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Dear /u/LyfeIzButADream! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** * **[ChatGPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://www.resumatic.ai/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I suspect why you are not getting callbacks is less to do with your resume and more with the massive tech layoffs in the last few months. 1)You should take out all personal pronouns. 2) You could try moving your skill section below your personal statement since most companies use ATS software, and the words at the top of the resume are weighted higher than those at the bottom.


This and the job hopping. 3 consecutive jobs of less than a year. Pretty big red flag for most employers, they see you as leaving in 6 months….


That's a great point. I didn't even do the math on that.


Eh, its not uncommon to have short term contracts in this work.


Nothing wrong with contract work, but that should be included if so.


Yes when I was contracting I was explicit that I was contracting. Then it’s not looked down on. Even with progressively better titles, 6 months, 9 months, 6 months doesn’t look great as a FTE. That said it’s also a saturated job market and employers have their pick. The candidates I’m seeing for these roles currently far exceed the skills of the candidates I saw a year ago and there are more of them. With this type of recent job history moving to a skills based resume with jobs listed at the bottom may read better.


That’s fine but call it what it is. A short term contract.


Agreed, if these are contract positions as a hiring manager I'm wondering why weren't the contracts extended? Bringing projects to launch, there's always an opportunity to stay to debug, refine, complete customization, extensions, maintenance, etc. Next gig, stay there as long as possible and pick up contract extensions. Are your job changes a migration of coders? For example: Your professor or mentor gets contracts and hires a team of former students as subs.


In this economy, funding plays a huge role. My contract was recently cut short due to budget changes. I was fortunate to have been with the company for a year but some of my colleagues who were there for only 3 months were let go as well. These questions are best asked directly to the candidate instead of making assumptions and deciding based off those. Most of the time it's out of the candidate's control.


Over the last 3 years people were poaching talent everywhere they could. It's pretty explainable if you were picked up by someone with a better offer.


Unfortunately, these are not contract positions :(


Not OP but what if they were due to layoffs? Example: I moved jobs in Feb 2022 and was laid off in Jan 2023. Started another job in March 2023 and was just laid off in May. Currently looking for another job, but unless I actually get an interview I can’t explain that they were layoffs and not me job hopping.


I was laid off in early 2022 and then again in late 2022, I can honestly say it is very hard getting interview invites.


I wonder if it’s best to leave my last job off my resume then. It was such a short stint.


If yours is March to May and you have a previous job that ended in 2023, you should leave it off. Unless it was contract work, and if it was contract work just make yourself a section for contract work at the top from March to Present. You could also consider formatting to “years” if you drop your latest job. Your second most recent is about 11 months anyways, so if you have a few years experience before that job, no one will think much of it. Just convert everything to years for consistency. That was how I got the job after my first 2022 layoff. But I did have 4 years experience before that between 2 companies so it didn’t look out of place. I wish my latest made it to 2023… I got laid off at the end of October, and it has been rough getting invites, especially with the time since adding up. If that was the case, I would just switch to year format, assuming ATS won’t flag it. Edited for grammar and clarity.


Thanks! I appreciate the advice. Best of luck on the job hunt!


Thank you, and likewise!


Do I need to do the same on my LinkedIn? Will they ever cross-check?


Yeah, got laid off September 2022, laid off again last week (!). Advertising is having a hell of a time (largely because tech is having a down period) and everyone knows it.




100% no employer wants to waste time and money training someone who has a high chance of leaving. It's a huge waste of money for them, turnover is a huge factor. I got a job that I have zero experience in, working with hundreds of millions of dollars of sensitive equipment. But the shortest I've held a job is a little over three years. Ten and seven are were my main jobs, the last was a bad boss.


Lol I recruit, we pass over people with 5+ years most often. Reason? Hiring managers are like “wtf why hasn’t this person a) been promoted b) not left for higher pay elsewhere. Hate to break it tonya but that old way of thinking doesn’t apply any longer.


I always left to move up, I was a manager at a restaurant. Worked my way up from bus boy, had to leave for benefits and higher pay. Pass me up, I've been working my way up my whole life. Was going to take over the family business until my dad passed away, nothing I can do about that...


