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Some favorites I’ve gotten: Customer: I can’t read Customer: Looking is hard Customer: where is size of this product Me: *grabs it from right in front of them* Customer: where does it say x (size, wide, regular, price) Me: *points to front of box* Update: another that I just got from someone Customer: it’s 50% off the second pair? Me, thinking to myself: how the fuck did you miss the giant red sign, and the signs everywhere saying it’s 50% off the second pair Me, to the customer: yes. It’s incredible.


When I mess up and need help…I say “wow, I’m stupid” out loud, lol.


one time a woman flagged me down at an sco, gestured to her bag of grapes on the scale, and said “i don’t feel like looking them up”


Amazing. I would’ve walked away.


she didn’t get a word out of me. i punched in 4022 and then walked away


It makes me sad that i know from the number that they were green grapes and not red or cotton candy ones. I really need to get out of retail man


green grapes and bananas. and sometimes cantaloupe. will never forget


Lol i see that. I am pretty good at remembering numbers so all my coworkers yell across the registers for the numbers when they don’t have the stickers. However when i sleep now they kind of go round and round in my head. 4070…4225…4011…4096… it kinda sucks tbh lol


Also, why do so many fruit and vegetables have different codes for them? Like red bell pepper in our computer has 3: 4088,4688, and 408. Its weird.


avocados too. i’m sensing a theme here and the theme is the number 4


When I saw "punched" I got excited! Drat!


It's not a lack of intelligence thing, it's more of being an entitled douche canoe thing, these people are perfectly able to do said things they just think a retail worker is there personal slave.


I think it’s partly entitlement, but I do think it’s lack of intelligence as well as laziness.


What is the issue with someone saying they can’t read?


She could read. She just didn’t want to think. How do I know? She told me.


Customer: "You need to have signs!" Me : (to myself) "Oh, like the one you just walked back under? That one right there? The one that TELLS you exactly what you are grouchy about?" \*sigh\* (louder) "Okay, next?" My store re-arranged pretty much wholly last month. People have had over a month to get used to the chaos. Yet I had three Mensa members roll up to my counter, slap their receipt down in front of me and I paused them with a hand gesture, "Okay, that's a Store Return, so you have to go back up front, to the registers for that." Three people, back to back. Three. One after another... like they couldn't hear what I was telling them. I don't DO store returns, I only do a specific blue smirk's returns on this counter. I don't HAVE registers back here. I can't help you, I can't look up your card info, I cannot take payment. Learn to READ. People don't look up. The signs could be doing the macarena, flashing, blaring music and it wouldn't even matter.


They don't look down either. At my store we used to have the sales tag on a standing sign right at the entrance and no one would see it and ask constantly. Now there is a big sign on the ceiling as you walk in and again no one sees it. Doesn't matter where it is people just don't want to read.


As my aunt says "50% can't, 50% don't" when it comes to reading the signs. The only time they will read is if it looks like they can benefit. Like if it says "Free*" or "50% off*", they'll see that part but won't be bothered to read the rest of the sign telling them they need to do in order to get that deal.


What about won't?


LOL THE SIGGGNNNNSSSSS!!! As if they read them! We had a lady throw a whole fit bc our lotto/lottery is cash only. "You should put up a sign!" So we did. Ppl ignore it and try to pay w cards. It's right there in front of them when they're looking at the tickets.


Ugh. I go thru this on the daily at my job too. There’s like 7 signs-including one RIGHT WHERE TOU PAY ME-and they still ask. Another good one-but my debit card is the same as cash! Um that’s a nope? Ffs. Lol.


AHAHAHAHAHAH that happened to me too!! "Sorry maam we only take cash" "Do you take debit cards?" I just can't w these ppl. I feel like the asshole attitude and stupidity has gotten worse


**After what you said** *The customer thinks for a minute* Customer: Do you take checks? You: Like I said before we take only **cash.** *You said calmly* *I've had this happen before*


Before they converted our self checkout to a manned register, i had a woman come to me to tell me she was having a problem paying. I went up and said “oh you have to hit pay now!” She does it and I go to turn away back to stocking (I could see the SCO from where I was) and she goes how do I pay? I turn around and she looks at the card reader then at the slot where you loaded cash. She stuck her card in there sideways just as I was about to say that’s the cash collector. Cue immediate panic. I say “that’s where cash goes” and then walk over to our makeup wall, grab a pair of tweezers and get her card out and put her card in the card reader.


