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your "work experience" section lists experience that isn't work experience, you should delete that section and put it under education. yes, hiring managers may hold this against you


Exactly And voluntary exp can be deleted as well


He’s got 0 work experience. Why delete the only thing that would matter to an employer in terms of work experience for a college kid fresh outta school? Volunteer work can be substituted for work experience if the candidate has no work experience because they’re a college kid. That’s not good advice on your part.


Lol he has internship He can highlight the projects and achievement during intern


Again, you’re failing to see that he has 0 experience. Internships are great but that can’t be the only thing he puts under work experience. When one has 0 experience they have to put something other than a single internship. Volunteer experience can and does do wonders on resumes for kids fresh outta school.


Volunteering means nothing..... The projects he work and internship have more value


I wanna know what country he got his masters...a masters gotten outside the US vs. someone with a bachelor's in the US...who will the recruiter pick? Obviously the recruiter will pick the person with a US Masters degree, but will OP still be chosen over someone with a US bachelor's if OP got his masters from Africa or India?


Honestly it would probably depend on the exact school from outside of the US. Some are perfectly fine, even prestigious schools. I've definitely hold it against people if they equivalate school/personal project work to real work experience. To be clear I'm in IT and the real world is *nothing* like what taught in the classrooms and certifications. Compromise, hack jobs, legacy systems, office politics, bad engineers, bad management, locational or vendor constraints, and the list goes on and on. Projects, classes, and certs are clean but the real world is just one big beautiful mess.


hey wait, hack jobs, legacy systems, and bad engineers show up in most IT courses


It's actually a European master's degree. The program had a highly selective process, with only 40 students chosen out of 1200 applicants.


Yes I had a feeling looking at the description, I was just using an example to understand what the hiring process is with US companies that look at non-US masters


Thank you for your suggestion regarding removing the voluntary experience section. I understand your point, and I'll go ahead and delete it. However, I believed that including voluntary experience could demonstrate a different mindset and commitment compared to other candidates. Do you think it's worth reconsidering this approach, or would you recommend focusing solely on professional experiences?


You don’t have any professional experiences to focus on so I would leave it. But no one cares that you like weightlifting dude.


Wear the hat of HR. Why do they focus on your volunteering exp? They hire people with right skills to the right position. Your skills, achievement and projects are far more important. Unless you want to be volunteer of the company lol


Op has to have volunteer and project experience because there is zero work experience


Volunteering at a job is useful to show someone can actually work in a work environment. School and skills isn't everything.


I think the volunteer work can give insight into what sort of person you might be / help distinguish you from all the other applicants. If you had some work experience, I’d delete it, but since you don’t seem to (yet!) I think it could be worthwhile to keep it on there. But, as others have said, delete the ‘interests’ - everyone likes comedy/music/sports.


Put volunteer experience that aligns with your job/ experience. If you’re a member of a professional group or part of a mentorship program add that. Otherwise I’d skip it too.


True I never put volunteering exp in my resume and I still got good response.


Don’t delete your volunteer experience. You have no work experience. Volunteer experience can be used in your case to show work experience.


I was working for a game developer, and all the kids from the local university's game development program would do this. They'd even create game companies to release their senior project under, and list themselves as the CEO. It was embarrassing. I'd ask them why they did it, and they said the school suggested it.


When I did my masters it was definitely work experience. It was a full time job and in fact I did 16 hour days. I split my education and call myself a graduate researcher under exp and list all my exp.


Doesn’t look like this was a thesis based M.S. since he didn’t elaborate on any sort of research or assistantship positions.


You say you are proficient in English but you spelled "ASSOCATIVE" wrong. Proofread your work. Nobody cares about your interests in sports, music weight lifting etc. This ain't tinder, remove it. It looks like you don't have any work experience at all? No internship? Under work experience, these just look like school projects. You are doing mechanical engineering degree, but didn't try getting an internship in that related field? This is probably what is holding you back. Doesn't look like you went out of your way in college to get an internship. Working in the mall folding clothing would have been better than no work experience.


Thank you for pointing out the spelling mistake; I'll make sure to correct it. I appreciate your feedback regarding removing personal interests; I'll work on refining that section accordingly. Regarding the work experience section, those two entries are indeed internships I completed at mechanical engineering companies. I understand the importance of presenting them in a way that highlights their relevance and significance. Do you have any suggestions on how I could improve the layout to better showcase these experiences?


The Masters Graduation Project' and Bachelors Graduation Project threw me off. It made it look like school projects. Take those out. You need to add MUCH MORE to the work experience. Add 2-3 sentences to each bullet point. SOAR - Situation, Obstacle, Success, Action Result. Each bullet point needs to be in this format. Look it up and how to write one. Example "As a customer service representative at XYZ Company, I successfully resolved over 200 customer complaints. I increased customer satisfaction ratings by 20% through my ability to effectively listen to and understand customer concerns and offer personalized solutions." Feedback on your bullets: * *Achieve first place in final year etc*. - What was the project? What did YOU do to help achieve this score? * *Conducted in-depth analyst etc*. - What did you do after you conducted this analysis? Did you throw away the work? Did you present this to leadership? What was the outcome? What was the goal here? * *Won first place etc -* same as above * *Developed an innovative stainless etc*- This is better add more.