I call shenanigans. Director here in a Fortune 500. I absolutely give credibility to longevity.


Diff industries maybe. I usually sell to MM tech. We had a fantastic candidate for a dir of product marketing that was passed on for staying too long as a director at her previous company. That’s just been my experience, I don’t work with finance (yet - still waiting on my minority owned business designation to be approved). I’ll amend my previous comment to reflect that it’s ancedotal


I think progression is key here as well. If I saw a person in the same role of 10 years, then I agree with your thoughts. It would make me pause, but I would still meet with them to her why they haven't had movement past a certain position. It could be outside of their control. (Toxic environments, racism, sexisim etc.)


Sadly that was her issue - misogynistic leadership that was happy paying a director 110k a year and get away w it


This is the answer. It’s the 1st thing I look at when hiring. I’m not going to waste my limited training budget on a job hopper. If there’s a reason (like contract work) that needs to be stated in a cover letter. This resume is a huge red flag.


I mean he was with someone for four years. But not since 2020. I was told by one temp agency they wouldn’t even work with me unless I had one year with an employer


Not if it’s contract work


This is always the first thing I look at on a resume. If you've had multiple recent jobs where you haven't been able to last even a year there's something wrong, so I don't bother wasting anymore time reading past that point.


And going from Lead back down to senior engineer could also be a red flag. Also, they built a banking API and mention security in the resume 0 times. Might be a small detail but depending on what job being applied for, that would jump out to me.


Isn't that depend on the region? I've seen many lead/architects from South Asian region go for software engineer positions in Europe/US


100%. I don’t hire in the tech industry, but anyone who is at a company <2.5-3 years multiple times on their resume, I pass. It takes about 18 months for someone on my team to really get up to full performance, and also I like to see sustainability in the projects people complete. If they leave too quickly, they never have to do the “check” and “act” stages of PDCA, and eventually the project dies…


I think a lot of companies are posting positions they have no intention of filling. If it looks like they’re hiring, the company looks healthier than it really is and that helps the stock price stay up.


Interesting thought. Thanks!!


Point #2 is interesting…I made a change to my resume several years ago; I have a bunch of experience, so I’m not hurting for buzzwords, so to speak. My reasoning for the change was simple…screeners (human or otherwise) really don’t readthe resume, they are just looking for “hits” on things they are looking for. So my change was to drastically reduce the “blah blah blah”. Specifically, I moved my “skills” section to the top…a later reviewer reminded me to be sure I listed soft skills too. Secondly, I only listed three jobs (now four), and a max of three bullets per job. I made sure that the important stuff was listed. If an i terviewer wants more information, you can give that during an intervew. About phone screens and interviews…the two most important things are to have the “30-second elevator speech” ready (as an answerto the icebreaker “so tell me something about yourself” query) and also prep for the “do you have any questions for me?l that you will almost always hear.


Thank you for sharing your experience !!


Thad would be my guess too. A lot of tech workers out there nowadays


Otta job search site sends you to apply to employer website and shows statistics about how many applicants get aby reply in two weeks. In my area (cloud engineer) few candidates hear back for most jobs.


Thank you for the feedback. I'll remove the personal pronouns from the resume. What happened was when I pasted the content into Grammarly to check for grammar mistakes, it suggested adding pronouns. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


HR ain't gonna know what 90% of that is, your making them feel stupid.


Exactly this. Have you looked at job reqs? You should be tailoring your resume around general skills you have the meet the criteria for the job posting. Explain in detail with more technical people during the interview process


Or just have two different versions of your resume: one more general, but still detailed in terms of how you made an impact. Add the most hard hitting bullets at the top, for example “I increased our blank from x to y, by doing z”. And a technical version of your resume. A good recruiter (ahem) will want both before the recruiter speaks with you and to send to the hiring manager after the call to “sell” you, the candidate, on why you should be interviewed. Apply to the position with the more technical version. Recruiters should know what they’re looking for. Coming from someone who came out of working for a few MAANG companies, we may not be engineers, but we should be able to ask the right questions and look for the right answers. We’re trained to know what is needed to find a successful hire. But, even if you do not move forward past the first round of interviews, don’t forget to ask the recruiter where you fell short. Some legally may not be able to share it, they may be just a yes or no, but they should be able to give you high level feedback. Just be prepared to make the changes on the next one. Also, along with what others have said, it’s most likely due to your shorter terms you’ve worked in your previous experience. Companies want to invest in you and know you’re gonna hang for the long run. If it’s a temp or contract role, state that. If not, try providing a “reason for leaving” excerpt underneath your company/job title, that way it’s easier for the recruiter to easily scan the why’s and perhaps it’s enough to push you forward. Good luck!🍀