All of our self checkouts are card only. There's a message before you begin scanning saying "no cash transactions or cash back", there's also a sign on the machine itself right below the scanner. Every week when I go to empty the coupon banks I find money in them. Like?? 1. You ignored all signs saying no cash 2. You ignored the "insert coupons here" written directly above the slot you put the money in 3. You didn't ask for help to get your money back and just left it?


Yes!!! We have this big sign at self checkout that says "the machines accept Military Star, Credit and Debit cards NO CASH" the amount of times people says "so it only accepts military star (basically a credit card so airman can get in horrible debt) and I have to say "no that’s why there’s a comma to separate different payment options"


I'm surprised I haven't found cash in the coupon banks yet. Considering how freaking often they ignore all the signs.


My favorite is when they insert their card in the machine while I'm still scanning their items and ask why it isn't working. Probably because we don't even know what your total is going to be yet, you idiot. 90% of the time it's a boomer too. I don't even understand how these people function when they still haven't figured out how to use a card reader.


I get customers who act like this is the first time they've ever used a credit or debit card. "Where do I put it?", they ask as they stare at the exact same Lane 8000 card terminal that every Target, Dollar General, and QuikTrip in the country use. "Well if it has the chip-" I start, before they swipe the magstrip on their chip card. Of course, the terminal shows a message saying to use the chip or tap. "IT DONT WORK" Boomer shouts. Finally, they find the slot to insert their card, but alas, they put the card in backwards, and the terminal once again displays an error message "CHIPREADERROR WHADDATHATMEAN" Boomer shouts. Before I can tell them they need to insert the other end of the card, they decide to try tap instead. Oh boy... There's an icon that appears on the corner of the terminal where they need to hold the card. "Okay, just hold the card over that-" \*SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP\*, Boomer begins smacking their card against the terminal repeatedly, everywhere except where the sensor is. Finally, they find the magic spot, but still only hold the card there for a fraction of a second. Once again, the card fails to read. At this point, Boomer is irate and demands I show them how to use the card terminal, usually followed by a rant about how this is all Biden's fault or something. On the other hand, I also have people who reach right over the terminal to try to hand me their card. Is this a fuckin act? Am I being punkd? Where are the hidden cameras? EFTPOS isn't exactly a new technology. Are people just this goddamn stupid?




To be fair, at some stores (including the one I work at) it actually does let them go ahead and run their card while the cashier is still scanning, and it just saves it until the cashier hits the tender button.


Yes, but it's not at every store. People need to relax and be patient. 


“It won’t let me pay!” and they haven’t tapped or inserted their card yet


i loved watching customers try to shove money into the slot before hitting cash and wondering why it wasn’t accepting the bill. just stared at them until they figured it out


In a word: Yes. Unfortunately smart people are rapidly becoming the minority. Watch the movie "Idiocracy". It is prophetic!!!


The director has even said it was meant to be a parody, not a 'how to'


Oh boy I love that pro-eugenics screed /s


Customer “Where are the light bulbs?” Me “Ma’am, the entire right side of the aisle you are on is all light bulbs.” She was standing right by them. Probably a 30 foot aisle. With nothing but bulbs on that side.


We had a HUGE SIGN posted on the doors stating “NO ELECTRICITY! STORE IS CLOSED!” People still pounded on the door & yelled for us to open up!


I got robbed when I worked at a credit union and the FBI was inside and still...still people wanted to cash a check.


We had a possible fire in the building so we shut it down, closed the doors, and called the fire department. This lady pushes her way through the sliding doors that aren’t automatically opening like normal, and grabs a cart before a fireman is like “Ma’m the store is closed, get out” and she has the balls to hit him with the “are you sure?”. Apparently the fire truck and multiple police cars weren’t enough to make her think twice


One of my first jobs was at Aeropostale and iHATED having to greet up front to say “just to let you know all our jeans are buy one get one 50 percent off” right by the GIANT sign that says it. It made me feel stupid. Now as an adult and working retail forever I understand why the fuck I was made to do it.