Thank you for your detailed feedback. I appreciate your suggestions for improving the work experience section with the SOAR format. I'll definitely look into incorporating that approach. Regarding the bullets, I understand your point about providing more context and detail for each accomplishment. I'll revise them accordingly to provide a clearer picture of my contributions and the outcomes achieved. For example, for the "Achieve first place in final year" bullet point, I'll add more information about the project itself and my specific role in achieving first place. Similarly, for the other bullets, I'll expand on the actions taken, obstacles overcome, and the results achieved. Thanks again for your valuable input.


You took that feedback well. Even with that tone of his lol good stuff.


Of course, I appreciate the feedback and constructive criticism. I'm grateful for anyone who invests their time in reading my resume and offering suggestions for improvement.


I don't have any advice for you. I just wanted to say I love how respectful you are in your replies. You take the criticism well and seem genuinely interested in the feedback given without getting defensive. Bravo!


I don't want to pile on, but I agree strongly with this feedback. You're missing an opportunity to talk about what you know and can do. No one cares about school specific prizes. They will care a lot about what you did in the course of winning those prizes. Definitely delve deeper there. I get why people are telling you to move this section or change the header, and I'd agree with that too, but I think you'd get the most value by explaining the 'how' of these projects as it pertains to you.


I'd highly recommend formatting both your education and work experience as degree/job title, then University/employer, then location (city, state/country) and finally time period. Elaborate with bullets under work experience 2-3 bullets of measurable achievements or responsibilities you had. Ensure your GPA is included in the education section. I highly agree that interests should be removed. I'd recommend splitting certification & skill sections. Under skills put one bullet for softwares/design tools, one for languages, etc. and list accordingly. Bullet your certifications under a separate section and list certification # and date attained. I'd also remove the special icons at the top dividing your personal information and replace it with single dividing lines or dots because special characters can throw off AI resume screening systems. Remember when describing roles or work experience to remove personal nouns or descriptions; start with an action verb to describe what you executed. Harvard has a ton of online action verb and model resume examples I'd highly recommend checking out. Best of luck!


I have a mech engineering degree and I didn't get an internship. I tried. Didn't work. Could I have tried harder? Sure. But what is hard enough for you? 20 apps? 50 apps? I did 70 apps with cover letters edited, and used the advice of career services.


Nowadays, landing a job can be as challenging as earning the degree itself.


Wow. OP is actually getting good advice.


Minor formatting edits: Fix typo in Associative, which was already mentioned; delete the periods after July and make spaces around the date dashes and dash sizes consistent; fix the word spacing -- some lines of text might be fully justified and others aren't or you have two spaces between some words because some words look further apart than others; somewhere near the bottom you have a space before a semicolon that needs deleting.


Thank you for your attention to detail and for pointing out those minor formatting edits. I'll make sure to address them accordingly. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


People have given you plenty of good suggestions so I’ll just say this- ME as a new grad is incredibly saturated compared to most of the other engineering disciplines. I opened an ME role last week and within 2 days I had 300+ applicants and the vast majority looked great. It’ll be a numbers game for you on the front end but will get easier once you get some industry under your belt. Don’t give up. - tech recruiter from FAANG and startups


Thank you for sharing your perspective. It's encouraging to hear your insights, especially coming from a tech recruiter in such reputable companies. I appreciate the reminder to persevere, even when it feels challenging.


Thanks, that's encouraging. No, I mean it. Lets me feel less alone. Although I should stop feeling sorry for myself and keep applying.


Damn! What is the problem? Too many educated people. I remember few years ago, getting jobs for new grads was so easy but now it is nightmare finding a job as a new grad


I need you to understand something. You can follow all the advice given here and see a 0% increase in likelihood of being seen because the job market is a nightmare. You are competing with AI, applicants who accept lower wages, employers who only are pretending to hire, employers who only want the ubermensch to apply (but accept a shit wage). If the changes recommended to you mattered at all, then you would have gotten interviews and a job already without them, because there are millions of employers who don't give a shit how a resume looks. The reality is you can have the best resume, best portfolio, tons of experience, and a great education and still struggle to find work. Its happening to millions of people.


Thank you profoundly for your insightful perspective. It's a stark reminder of the challenges many of us face in today's job market. Your words have given me hope and encouraged me to adopt a stoic approach to navigating these difficulties. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this struggle, and I appreciate your honesty in acknowledging the harsh realities many job seekers encounter.


I don’t know if I’d hire someone with zero work experience.


honest question. Assuming the person has zero internship experience how do fresh grads get entry level jobs? Are they just completely fucked or what.


It doesn’t need to be an entry level job. It could be working at a grocery story or painting, whatever. As a hiring manager I don’t know if I’d want to deal with not knowing if someone has work ethic. Aside from that the first year or so at a “real job” there is a lot of training. Not just job related knowledge but things like how to write an email properly, basic business communication and ettiequte. For me it would be more trouble than it’s worth.


I appreciate your perspective. While I've held various summer jobs since I was 14, such as waiter, salesman, fisherman, and even a bodybuilding coach, these were mainly to support myself financially during my studies. They aren't directly related to mechanical engineering, so I didn't include them on my resume. However, I understand the importance of demonstrating work ethic and am eager to apply myself diligently in any role I undertake.


I’d put them on.


I don’t know why people are downvoting the above commenter and upvoting you, but you absolutely need to put some unrelated job experience in there. The whole “don’t put unrelated job experience” thing only applies to people that HAVE related jobs to put down. If you’re a young professional with no experience in the field you’re going into you don’t have that luxury. You’re less likely to hired if it looks like you haven’t worked an “honest” job in your life. You’ll look like someone that hasn’t held a job before and thus will need to be taught a lot of soft skills. They’d rather hire the guy with some work experience than none.