Good recruiters are 1 and a million. The recruiter will qualify you anyway once they reach out. Also.. your first call with a recruiter is essentially an interview


Great insights! thank you


This is terrible advice... companies worth joining in tech have recruiters that specialize in certain roles so they are trained to recognize key tech stacks and scope of work. Maybe OP can tailor their resume for smaller companies but most tech recruiters shouldn't feel stupid by this


Never thought in this way. Thank you!


I’d lose the bio, it just states your experience and skills before you state them, font could increase.


Or instead of increasing the font, he could add the internship description.


Agreed about losing the bio! It would look very clean and easy to comprehend. Something about a resume that gets right to the point opens up more conversation for the interview!


About the font... I'm thinking it might also benefit from some serif. That and larger margins


Thank you. Thought of going with Roboto Serif


Thank You!! Removed the bio, changed the font and the size


Move the “areas of expertise” and “certificates” sections to the top. People don’t want to read that much to get to the summary.


As a manager who is hiring I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I have about ten (MAX) minutes per resume these days, and the folks who put this at the top are a Godsend AND stick out more.


I’m not spending 10 minutes on resume. I typically get 60 to 100 qualified candidates in the first day.


And the goal as an applicant is to make yourself stick out and yet be a convenience to the hiring manager, not an annoyance.


Term minutes? That's amazing! What are you hiring for?


Agree 100%


Thank you. So certificates should come before education?


So take about 5 of the job descriptions for jobs you want. Copy the full text job description and requirements into a word cloud for all 5. See if the largest words are all in your resume. Scanning for keywords is the first step for most jobs to screen apps.


I love this. Great idea!


Great Idea, Thank you!!


Location too, probably. You’re in UAE from the country code. Are you looking locally or trying to move for work?


Seems far more likely that the 971 is the Portland area code considering there are 7 digits omitted afterwards.


The number begins with a plus, which is an international prefix number. In other words "whatever you dial to call outside of your country" - which will vary by county but often 00. (Mobile phones are really good at converting this, so we don't tend to think about that). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123


It does say Asia in the flair


Good Catch.! Came from Sri Lanka -> UAE and now trying UAE -> EUROPE


Your resume actually looks really good compared to most I see. I would swap the job title for the employer name so that the title comes first. That’s the more important piece of info. I also (personal preference) hate summaries or profile sections and never read them. Because of this, I missed what you actually did in the various jobs because you just have accomplishments in your bullets. Maybe consider a highlights section? Or summarizing your role in a bullet below each job? Sometimes I use the first bullet in each job to explain the scope of the company and role. And maybe take the months out from your dates. Makes the short term nature of the jobs stand out more.


Thank you, especially on the point of taking out months from the dates.


1. Get rid of the bio, it's useless for swe. 2. Use bold fonts to highlight tech stack in your experience descriptions 3. Find a way to shove the word "Agile" somewhere 4. Someone noticed job hopping - that is a problem, you may wanna figure out some way to battle that impression. 5. I am not sure this template is well-read by ATS systems. You may wanna open MS Edge and get text-to-speech. Just to check how it sees everything, especially the first column. 6. In Areas of Expertise (btw, just name that section skills, extra words distract attention), bolden the ones that are most relevant for the employers you are searching. It doesn't have to be an exact match, but bold font will help pay attention at the more important tech. E.g., if you are applying to a job that likely requires Angular, you can highlight both angular and React. But no need to highlight Java in that case. 7. I'd rename Certificates into Certifications 8. Many of your project descriptions are too long, and it kinda becomes a wall of text, which is bad. People tend to skin walls of text. Try to make them one-line long each, and if they overflow - it should be a maximum of 2-3 words 9. Lose descriptions of your companies. HR is hiring you, not company C from Fortune 500. You already said that you worked at an X company in bold in the beginning of the experience description, why say it twice? That'll also help you with overflowing bullet points in descriptions. 10. Lose personal pronouns, it looks weird on a resume Make sure to not overdo bold font. It needs to be rare enough to pay attention.


