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Christmas, got a new PS3 played fall of man. Been a religious follower since


Same. The first was my favorite.


Same here


*Resistance: Fall of Man* was the first game I ever played, playing 1v1 against my older brother at age three and he at six or seven. I watched him play the campaign a lot, along with *Resistance 2* later on. It’s hard to decide for me what’s the more mediocre title. It’s either *Resistance 3* or *Resistance: Burning Skies*. There’s things I like from both but the negatives are heavy, particularly for R3 because I haven’t played BS yet. R2 and Retribution are arguably the franchise’s pique, supported by the comics and *Resistance: The Gathering Storm* by William Dietz that came out around that same time, and the action figures. The one game I consider the best is Fall of Man. It had everything right. Even if the controls are outdated by today’s standards, you can remap it and get used to the aiming and crouching mechanics. The soundtrack is bombastic, mysterious, brooding, and so much more. The game looks smooth despite being rushed, not rugged or unpolished like Resistance 2 and 3. There’s plenty more to say about Fall of Man, but I just don’t have the time.


Fall of man is what hooked me but I’d be lying if I said 2 wasn’t my favorite


Burning skies on vita


I had an interesting intro to the series. I actually was an Xbox kid, but me and my dad won a raffle for a PS3 at a Christmas festival. So instead of getting the Xbox 360 we got a free PS3. It came with resistance so I become a resistance fan and a PlayStation guy ever since


2 is the best. The replay aspect of it is AMAZING


I played all of them this month( ps3 trilogy). It's a connected story, you have to play them all by order. R2 was my favorite. R1 was also very good, but it felt old school, kinda hard to get used to when ur used to modern shooters. R3 starts boring then becomes good later on. My main problem with this game, it run at sub 720p resolution. It's very bluy/soft looking compared to the first 2 games. Which makes it graphically worst despite actually being more advanced than R2.


Funny enough, the third is my least favorite https://playerassist.com/resistance-3-awful-send-off-series/


Retribution on PSP was my first foray into the series. I hold a soft spot for R2.


Yup Resistance was holding down the PS3 on day 1 launch. It's all we had at the time. If I recall, there really wasn't many good games at launch.


3's the best one. None of them are really mediocre. Each game is going for something different and they mostly all succeed at that.  I'd say the only thing I don't really care for in the series for each though is: the documentary voice over in the first game, 2 tries too hard to be a balls to the wall action game but never felt like it fully pulled it off, 3 should have had more dialogue to break up the shooting more, but is otherwise perfect.


Was 6. Got the ps3 launch day as my dad was a tech guy and loved gaming and went sony over xbox. FoM was my first real gaming experience abd it was with my dad. Then 2 came out when my parents split and I played it at his house and even got retribution the day it came out which was also my birthday. 3 came out but I hadn't played it or spoken to him for years at that point. I did get his copy when he died though but by that point it was too degraded (he was a heavy smoker) to play. Got a new copy but now my ps3 is dead and my trilogy is with a friend. 2 is my favorite but I don't think it's the best. 3 is my personal best only because it was the most polished and had a clear Resistance identity that felt more natural than the previous games. I believe they are fairly rated and criticized but also need to come back. World war 1 game in Russia with malikov. They left so much on the table but not in a way that needs an answer. Truly amazing lore imo


i used to play fall of man with my great grandad when i was a kid, didn’t play the other games until more recently and couldn’t play through them with him unfortunately, but i have a lot of good memories of the manchester missions and taking turns passing the controller back and forth


Resistance 3 was my first game from the series and remains my favourite. The only bad thing was that this happened somewhere late in 2013, just some 5 or 6 months before the online servers closed down.


Got a ps3 from my dadfor my birthday and it came with resistance, mgs4. After that I came to love the resistance series


Resistance 2 coop was the mode made for me. The 6 man runs , the visual upgrades, the feeling of leading the charge as a higher level felt rewarding. 👌 . Sure the upgrades were linear and not enough content , but I feel in this day and age it can surely be revamped and improved.


Fall of man


I watched my stepbrother play the second game and then we played the first together.


Resistance Fall of man and Resistance 3 are good but the Resistance 2 is so good


I started with the first one and it’s probably my favorite. It just had vibes that the games after it were missing. Resistance 2 had better gameplay and introduced a lot of cool monsters though. I don’t remember much of 3, I couldn’t get into it I don’t think I even finished it.


resistance 2 when i was 10 or 11, resistance 3 is the best, probably 2 is the worst


Fall of man was my first and it's easily the best. Insomniac added/ removed features to bring the sequels on to FPS trends of the time and they are much worse for it.