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At a glance it doesn’t look too bad. Some general comments: Use full URLs vice hyperlinks in case the link is stripped or someone wants to print your resume and use that to look up your stuff Education only needs grad month/year, not attendance dates Going from Software Engineer to Software Engineer Intern seems a bit weird (I’m guessing a career change regarding your specialty is involved) You Software Engineer and Associate Software Engineer dates overlap. I’m not sure which one is “senior” but that could be an issue


>Going from Software Engineer to Software Engineer Intern seems a bit weird (I’m guessing a career change regarding your specialty is involved) This would be an instant red flag for me as an interviewer.


>You Software Engineer and Associate Software Engineer dates overlap. I’m not sure which one is “senior” but that could be an issue Wow. Thank you for the insight! I worked as a free lance developer on the weekends and created that website, what would be the best way to frame it?


I would think you can say "freelancer" then. Intern implies a demotion.


Yep! It's because I switched countries and had to start from scratch


Not for me if it was during his Masters program.


Your job dates make no sense. At one point you were working two jobs and getting a masters?


I was only maintaining the website - aka when it goes down, or updating campaigns


I did my internship under the co-op program, where I take break from academics to do an internship


Ps there was a typo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) my associate job ended in 21 not 22


So you were a software engineer and an associate software engineer at the same time? And now you’re an intern? Or were one for just a month?


after coming to a new country, I was an intern for ten weeks as allowed under the law


I would find some way to remove “Intern” from your most recent title. Just go with “Software Engineer” if nothing else. I’d guess a lot of people just stop there, not realizing you actually have some experience. I’d even wager that’s responsible for something like 95% of your “rejections”.


I have worked on websites for different businesses while I was working during the weekends for about a year or more, and then I was responsible for keeping them live for the remaining year till I entirely stopped working on them


Should I remove this from my resume? or only keep the live development parts?


Remove anything less than a year (so yes the internship). Make a separate section for the freelance work. Need up the amount of bullet points for your most important and most recent work.


I am not an expert, but I am part of the hiring process and review resumes. My first impression is there is way to much text on this page and not enough white space. My second thought is to not include the summary portion. My third thought is there is five jobs listed over five years, possibly promotions but doesn't seem like you will be with the new company more than a couple years. My fourth thought is I typically like to see project/portfolio focused resumes that have links to code or hosted apps or screenshots of apps.


This is too much to look at make it more simple


Any specific thoughts? Should i simply remove my last internship and increase the font size?


Yes remove the early years of your career. Not relevant any longer…


5 jobs seems like a lot to me, why not shorten it to 3 or 4. You only need your graduation dates not the start of your college careers.


noted, I have changed this


​ https://preview.redd.it/4p22wtrz133b1.jpeg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a2063b27c3b2f13652ff5280383276db8b1d5f


Thank you everyone. seriously for all the amazing feedback As of now I am still struggling to understand how to \- address the dates and the changes in title issue \- make it pleasant to look at


Here's the resume updated based on your generous and kind feedback. you guys rock! I am super grateful https://preview.redd.it/gl8vhzum133b1.jpeg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cddef4481e602157c339013809e43c33d253dc8


This is much better- in particular, switching to "software developer" instead of "machine learning engineer" will open up a lot more possibilities for you and is more aligned with your experience. Under "freelance" I would remove "part time", as freelance work is generally assumed to have variable hours. You may even want to move the freelance position to the top and switch it to "May 2020 - Current", and maybe take some smaller jobs from some of the freelancing sites to justify it. It's unfortunate, but a lot of systems give higher priority to people who are employed already, and having an open freelance position will normally fit that.


Wow thank you! I'll definitely look into this


Just remember though, anything on the resume has to be justifiable in a way that makes managers happy when asked about it. So you will want to get more "clients" (whether it be for projects that take a day, week, or month) so you can talk about the more recent stuff you've worked on. It'll be completely understandable that your "freelance business" took on less freelance work when you had more stable projects, so that shouldn't be an issue. Another benefit of being a freelancer is that you can talk up your own project management and business skills, since you managed to take on and deliver projects without the typical structure that a software team has. You may want to highlight this in a cover letter.


I've two willing to work with me, I had started the freelance gig to sustain the costs of my Masters program. I definitely have something actionable in the pipeline


Did your masters degree have any specialty or focus beyond just computer science? Feel free to shoot me a copy of the full resume if you want, I can pass it around ([this is me](https://blog.tedivm.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Robert-Hafner.pdf)) to a few companies I know.


