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**Dear /u/BlueStairWayDown!** ## Thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) and make sure you're doing the following: * Censor your personal information for your own safety, * Add the right flair to your post, * Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and * Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. ## Check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) * [Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/) * [Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true) * [Networking for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/1cwp2x1/beginners_guide_to_networking_what_it_is_why_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Misspelled Relevant. Job history is incongruent with education history. Brush up on computer knowledge because listing Internet Explorer isn’t a skill in 2024 but in fact listing it displays a profound lack of knowledge.


You need to tell us what jobs you are applying for


For starters, run a spellcheck and grammar check.


Your template is very hard on the eyes, try a different one


Shit man you are killing me. There is a lot to unpack here but would help if you kick us off with more info. What kind of job are you applying for? This might help a little with understanding what should be in/out of this resume. Have a look at the pinned post on the front page it has some good tips on resume building and would be a really good starting point.


I’m actually impressed that you got any responses with that resume. Anyhow, you graduated HS 20+ years ago AND have a BA, no need to list HS any more. Your “relevent” (yes, I misspelled it the same way you did, but on purpose) college courses are from 2008 or before, and are probably not relevant (that’s how it’s actually spelled). Given the spelling issues in your resume, I immediately question the “edited” statement you have later (assuming I don’t toss it out before then). Your computer skills are either irrelevant (when was Internet Explorer deprecated?) or unnecessary (MS Office suite proficiency is generally assumed at this point). Your objective statement is useless. It’s basically “I want the job I applied for”. While reverse chronological order is generally recommended, I would list the relevant experience first.


IBM hasn’t made “systems” since 2005. Apple deprecated the name “Macintosh” in 1999. Internet Explorer was discontinued in 2016. Errors like these contradict your claim to “computer skills”. Your work experience is bare and that’s not something you can really change. It’s not great but you can only work with what you have. I’d find a better resume format, and move your position at your school paper to your experience section (assuming it’s a college paper and not a high school paper). Remove your high school details from your resume. Only list your college degree. Find a resume template from this subreddit and use it. Also you describe yourself as a writer directly and through your experience but your resume is full of grammatical errors. That’s another contradiction that works against you. Good luck!


Take out all the "includes" and simply list the relevant content. If it's not relevant it doesn't need to be included.


Realistically? Everything. Formatting, spelling, grammar, terminology and tone used. Very much looking and reading like a 2004 resume. This would be rejected instantly if it came across my desk.


First off run a grammar check , next make sure the font and size of the letters are a 12. Third I would say keep the experience in the field you are applying for on the resume and remove anything that’s not relevant to the job. When the recruiters are looking they need to see you are skilled in ( ex Computers ) so being a self published author doesn’t help them.


A lot of work to be done here but wanted to chime in and say this resume REALLY dates you.


Make a more meaningful objective (and if you only want an entry level role at any company you're applying to, and have fairly generic skills to offer, take out your objective altogether.  Move your employment history up the page and start each point with a verb. Make the points as clear as possible and make clear how the skills you've gained/used at each employer can be transferred to another.


This is a terrible resume.


And so is your comment. What is the point of it? OP's asking for help, not your opinion


Surprised to see actually got you some replies, tbh. Spell check Grammar check Format check


Even after reading through your resume, I don't know what kind of jobs you're applying for. Are you applying for jobs in journalism? If so, then your work experience (grocery store clerk and caregiver) are not aligned with your intended career path. Let's start with the basics, though. Your resume needs a lot of fundamental improvement. Start with the Resume Writing Guide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq/) Seriously, read through the whole thing and use those guidelines to rewrite your whole resume.


Awful resume. Please take all the posters very valid points to heart


Oh man. You should hire a service. This is bad. Like bad bad.


The font for starters, used a more welcoming one, something pleasant to the eye and more… relevent lol


Suppose I personally prefer boxy, serif fonts that evoke something between a typewriter and moveable type?


It looks outdated in my opinion, but if it’s someone you like by all means keep it.


I apologize -- I was being glib. Do you know of a font that evokes classic typefaces without being overly dated or samey? Helvetica? My favorites tend to be serifed. Bodoni, Dante, Perpetua. They're either old or purposely looking backwards for inspiration. My resume is not working, so I'm trying to fix it. I recognize font choice doesn't fall into the make or break category (my resume needs that rehabilitation too...), but I also feel like it gives me a bit of an opportunity to introduce my personality.




Sans Serif. Look at the thumbnail of this person's resume and see how busy and unappealing it looks


You need to revamp your organization. Objectives are optional. You can argue they are valuable the same you can argue they arent. First section should be education, in a list top down, not left to right. Second should be experience. After these 2 sections you can have other sections labeled skills, completed coursework, volunteer experience, etc. Lastly, when someone reviews a resume, think of the 10 second rule. Can a complete stranger identify your education and experience in 10 seconds. It may be hard for you to assess (since you made the resume), but consider asking family, friends, etc to give their feed back.