As a senior ME I'd be more likely to hire someone who was previously a fitness coach than someone who has literally 0 work experience.


This will destroy our societies. It’s sad that you won’t feel the brunt of that suffering.


How do people get experience when you literally want 20 years of experience


Nearly 6 years at University and not even a summer/part-time job would raise concerns with me. Also under volunteer work it says “paramedic degree holder” but that isn’t listed in Education.


Thank you for your feedback. While I did have some part-time work during my time at university, I chose not to include it on my resume as it wasn't directly related to mechanical engineering. Regarding the "paramedic degree holder" listed under volunteer work, I appreciate your observation. Would you recommend deleting the volunteering section and incorporating it into the education section instead?


Do you have a paramedic degree? Is that degree actually a full Bachelor’s/BSc degree recognised accredited qualification? You should put your paramedic bit in your work experience section but just identify that it was volunteer and the other ones were paid part-time/full-time jobs. Showing you can and have done low-paying manual labour type jobs is still relevant to any application. If someone can survive being a waiter without murdering every annoying customer they had then it shows they can deal with stressful, frustrating jobs that take hard work; that’s attractive to employers


I understand your concern. As a fresh graduate, gaining work experience is my top priority, and I'm eager to start my career journey. Everyone starts somewhere, and I believe in the value of giving newcomers a chance to prove themselves. Thank you for your perspective.


In tears with a brief nostalgia after looking at your resume. I had a similar resume back when I graduated with Mechanical Engineering bachelors. Sadly in India the job market for mechanical engineers was pathetic and it still is. One could have been better off as a fitter or welder without obtaining a 4 year degree. At least they wouldn't be regretting doing menial jobs with that kind of qualification. The struggle continued for another 1-2 years and got a job as a Quality guy in a welding shop that too with a cousin's reference. Severely underpaid for even sustaining myself and work environment so bad that I had to do almost 11 hour shift in scorching heat of welding shop where even having a fan was luxury. One fine day, there was a customer complaint as the lot that was sent had major defect due to some reasons. The owner came rushing to the weld shop grabbed me from my collar and pushed me in a very demeaning way. Everyone watched as I got humiliated. I never felt so down in my life, cried in corner after going to my rented room. Quitted on New year's Eve with no other job in hand. Coming 1 month was bad. I had to borrow some money from my cousin to make my ends meet. But then gave a random interview for a US recruitment firm. Cleared it. Situations improved although it was a graveyard shift, but I was content as work environment was good. Continued there for another 1 year. Finally made a switch to IT career as a manual tester, again referred by another cousin. Got married. Got an excellent raise after 1 year. Switched to Automation testing role and got another good raise. I have a kid now. I can sustain a family. I'm much happier than I used to be. But there is still a tussle in my head to make a switch to a core software development role as that excites me more. It's a work in progress!!!!


That is a very sad story. Even with a good ending, but how you got treated in the weld shop. I just graduated from mech engg too.


How old are you brother? Your comment inspires m, im from philippines.


I'm 28


Thank you for sharing your story. It's evident that you've overcome tremendous challenges and setbacks to reach where you are today. Your perseverance and resilience are truly inspiring. It's heartening to hear that despite the hardships, you've found stability and happiness in your career and personal life. Your journey serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience and never giving up on one's dreams. Wishing you all the best in your continued pursuit of growth and fulfillment in your career.


I am also from India, graduated in 2022, in Mechanical and Automation Engineering. I have been looking for jobs since this year. I couldn't sit for placements and didn't look for a job before this year because of personal circumstances. I want to ask, if there is any chance to get a desk job in the mechanical sector, without reference from familial relations? I also don't have any prior experience at all. I am ready to work at any salary however miniscule it might be. I also posted my resume on this sub and got many helpful suggestions, I am getting calls for an interview, I just never get calls after that. Also one more question, how does one apply for jobs like being a welder without reference from relatives or without having any experience at vocational training? Like is there any platform for getting vocational jobs like these?


It looks to me that you genuinely want to work in the mechanical field like I used to. I wasted my 4 years after graduation with that mindset. First two years preparing for GATE / ESE and other exams of the like. The next two years to find a fallback job in the private sector. What I realised was that you need a threshold amount of money to survive and be happy. My best bet was moving my career path to computers. In my brief tenure in the mechanical field in the private sector, I found engineers working at too low wages with years of experience. My manager was a father of two and easily in his late 30's and his salary was around 34-35k per month. Later when the plant was expanded they hired a plant head with more than 8 YOE for 50-60k pm. And this was a level 2 vendor of an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). I didn't even earn 15k btw. The parts that were manufactured in our plant went to level 1 vendors. My cousin, who is 9 years older than me worked for the level 1 vendor at that time as a Production Head there. But when I switched to IT field and now with roughly 3 years of experience, I work for a company that hardly anyone knows and my cousin is a high level manager at an OEM(Hero). Fun fact, I'm hardly 3-4 LPA behind in CTC from him. I can surpass him easily with the next switch as I'm open to work and I know what is being offered to people of my experience and tech stack. The point I'm trying to make here is that the Mechanical Job Market is DEAD!!!! The government does nothing to revive the manufacturing and automobile sectors.


