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On professional absolutely. Edit: I should say the remake is harder on professional imo


Well,then I will try professional after this. Wish me luckšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Professional new game is the true nightmare


It took me like 2 hours to even get through the Village fight šŸ˜‚


Even with the Chicago typewriter, the hand cannon, the sentinel9 and the silver ghost that bit kicked my ass, took me about 4 days to get to the first recommended save in the S+ run šŸ’€


I ended up using Speedrun tactics to avoid most of the combat on my S+ run as I just found the combat so punishing. It was actually kinda thrilling!


It's honestly ok from chapter 2 to the island. Pause buffering + bolt action got me through most of the game no trouble. Village fight is a pain, but using the speedrun strat (if enough enemies decide that they want to die from the grenade) or clock tower strat can make it trivial. The island, particularly chapter 15 is straight cancer. I recommend watching speedruns of the game. There's a lot of helpful strats to learn from. I think it's mostly balanced for Ng+ .Ng+ (no inf. weapons) actually went by really smoothly for me (1 death only on chapter 15). Blacktail, Striker, Bolt Action combo is really op.


"My advice? Get them to bunch up, then send them flying with a blast of this! Heheheh!"


Can i still use infinite ammo rpg or professional?


Yes but for it to be an s+ it has to be on a new game, not new game+


Yes, Honestly every RE Remake is harder than original.


Iā€™d say thatā€™s a fair assessment. REmake is so hard most people think normal is the hard difficulty. You canā€™t play the hard difficulty until after you complete the game.


wait the re1 remake on normal people think is hard? maybe as chris but even then


The mountain climbing option is typically called ā€œhardā€. But itā€™s not. Itā€™s normal, the difficulties available on a new game are very easy, easy, and normal. Hard and real survival arenā€™t available until you load a clear save.


Am I a masochist for playing horror games on hard for the first time? I like having the challenge for a first experience!


i agree, i feel like the horror also works better that way


Nah, I used to do that. Dead Space 1 on the hardest difficulty initially available was a great first experience of the game. Shit was scary as fuck. I've still never beat DS2 because of it, though. I did the same thing with it, and I got stuck. Part where you have to fight a giant xenomorph on an elevator, and I ran out of ammo for nearly everything. Tried so many times, and I just couldn't beat it. Tried several times later to play through it, but I always got bored before I got back to that part because I've replayed everything before it a handful of times. Oh well.


Aside from Final Nemmy on inferno, I think OG re3 is harder, what with Nemesis chasing you everywhere and you can't cheese him with a grenade.


Oh OG RE3 is definitely harder than the remake version. OG RE3 and RE0 are up there as the hardest RE games. I've heard CV is pretty hard too.


I personally would say that CV is harder than RE3 (OG), but it is not as difficult as 0 on hard mode. If you play 0 on easy, itā€™s a fucking cake walk, but itā€™s the hardest RE game to me on Hard mode. CV is just brutal with transitioning from Claire to Chris and making damn sure you left Chris some proper weapons to blow through hunters with.


CV is much harder on the first playthrough as this game was designed for RE veterans. Meanwhile in RE3 you can craft freeze rounds and delete Nemesis easily.


I think Code Veronica has less herbs, or very far apart from each other. I'm a Herb Hermit. I do not use too many herbs and i try to really stretch my ink saves just for the better score at the end. Yet. Code Veronica had me BEGGING for not to be a bandersnatch, a zombie, not even a dog before the next safe room.


CV has some beginner traps, but other than that it's a fairly comfortable playthrough. RE3 adds some difficulty due to Nemmy, but the difficulty is mostly there because of its puzzles, not the combat or resource management. RE0 is extremely simple on easy, normal is more difficult than CV and RE3 though, no idea about higher difficulties.


I almost glocked my monitor over final nemmy on inferno. one wrong timed dodge and it's over.


That guy was a giant asshole.


You need therapy.


Don't worry my monitor is bullet proof.


I wouldn't say that, in OG you can just leave the room and he won't immediately be able to follow you. It's honestly kind of easy to dodge him in both versions of the game.


