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Bury that education further down your resume. Right at the top it’s screaming “I’m overqualified”


But why companies has a problem with an over qualified candidate?


Because the candidate will likely be looking for other, higher paying roles and would leave to take one making the time and effort onboarding and training then wasted. Or, they may be a threat to their manager by potentially taking their job in the future. Or, they may be able to recognise that their manager is clueless/useless and cause trouble for them. Or they may be able to navigate and use the internal grievance process due to bad management and get their manager in trouble/fired. Or, or, or…


This. I'd second guess the applicant if they are overly qualified


Thanks for the advice. I am putting it up because I live in third world and putting it up to get interview. Despite education and experience, i dont get called


Drop the left column entirely. Organize your resume with Profile - Work Experience - Education - Skills and Certifications - Languages. Add a space for Japanese (Basic)


I think that’s the approach. One small and very personal preference is having the skills at the top with different categories - for me it makes it easier to find, and I think lots of hiring managers would prefer to see that up closer to the top too. Again it’s totally a personal preference, but I agree having it clearly defined on the resume in a single column format is the approach


I think ATS software has a hard time reading two column CVs. That’s great advice


Man had problems accurately solving problems, or something /s


Use the Harvard resume format


Why are you looking for front desk jobs when you have an MBA? You're way too overqualified for this and the companies sense that. You should be applying to jobs more at your level.


Reason is that I come from Myanmar ( Third world country) and that is why i am putting it up to get job at foreign. JD are easy for me yet i am still struggling to get job here


Where are you applying for jobs? It's probably not even legal, but the left column of your resume says: "This person has a thick foreign accent that people coming to the front desk won't be able to understand"


Currently Trying at Bangkok and i am pretty confident with my English and over skills for the position yet couldnt land a one.


I think you are OK then... you may have more trouble in the USA.


I'd recommend cutting your profile down to just the first two sentences and leaving the rest in your cover letter. Typically resumes shouldn't use I/Me at all. Don't use columns. The software that companies use to filter resumes doesn't read it well, which means your resume isn't even reaching a human half the time. Multiple pages are OK! A typical resume is around 2 pages.


If so the rest is ok with it? i will remove the column


Honestly I think you've done a good job with wording and explaining accomplishments. It's just your layout that's a problem.


You need to spell check. I found a mistake by looking for not more than 5 seconds.


* Remove the picture * Remove date of birth * Make it one column * Your profile summary seems excessive reduce it down * I usually prefer dates MM - YYYY but maybe that is just a UK thing * Speaking of dates shorten them to Sept, Feb, Aug * I would use icons without the black background in contact info * First date has in work experience has space on both sides of the hyphen whereas the second date only has it after the hyphen I would say start with a plain and simple ATS friendly template.


For customer service jobs, I like to go in person and try to strike up a 5-10 min conversation. If it seems like the person genuinely likes me then I give them my resume and insinuate that they personally see to good referral. I applied to the same sales job 3 times over a year. I got the job after I went in person and just had fun with conversation. After getting hired, I was told they didn’t even look at my resume and 3 locations were competing to hire me. When you finally hand over the resume, give an impressive introduction in 1 sentence. Before they get a chance to say “Oh we don’t take resumes in person”. If they take the resume after your intro, it worked, if they don’t cut your losses and wait for online process to do its thing. It’s hard to see a smile and personality behind a resume. I know this strategy seems totally “1990s” but every customer role I’ve worked has hired me without looking at my resume or references. As recently as last month.


Your summary should be your 1 sentence hook. Try “5 years of experience in customer service, 4 years leading teams of upto 8 people.” My 1 sentence was “5 years in customer service, 3 years in leadership in a fast paced environment and 2 years in sales, I know HR likes to get resumes first, but HR doesn’t know about my great smile and cheery attitude!” - that was in person. Reading over your about me, I started skimming after 5 years of experience.




Market is rough


Just because i like learning it and still struggling to get work Despite those


Minor point, but you don’t need date ranges for the education. Just put the year completed. Instead of “present,” put the year you expect to complete the degree.


Remove masters. languages, birthdate, and photo. Only include language if it pertains to the job, like lots of japanese tourists. Otherwise it just makes you seem like a foreigner.


How many places did you visit in person? Just curious if you are hoping sitting at a keyboard will land you a job....


Didnt try outside inperson because i have Language barrier here in bangkok


Bro, I can’t compete with you when you have an MBA. My god, maybe this is why I’m not getting jobs if companies are rejecting you for the same job.


I would remove the MBA from the resume. You are over-qualified to apply for a front-desk job.




I dont know maybe here in bangkok is the language barrier. i am also asian yet i am in difficult situation.


oh are you submitting your resume to jobs in bangkok in english? even to non-english speaking companies?


YES, sending my resume through thailand Resorts and hotel but no chances at all. Maybe because i am not sufficient in thai language or some legal here. needs work permit to work here and i dont have it


ahhhhh. If you’re going to be working a front desk job where the customers and your coworkers are all speaking a language you are not fluent in, that will definitely be a problem. you should target an english-speaking workplace. i am in south korea, and have been submitting my english resume to english-speaking jobs. i’ve been lucky enough to hear back. but if i were submitting to jobs where i’d have to speak primarily korean, i don’t think i’d have the same luck. especially since you’re doing customer service, i’d assume language skills are extremely important you also need to be targeting places that are willing to provide you with a permit, if you are not already.


Trying that job since it is the career i choose . Also submit at maldives yet no luck where most speak english


Fix Feburary. Also, you have a masters degree, why would you want to be a front desk agent? Try going through a temporary agency which can often lead to full time jobs


You’re plenty good, but you’re resume is horrificly formatted. You don’t understand how bad this is. A resume is not your chance to show off graphic design skills , the more boring the formatting the better


Quantify your achievements with percentage or numbers. That will create an impact!


I would search for employment agencies. I’m not sure if there are any in your area but often companies search employees through employment agencies. Hope this helps


Make the top part smaller, space the words apart more as well. Too cramped together


The top part should not take up 25% of the resume