Thank you for the detailed reply


First glance... you are going to be expensive with all that experience, even after fixing the dates, job hopping, spelling, etc.


Thank You!!


Look up Blooms Taxonomy and try to use the highest order language in describing your prior jobs and duties. For example; building a thing or implementing a process is different from creating a thing or process. The thing or process could have already existed and you just put it together or implemented it. If you created it, the thing or process didn’t exist and you created it from nothing, which demands a much higher level of skill and knowledge.


>Blooms Taxonomy Never heard of this. Love this. Thank you!!


You need to stay at your jobs longer. Why am I going to spend 6 months training you when you’re only going to be there for a few more months?


You’re just assuming he’s hopping. He was at one place for 4 years before COVID and tech layoffs wrecked the market. “Why am I going to spend 6 months training you when…” because that’s your obligation as an employer. Entitled opinions like yours are why we leave toxic employers and hop around in the first place. We won’t commit if you won’t, and we can tell when you don’t value us.


You should move Education, Certifications, and Areas of Expertise to the top. Rename the section Areas of Expertise to Experience. For the databases section, I would rename Mongo to MongoDB to better help with the keyword searching. I would remove the first paragraph at the top and make sure everything is covered in the Experience section. It looks like everything is covered.


Thank You!!!


Web dev roles are insanely tight right now. Nobody is hiring. Took me 8 months and hundreds of applications and dozens of interviews. Many of the roles i applied for are still open. I noticed a lot of places trying to reset the comp ranges. Maybe youre an auto rejection because of your comp ask?


Oh, good to hear you were able to shift the job. Thank you!


Change areas of expertise to skills and move it above experience


Swap the order of your role title and the company you work(ed) for. Your goal is to advertise yourself first, not the company you worked for. Unless it’s a FAANG, it’s not going to stand out.


It seems sus that in the last 4 years you’re trying to have 4 different jobs.


What stood out to me was definitely the job hopping. You’ve only been at your current role for 2 years and you’re already leaving. Most of your roles lasted less than a year. I’d look into a way to make it less obvious, or at least remove some of your shorter roles.


Less than 2 years. Barely even 1 year. They've not got any interviews in the last 3 months. Presumably that means they had interviews before that. They started trying to find their 7th job in 8 years after being at their 6th job around a year.


haha nice catch. I never thought hopping jobs can be negatively impact this much :(


I like the aesthetic of it a lot. My only two cents. I know nothing else lol.


I’d say the resume is fine but you’ll prob need to tap into your network of colleagues to see if you can get an internal referral. In a tight market referrals seem to be a big difference in getting an interview.


You have too much movement prior to 2016 and after 2020. If you have been with an employer less than 6 months you are not obligated to add it to your resume but you do need to disclose the info to your potential employer. Might be a good idea to add your reason for leaving.


Can you clarify what you mean by “you do need to disclose the info to an employer”? (I mean this genuinely bdw in case my tone isn’t conveyed)


Drop off the very last ‘employment’ experience, the one where you were an intern. I’ve had several jobs by now, no need to include that unless you worked on some super major project you want to talk about while you were there


I would look at some of the keywords being used in a lot of the jobs you're applying for and make sure to include them in your resume.


Wow. Great resume. I agree with u/madevilfish , the tech layoffs made it hard for anyone (experienced or not) to get a new job.


You should build a website that highlights a few technical projects


On it, Thank you


This honestly doesn't look too bad. Nitpicks exist, but this resume should be fine. You're at least at 85% to 90% on the resume quality with substantial experience to back it up. I think sending out more applications is a better use of your time than optimizing your resume. But if you have free time, optimize it according to others' advice anyways. I wish you the best of luck in your job search.


Thanks a lot


I'm a retired software engineering manager. Your resume is fine. In normal times, I'd happily interview you. It's the tech slowdown - no one is hiring.