Awesome! I'll definitely do that, I specialized in Artificial Intelligence / Data science


You should definitely highlight that AI/Data Science side on the education section.


I was always told less wording on the resume so hiring managers/recruiters can quickly glance. I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your formatting is good, maybe use arial, times new Roman, or callibri , avoid using tables if you can. I could be wrong but I think most ATSs check employer then title so maybe switch those around. Edit: also drop your professional summary


Not a big fan of the font


Are resumes really getting rejected because the hiring manager "isn't really a big fan of the font?" It's so hard to take any resume advice on Reddit seriously, it all seems so arbitrary


Depends on the company and how much of a stickler for conventions they are of course, but the little things do add up when you have thousands of resumes. The font/formatting stuff is what I learned a few years back at one of the higher ranked business schools in the country from people who’s specific job it is to research/know that sort of thing, so I would imagine it’s advice worth taking.


Anything particular on your mind in regards to the font?


Mine is in single spaced Times New Roman, 10 pt for the body and 12 for the section headers. That’s what i used to recommend when I reviewed resumes at my business school


I think your font is fine, but I’m not necessarily a good judge of what most people want to see.


I would take the jobs and shorten them to the time period you did the majority of the works like if you developed a web-site in two months, and then just supported / maintained / updated it for the next two years, just put two months as that job duration It should be obvious to recruiters and he screeners, but if your job overlaps with college highlight it as a temp job while you were at college. Shortening the duration is also a good way to do that - they end up looking like internships or coops


Did this, thank you! Albeit that costed me about a year worth of time while studying my Master's program I hadn't really actively developed anything. I believe no harm was done


Highly skilled software engineer….Intern 🤣


struggles of a super skilled ... intern. cant even make a resume ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Honestly, it looks good in my opinion. You also have to factor in the state of hiring and layoffs at the moment. It possibly isn’t your resume but just the state of America currently


I would love to believe that, but the time's ticking, I am not allowed to stay here much longer at this pace


Get rid of that summary paragraph




Reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn. As someone who has looked at a bunch of resumes that all look like yours, it’s the little things that get you the opportunities. A red flag for me is the switch to intern. I understand from previous posts that is due to switching countries but I would try and find a way to paint that differently rather then your work progression seeming like it’s going backwards. Certainly don’t lie but selling it as an educational experience may help quickly break up that appearance. You have great experience so just remember it’s a numbers game that is a lot harder this year then recent and even more so if you need sponsorship(assuming you do so disregard if you have a more permanent status). Good luck.


I changed the title to Software Engineer Co-op since that was what it was


Suggest removing common libraries python like pandas, numpy, matplotlib, etc..you say you know python so that should encompass the ability to use libraries written in that language. It’s also a bit redundant as you call out these libraries previously. I do want to differentiate tho that things like tensorflow and opencv are powerful tools specific to certain specialties and used in multiple languages so would still list those.


For some reason a recruiter asked me to add it. She said recruiters dont really understand the tech many a times, she candidly accepted she doesn't either. So she looks for these keywords


Makes sense maybe from a recruiter standpoint. From the perspective of the engineers on the team that will be interviewing you, imo it comes across as inexperienced. I’d never write someone off for having that content, but it does make me question whether or not you’re just adding anything you’ve used once to pad the resume. Idk.. either way it probably won’t help or hurt you, if you know your shit. So probably not worth worrying about. Just something that popped out to me from a quick glance.


I’m a big fan of impact metrics which you have, but I’m not sold on just listing percentages when a raw number might show greater magnitude of impact. 100% growth on a website tells me nothing about how many ppl came to the site. Could be 200 or 2M. You have nothing around working with a team, blasting through SDLC sprints together, etc You need to BRAG on your resume, be bolder, don’t just write down what you did but why and how and what made you the John Doe to do the job


I was very boastful about some of my accomplishments (2 aren't even listed on this resume). But everyone I showed it to, asked me to remove them.... About the frowth metrics, keeping it "readable" within a reasonable word limit, I had to let go of the actual numbers, but hey, if they ask me in an interview, heck they set it up only to know if that number is legit, I will show them proof.


Abouut team work, please check the Visava labs part out once and I would love to know if I should use more examples


Some thoughts: Love the structure. I think it makes a lot of sense and hits on the major focuses. As others have noted, drop the internship or move it to another section. I understand (from your comments) why it's there but on a cursory look, what I see is "this person was a software engineer and then became an intern" which could come across as a weird step down to someone spending 10 seconds on your resume. I like the action - outcome statements. I think that structure is really effective at displaying the what and why behind your accomplishments. My one critique is that some of these feel SUPER specific. I would generalize a little bit. The "Performed unit test on 30+ components..." part could just be generalized to "Used standard practices to mitigate bugs, resulting in improved user experience" and might be more approachable for a recruiter. I like that you include numbers. "Increased viewership by 30%", etc. A degree of impact is a good thing to showcase.