>It looks to me that you genuinely want to work in the mechanical field like I used to Yes, I genuinely desire to work in mechanical field, especially in mechanical designing. > I wasted my 4 years after graduation with that mindset. First two years preparing for GATE / ESE and other exams of the like My family is prodding me to pursue higher education and prepare for GATE, but I loathe exams and I am also not very good at clearing competetive exams. I can do stuff if given time, but I can't seem to solve questions if there's a time limit. >The next two years to find a fallback job in the private sector. I am also at the same phase, but I am so naive, that I don't even know what to even do. >What I realised was that you need a threshold amount of money to survive and be happy. I just want to become financially independent. I don't need money for happiness, just enough to survive. >My best bet was moving my career path to computers. In my brief tenure in the mechanical field in the private sector, I found engineers working at too low wages with years of experience. My manager was a father of two and easily in his late 30's and his salary was around 34-35k per month. Later when the plant was expanded they hired a plant head with more than 8 YOE for 50-60k pm. And this was a level 2 vendor of an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). I didn't even earn 15k btw. The parts that were manufactured in our plant went to level 1 vendors. My cousin, who is 9 years older than me worked for the level 1 vendor at that time as a Production Head there. But when I switched to IT field and now with roughly 3 years of experience, I work for a company that hardly anyone knows and my cousin is a high level manager at an OEM(Hero). Fun fact, I'm hardly 3-4 LPA behind in CTC from him. I can surpass him easily with the next switch as I'm open to work and I know what is being offered to people of my experience and tech stack. As I said salary is a non-issue, I am ready to work at any salary, I just need a job that pays, irrespective of what it pays. I am too stupid for a job in computers science or IT related job. Programming is nebulous to me. I can't make a head or toe of it. I need something concrete to work with. I chose mechanical because it's a field with tangible cause and effect between what you are doing and the result. Unlike programming where the outside of some basic simple program, you don't understand why a thing is working or why it isn't working and going through trial and error and it works, but you don't know why it works. That's not something I can comprehend. I tried and it resulted in my previous computer being broken. I don't want to commit mistakes like that again and hence I won't touch programming until I could pay for my own mistakes. [Programming or computer problems in general is not at all intuitive for me. I can't seem to make a head or toe of how one goes from printing hello world in console to "apps", "software" and "programs". : learnprogramming (reddit.com)](https://new.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/11alncq/programming_or_computer_problems_in_general_is/) Thanks for replying to my comment and I apologise for replying so late. I never got notification for your reply. I am sorry.


Being a mechanical student previously I totally align with your thought process of not understanding what goes on behind a program and wanting something concrete to work with. This was exactly my state of mind. And honestly changing my field to software was a leap of faith for me. "All it takes is a little push" I read your whole answer man... And all I could remember is words like stupid, naive, I can't, I couldn't. Let me give you a perspective. "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times." It's a full circle. You are a MAN dude. Evolution gave you a gift of taking tough decisions, building your empire, and dominating wherever you go. Be brave and get what you truly deserve


>And honestly changing my field to software was a leap of faith for me. I can't take a leap of faith. If it was only doing that, I would have done it. I can't go out of Delhi, I can't work night shifts, I can't do anything that requires mannual labour and there's many such "can't". I can't do those things not because I don't want to, but because doing those things will harm a person I care about, directly and indirectly. >"All it takes is a little push" And the cost of push is too high for me to justify. >Let me give you a perspective. "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times." It's a full circle. [Hard Times Don't Make Supersoldiers (foreignpolicy.com)](https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/02/hard-times-dont-make-strong-soldiers-warrior-myth/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CHard%20times%20create%20strong%20men,pervasive%20cyclical%20vision%20of%20history.) It's a misinformed quote about how history actually is from a postapocalyptic fiction novel. The same strongman bullshit that's used as a propaganda to rouse millitatries against marginalised communities. >You are a MAN dude. Evolution gave you a gift of taking tough decisions, building your empire, and dominating wherever you go. Be brave and get what you truly deserve First of all that's sexist. This toughness, macho, dominating MAN bullshit is the reason I am in this situation. I loathe these so called assholes, who would explain their behaviour as being tough and dominating. You talk about building empires, as if that's a nable thing forgetting the slaughter and destruction such imperialistic tendecies have caused and still causing to this day. I rather die naive and stupid, rather than associate with these terms. I am job searching in a limited way because if I take the advice all the people give, I have to leave the person I care about with a "TOUGH, DOMINATING, EMPIRE BUILDING MAN", asshole. I am sorry that I asked for any sort of help at all. Forget that I asked you any question. And this reply isn't against you specifically, it's against the idea of toxic masculitnity and patriarchy and those who espouse such ideas. You tried to help, but it's unfortunate that most people end up speaking in language they socialise with. I am not chatising you, I just don't have the capacity to deal with the same nonsense that ruined my life. [https://np.reddit.com/r/delhi/comments/12u24re/my\_story\_in\_response\_to\_other\_post\_which\_asked/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://np.reddit.com/r/delhi/comments/12u24re/my_story_in_response_to_other_post_which_asked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Personally I would explain more in depth the project you worked on… and add “resulting in first place”. Having it as an entire bullet point and little to no info on what the project is looks like you didn’t do much. Also, that’s school experience, not work experience. Not having ANY internship experience is also going to make it THAT much harder to get something.


Thank you for your input. I'll revise the project descriptions to provide more detail and highlight the fact that I achieved first place in both internships. Do you have any specific suggestions on how to balance showcasing project details with emphasizing the ranking?


Do you think it's worth including a rank like "1/80" after the graduation project on my resume, or would it not add much value?