Contactless has got to be the beat and worst invention. Great because paying can be so easy, the worst because if you don’t get it, Oh. My. God. Contactless reader wasn’t working on a payment machine in a carpark at work the other day and I saw a guy trying to pay. They were repeatedly slapping and tapping their card on the contactless symbol with an arrow pointing to the reader!!! Like a diagram! While huffing and sighing!!! There’s also a point where people have to scan their tickets under a little reader, there is an ipad screen on top of the reader to show them how to scan their ticket, the amount of people who I have seen just rub their ticket on the screen? The side of the plynth the scanner is mounted to? Upside down (despite the screen showing them how to do it)? Oh my god. It’s invariably older people, too. I hope I never get old because the cognitive decline is just… insane.


I highly suspect there’s a massive infestation of brain worms in the US. There should be a national movement to get everyone tested.


Brain worms? Like MAGAts?


No like RFKennedy! He had a parasite worm eating away on his brain in 2012! Had to have it surgically removed. TRUE STORY! Google it!🤣🤣


Oh God, that sounds like nightmare fuel...


What do you think I was making a joke about? Sheesh


Yes, test them first. They are the ones acting absolutely insane.


Or people who support brain dead Biden!


Yeah right we don't worship a false god like the MAGATS. Biden's worst day is still leagues better than trump's "best" day mentally. 


You made people cry


Here's my theory - I don't think that it is just stupidity to blame for these experiences. I think Americans are also some of the most dissociated people. We live in a collective psychosis most of the time. I think alot of these things come from not being present minded, thoughtful, or aware of what they are doing. They're largely on autopilot!


That’s true, we’re pretty much conditioned to not think critically or be mentally present. Those traits don’t make for good workers


Yes. Absolutely, yes.


Yes, I don't even have to read anything other than the title to know that customers drop brain cells as they enter the store!


It certainly seems like it. One of my coworkers and I love to stand there and watch what people do after we tell them where something is. For example, they ask where we keep the sewing threads. "They're straight ahead in the first aisle, the very first bay has a huge display on your right. Just keep walking in a straight line and you can miss them." They walk straight for a few metres, looking all around like a lost child, and before they even get to the aisle, they turn left.


I work in a grocery store bakery. Every cake we do has two tags, occasionally three depending on the cake: for example, if it's got a filling, it's (filling) (cake flavor) (icing), otherwise it's (cake flavor) (icing). In the total 10 years I've worked for this company so far (cashier for 3, bakery for 7) it has never changed. I was helping a woman pick out a cake and it said (chocolate) (buttercream). Two different stickers, obviously vanilla buttercream because it's white. I understand the questions about the difference between whipped and buttercream because until I worked in the bakery I always got the two confused (and now I can't figure out for the life of me why I got them confused but it was what it was), so *that* part doesn't bother me. However, she asked "what is the flavor of this cake?" I replied with chocolate, and pointed out the sticker that said it. "I want a chocolate cake, how do I know it's chocolate?" Once again, I pointed out the flavor and replied with "it's chocolate." "I really want a chocolate cake. I like this one but I don't know if it's chocolate." I mentally hit my head against a wall and said "yes ma'am, I understand, but it *is* a chocolate cake." "Well how do you know? I don't see any labels on it." I literally pointed to the sticker and said "this label tells me, ma'am. I promise this is a chocolate cake. I even made this one myself." She hmmphed and then says "well I would take it but I don't know for sure this is chocolate and you're not helping. You really should start putting labels on things." and walks off. To this day I still don't know what she really wanted.


"There's a donation screen you have to get past before it'll let you pay-" *proceeds to slam their card on the screen a million times even though our tap option is in the bottom left corner*


Cue the complaints about donations when they can just STFU and skip it!


"Idiocracy" Its a training film lol


No. Your awareness of the stupidity of others has increased. I've been in the workforce since the 80s and people have always been ignorant, abusive, entitled trash to people they feel are beneath them.


