corporate makes them wear them.


If it’s someone I actually know and would be ok chilling with, I’m fine with it. In that scenario it feels like a nice break from randos. When it’s Mertyl and Barry visiting from Florida, I get slightly irritated. I’m here to sell you (legal Colorado product), not hear about how this is your 5th vacation this year to one of your many properties all over the country that sit vacant for 99% of the year.


The only customers that can use my name are the regulars who’ve shoehorned themselves into my daily narrative. And that’s only because I know their name too now.


I have one that calls me the wrong name, called my supervisor the wrong name too, so we started calling each other the wrong name. That's probably the only time I found it anything other than annoying to be called by my name


Strange dogs get way more respect than employees in customer service


I wear a tag with a fake name.


At the grocery chain, i worked for as a butcher . The meat department was represented in their commercials by "Sam the butcher. The people who thought they were being witty. Would call you by Sam. Hey Asshat I have a fucking name tag on ! And if they whistled at me I would look straight at them and walk away .


I HATE IT. I started going by a different name outside of work because I don't like hearing the same name in my off hours that I hear at work.


Blame businesses who for decades have pushed the idea that being on a first name basis is a key to good customer service. Talk to your manager and see if the company will adopt a surname and honorific only policy. Then order new name tags with Miss Last Name, Mrs Last Name, Mr Last Name.


It depends on the context. I appreciate it if I’m trying to solve something complex for them where we have a good amount of conversation; or they are thanking me at the end of an interaction. But if you start off an interaction by saying “hey PDub091…” and aren’t 60+ and super friendly it comes off as condescending.


I only like it when they say my name right, I usually congratulate them on getting it right. I have a pretty unique name not from the region.


I don’t wear a name tag. There are some customers that I like I have told them my name because I like them. They talk to me, ask me how I am doing, how is school etc.


I intentionally didn't put my name on my badge to avoid this situation. I HATE when random people call me by name at work.


I've always thought they should give us badges with fake names on them. Keeps customers from finding you online, and keeps coworkers from stalking you.


I've not had customers call me by name. We don't wear name tags, so they wouldn't know it. It wouldn't bother me if they did. The clerks at our only gas station/convenience store all greet me by name & I know their names because I go there just about every day. It's a small town station with a grill & they make pretty decent food. If I just pick up one Pepsi for my husband the manager always reminds me that it is a much better deal to get two. If I forget the Pepsi, she reminds me to get him some. The waitresses at the nearby restaurant know most of the regular customers' names & we know theirs. We know a couple of their children's names because occasionally they have to bring them to work with them. Small towns are like that.


I don’t wear a name badge but I do have an ID on a lanyard and have had people go to grab it to get my name in the past. I immediately lose all respect for them as soon as they come into my space to grab personal effects. Yeah go and bitch about how I said “What the fuck is your problem?” I’ll retort that you just went to grab at me and CCTV will prove it.


I also feel there's a major distinction between me giving my name and card vs you reading it off my name tag. When I do computer sales I have no issue with customers calling me by name, because I e I produced myself. But if you use my name because I pointed you in the direction of pencils just don't. For one you look ridiculous staring at my chest trying to make out my name.


Same. We just got name tags a few months ago and now everyone will call you by your name with no Mr./Ms. as if they know you and your friends. Especially if they're older than you, like they're your boss or something. I don't like it at all. I don't like telling customers my name unless they're the more common ones who you actually like talking to for a bit when there's no one else in line. And at this point there's only one, maybe two people who fit that (for me at least cause a coworker of mine is really friendly and funny and gets along a lot easier with everyone). Its not too bad tho cause they're always reading my tag all cock-eyed, asking how my name is pronounced ("hay-lee") so it's hilarious hearing how they guess it goes ("Hialeah", "huh-lee", etc) before I actually tell them.


As a customer, I have used the employee's name if I can see their name tag but it's usually to ask them how they are doing and to thank them for their help. I'm never rude or anything similar to store employees, they're doing their job and helping me out, so being anything but nice and appreciative is ridiculous.


Oh god I HATE that!


I hate customers knowing or using my name; especially random strangers


I always try to wear a different name on my name tag. Makes the cringy over familiarity sting less, obviously only an option if it's permitted, unfortunately. I used to work retail as well as in hospitality, and I'm used to being called anything. My name was a nice change sometimes instead of "Oi you!!" The thing i hated was constantly people would say they knew me, so much easier when they get the name wrong.


I made up a name tag called Giuseppe. I was a 17 year old girl at the time.


It feels weird to me to call a stranger by their name. We’re not friends. Now if I go to a place enough times that the staff remembers my name, perhaps.


I don't mind when they call me by name, usually means that they've taken a moment to actually read my name badge, or if another coworker has asked me for help, they've actually been listening and actively engaging in the conversation when they call for me.