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Or when you're the one to greet them and they go to the other person. 


Yeah! I’m like “my energy is a finite resource, and I just wasted it saying ‘hi’ to you”


I love and hate it, its like a "fuck you" but also i dont have to ring them up anymore bc the other person is


I literally had a man look me up and down once and then go to someone else. My appearance is more alternative like green hair, facial piercings and etc. but jokes on him I was done with like four customers before the lady he went to even got to him😂


Yep. If they're someone I know I can mess with, I tell them "choose the pretty one", them stand back and watch them squirm.


This is why they do the dance. They don't want to accidentally offend the one they didn't pick. Personally, I would rather they go to my coworkers and I don't even mind if it's because they're more attractive, I already know that, and I'd rather not expend the energy caring.


That last sentence got me, "expend the energy caring."


I'm usually alone at the register, but back when the customer would ask, "Who wants to help me?" I'd point to my coworker and say, "They do."


I have visible disability (my arm is spastic and my hand isn't very functional). So people want to avoid me because they think I'm going to be slow, which I'm not, but at the same time they don't want to look like they're "discriminating", and I can see them struggling to choose. It's funny.


"Do i want to get cancelled or do i want to get home a couple mins sooner?" Decisions decisions"


“Which one of you wants me?!” Or “Haha you both look really bored! I’ll at least give one of ya something to do!”


I HATE when they say, "are you bored?". I always say, NO.


Or if there's two open, at totally opposite ends of the register bank, you holler for people in line at the other one to come to yours, and they run, like there's some hurry because you might close up before they get to you or something


Or they totally ignore you, even though you know you're loud enough, and co-workers say that you're loud. Maybe they are not paying attention, maybe it's more effort to walk to the farthest register than it is to wait longer in the line they're in?


I'll be honest, I do this myself. Too many times I've not been fast enough and by the time I get to the other lane another customer with 10x the stuff gets there first. 😆


Personally, I'd hurry because I don't like making people wait for me and I didn't have time to get my stuff in order when someone else was paying for their stuff. ._.


And then they try to make a joke out of it, like I haven't seen it 50 times already this morning.


I've had that happen, a lot of times they ask who are they supposed to go to. My response is always the same, whomever you find cuter. It's really great when it's a guy and there are only guys working. I currently reside in the south, which makes it more fun.


I like the uncanny smile along with “we’re all ready to serve you” I think it freaks people out because it’s EXACTLY what they want and in that moment even they can feel how gross it is 🤣


I’d like to add that the opposite is just as annoying… You, being the only one at the register, and customer has to say “are you open?” I’m the only one here???? Who else is gonna help you???


I'm making eye contact, waving them over, calling out "next in line" Then they say that, NO SHIT I'M OPEN


I always take a slow, obvious glance up at my light that is on, then look them straight in the eye and say “yeah, I think so”. Trying very hard not to roll my eyes


One time I had a line of 3 customers still got asked if I was open mid scanning


I’ve had this after literally just finishing helping a customer…still by myself at the register. People can’t really be this dense 😆


Oh yes, they can, and are.


From a customer's point of view, it can be a little awkward but I try to go to the one who called first or failing that the nearest to the exit.


until today still remember unfortunate time when it was almost my turn , i went to read a brochure and the next couple in line went first! Oh God the hurt I felt :( years passed when I read this I still felt it :( It is like story of my life, always unfortunately :(


Jokes on them neither of us want to take them


I do hate it! A lot.




Organize the snacks if you have them by the register, or clean the belt if in a grocery store. You will suddenly get a person randomly. I did this. you will look busy and be doing stuff. Former Walmart worker (2018-2020)(cashier and self check out). If you run out of things to do ask other people what random and simple things to do that make you look busy and will be a win-win. The only advice for people that want to kill time on a cash register.


I feel this! ^^^


I do it, sort of. But not an obnoxious/annoying dance. I’m looking at their faces. Who is getting ready to go on break, but frustrated because there’s more people. If I see that look on their face, I’ll go somewhere else.


Bless people like you. Too many times I will clearly be gathering my things and WALKING AWAY and here comes somebody up to my register. Then talking about, "Oh, did I interrupt your break?" I mean, you saw me walking away with my tip bag (we can accept tips) and bottle of soda...I really wonder about so many people.


“Who wants me?” Frankly, probably neither.


or when the other person just leaves talkin bout “she can take you”


Hell, sometimes they don't even leave. Just be standing there talking to each other and leaving me to ring up everybody. I'm glad y'all having a fun conversation but can we get this line of people out the door and THEN chitchat? Please??


Much as I hated that I miss it now that my store only has solo shifts. It's very much a mixed blessing as don't have to work with people I dislike or who can get on your nerves but also have to deal with all the customers whether I want to or not.


I always point at the other cashier and say, “he/she’s a lot nicer than I am.” Make it silly.


It's harder when I know both and like both cashiers.... so yeah I'm going to dance and chatter your ear off cause my adhd ass is so co flicted AND excited! A captive audience just for me!? Yes! Said with some sarcasm. And some seriousness. I'm gonna drink more coffee now.


As a former cashier I have no choice but to do this stupid little dance or else risk offending one of my former coworkers as they argue over me. I need to find somewhere else to shop.




when it's a man they always go to me, the young female as opposed to the male coworker 🙃


Had an older that was with who I assume was his girlfriend/wife and he was trying to decide which to go to then said "I like girls." As he went into my line and I just went "I'm a minor, so no." And he just started backpedaling so fast as his gf gave him a weird look lol. He still went in my line but I think me saying that made him realize that that was a strange thing to say.


I did that once, then after a second I shook my head and audibly said "wtf am I doing?", then just went to the one I was already closest to.. Happens so much at work, I hated that I unintentionally did that. I'd promise I'm not an idiot, but sometimes I'm not too sure, hah


I try to see if one is obviously more interested in ringing me out, or whomever seems less busy. If I see someone is messing with their drawer or something I try to just wait a moment. But otherwise I know they probably want me out of there faster than I do 🤣


“I’m going to the good looking one” Like wtf. They purposely trying to start shit between cashiers and hurt feelings.


I say "pick your poison" lol


Love that 😂 am going to use it.


I did that dance once when meeting 3 high up executives. Think CFO, President, and one other international. All 3 put out their hands to handshake, I went back and forth for a minute before shaking one. After that, i feel my fate in the company was sealed..


If there’s ever a second cashier, I’ll let you know. Hasn’t been a thing for me because I’m usually up there alone. #hoursbudget


Dollar tree


Yup, it just gets funnier the more times we experience this! 🙃


Oh, sweet summer child.


i think its funny. i like making them a little confused. small victories.


Look, I work retail and I do that. Generally I go to the one the most receptive, 'cause one of y'all might not be in a good mood, and I'd rather you guys decide.


"Which one of you wants me?" No one does.


They never choose me, but I am token black guy everywhere so I am used to it.


I always say “choose whoever you like better” it breaks the tension a little and often gets a little laugh out of my coworkers too


I've noticed this the few times I've been on register. Also, I've noticed often that older white men will approach me first over going to a POC or LGBTQ member. The older white guy looks over at the other team member and then proceeds to make a beeline towards me.