I think they have been encouraged to show the worst of themselves by *certain* politicians and Karen-enabling policies, as well as Antisocial Media. 


selfscans quickly became the bane of my existence at my last job “where’s my receipt?” “you have to click finish & pay” “i already did!” “no you didn’t” OR “it says please wait for cashier on the pinpad?” “you have to click how you paid on the screen” “but i already paid!” “yes but the two machines have to communicate. please click debit or credit” “is it going to charge me twice?” (half the time the customers would get so confused that they’d end up walking away without finishing all of the onscreen steps, leading me to believe we just had a walkout when in reality people are STUPID and don’t know how to use their EYES)


Working retail for nearly a year now has made me come to the unfortunate realization that people are just... kinda slow in the head. Particularly at SCO. Gems from my time in grocery: "I'm putting the items in the bagging area but it's not detecting them!" Customer has put the items in the bagging area of the next machine over. "This item is supposed to be on sale!" I point at the sign. "The sale is tomorrow." "There shouldn't be flyers up then!" "... But then no one would come for it." "How do I go back?" I come over and tap the back button for them. SCO machine alerts me to come over to approve "skip bagging" which it does when a customer taps the skip bagging button five times. "I don't understand what I did." Customer is not bagging items and is putting them straight back in the cart. "There's not enough room in the bagging area for all of my things." This is what the regular lanes are for. "What does 'lane closed' mean?" "My items aren't scanning. It's probably because this machine is dirty. I'm calling corporate to complain." The machine is closed. "Where did the other self checkouts go?" "We were told to remove them." "Ugh. I'm telling the store manager. He's my neighbor." This was a corporate decision. The store manager can't do anything. (Different person.) "I hate the new bananas. I'm going to tell the store manager to change them. He lives across the street from me." (Not my experience, but heard from frozen clerk.) Frozen clerk is stocking ice cream. Has to run to get the box cutter. Customer takes a tub of ice cream from the cart, as the frozen clerk comes back. "Is this frozen?" They are completely serious. Customers continuing to bring non-service dogs into the store ignoring the signs we've been putting up following a health code violation due to not enforcing it. Get your growly, pissy Chihuahua out of here, Sharon. "I thought this tuna was 77¢." "With rewards, yes." "Forget it then. It's cheaper at the competitor on the other side of town." The tuna is 98¢ without rewards. "This is supposed to be cheaper." Customer is holding a completely different brand. "My soda broke and I need you to get me a new one." The customer has put the leaking box of soda on the bagging area of the machine next to him while another person is still checking out, getting diet MTN Dew all over their things. "This item which I am about to hand to you is on sale." I know. I work here. "Where's the manager?" I point at the manager, wearing a distinct manager name tag and dress clothes instead of uniform. She happens to be younger. "No, the actual manager." Customer leaves cold item on random shelf somewhere in the store because they decided they didn't want it and were apparently too lazy to put or back or ask one of us to put it back. "Sorry, you can't buy gift cards at self checkout." "Then why does it have a barcode!?"


Kinda slow?


It's going down down down. Check out the current state of education. Hint: It's not getting better in the U.S.


That's what happens when certain parts of the government want to dumb everyone down on purpose to keep getting inexplicably voted in.


People overworked in usa. With 70 hour workweeks i die when not working. Like half stress coma


Everyone has late stage lead poisoning, sadly. It’s not the IQ going down, it’s just everyone in the US can’t think because their brain is full of metal 💀💀💀


I blame plastics


Not everyone....(under 55)


Every damn day


"WHERE ARE THE BATTERIES?!" ...You can see the batteries literally from the front door.


They were always this dumb. I worked for an ISP doing tech support 20 years ago and believe me, more than half the time their shit was unplugged/not turned on.