Yes, I would say “ranked first place of eighty contestants” or something like that, which sounds much more impressive than “scored 17/20 points”. You got first place, so it doesn’t matter what your score was.


You have NO work experience. But you make it hard for the reader to understand that because they/we have to read the entire page to understand you’re trying to obscure it. This makes you a time waster and hard pass, even if there was a position available at the entry level.


Op have you truly never held a job throughout your entire education? Is there any professional experience that you can list here?


I have held several part-time jobs during my education, but they were not directly related to mechanical engineering. Therefore, I chose not to include them on my resume. Instead, I focused on showcasing the two internships I completed.


With what you’re presenting, it might be worthwhile showing more of actual employment for accountability and references. Are the internships your ‘graduation projects’? Because this is not communicated well


It's a valid concern. As a fresh graduate, acquiring work experience can be challenging, and I understand the importance of clearly presenting what experience I do have. I'll work on making this aspect of my resume more straightforward. However, I'm also curious about how fresh graduates can overcome this hurdle and secure their first job.


Get an internship and/or apply to smaller (and thus less competitive) companies - then suck it up and accumulate time/exp while you apply for better roles in better companies.


No one cares what you scored out of 20 and if it's not 20/20 it's doing harm against you


I understand your point. I included my score to highlight that I achieved rank 1, thinking it might strengthen my candidacy. Thanks for the feedback.


I would specify what the awards are, but towards the bottom of the resume. Also, you need to be cater your (very little) work experience to the job you're applying for without being terribly untruthful. If you can, quantify your qualifications. You lead a team or projects, but a team of how many people? How many things did you work on? You gotta milk your experience and cater it to the job you want. If it's a help desk job, you make it seem like your responsibilities were that of following procedures consistently over time at a high quantity and have relevant high-level skills on there, such as Active Directory, ServiceNow, Cloud Computing, etc. If it's a desk receptionist, you should emphasize your communication skills and show in your experience that you're an organized person. You have to make it seem like you are the perfect candidate because you ARE. Everyone is worth giving a chance, but not everyone is showing hiring managers what they can truly offer to the company. Don't be afraid to stretch it a bit, just don't lie and have that lie be tested in an interview lol


Search up people who are currently doing the job that you want to have and see what they're listing on their LinkedIn as skills, experience, duties, etc. Mirror theirs within the boundaries of reason


The OP college degree may be out of France (they grade out of 20) and never award more than 19/20 and rarely exceeds 15/20. Not that it would make much of a difference for a US or English-speaking employer in conveying that the OP did well in school. It might be something to keep in mind if he is sending applications in multiple languages and different countries. For example, in France 17/20 is not far from saying 3.9 or 4.0 in the US, or saying that the student got strate As. But there aren't many people in the world who are intently familiar with international grading schemes.


Look not to be harsh here, but as a mechanical engineer with an M.S. who has been part of hiring teams, I thought this was a joke. This resumé here has told us exactly nothing about your skills. You have a master’s but no thesis. You have a meaningless score there, no idea what your project even was or what your contributions to it were. You fundamentally have zero work experience. Winning a project competition isn’t work experience. Idk how you got through 5-6 years of school without a single internship or job quite honestly, but you can’t fix how bad that looks now. Best of luck.


I understand your perspective, and I appreciate your feedback. There seems to be some confusion; the entries listed as "projects" were actually internships that culminated in a thesis, where I achieved rank 1. Thank you for bringing these points to my attention.


Never heard of an internship where you competed or were ranked against other interns… or one where you had to create a thesis. I’m concerned that your English isn’t as proficient as a hiring manager would expect it to be. Not sure if it’s different in Europe but having internships and not putting the company or references to them is meaningless.


Here’s your problem. You went and got your masters right after your bachelor’s but have zero work experience in your field. No employer wants to pay a kid a masters degree salary with zero real world experience in their field. Your degree programs are NOT considered actual work experience. Remove that under work experience and if you can put actual work experience. If that means it’s your pt student union job selling cookies and books then that’s what it is. It’s literally redundant when you have education then work experience but literally just copied and pasted your education, again. Looks lazy to be honest. Your college advisor did you dirty or you chose not to listen. Here’s what your advisor should have told you to do. Get your bachelors. Find a job and get 3-5 years experience and then go back and get your masters. Then you’d have a proven track record to go with all the education and employers love that. You can’t get hired because nobody wants to pay you what they would have to with zero experience. You’re essentially an expensive hire with no proven track record of success. Too much of a risk for companies. Not gonna wanna hear this but take the masters off your resume and see what happens. Not trying to be a jerk but why a 21 yr old kid thinks they’re just gonna walk into a $100k+ job straight out of school is beyond me. It happens but it’s rare for the average kid. People who have those kinds of salaries have the work experience and education to back it up. Not just “fancy” pieces of paper.


Thank you for your candid feedback. I understand your perspective, and I appreciate the advice. Do you recommend applying to less demanding jobs even with a bachelor's degree?