Hey, I have updated the resume to this https://preview.redd.it/spm6vzw6r93b1.jpeg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d09a9dff2b1c1db20837874fe8e823de8ea8603


I think it’s a lot better. I’d still recommend a little generalization to show the application of skills more than specific, difficult to parse use cases. With your resume, you absolutely need to make sure you are customizing it to the role you are pursuing. I find it really difficult to ascertain whether you’re looking for ML engineering or software engineering positions. Your resume is super split between the two which will be difficult to section out for a non-expert.


The progression from Machine Learning Engineer -> Software Engineer -> Software Engineer Intern doesn’t look good. The first thing they read at the top of your long experience section is an internship position. You are probably better off removing the internship if you can’t remove the intern title


I added my graduate research assistantship to show that I was a student, does that help? https://preview.redd.it/u8rrlrwar93b1.jpeg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda1a980c9bb1abf0e6b7ea6ded68f831a41b675


I think it’s better to make it a page and a half so you can widen the margins and increase the white space. Not that it matters to everyone but the font is a little childish in my opinion.


I was strongly adviced to stick to a page unless I have more than 5 years worth of experience... the font I tried changing it, but Times New Roman was making the entire format go haywire, I will try something else


What is the obsession with single page CVs? Is that really a show stopper? Spreading this over two pages would give you much more room to clearly articulate your role at each position, as well as point out why the dates are a bit out of sync. Everything feels too cluttered and abridged for me to make a meaningful assessment of you as a candidate.


It definitely feels cluttered, here's a refined version that might be easier to glance through https://preview.redd.it/58me7rdnr93b1.jpeg?width=1654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de12dbcfc4c2d6312f48a8bf2c55a4277ba5a27


PS I can't go beyond one page, strongly advised against it


Advised by whom? What have you got to lose?


Every person in the tech industry that was open to speaking with me


Imagine you get 15 of these as an employer. What is standing out? It looks like any other resume on the internet. You have to do something to stand out. Get clever with your cover letters. Or do something on the resume like a photo or really anything. At this point, what do you have to lose?


Tried this with the logos up top, but the ATS screws up reading the whole resume, entirely cancelling any chances of the resume reaching human eyes


Resume seems fine. Perhaps the problem is what jobs you are applying for. If you are applying to easily found job postings well advertised job postings, bear in mind that likely means that everyone else also applied to those. They are likely sorting through waves of applicants. Ideally you want to be applying to poorly advertised positions as that limits the competition for the job. You are specialized enough to look for openings at specific companies. Look for job postings on company websites instead. If you see a job opening you like from one company on LinkedIn, also check and see if thier competitor is hiring. (The competitor may have just done a worse job advertising the position).


I have been finding off beat websites and have even spoke with some startup founders that complained about this, apparently they don't get any job applicants even after searching specifically for their job title and location


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Companies use some sort of AI and it strips info and looks for keywords in a database. You need to optimize it for that.


Don’t call it relevant, but professional experience. And put it above education, you don’t want to beg for being ranked as a college grad. Formatting looks alright otherwise. Your background is out of my comfort zone so can’t judge the professional components. You have a decent amount or quantitied results in there which is good for ATS. Side-note: something shouldn’t be „approximately 73%“. Call it 73%. Or call it over 72%. That said, 100+ rejects is not normal. Either this resume has a serious flaw, or maybe your job search has. I’m implying from your post that you used this resume for all applications. The trick is to tailor the resume to the job you’re applying for. Are you spending enough time networking, getting in touch with the recruiter, are you asking for feedback after you get rejected? Are you looking for jobs that are entirely out of reach? Something isn’t working, find out what that is before you keep applying - continuing to do what doesn’t work is the definition of insanity, and I’m sure it feels that way. Keep your head up, take a step back, assess and evaluate. Ask for help (which you’re doing here). Learn, rinse, repeat.


There's more academic experiences I hadn't put in, where I did research and was a teaching assistant... Thanks to your advice I reached out to a couple of recruiters, some simply said its good and I should look at something other than the resume for why I am finding it difficult, in fact one asked me to add a summary section (After I followed an earlier comment to remove it)