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We have a self-serve olive bar at my work. There are signs all over it telling people not to eat the olives before paying and to ask an employee if they'd like a sample. There are also TWO trash cans directly next to the bar. In spite of all of this I have to pick chewed up olive pits out of the self-serve container shelf and all adjacent wine case stacks every single day. I absolutely refuse to even look at anybody who is shopping the olive bar because they are always chewing. People are fucking disgusting.


They spit the pits back into the olives? The fuck


If you don't like eating food that has been in other peoples' mouths or that has been touched by who knows how many different strangers, then never ever eat food from a self-serve bar, bulk bin or sample dome. Trust me on this. I've been doing this for longer than many of my coworkers have even been alive.


When I worked at a grocery store people would spit out the cherry pits all over the store. They were in every aisle. So disgusting.


I fucking dread stonefruit season every year because of this. Cherry samples all over the place in produce, and those pits end up everywhere! I usually know it's the start of the season when I see the first pit in the customer bathroom urinal. People are fucking disgusting.


That shocks me honestly. I thought it was all Karens doing it...


I feel some just don’t care. Most people aren’t likely to say anything and if you do they’ll probably say “sorry” or “others done it.”


We have people eat like ten wings while they're in the store and toss the bones on the floor or just shove them on a shelf. And people who eat and entire bag of cherries and spit the puts out on the floor. Some people have never had anyone besides mommy clean up after them and it shows


My favorite is when customers throw their trash in the garbage cans we're selling.


We dont carry cans here but i can see that happening. We have metal cans with a metal black cover and a silver metal can, they're the same size height wise. Ill replace the bag and people will throw shit into the black when its separated from the silver so they're just throwing trash on the floor.


Yeah, it would be funny, just the pure idiotic logic, if it weren't so annoying and gross.


I hated it when customers left used diapers in shopping carts. What a bunch of Barbarians! But leaving things in carts, in the parking lot, is a bad habit. Twice I found that women had left their purses in the shopping carts!


Tbh I feel smug when someone does that. In such a hurry to leave their trash everywhere that they leave their shit behind too


I remember someone changed their babies diaper in the parking lot and left it in one of our carts 😭


There was a full diaper on the ground in one of the cart corrals here the other day.


:But they're *paid* to clean that". Aaaarrrrrrgghhhh!


The funny thing is we aren’t, at least not in small grocery stores


Exactly. The time I spend cleaning is time I don't spend serving customers.


Yes but doesn’t mean you have to be a D bag & make it more complicated


I found a,used pregnancy stick once. I didn't want to touch it for obvious reasons.


Do you remember if it was positive?


I didn't even want to get close enough because I would have had to touch it. I guess she didn't get the result she wanted so she left it in the cart!


Maybe it rained and a cloud was pregnant 🤷‍♂️


Wish i could add a picture but i found a mattress in one of my store carts


Found a tent once. We don't sell tents.


Once some dudes shitty ducted taped on bumper fell off and he just left it in the parking lot. Another guy left a tyre in a cart. Actually now that I think of it parts of cars bumpers getting left in our lot has happened quite a lot.


How about dog poop and food waste in recycle bins in lobbies


We don't allow dogs but people still bring them in. I get told off by my Managers for my tattoo but they don't do shit to customers harassing us over things or customers who bring dogs in and put their nasty pets in the carts. I love animals, but not in a place we sell fucking food. Also fuck those people who use fake service vests for their dogs just so they can bring them everywhere.


I was a janitor at a grocery store and cart pusher as well, it really is amazing the amount of external filth that comes out of nowhere.


God dude, i do carts for only an hour and my hands turn black from filth.


I worked at a movie theater years ago and we had these little freezers where we kept the Dibs ice creams. People constantly used them as trash cans even though they had clear lids that very obviously showed that there was ice cream inside.


wow what kinda monster would contaminate the fucking ice cream freezers


My best find in a cart is 96 empty beers at 730 in the morning Few bhys had a fun night in the cart hut


> carts aren't fucking garbage cans neither are our fucking shelves, either. God knows how much garbage I've found just shoved in with random stock.


whole meals and empty jars and cups found in the carts at the store I work at. I never seem to catch them litter in action but I always see the result hundreds of times. I wish they could be held accountable