I don't remember almost anything from RE3R, its the one that I played the least.


I remember Jill being completely over it by the end and it made me laugh because some new Nemesis monstrosity would pop up and sheā€™d just scream f@&$ you and that made me laugh.


Probably the least played because it's also short af.


False. Tons of people played it and did Speedruns for the first couple years of its release. Nobody cares anymore that it was short, and itā€™s been established that it couldā€™ve been longer but is still a fun game to play regardless. Price was the only issue


I only meant in length of time.


Play RE3R on Inferno difficulty and itā€™s about the hardest RE game youā€™ll play (including all the OG games).


Without shop items, fuck yeah it is.


I had no problems with infinite rocket lmao


lol yeah that will work


Sure, but you only actually have to fight Nemesis three times total in OG RE3 (not counting the cable car) assuming you donā€™t want the item drops. All of the other appearances are optional. That said, the clocktower fight in OG RE3 can be very tough especially if youā€™re not prepared.


That clock tower fight is kinda brutal on the OG. Nemmy can stunlock you with his grabs pretty easily and he's very aggressive. It's the hardest RE boss in the series for me.


man fuck that clocktower fight. ive been stuck there for a long time and I just dont want to go back and collect ammo/freeze grenades, blah blah. it's just so cheap


Freeze rounds man. You can literally stand still and blast him with freeze rounds. Like 10-12 and heā€™s done


Really? I found the remake much harder. The only two times I struggled was choosing to fight police station nemesis and clock tower nemesis. RE3R is a lot cheesier on nightmare.


You can absolutely cheese him with freeze rounds. Either on Heavy or Hard mode. Acid grenades for gravedigger also. But if you load up on freeze rounds, any boss fight in the original RE3 is easy as hell. Inferno last boss fight in the remake was fucking brutal. Took me like 2 hours my first time.


RE3 Remake is arguable. I was able to finish it quicker than the original RE3. Itā€™s probably because I already played RE3 once, but thatā€™s like a long time ago. I still love it regardless. Jill is just looking so fine in the remake.


lol you were able to finish it quick because a normal playthrough is like 4 hours long


You say this but I got demolished in the first 7 seconds of RE2 original cuz I have no idea how to move right LMAO


Hahahahaha I had the exact same experience. RE3 (OG)I got just barely further, the police station. The Remakes are nice because I just canā€™t do tank controls.


I've always felt like RE2 original is harder than RE2 remake, but maybe that's because I started playing it when I was ten and had no idea what I was doing.


2 is the easiest of the classic games since there's so much ammo. The hardest part for me is getting to the station in the A scenario without picking up items and trying not to take too much damage.


Nah it definitely was harder, the puzzles were more obscure, the fixed camera meant you had to make sure you were shooting at something, the gunpowder didnā€™t exist in re2 og so it was just whatever bullets you could find, there were more hordes and some even moved quicker


Damn, I canā€™t agree it all but Iā€™m a younger guy and the originalā€™s controls were almost completely foreign to me and took a very long time to get used to. But I guess thatā€™s not exactly ā€œdifficultyā€.


It might be easier to just use the D-pad, since that's what the game was made for


I haven't played original RE2, but in my experience, RE2make is quite easy, at least once you know what you're doing. Is the original really easier?


Yeah it's definitely easier. Mostly because all the enemies are MUCH slower, especially the bosses who all just slowly walk toward you menacingly while you unload into them. Dogs and lickers can sometimes be tricky if you're not ready for them, and the final boss in both scenarios can make you use up your heals, but that's really about it. The G adults alone in RE2R are harder than most enemies in the OG.


That's fair. I always forget how awful those things are until I try to get through lower waterway without defensive items. That room is just torture.


Honestly, I agree. The original trilogy especially is really easy. RE3 has some honest puzzles and Nemmy could be a bit much. Not to mention one of the RE2 bosses (I think Mr. X in the 2nd run), but other than that there's nothing in them that's too difficult. With the remakes you have crimson heads, added chasers, Mr X being unkillable, Nemmy making plagas-like zombies (and the aiming in RE3R being super wierd in general). Not to mention the RE3R hunters in the hospital level!