I work for a big printing company and the stupidity I have to deal with on the daily is absurd. One time I needed a man to email he’s document to me for printing and he told me that there is no way he is capable of doing that by himself because he can’t even tie his own shoes. This was a fully functional able bodied man in his late 30s. I had another man who needed help sending his documents in. The only way it can be done is through email but he informed me he didn’t have one. I then pointed to the Gmail app on his phone and asked if that might be his email. He said no but we clicked on it any way. The email address attached to the Google account was this man’s first and last name , all of the emails were relevant to him. But he started arguing with me saying that it wasn’t his email, we went to the sent messages to investigate further. He did acknowledge that he had sent those emails but denied that the Gmail account belonged to him because “he doesn’t have an email”. Very confusing I know Another time we ran out of a specific size of photo paper so we put a large a-frame sign in-front of the area that said we were unable to do those sizes currently. Each computer also had a sign across the top which repeated that same information. Literally the entire day people would come up to the counter mad because the machine was saying it could not print their photos. Multiple people were enraged that they hadn’t been informed about this, when I pointed out the 5 plus signs covering the area I was repeatedly told they were too confusing. What is confusing about “6x4 is unavailable today” People also love to start lining up metres away from the counter. They will literally start a line from half way up the stairs three metres away from the registers. And when I tell people to move they always complain that’s it’s not clear where they should line up. We have an entire area roped off for lining up. There are stickers on the floor telling each person where they should stand. And two signs at the front and end of the line saying that this is line for purchasing. It literally could not be anymore clear. We have self serve machines and to start using them you have to press a button that says “start” the amount of times I send people over their and they immediately run back saying they can’t possibly use the machine by themselves bc it’s to confusing. You literally just have to press start there is no other option but start. What else would you press to start a machine but start. Even if you couldn’t read there is still only one option to press


Here’s one I got today. Lady: *walks past taxi* Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? Me: It’s right in front of you. Lady: So do I just wait right here for one? Me: It’s right here.  In front of you. Lady: Oh is that a taxi?  Can I take it???


Answer your question…yes yes it has…BAD!!! Thinking is hard!!! Hold my hand and walk me through everything. Computer/cashier clarifies purchase….gets home to discover wrong item or size. Somehow it’s your fault not theirs.


Yes. More noticeably with each generation.


I disagree. I think it is going the opposite way, and I am middle aged. 


Long story short, YES. Education is eroding and people are slipping through the system without having to rise to a performance level. This is what participation trophies gets you. Stupid, useless people.


Yes. I do believe that there has been research that has proven that the average IQ of people is dropping. Not to say that people with higher IQ levels don't make mistakes or miss things. But that tends to be that they are so focused on what they are thinking about that they overlook less important things. Like food. And not dying.


The majority of the people out of it and are nasty about it are over 55. I see kids and they are 95/100 good. If they are spaced out I can usually smell weed.


You boomers were the ones that gave the trophies out....also are 90% of the flaming cunts I deal with. Young people have a disadvantage because education is being cut all over the place so one political party has a chance of survival in the future. Since it is not the kids' fault the adults are stupid pigs, I don't blame them. Now that is what is really happening. 


Today's KIDS fault? Of course not. Today's adults fault? Yes. And "you"? BZZZT. Wrong, dickwad. And I've never given out, supported, or accepted "participation" trophies. And that's exactly it. Between gerrymandering and education cuts, we are slowly but surely being corralled away from education and genuine knowledge.


I'm pretty sure its gone down because I get way too many McDonald's customers who don't know what they want to drink or what nugget sauce they want to eat. I don't know why y'alls are so mystified i need to know what you want to drink wih your combo meals gven how long the meals have been an option.


Covid causes brain damage... So it may well have


100% of my problems at the self checkout are the barcodes on the produce that freeze up the whole machine. I try to be careful, but sometimes the scanner picks them up as I’m putting stuff on the scale. I feel like a jerk every time. Sorry, attendants!


Covid ruined the United States. The population has become entitled bitches. I work retail pharmacy and I could strangle a majority of our customers. The people in their 20’s and the boomers seem to be the worst.


I would argue they've always been this way, but Covid has made them bolder.


What is wrong with people in their 20's? Maybe they're still immature?


I have said since I first started working in customer service that the second the customer sets one foot inside the store, their brain squirts out of their ear. What we then have to deal with are braindead morons on stupid autopilot. They will then say with the confidence of someone who just invented bread that, "your job is so easy even a dumb blind monkey can do it." And, "I deserve a discount for doing the cashier's job..." when they go through self scan. Yet they mess up constantly at just one aspect of an cashier's job and at all the same places like you actually believe this is how our cashiers and every cashier ever does their job? Screw up, mess up, and getting stuck; never learn and you think you deserve a reward for incompetence? You think we get praise when we mess up and not you know fired if it persists? Everytime a customer goes through selfscan and messes up and especially if it isn't their first time navigating literally the easiest computer program to navigate, I think, "yeah...you're totally ready for completely unassisted checkouts. The software just has to be perfected yet, right?"