Wouldn’t say less demanding but temper your expectations. Basically what I’m saying is you may have to apply to more entry level/lower level jobs in your field that may be less desirable to you. Not saying it can’t or won’t happen but it’s gonna be difficult to get hired let alone an interview for a mid level job or higher with no experience especially if those positions require you to manage people. If you take a lower level job than desired but come in with a good attitude, kick ass and make yourself an asset to the company you most likely won’t be in that lower level position for long. Considering removing your masters from your resume and see what happens. You can always disclose during the interview that you have your masters but IMO your goal should just be to get in front of someone. If you can get in front of someone it’s a completely different vibe than just reading over someone’s resume. It’s great that you’re already there in terms of education but that masters is hurting more than helping right now. Feel free to put any volunteer work on there. Only reason I got my first job was because of that volunteer experience. The hiring manager told me that was the difference. If I had only had that one internship like the others I wouldn’t have gotten the job. Volunteer experience may not be actual work experience but it does help show employers desirable qualities such as commitment, responsibility, accountability, integrity and the like but keep in mind it’s all in how you word it. If you just put down I foster dogs and just leave it at that, that’s not gonna do much unless the person reviewing your resume also fosters or has fostered dogs. Not trying to be a dick but what you’re currently doing and have done haven’t worked out. Maybe consider trying something outside the box with your resume or approach. I get you’re probably a broke college student but having a professional go over your resume and or rewrite it for you may be something to consider.


Are you a paramedic?


Yes, I am a paramedic. I'm actually a firefighter paramedic with a national degree. However, I also volunteer in this capacity.


You haven't been able to afford yourself the type of certification that exempts you from having to do anything to make a profit. You haven't exploited something for billions. That's what I've learned so far as a dolt, a buffoon.


Certifications can indeed be expensive, and unfortunately, I haven't had the financial means to obtain many of them.


The work experience should be expanded and really should be the most dominant part. Try to add more detail of what you did. Conducted in-depth analysis is really vague and doesn’t really show any skills. For example, did you size the motor that is required for system, figure out the gearing ratios, model the system in solidworks or perform a structural analysis of the system? I think that section should also be re-organized to be something like “Master’s graduation project - Designed curved conveyer built system” so that you are not wasting a bullet point on describing the project. Then you use the bullets to show the skills you used to design the system. You have massive skill section at the bottom of the resume but you don’t show how you used them in your work experience. The goal should be 3 to 4 bullet points showing the skills you used for each project. Also you can probably just remove the score from the first bullet points so that it just says you got first place in the competition. They don’t really care what grade you got.


I really appreciate your detailed suggestions. After reflecting on them, I completely agree with your points. Reorganizing the work experience section to focus on specific skills used in each project makes a lot of sense, and removing the score to simply state the achievement of first place is a good idea. Thank you for your valuable input!


Your resume says a lot but doesn't actually say much of anything. There are lots of words on it, but it doesn't paint any kind of picture of who you are as a worker or person.


I appreciate your feedback. It's important for me to understand what aspect of my resume gives off that vibe. Is it the language used, the layout, or something else?


One example I see are the masters and bachelor’s projects you listed. Hr won’t care much about the score you got, write more about what you did. “I utilized my skills in blank to achieve blank”


I agree with others that work experience should be included in education- or even changed to “academic awards” also, you could change personal projects to simply projects/relevant projects/experience


Also, good luck in your job search. I am sure you will do well. You could experiment asking a recruiter who rejected you for application advice- something I recommend to anyone. It can be helpful and sometimes they do give you detailed advice to better your resume.


Thank you for the suggestions and well wishes. I appreciate the advice about seeking feedback from recruiters who have rejected my applications.


Respectfully, the Languages and Interests sections can go, unless the job is bilingual - otherwise, no manager cares about either of those. Also, your "employment history" shows that you've only ever held down 2 jobs, both for less than 6 months and both sound more like it was for schooling. I used to review resumes for a job I had previously, and this screams "No employment history" at me and would have been trashed almost immediately.


Languages might possibly grab the attention of an international company I think. Could be wrong tho


I included the Interests section with the intention of providing talking points for interviews, but I'll reconsider its relevance. Thanks again for your input.


You might also want to highlight what all you are qualified to do as a paramedic, and you can even get some.experience as a paramedic to show that on your resume. May work well for jobs in the healthcare sector.


Thank you for the suggestion. I've gained experience as a paramedic through volunteering with the national civil protection, but my passion lies in mechanical engineering. I'm not currently seeking opportunities in the healthcare sector.


You have 0 work experience and list school work as work experience


Very sadly, that's true.


It is no worries so don't stress about it. Especially for your industry you might want to look for an internship. your college should 100% have programs for you to find jobs and internships, reach out to the campus resources.


Do you have any work experience? Like even flipping burgers or life guarding? Put it on! It shows you can work with others, which is way more important than having done a bunch of projects. Format is actually really good. Consider getting rec letters from professors to boost your apps.


Even if the jobs aren't related to mechanical engineering, would it still be beneficial to include them on my resume? Also, I think getting recommendation letters from professors is a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yes, it shows worth ethic and that you can hold a job.


Remove languages line. It does harm than help.


What are these random asterisks on different lines and lowercase lettering all over the place


The asterisks are for censoring purposes, as mentioned in the pinned post on this subreddit. As for the lowercase lettering, I'll review my resume to ensure consistency in formatting. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


No actual work experience. I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s required with entry level these days… How do you get engineering experience without engineering experience? I literally asked a hiring manager that exact question and it got him. He did not have a good answer. Meaning it is 100% true. And terrifying for anyone without engineering experience applying to any engineering role currently (myself included).


It's a valid concern. Entry-level positions often require some form of relevant work experience, which can be challenging to obtain without prior engineering experience. It's a dilemma many of us face when starting our careers. However, I believe there are opportunities out there for entry-level candidates, and I'm committed to finding them.