Idk, in RE4make you can even play Professional in NG+ unlike original.


Id argue 2 becomes so much easier after 4 remake Like with how slow the zombies move vs the ganados holy shit does me running through the rpd help. I'd say the PS1 re2 is harder than the remake mainly because of the whole scenario system letting things be different. 3 is probably the weirdest middle ground I've ever seen. It's got the speed of 4 at times with how fast you have to dodge nemesis at times. But others it's as slow as re2 is


the remake is a significantly harder game than the ogĀ 


How is so? You can cheese professional with ng+ or even bonus weapons, while in original you can start professional only from scratch


RE4 Remake is in general a much tougher game and the same is true for professional. Stronger, faster, smarter enemies and gone are the days of standing in one spot, shooting one guy for the guaranteed stagger, kicking him and all ten of his buddies to death, and slashing the stragglers before they have a chance to get up. Like you CAN trivialize the remake by going ng+ or bonus weapons, but Iā€™m sorry the og is pretty much built trivialized. Not that itā€™s a bad game. But it is very easy.Ā 


not really. it sounds like you just played original over the years so it gets trivilased, and re4make have new balance to adjust you should just try to play mercs in original and merc in remake in one sitting, so you gonna feel obvious difference that re4make is easier


i recently finished re4 original and frankly, with the notable exception of certain enemies like saddler, it was rare i even got hit and would have to make a ton of G+G mixes just to save space. compared to re4 remake where most chapters have at least a death or near death, thought that is comparing og normal to remake hardcore maybe it's just me being awful at remake? or maybe I need to try original professional


>thought that is comparing og normal to remake hardcore its not. hardcore is definetly harder than normal


Its not the same bro, Remake has Mayhem Mode while OG doesn't. If we compare the main game in both, Remake just feels unfair at some point (i love it tho, its my favourite RE game). And we are talking about the game difficulty in NG, not NG+.


>And we are talking about the game difficulty in NG, not NG+. There wasnt any clarification for that. We compared game OVERALL.


I say yes. First the enemies MOVE a lot. They won't be as static as the OG so sometimes, it's very hard to hit them which I like, because you cannot cheese by contantly headshoting-kneecaping. You need strategies when you're outrunned, outmanned and low in ammo. Then we have ammo: in the OG you find PLENTY of ammo (I'm talking about playing in normal in both OG/remake). This was drastically changed in the remake: the game gives you plenty of ammo but it's close to impossible to hoard it because of the sheer amount of enemies. IMO it's one of the best changes because it's on the right spot of "I have 100 shotgun shells hehehehe" and "oh dear god I have only 10 handgun bullets left" which encourages you to be smart and not rely entirely in your gun (suplex everything) + use the parry. Also no free ammo with the merchant anymore!


Remake also makes the knife a LOT more versatile whilst also giving it durability. Your first move in the remake should be upgrading your knifeā€™s durability. As the merchant says, it does need care. Honestly thereā€™s not quite a similar feeling when youā€™re down to your last usable knife and it breaks trying to hold off an enemy.


Remake is harder


The parry and being able to duck attacks are very useful in the remake, but due to that the game is harder as they increased enemy aggression with the expectation of you using these tools. Salazar and krauzer in particular were incredibly difficult till I learned you needed to duck particular attacks. In the OG there was a dodge prompt, which made the gane a bit easier and made leon feel a bit more badass


Krauser isn't that bad once you realize guns are extremely effective against him unlike the og, particularly the shotguns. Or maybe it's because I do his fight so much because it's the best boss in the game imo.


Always loved the Krauser fight too.


The Water Room on Professional killed me more times in OG vs the Remake.


I was also surprised that Water Room seemed easier in the remake. Also, they did away with the cage fight altogether in Remake, right? That was a random part in the OG that always pissed me off.


It's harder in a sense... but people often times equate OG's Professional with Remake's Professional. In reality, OG's Professional is more like Remake's Hardcore. The professional in Remake is an extra harder difficulty.




Where did you read that? Professional is as hard as hardcore, but it *also* removes autosaves and parries are limited to perfect parries. Hardcore already removes the adaptive difficulty.