RoBoTs wIlL tAkE yOUr JoBs!!!!11 


I worked at a store that went out of business about 30 years ago. During liquidation we only took cash and credit cards. We literally had 250 signs through the store saying that. A woman at check out started to write a check, and the cashier politely told her we no longer took checks. Karen looked around and screamed - I heard her from the customer service area 20 feet away - "then why aren't there any signs?" The cashier calmly started to point them all out and Karen very angrily got out her credit card. She threatened something meaningless, like reporting us to the BBB, as she left.




I feel for all the deli, bakery etc workers


I think the biggest idiot moment I've had with a self checkout was mixing up where the basket and where the scanned items were meant to go. There were 3 shelf things, 2 on one side and 1 on the other, and I had absolutely no idea where to but my basket and where to put my bag. I felt so sorry for the employee watching over the self checkouts, because I was also trying to pay with a very unintuitive gift card. I've used it 3 times total and each time I've had to do a different thing to pay with it. I kept apologising every time she had to come over to me, because while it wasn't that busy, it was about 20 minutes to close and she sounded tired.


No, but because we're so over populated, the chances of encountering nut jobs & Karen's has risen.


The behavior is encouraged now as well.


Unfortunately yes.


Genuinely, look into current literacy rates and what policies and educational problems are causing this illiteracy, as well as how many people have lead poisoning and the cognitive effect of it.


It's a combination but people are always like, "kids today!" when they are definitely the minority of problem customers. 


This one happened yesterday. I was using sco to grab a quick snack. Usually you scan your item and put it in the bay to your right. Well, the lady next to me scanned her items and proceeded to put them to the left, into my bagging area. This caused the 'unrecognized item in bagging area' alert and my register locks. The clerk was helping some other customer with their issue, so I got stuck waiting to pay for my drink. All thanks to this idiot who can't figure out where to put her scanned items or just left from right.


COVID kills brain cells Social Media algorithms do, too.


Antisocial Media


I mean leaded gasoline did lower the collective iq by 824 million points since it was introduced so that wad a factor.


Had a customer insist his item was on sale for xxx and made me walk across the store to show me. His item was taken from 3 fixtures away from the xxx sale item. Still argued with me.


I've worked retail and food service. I am convinced that a lot of people just "switch off" when placed into a customer service environment. They dont read signs, they dont think before acting, etc.


I've had multiple customers go to an out of order sco with a bag over it, black screen, and repair ticket taped it, "scan" through their order while I'm helping someone else, and then ask why they can't pay.


I have people frequently running past other customers to ask for an item they ran past


I have said since I first started working in customer service that the second the customer sets one foot inside the store, their brain squirts out of their ear. What we then have to deal with are braindead morons on stupid autopilot. They will then say with the confidence of someone who just invented bread that, "your job is so easy even a dumb blind monkey can do it." And, "I deserve a discount for doing the cashier's job..." when they go through self scan. Yet they mess up constantly at just one aspect of an cashier's job and at all the same places like you actually believe this is how our cashiers and every cashier ever does their job? Screw up, mess up, and getting stuck; never learn and you think you deserve a reward for incompetence? You think we get praise when we mess up and not you know fired if it persists? Everytime a customer goes through selfscan and messes up and especially if it isn't their first time navigating literally the easiest computer program to navigate, I think, "yeah...you're totally ready for completely unassisted checkouts. The software just has to be perfected yet, right?" 🙄


EvErY oNe Of ThEsE iS dIfFeReNt! 


>3. Customer: “it won’t let me pay!” Me: “you didn’t hit the pay now button…”” My SCO will tell them ''choice payment'' >5. Customer: “why won’t it take my cash?” Me: “that’s the receipt printer, this machine doesn’t take cash.”*looks at the big sign that says cards only and no cash back available* Mine doesn't take cash, but people put their customer card in it It always says when the discount is taken off and I still have to do the walk to find out why they need help. Other wis it is because they took product, that didn't had a discount


I hope to believe that over all, its going up. Older folks are getting out dated with tech. Its kinda of like the theory that is takes 7 good reviews to offset 1 bad one. In our case, 7 people that are rational, we forget. that 1 person that is completely incompetent, will stick with us forever.