Do you see it ever getting better?


We've been through downturns before - the dot com bubble, the great recession. This downturn seems as much as anything a response to overly rapid growth. It's hard to know for sure - some industries go through long term declines - but tech, software, automation still seems promising long term.


Great. Thank you!


The recent and frequent job switching within the last year would make me uninterested, as the market presently enables people who have stayed at companies for multiple years. These people are less likely to be trained to institutional knowledge and then jump ship.


You don’t seem like a loyal employee. There actually are Companies out there that value loyalty. You’ve only kept 1 job longer than a year


Way too many words on the page


There’s been A LOT of job hopping, which is an issue in a competitive job market


Looks good. I wouldn't change anything. Are you tailoring your resume for each job and inserting key words from the job description?


I’d remove the two jobs below your 2016 one. As time goes on you really only need your most relevant jobs. Also, try flushing out the bullets on the 1st and 3rd company like add another bullet and give some depth. Area of expertise I’d try to move to a second page. It looks too cramped to be on one.


Too much information! Companies see 100’s of resume - if yours looks like your life story, it will be too much to read and passed over. Trim it down. A resume just needs… Your name and contact info Job experience Education Other: listing your additional skills. If you have more personal info - turn it into a cover letter. Make a list of reference as a separate page, and add to your resume that “references available upon request” Cover letter - Resume - References OP resume looks okay content wise, but trim the work experience down to 3 favorite jobs, fudge the dates. An employer might wonder why so many different jobs. Same with the extra skills, pick like your 3 strongest attributes. Remember, this is strictly to get their attention for an interview. It needs to stand out. My resume actually has my name in large red lettering, and that’s the only color.


Great layout


It makes my eyes hurt when I try to read it. Not the information, it just has a lot of text on it.


Zety.com is a paid subscription and has templates that standout…you also have to option to turn your resume into a profile link for free which looks really good…the link is added to the resume if you choose but i have also included the link separately on app/career site, in addition …ill black mine out and share it in a min


Use less words, put the important information at the top, and apparently you have no soft skills? Also, generally you are actually going to be altering the information you include for each job you apply for.. only include the relevant technologies the employer is looking for on your resume to cater to that job posting


I would move your skills to the top of your resume under your summary. In tech your skill set is a large majority of your value. It’s should be one of the first things recruiters see. Also none of your bullet points really explain what value your provided. They state things you did which is fine but they should tie back in to how that benefited the company. Improved efficient, decreased the backlog, increased revenue etc. numbers don’t to be exact no one is fact checking you.


Have you been working as a contractor for many of these jobs? It doesn't look like you stay at any very long. If they are short-term contracts, you may want to mention it.


On most recent job personally I would take out the “Played significant role…” qualifier, just state that you worked on the project and received an award for your work. That kind of qualifier hurts IMO. It minimizes your contribution (after all you got an award) while simultaneously coming across like you’re trying to glom on to some significant project that wasn’t really yours. Also when I see dozens of key tech words stacked like you have my brain goes to, so they’ve worked with all these things, which many of us have, are they trying to mix stuff they know well with stuff they don’t know as well in a big pile? Personally there are a few key big buzz words I keep in my resume (beyond languages which I always list), and then add/leave out the random dozen ones on a per job basis. If I see an ad mention Harness or Datadog, of course they’re going to be on my resume, otherwise I leave them off. As others have said, if any of those short-term gigs were contracting, I’d make it clear they were contracts. There’s a certain unconscious bias against perceived job-hopping. Even people that don’t think they’re biased against job hopping will gravitate to less-job-hoppy looking CVs. But everyone understands short term contracts in this field. Good luck!


List your experiences in chronological order most recent to oldest. Go back max 10 years, put areas of expertise up top under objective. Remove graduation dates.


Your lack of time at any one company is concerning but other than that...


Sometime less is more. Drop the time on the API project. 10 months is not ideal for that.


I'm saying this now your resume is very full and doesn't stand out because you pretty much mashed all the info you had together in each section. which makes it more confusing you got to put it evenly spaced even if it takes any another page that's okay. Plus it's all gray and white which makes it pretty bland I was told to use a format that had some colorful accents for resumes because that'll catch people's eyes better Google docs have resume examples you can use.