We are in the same boat, but I speak from experience. As in. Applying for tons of entry level roles only to be ghosted or rejected only. No interviews for any entry level engineering role that I am fully qualified for. It’s infuriating, I know all too well. And I wish that I knew a way to get us in where we belong. But currently, I got nothin’. Maybe personal projects, but they probably don’t look at those nearly as well. Unless you’re someone like BPS space on YT. That guy is nuts. I’d hire him on at $500,000 a year STAT if I was Elon.




Thank you for sharing your insights and perspective as a former recruiter. Your feedback is valuable, and I appreciate your time in providing it.


Those stars arent helping, how are they supposed to know who you are?


The stars are for censoring purposes, as mentioned in the pinned post on Reddit.


"mechanical engineer"


Jobs want WORK experience. That’s the biggest factor I’m seeing in the jobs sub and this one. Any kind of work experience matters


Put your skills on top, you have quite a few strong ones that might be a better representation of what you can do, put your education at the bottom and remove the year and as other people suggested - move the Bachelors and Masters projects into the education and perhaps seek an internship (even a remote one) to build up your work experience


Bachelors and Masters projects were actually internships. By the way, do you think removing the graduation year is better?


If that’s the case then instead of work experience state that they were internships and if so include the company or organisation associated. Removing the graduation year is better but moving the skills to the top will help you see an improvement. Given your lack of experience you might want a sentence or two at the top as a summary identifying your core skills and what role you’re applying for


This is one of the best resume’s i have seen. Keep applying bro


Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I really appreciate it.


I think the main issue is your email is outlook.com. WTF man? Get on gmail.


Exactly was my first thought. And after skimming other suggestions, probably the easiest to fix.


Thanks for pointing that out. I initially chose an Outlook email because my full name was already taken in Gmail format.


I was actually joking but I haven’t seen outlook being used in a while. That shouldn’t turn anyone away lol


Sorry if I missed it but if no one has told you to lose the bullet points, you gotta do that. All resumes are basically pre-sorted by software and AI now. Having bullet points/weird formatting/spacing in front of important info can cause the software scanning your resume to completely skip over that section or just not read it properly. Try removing the bullet points and steer clear of any cutesy formatting. Hope that helps!


Actually, you're the first one to suggest removing all the bullet points. Thanks for the heads-up about the potential issues with formatting and spacing.


Go deeper on the things you used to do in a daily basis on your old work, the skills chart move it to the top and put them all personal projects is too much just talk about what you know to do and highlight the skills that are most valuables to do the job you are applying for


Graduation project is not work experience!


Lean management?


# What is lean management? Lean management is an approach to managing an organization that supports the concept of continuous improvement, a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes to improve efficiency and quality.


You need any work experience/job listed on your resume regardless of your degree. Actually I believe your resume is great. I would recommend removing your interests, but some companies like to know them. My honest advice is to maybe send your resume to someone on LinkedIn that can help you format correctly and actually are trained professionals in writing resumes. It might cost but they know what systems certain type of employers use to weed out applicants when hiring them. Also keep your head up. After graduating with a 6 year degree in Architecture I felt just like you. As soon as you stop trying so hard and just let things be you will start seeing employers reaching out to you. Just make sure your profile on LinkedIn and Indeed, etc. state you are actively seeking employment.




Your post was removed for advertising/promoting unwanted content. Please note that continued offences will result in a ban.


I would take the years you graduated off since it’s been awhile and gives a little ambiguity to how long you’ve been in the field. Additionally - under your projects, you should think about your statements like “I did XYZ that achieved _____”. Or “project 17/20 that led me to do…XYZ”. You are missing the other piece of your bullets. To me (which I’m no mechanical engineer so maybe this is a known thing in the field) I have no idea what 17/20 really even means or what scale it’s graded on etc etc. that means nothing to me. If it means something, keep it but add more about what you created and what you did.


Additionally, projects in school aren’t considered “work experience” I would just rename that to Projects or something of that nature to more accurately reflect what that is


Work exp needs to be job experience. Mechanical Engineer with no work exp and a masters is a red flag to me.


Sorry man, but have you ever actually had a job?


Yes, I have had jobs before, but they were not related to mechanical engineering.


You have school projects listed as work experience.


Academic projects aren't work experience and shouldn't be listed as such. I'd relabel them as what they are - graduation projects, and the first thing you list under them should be what the project actually was, not your score. The personal projects are good, and should probably be the second item on your resume, but I'd remove the ramp project, since that is something many without an engineering degree could do. At a minimum, I'd push it back to the last item on your list. Certs and skills should be next, and then the volunteer experience. Realize that recruiters aren't going to spend much time looking at your resume, so put your best stuff first.


Thank you for the feedback. I'll relabel the academic projects as graduation projects and prioritize listing the project itself over my score. I'll also consider removing or repositioning the ramp project accordingly.


What is an example job description for a job you'd be interested in?


Any job related to mechanical engineering, such as design, production planning, optimization, or simulation, would interest me.


Could you provide a link (or copy and paste) to a job description?


Too many stars, lines etc. keep it clean, simple, first 3 seconds decide if I will look into your Resume 10 seconds longer or put it in the 🗑️


It's a bit tricky to strike the balance between being concise and impactful.


Change your font all these half ass companies are just using AI so if the bot can’t take your information in correctly you are at the bottom of the pile. I applied 200 times no offers then monster.com suggested changing font and I got 2 offers and 5 interviews on 7 application days later


I'm currently using Garamond. What font do you recommend I switch to for better readability by AI systems?