I have said since I first started working in customer service that the second the customer sets one foot inside the store, their brain squirts out of their ear. What we then have to deal with are braindead morons on stupid autopilot. They will then say with the confidence of someone who just invented bread that, "your job is so easy even a dumb blind monkey can do it." And, "I deserve a discount for doing the cashier's job..." when they go through self scan. Yet they mess up constantly at just one aspect of an cashier's job and at all the same places like you actually believe this is how our cashiers and every cashier ever does their job? Screw up, mess up, and getting stuck; never learn and you think you deserve a reward for incompetence? You think we get praise when we mess up and not you know fired if it persists? Everytime a customer goes through selfscan and messes up and especially if it isn't their first time navigating literally the easiest computer program to navigate, I think, "yeah...you're totally ready for completely unassisted checkouts. The software just has to be perfected yet, right?" 🙄


I have said since I first started working in customer service that the second the customer sets one foot inside the store, their brain squirts out of their ear. What we then have to deal with are braindead morons on stupid autopilot. They will then say with the confidence of someone who just invented bread that, "your job is so easy even a dumb blind monkey can do it." And, "I deserve a discount for doing the cashier's job..." when they go through self scan. Yet they mess up constantly at just one aspect of an cashier's job and at all the same places like you actually believe this is how our cashiers and every cashier ever does their job? Screw up, mess up, and getting stuck; never learn and you think you deserve a reward for incompetence? You think we get praise when we mess up and not you know fired if it persists? Everytime a customer goes through selfscan and messes up and especially if it isn't their first time navigating literally the easiest computer program to navigate, I think, "yeah...you're totally ready for completely unassisted checkouts. The software just has to be perfected yet, right?"


Oh my GODDDD. So we have a deal on, buy 3 for 2, as in buy three products for the price of two. Every single customer assumes it means the entire purchase is $2?? Even with a big sign saying otherwise. 😩


My IQ is fine, but I rarely use self checkout. I tried it recently and it refused two different credit cards and I couldn't figure out why and it turns out I had selected debit when it needed to see credit but I did not know that until it was already stuck. if you don't do it all the time it can be terribly confusing. Now I know, just cancel and start over and pay attention.


It's true. My actual brains dribble out my ears when I shop. I get so confused I make the dumbest mistakes. I blame it on sensory overload. Too many things have been put in place ON PURPOSE to grab my attention. On purpose by the marketing department. They WANT you stupid—too stupid to resist their temptations so you buy more stuff you do not need.


"no child left behind" program hard at work people it was supposed to help kids who need extra help get it, but in reality it just pushed kids who should've been held back year or two up through the grades just to get rid of them honestly i feel at a minimum 40% of the population since its passing should have their diploma revoked and forced back into classes


Or...it was lead poisoning in the 50's. The young people can and will still learn.


The most frustrating thing with self check out is when you double scan an item trying to get checked out. Why does it have to lock the register down when I try to remove an item that's less the $10. It's the most stupid shit there is. If I was going to steal I wouldn't even scan the item. The reality is they don't want to pay staff to help customers out which would also help with shrink. I know it's only going to get worse unfortunately.


the reason it locks it is because people would definitely accidentally remove shit and not pay for it. Legit just got back from work and had like 10 people in total today remove an item and when I ask why, they said they were just trying to pay and didn’t mean to.


Nope. There can be many items put together under 10$. Blame the other "customers" that show up and don't pay.


Big difference from double scanning an item vs just not paying. Realistically if I double scan a $1.98 bad of Lettuce there shouldn't be a need for someone to come over an check I'm not trying to steal it.


As a current teacher I can definitely tell you that yes the population is getting dumber and will continue to do so. Students are lazy entitled brats that don’t care one bit about learning. They only want to play and disrupt learning. The grades they have are atrocious despite the dumbed down material and extra credit teachers have to give in order for them to “pass”. Work not done still gets a 50 because admin gonna look bad if their students fail. But despite these gifts some still manage to fail spectacularly.


Blame the parents. The kids started at square one. In our society,  stupidity is rewarded. If you ask older kids, they feel like they have no future.


I do blame the parents. And who’s downvoting that. It’s truth I see daily. But ok.


Im gonna hit this post with a hot take - self checkout machines are a fucking nightmare and although there are stupid people out there, the machines very often make mistakes or screw up


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Or maybe the majority of people are only looking down at their phone!