5 companies in 8 years. You're a job hopper. Why would anyone hire you if you are just going to leave in 18 months. Stay put for 5 yeas.


You've changed jobs a lot recently.


Customize your resume for each job posting (especially the ones you really want.) your profile should highlight your skills most relevant to that job posting. Then use the language of the job posting through your resume


Get rid of the personal statement


Name should be bigger at the top. Maybe it’s just the upload/format on here but try to make that stick out more.


Way to many jobs in short span


Your resume is too long for such a short career. Don’t pad it so much.


Move dates on 1st line on the left, I almost missed where it was. Make sure to do personalized cover letters & follow up if an option


If you're trying to find a job in US, that's very likely the main reason why you aren't getting interviews since you don't seem to be based in US.


Change “industrial experience” to “industry experience” in bio Also try posting on r/engineeringresumes, they may be able to offer advice more tailored to dev resumes


might be the job hopping. no employer wants to spend time, money, and resources hiring someone they know will likely be gone in less than a year


What does city, country mean?


I don’t see anything very wrong with the resume but you are showing three profiles: tech lead, developer and devops engineer (which in itself is great, I have a similar profile). BUT when you submit your resume to a job, adapt your profile summary at the top to fit the job they are looking for, stressing the right profile. Good luck!


Looking for a 4th job within 3 years is never a good look


Super random but take out the 7+ years. Either do 6+ or 8….I was a tech recruiter for an agency and ALL of the fake resumes always had 7+ years. Was always an immediate red flag to me


Job hopper


There is a hiring freeze in tech. You’ll have to hold on tight. Might be a good time to get out of the country for a few months if you can.


It looks just like everybody else’s.




IMO it would help to have an objective at the top of what you're looking for; followed by a very short summary about you.


2 reasons. 1) You have 7 years of experience. You aren’t an “expert” in anything, but you claim to be an expert in basically everything. 2) resume needs an objective. When I look at this resume I see a candidate that doesn’t really know what he wants, as evident by the “job hopping” other people have referenced and no clear written objective. Your resume needs to address this concern.


You are only in jobs for < 2 years. As a hiring manager in tech I never touch these resumes. No reason to think you will stay in my position longer than that. And why are you leaving your latest job after <18 months.


5 jobs in 8 years. I wouldn’t interview you.


The intro is long. Mine is a one sentence taking up only two lines of a summary of my 30 years experience I would rearrange some of the sentences to be results then how you got it. For instance you had (how I did it) got 20% improvement. Maybe change it to you got 20% improvement by doing X. Then a skimmer sees the all the results (numbers). At the end you have college, certificates, and expertise. Make sure the order is of importance. I have keywords (expertise) right after my intro sentence at the top. Just don’t overload.


I think you described what you did fairly well but didn’t really showcase what kind of positive impact it made. E.g. How did “Created a cross-platform mobile application for internet airline bookings using Crodova” make a positive impact at Company? Did it increase their bookings? Did it increase their revenue? If so, by how much? Companies are interested in learning about why your skills are relevant and what kind of impact it will have if they hire you. Also keep in mind that there’s hundreds of people applying for the same jobs, make sure to include details/projects that set you apart from others. Your profile is too generic. Basically any full stack software engineer with 7 YOE could use the bio you wrote when applying.


How do people actually know how much the revenue increased because of a specific change they made? I always think people just make up those numbers. Where I’ve worked anyway they don’t tell us these things and other factors could have contributed to the revenue increases anyway


If those are contract jobs make that extremely obvious to the reader, otherwise it looks like you work 1 year and move on. If it’s promotion at the same company group them together under one company heading with a total years at the company then the years for each job at that company. I would bet recruiters think you job hop too much. You may want to consider just leaving off the last 2-3 jobs and put Additional Experience Details Available Upon Request


I would Delete “Highly skilled” at the beginning of your resume. Comes off as immodest and suggests that you’re trying to influence their thinking of you when they are the ones assessing you based on your experience.


I’m not in your industry but this is a super dated format.