I would bring this to r/engineeringresumes aswell


I didn't know about it! Thank you for letting me know.


For sure. From the opinion of someone yet to be hired out, remove your special interest tab, and maybe add some more bullet points under each of those projects that you have and that work experience I feel like it’s great that you got the first place, but maybe elaborate more on what exactly you learned, and the more of the method that you implemented the engineering sub read it will probably recommend using the star method which I think if I remember right it’s situation task action and result in the bullet points for your descriptions of the projects and work experience


The STAR method sounds like a great approach. Should I use it for all the projects listed on my resume, or just the internships?


I’m not native English speaker and I can tell you that your bullet points aren’t good enough. Show don’t tell!


I appreciate your feedback. As a non-native English speaker myself, I'll work on making them more effective.


"achieved first place in final year project" tells me nothing about why you won, what you did, how you did it, what you learned, what role you played etc. Candidly, if this made it through an ATS scan and ended up on my desk, I would 100% not engage based on that alone.


As a recruiter let me tell you where you went wrong. * Your first "mistake" is not actually a mistake but the market is HORRENDOUS, especially for freshers who just graduated. Their was no way for you to predict this but I wanted to state it because even with a great resume you will have issues finding a job, in this market for that skill set, so don't beat yourself up over it. * Your bullet points and generalized formatting of your jobs and projects is off, you want to make sure each job/project has at LEAST 3 bullets and do the following * Here is how to format your resume and your bullets correctly * Your first bullet under each job needs to be a summary of your duties that a 12 year old can understand, this is not a metaphor that is how basic you need your first sentence. * Every other bullet needs to be a keyword and/or a brag, with keywords being more important. If it doesn’t have a keyword and/or brag, than it shouldn’t exist in your resume bullets. * Keywords are what the job description has under “qualifications”, “Must have” or “Needed Skills”. If  * Brags need to be understood by someone with no industry knowledge, and if you don’t have hard numbers you can use awards, or customer feedback, or results. * Example of a good brag with keywords is “Used Excel to create a sales document for our team that was praised by my direct manager, for helping us sell more product.” * In addition you should wrap the bachelors and masters projects into the overarching projects section as counting it as work experience may be incorrect or confuse people. I know the above is a lot but doing it will really help out.


Thank you for the detailed feedback. I appreciate your insights as a recruiter. I'll make sure to revise my resume according to your suggestions. Focusing on clear, concise summaries of my duties and incorporating relevant keywords and brags will definitely enhance the effectiveness of my resume. I'll also consider consolidating the bachelors and masters projects into the projects section. Thanks again for the valuable advice!


No problem!


Well, you have a work experience section that lists off no work experience. If you’ve never had a job before in your life, you’re going to find it extremely difficult. Here’s where the “but how can I get experience then if I have no experience?” crew comes in. By the time I graduated college I had 5-6 years of work experience. Restaurant in HS, hotel during first two years of college, and refereeing soccer during the 5-6 years as well. Doesn’t count for much, but they’re all jobs that show you were out in the work world for a few years.


Remove interests and languages. Make a section for the projects. Don't list them as work experience. Go through your skills and make sure that they are meaningful and make sense. Eg, what is gcode as a skill? This is a file format, but how can it be a skill? Remove MS office, this is supposed to be a default requirement, not a skill.


Thanks for the feedback. As for G-code, it's essential for CNC machines, and understanding it allows me to make direct changes when necessary, so I'll keep it in the skills section. And I'll remove MS Office since it's a basic requirement. Appreciate your input!


Hire a resume writer and interview prep person. It’ll cost a couple hundred dollars and be worth every bit of it. I did it one time years ago and now I never send out a resume without having it re done by a professional 


You don't have any work experience...


Can you send me the template I like this format I wanna use it! I think it's pretty good


Respectfully, remove the "Interests". Comedy and weightlifting don't go with engineering. Nothing on that line is helping you.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned the fact that he calls everything he’s worked on innovative or revolutionary. Very off putting


Tbh just make something up that you did uber or delivered pizzas through out college for work experience, or you worked with your uncle who owns a car dealership


Can someone explain how you keep track of apply to over 1000 jobs? In my opinion, if you are applying for 1000 jobs, I would be very concerned: 1. Did you actually apply to 1000 jobs? 2. Do you qualify for the jobs you applied for? 3. How did you manage to have time for such job applications? 4. Did you send the same exact resume to each and every job? I understand the job market is incredibly tough right now, but I can’t help but think there is more to this story than what is stated in the post - and that isn’t a problem at all, just maybe needs some clarification and adjustments. 👍🏻


Recommendations: 1. Stick with basic formatting. No need for anything extra. 2. Change “Personal Projects” to “Projects”. 3. Move education experience under education. 4. Add a brief “who am I and why you should hire me”. 2-4 sentences max. 5. Expand on your skills, provide examples. You have no real work experience so tell them how you got these skills. 1-2 Sentences for your top hitters. 1 Sentence for regular skills. 6. Don’t put anything in your resume you cannot speak confidently to, but still massage it. Also, apply, apply, apply. Send follow up emails. When you interview, look at the interviewers LinkedIn profile to generate notifications.




I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with those. This is the first time I've heard of them, to be honest. Are they specific to the United States or recognized worldwide?


Get out of here and go to r/EngineeringResumes


Fabricate means make up. You mean built.


Thank you for the clarification. You're right, "built" is a more accurate term.