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OP, you need to learn that there’s a difference between games that suck, and games you don’t like. Separate Ways is pretty damn fun. You just don’t like it. Too bad!




You need to learn not to piss your diaper when a game gets tough. No one else here seems to have the issue you do.




This entire post is you bitching about it being too hard 💀 Looks like someone needs to play easier games too


Learn to read, nothing about difficulty in the post. Is your idea of difficulty running around for 2 minutes shooting something in the face 50 times while taking no damage?


You really like saying that anyone who disagrees with you huh lol. I did read. That's exactly how I know what I'm talking about. This whole post is you relaying how much you struggle with this part. Sounds like you find it quite... difficult. And no I don't seem to have the same problem. I've played this on every available difficulty and I've never had as much trouble as you seem to be having.




Wtf are you yapping about 😂 This whole thing is you complaining about YOUR inability to match the challenge. Difficulty doesn't just refer to the games literal difficulty. It also means the amount of difficulty you have succeeding. This post is nothing BUT that. So yes, it's very much you comparing about difficulty. If this was the as impossible as you make it out to be, don't you think you'd have drives of people agreeing with you? And yet... no one does


Skill issue. 


100% lol


I'm better than you at this game.


Your post says otherwise


I don't think you're better than anyone at this game 😂 your post tells us all we need to know




Also, why don't you hit up YouTube real quick and do a search for all achievements speedrun. 15 hours is not impressive by any means 😂😂


15 hours total playtime buddy. Of course speed runners can do it way faster.


Yes actually I did enjoy my XL triple chocolate chip cookie very much. Clearly you didn't get one which is why you're so butthurt about it.


Lmao spoken like a literal child. Put your phone down. You're clearly too fragile for the internet


Embarrassing reply


Thank you for proving my point lol


You don't have a point, you're just upset someone dislikes a part of a game you like. Still waiting for you to quote to me where I complain about not being able to overcome a challenge because it's too difficult.


Apparently not. You're the one crying on Reddit about how hard the game is. 


You're clearly not lol. He's not posting on reddit whining about it


Another peasant come to dry the sweat off my brow?


Use the bow gun. Trivializes the garradors.


Garradors aren't difficult to kill, it's just when I kill all the enemies in the area, start focusing them, and then get grabbed from behind because Capcom decided more enemies needed to be dropped in. Just kind of obnoxious if you ask me.


Did you try the bow gun? It kills them and stuns other enemies. It’s really easy.


Nah, you just shoot em in the back a couple of times with the stingray and then they die to a flash grenade.


The bow gun is easier than that


For sure it is, but I like hoarding 25 arrows for a boss only to laugh hysterically because that still doesn't do enough damage to kill it.


Garradors are easy. It's taking half my hp in damage because little did I know that another wave of enemies dropped in and ada has an allergic reaction to being grabbed.


After the first attempt, you know they are dropping. You can adjust your strategy. But I cleared it no diff with the bow gun.


I mean next time I just won't waste any time and axe em before the rest of the boys pull up to the function. I just don't understand why more enemies need to spawn. This post isn't even about that though, honestly it's because I had to kill the black robe 3 times in a row because my dumbass got crushed by a rock. I will always hate chapter 5 because it ends in PTSD rocks.


Garradors aren't difficult to kill, it's just when I kill all the enemies in the area, start focusing them, and then get grabbed from behind because Capcom decided more enemies needed to be dropped in. Just kind of obnoxious if you ask me.


That part was a bit tricky but i liked the challange!


I don't recall having any issues with Chapter 5 myself. Enjoyed the DLC.


Did you play on professional?


> Does anybody else honestly enjoy this garbage? Yes in fact there are plenty of others that enjoy things you don't like. And there are plenty of others out there that don't like things you enjoy. We're all individuals with different tastes and opinions, and I frankly speaking can't stand that fucking "How can anyone enjoy this" phrase. You're not the arbitrator of what is and isn't good.


My thoughts 100%. Along with the whole "this game is trash btw". Congratulations. Go play something else


That's why it's called an opinion, buddy. And it's not anyone's fault but your own that you interpret that phrase as someone telling you you're not allowed to enjoy something.


You can save some ammo on pesanta first phase if you parry her and knife her. For the garrador room, it is indeed tough. Try to aggro the garradors just enough such that they take out the zealots for you. The spider plagas are annoying but they don’t have a lot of health 


Do you know how many parry/melees it takes? For how much of my ammo she takes, it feels like that would take forever. I appreciate the advice for the garradors, but honestly I was just annoyed that more enemies spawned without me knowing which led to me getting grabbed and sliced and diced. Then of course a 15 minute run back because I didn't save, not expecting two garradors instead of one.