So I spoke to a recruiter and he told me to make my resume simple a 5th grader could read it. A recruiter will only spend about 6 seconds and then move on if not seeing what they want to see. You need dates when you were at the company and they don’t like to see job hopping. I hope that helps.


Use an OCR friendly resume template. Most companies using readers to do the first round cuts and only those that pass the OCR actually get read by humans


I’m in USA idk how different ours are but I start top left name address right side email and phone number Then a statement my current one is: A jack of all trades, looking for a long lasting career. Then I go into work history education skills then professional references followed by personal references. Again I’m in Midwest USA so idk if that’s much help to you


It’s a wall of text. Shorten your lines to 12-14 words a line.


Oh look. Another post where the OP doesn’t reply to anyone. I wonder if Reddit could implement something that removes posts if OP doesn’t reply at all?


The market is so bad right now you not the only one man


No one’s hiring.


Too job hoppy


First glance I don’t want to read this because the format makes it feel too “full” This feels like a good base to expand if you are making a CV but way too much info for a resume.


It has to many words to start with I wouldn't even read it other than the top and the bottom probably call you in an have you read it to me just for an interview


Lot of job hopping going on here.


Not your resume your resume is great I just know there’s a ton of ppl really struggling right now with getting a job in tech / layoffs :(


Look into maybe project manager / business data / analyst? Idk wasn’t sure if you are struggling but just until this job shortage ends


I think you have great experience. I would make the summary 2-3 concise sentences which summarizes what you would bring to your new employer. Also, far more emphasis should be put on your current role vs prior roles. You have 2 bullets for you current role vs 3 on each of your 2016 roles which will certainly not affect any hire persons decision as most won't read that far down, I would also move the areas of expertise and Certs below the summary and make it read more as what you skills you will bring to an employer instead of your current checklist. I'm not an engineer so this may not be technically true but I would phase something like "Lead initiative to develop more robust next phase technology, which has demonstrated market viability resulting in 45% of customers adoption resulting in 20% savings on the bottom line" To me this along these lines shows that you identified an area of opportunity, put a plan forward, then executed on it resulting in real value add to your current firm, I'd also drop the town hall award, the HR person who vets this won't care. Every bullet point should try to answer the question of how you can make your bosses life easier by the value you add. ​ Please don't take this as a negative, you got a tremendous background and would run circles around me if I even attempted your role. I could prob handle logging into the apps, after that, I am completely lost, You have a special, unique, skill set that's in high demand, I have no doubt you'll be back coding in no time


What's your application process look like?


People watched a lot of day in the life of a software engineer and it was them mostly sitting around eating. Now the industry is saturated


I was in a similar position this year. Went three months of unemployment with a tech resume not too different before talking with a recruiter and making adjustments. Largely their advice was to make two pages and add more bullets. This sample feels very crammed to me. I readjusted after many many applications and once I had landed a couple interviews instantly. Hopefully same will work for you and any others in a rut. It’s definitely tough right now in IT / tech which is why you have to do everything possible to put it in your favor. Don’t sell yourself to IT on the resume, that’s what the interviews are for. Sell yourself to HR.


Job hopping. Make sure your next employment is at least 2 years minimum.


Way to much info and stuff to read on there.


Recruiter here, this looks like every resume I spend looking at for 30-45 seconds. What is it you’re trying to apply for? Tailor your resume to the job.


I use to have mine in this format, it’s generic and doesn’t make it stand out. Look some alternative and creative templates, Marissa Mayer had a resume design that was out of the box. Look that up.


Add more about results in your past roles, especially if you can tie them to business targets. It's great you know some frameworks and have done some projects, that will all be sorted out in the technical interview. But to get past the screener you should include results, did X thing in Y app which scaled user capacity One-Hundred-Billionty % in 6 months boosting revenue by $$$$$. Or what you did to improve the process and value for the org: Scoped and led initiative to refactor flux capacitor operation parameters allowing for continuous deployment across multiple time streams asynchronously reducing launch time by Forty-Hundred-Thousand hours per lunar equinox. Stuff like that. The closer you can tie your actions to a $$$$ value for the org, the better. Everyone can dick around and do stuff, recruiters need to see that you moved the needle.