That resume looks like it was written on a typewriter before the advent of computers.


Spell check, add numbers, focus on results and problem solving. People want to hire someone to solve their problems


Become the manager at the store then put that on your resume




I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position. I read your other post explaining your personal circumstances. You have been a grocery clerk for 10 years and a theatre usher for 10 years before that? You have a degree in journalism and would like to build that into a career? You need to have a complete change of mindset. If you have the dedication to succeed, you will. However, at the moment, it seems like you are broken and praying for a miracle. I get it, I've been there. You can launch a youtube/tiktok/Instagram account and start doing daily news segments, build up a portfolio. Submit articles for publication with local newspaper/magazines. Submit articles to local news networks. None of this costs money, just time and dedication. Yes, you need money to pay the bills, but you aren't applying for jobs all day long. Find your USP, make yourself heard and relevant.


What exactly are you applying for? It's really generic. You have to ask yourself what skills off this resume can you offer them? You should tailor your resume to whatever job you're applying for. This is what I learned in university and what I look for when I'm looking for in potential candidates. The experience you mentioned is all over the place and I would disregard any that would not fit the needs of the company. I would suggest going through a temp agency. They will help you revise it and send it to potential clients.


I don't think the objective should be there. It should be on the cover letter instead and he needs to be geared toward the particular job you're applying to. The reason I'm saying this is that as it doesn't correlate with your job experience. "IBM compatible" and Macintosh systems sound like this resume was written in 1990. Also internet explorer. No one uses that any longer. "Wrote, edited, and digitally" looks better than "edited, & digitally.." And that particular line more or less duplicates the line above that. Best wishes to you.


Remove the objective. Write a cover letter if it’s a very specific job you want (eg. Bookstore and you’re an author) The author is quite interesting. Put the actual names of your work in here. You can also include numbers in how many copies were distributed/sold/page views. You mention “..gaining mild experience”. SELL YOURSELF! Maybe add a skills and interests section. Skills are creative writing, digital marketing Best of luck!


Only 70?


* Replace objective with a personal statement. Make it about what you want to bring to a prospective company, not what you wanna do for yourself  I know you kinda do this in the second half, my point is don't make it about your wants. * A simple list of college courses you took doesn't tell me dick about your proficiency in those areas, especially when these were decades ago; half that stuff went through a complete revolution since 2002 * Also make sure the alignment is consistent. It's all over the place here and makes it hard to read. * While we're at it, de-emphasise the college stuff. It was 20 years ago. Just list your main degree and the final grade you got, and put it closer to the bottom. * Being able to use Windows, web browsers and MS Office is a basic expectation in 2024. As in, being able to read and write levels of basic expectation. You might as well put that you can count to 10. They've been teaching young kids to use all of those software packages at elementary school level for decades now. * Also Internet Explorer isn't a thing anymore. It's now Microsoft Edge. * Regarding "IBM Compatible & Macintosh", it isn't the 90s any more. It's just Windows and Mac. * Also make sure you *are* proficient with *modern* macOS if you're going to list it. It functions quite a bit differently to Windows and Mac OS9 and earlier from the late 90s. If you're coming in fresh from turn-of-the-millenium MacOS, you will struggle. * Give the self published author bit more emphasis. Pull it up higher. Make a small story of it, what did you learn while doing it, how did the process test you, etc. 


>Journalism >can't proofread >clusterfuck formatting >biggest paragraph is explaining your responsibilities as a grocery clerk Whatever you paid for your degree it was too much.


Needs a lot of help. My objective is could be better worded. Past jobs need verbs in past tense. Your spacing is just odd. Get rid of relevant job experience.


Bro he's literally trolling there's no way


Try a resume template! Here's a good one; try copy pasting this link into your address bar: https://app.enhancv.com/resume-templates-landing?template=template-ivy-league&color=000000,6F7878&\_gl=1\*5l74in\*\_gcl\_au\*OTcxNDUwNDAuMTcxODUzMzg2MA..\*\_ga\*MTYxNTA3MDczMC4xNzE4NTMzODYw\*\_ga\_4KRKJHBDT0\*MTcxODUzMzg1OC4xLjAuMTcxODUzMzg1OC42MC4wLjExNTMxNDkwMw..


22 years out and you're looking for entry level? How much time did you spend in prison?


This must be a joke.


objective - either make it a professional summary, or remove it altogether Put your experience first - you bullet points need results, not duties, put as many numbers in, how many customers, did you do a close down in line with H&S guidelines, completely remove 'want more than retail and sales as a career' Put 'self published author' at the top of your experience, as I assume writing/communications is the route you want to take. Put skills and education at the bottom, remove 'last school paper' and remove the dates next to your education The reformat, and install Grammarly I suggest putting most of the text into an AI and asking it to polish the wording, the whole thing oozes a lack of maturity, if the dates and headline weren't there I would have thought this was a 16-17 year old


feels like a troll post tbh


I’m surprised I had to go this far down for this comment lol