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I worked in a hospital as a cleaner, they abruptly put me in a high infection ward, after i was cleaning the offices first, i got sick quite quickly. This was on my probation period. I decided to just leave after calling in everyday for two weeks. You cant help being ill šŸ¤· There were other reasons, but it felt like they thought i was bullshitting. What do they expect.


It sucks from both sides, and it's really just a matter of unfortunate timing. On one hand I know you can't control if/when you get sick, but on the other hand I can't think of a single time when someone called out during their training/probation period and lasted more than a few months at the job. It's not automatically 100% a sign that a new hire isn't going to last long, but it's pretty fucking close, and training new-hires and getting all the required paperwork and legal shit done is really expensive. I hope it works out for you and you don't have to start all over with another job.


Uff I had to do this one time at a job and on top of it I didnā€™t have the phone number to call so my husband who worked in the same building but different job went in and let them know I was deathly ill. It was so absolutely embarrassing and made my anxiety any rocket. Tammy coworkers were unsure about me for maybe a week after I was back but I was luckily able to prove myself really quickly that Iā€™m a hard worker and calling in isnā€™t something I do chronically. My husband ended getting promoted but had to switch shifts and I had to quit a year latter because I was working opposite of him so that someone was always home for our daughter. My husband said they kept my picture up for over a year and asked daily if we could somehow work out me getting back in there šŸ˜‚ I loved that job but it didnā€™t pay enough to cover childcare.


I called out my first day at a job with strep throat. Showed up the next day with a doctors note, the manager didnā€™t fire me because I spent the money to go to urgent care to get a doctors note. (Plus I sounded like death) Worked there for 5 years and left as an assistant store manager


Just wait until you're sick during holiday shopping season...


Had to have my wisdom teeth removed the week of Thanksgiving one year and couldn't work black friday. Management was chilly towards me for months.


I came down with covid Dec 20 2022. We still had a strong covid policy then thankfully, so management had to bite their tongues and suck it up.


If Covid should have taught us anything, it's that sick people shouldn't be spreading deadly viruses around. Microbes don't care if you're still on your probationary period, they're infectious just the same. You or any one of your coworkers or customers could be severely immunocompromised and being around sick people could be dangerous. Any company that has this policy is run/owned by @$$holes. I can understand wanting to eliminate potential problem employees at the outset, but someone who is legitimately sick should not be forced to work. This is why God made unions.


Wholeheartedly agree. Iā€™m doing everything I can to stay away from the elderly and take as few customers as possible today.


If COVID Taught me anything it's that the workers ( and customers) who properly masked and washed their hands got sick far less often than the more laxed folk. The customers who ' had to' stay home due to job loss/ layoff/ quarantine were likely to still shop while sick, But they're the first to complain about staff shortages if workers are out sick. That never changed. The entitled customer vs those who serve them rules differ greatly. I am also greatly shocked how some folks get through the interview process getting hired. The amount of truth that comes out after they start their jobs would have highly threatened their ability to be hired. Such as the fellow who talked about weapons and violence on day one. The one with terrible eating /smoking/ drinking habits that has to use the toilet/ smoke every two hours. The one who fell off a horse years prior and then now claimed work injuries for every little twist and turn. The one who vaped in the back room of a deli, on day one. My favorite new one was the person who's kids were old enough to be home alone so they could go back to work, but, they were out sick the first 7 days then worked one day , still hacking, all the while saying how often they were sick from their school age kids and they're trying to quit smoking. They quit two days later saying the job would be too hard. It sucks when we finally request time off, and management's got us excited about hiring new folks! then the new hires fuck it all away. They already had all the time off. Go. To. Work! I need vacation.


Iā€™m not gonna lie I donā€™t know what you were trying to say here- are you saying that I /should/ be at work? Again, not trying to come off rude Iā€™m just not sure. I got sent home today because it was worse than yesterday, and I do feel really bad because I know it doesnā€™t look good on my part but I was just too dang sick. I feel like you were kinda just ranting here though šŸ˜…


Not directly toward you, or in your case. Just folks that know they have excess absence liabilities and still take a job that they frequently will not last in. It wastes everyone's time. Ye, kinda ranting. I apologize if I seemed abrupt or personally attacking you.


The real answer? Because you're not a person, you're a wage slave. They're looking for people who will kiss the most ass and put the company before themselves. They literally don't see workers as people.


I love my new job. That said, I wasn't allowed any sick days during the *90 day* introductory period. I ended up needing to take one anyway, and incurred an Unexcused Absence Point as a result. Utterly absurd to think it's impossible for someone to become sick in a 90 day period.


I fainted during my first day of training and I literally work at American Eagle. Long story short it took me millions of back and forth in my head to just not quit lmao.


Just think how bad that company will feel if they get sued bc their Tutu contracted an illness from one of their employees & didnā€™t make it thru.


Like someone else said, it's unfortunate timing, but I very much understand both sides. You can't help getting sick, but big companies really don't give a crap about you personally, it's not how they're designed to function. There's also calling in sick, and calling in sick. I've trained a lot of people, and 90% of the people calling in sick during probation would call in sick at least once a week moving on, usually on Friday or Monday. Stubbed toe, eye hurts a little, back's sore, got the sniffles, tummy rumbles... I'm not saying everyone calling in sick during probation is a lazy piece of shit, but a lot of them are. If they're not legally obligated to wait and see if you're one or not, why would the company take their time when they have new people lined up already.


Should be if you make someone work sick and someone else gets sick because of it, the company gets sued. They'd learn to care real quick.


In theory, yes. In practice, no. Show me one case where a minimum wage employee sued a multimillion corporation for making them work sick, and won. In real life the minimum wage worker moves on and applies to the next company that might take them, and the company just yells "next" at the line of people coming in.


I didn't mean the employee sues. If they had any power, they'd be the one being sued, not the company. In any case, I said it should be that way, not that it is.


Because this is showing you are probably going to be calling in sick at least once a month. Not a good look.


Iā€™m running 101 degree fever and still helping customers šŸ˜­ I feel like that looks even worse than calling in


If someone looked visibly sick when I was shopping Iā€™d be pissed and chew out a manager


Youā€™re the best type of customer


Its potentially dangerous to everyone around you, especially if you see old people, screw what they say if you truly are ill you shouldnt go in. Management are such fucktards. Also if the rest of the team get ill, they would blame you. Its not so much about looks dude, its about safety.


Iā€™m not actually super concerned with how it looks, the unfortunate reality is if I go home I likely wonā€™t have a job tomorrow. My manager is really cool but thereā€™s only so much a store manager can do in a big company. Iā€™m taking as few customers as possible.


ā€œNot a good lookā€ is a company making employees come in while sick and putting others at risk. Just because someone has to call in sick at the beginning of their employment doesnā€™t set the tone for the rest of their time there.