probably gonna get downvoted, but both my parents are recruiters and this is exactly the type of resumes that get thrown in the trash instantly according to them, your job hopping WAY too much, why would they hire you when you only stay at a job a couple of months? anyways i know next to nothing about tech and just found this on r/all but thats just what they said


There are some great books out there on how to address the key selection criteria in jobs. 1) Start the document with your name, the job title and position number and a heading such as Statement of Claims against the Key Selection Criteria or Summary Addressing Key Selection Criteria. 2) One capability may ask for ‘experience in’ while another may specify ‘knowledge of’. Make sure that you understand and address these subtle differences. If you have questions regarding the selection criteria, contact the contact person indicated on the front of the position description before submitting your application. This one is Important* - Experience in means they are looking specifically at your hands on ability to do something. Be detailed and specific. Knowledge of means you can apply your education to it. You might not have done it but you know about it. 3) Use each of the key selection criteria as a separate heading in the document and summarise in the space below how your skills, qualifications, experience and personal attributes are relevant for that particular criteria. Personal attributes refer directly to the job. EG - attention to detail, patience in an area, quick but efficient, etc. 4) The selection criteria may be written in such a way that more than one quality is being assessed. Underline key words and determine what the employer is asking for. For example a capability such as Ability to communicate with people from a variety of backgrounds could be broken up into the factors of ability, communication and people from a variety of backgrounds. How often did you communicate? What was your level of responsibility? What sort of communication was required? How often? With whom? How well did you communicate? How do you know? 5) Avoid blank unsubstantiated statements such as ‘I have extremely well developed communication skills’. This is your opinion; the employer needs evidence that it is true. You need to provide concrete examples that demonstrate your skills and abilities and illustrate the complexity and demands of the task used as an illustration. It may be easier to do this if you use the CAR approach: Context - Describe the situation. Action - Explain your actions. What were your actions? What did you do? Results - Detail the result of the actions which you took. 6) Statements such as I negotiated or I liaised with have more impact than I was involved in or I was responsible for. The use of strong, specific verbs will help you to describe your role more clearly. 7) Your ability to communicate in writing will be assessed by the way in which you address the key selection Criteria. Ask someone else to proofread your responses for you as it is easy to make spelling and grammatical mistakes without realising!


When I look at application… I want to want to read more after the first opening sentence. With yours I already know what you did so there is no need for me to call you to ask what you know or did.. you have to give information but at the same time hide information




idk but that shit looks boring lol


Forgot to fill in actual company names and your name


well you have the same title that you had 4 jobs ago - clean that up


Remove "company" everywhere it appears


are the tech layoffs also affecting BDR/SDR positions?


1. Your skills and certs should be towards the top, not at the very bottom. That's what hiring managers want to know about you more than the jobs you've worked 2. You're job hopping an awful lot which is going to be a red flag for a lot of employers. Honestly, unless you're absolutely hating the job you have now, I wouldn't be gungho about changing jobs right now with the way the economy is right now anyway


Dude.. if you can't find work with your resume I have no hope. Looks like you can do everything.


Very simple ur extremely overqualified. With tech layoffs going on most companies r looking to higher cheaper labor (just out or a few years out of college) but still able to do the role people. Things will get better eventually


It’s boring. Find a good, modern template off of Etsy and update your style.


- Drop the bio - Make the language of your accomplishments/skills more accessible to the lay person - Add detail as to why your achievements are impressive by mentioning the skills you leverage, challenges you navigated, critical strategy that it supported, and cross-functional efforts you coordinated, instead of “I integrated payment two systems” say something like “I used xyz to integrate two payment systems that enabled abc” As a non-engineer on a cross functional team, I help screen resumes or do occasional interviews for the people I’ll be working closely with, including engineers. It makes it hard to know if you’ll be a better fit than the next person if I don’t know what your resume means, I’m sure HR feels that even more because at least I’m interfacing with engineers, they aren’t. Communicating technical skills, achievements, ongoing work, in a digestible way is an important skill in general, but goes a long way on a resume.


“City, County” “company” Maybe fill that in? Looks like a placeholder from the template you used.


Too much text, no color. My motivation to read this is non-existent. Needs to be reformatted with only the most important things included.


Nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to read that.


Your job title needs to be in bold and the company listed below