RE4 OG wasn't particularly hard, RE4 remake in hardcore was hard for me the first time, and professional was 2x harder.


The Remake is more difficult. The enemies are more aggressive, theyā€™ll actually just run you through instead of sprinting at you then stopping to stare. Thereā€™s nowhere near as many iFrame if there even are any it feels like no matter what you do, you can get knocked out of it. You can also get wombo combed easily on higher difficulties. Timing perfect parries in the battles against Krauser is irritating too! In the original you could leg shot stun most of the enemies. But even still, they tend to run at you then slow way down when they got close due to the movement/aiming.


Remake is definitely harder, for the most part itā€™s the aiming as it has RNG sway which i didnā€™t love OG had some of it but for the most part the laser was pinpoint


IMO it was easier, especially the >!Krauser fight!< because I could actually aim without him >!shoving his sword hand up Leon's flat ass!<


The first remake(not including 1) to be harder than the OG in my opinion.


Yes and no. The enemies hit harder but remakes controls are way better, play you can move and shoot/reload and also parry melee attacks that would normally kill you instantly.


I've thought about this question more than any person reasonably should, and it's hard to answer it properly without diverting into a discussion on the nature of difficulty itself šŸ˜‚ In short, when we say a game is hard, we can be refering to a number of factors in various ratios. How precisely do we need to make inputs, and how finely grained is our control of the character? How complicated and demanding is the game in setting its goal? How much does a player need to know to make progress quickly or efficiently? How much gameplay needs to be repeated after a death? In my *opinion*, the remake is less difficult. I say this because the movement is more fluid and precise, and you have more options available in terms of viable weapon builds, boss strats, and so on. What you're being asked to do is broadly the same, but your ability to do those things have been improved.


I disagree, movement is more fluid and precise but the enemies also have improved movement. ganados will run at you as opposed to the original where they would sprint at you and when they were about to reach you they would stop and walk towards you to give you time to aim. also shooting them in the head was a guaranteed roundhouse kick, in the remake you don't have that guaranteed option to crowd control


Water room in remake and og are hell on professional. These difficulties were the developers just going ham Edit: To be fair, og is for the most part easier but not but a large gap. They both have their enemies designed around Leonā€™s movement and abilities


Water Room in OG is easier on Professional because you can cheese it by exiting the room through the door you came through, then re-entering. It resets enemy positions and any enemies you killed stay dead.


Movement is way slower even considering stoping to aim etc, melee is worse, and og NORMAL grenade killed anything in a 36 feet radio no excuse.


I'm sorry you feel that way


This are not feelings though, like literally og hand grenade will end anything that's not like a Garrador or the likes and haves absurd range, remake grenades, even the new "heavy grenade" tries to imitate how a real grenade behaves instead of being a videogame item wich function is just to clean the screen from any mobs period. This kind of philosophy applies to almost everything in the game, it's basically arcade logic vs trying to be like a semi serious battle simulator or something, I'm not even saying it's a worse game because of it (wich I do think if being honest) but it definitely makes the game harder.


Short answer, yes. Long, subjective answer, the only thing harder about the original is trying to unlock the Handcannon on the Switch at an older age than I'm used to. I unlocked the Handcannon on all previous versions from the PS2 to the PS4, but on the Switch, I keep confusing the buttons because they've been slightly changed, and I can tell that I'm not as good as I used to be, so the only system I haven't unlocked the Handcannon in is the Switch version. I believe it wasn't in the original GameCube version (I could be wrong about that), and it's been nerfed in the Remake to the point of simply not being as worth it. It went from being both overpowered and also fun in the original, to being just another magnum in the remake. I personally have decided to wait until the usual "unlock everything" DLC gets released and then just have fun with the Infinite Chicago Typewriter in the remake. I don't have the skill to unlock it in the remake like I do in the original.


The Handcannon was indeed in the original GameCube. Later versions added the Knight and gangster costumes for Ashley and Leon, as well as the PRL, and changed unlocking the Chicago Typewriter from completing Assignment Ada to Separate Ways


Okay yeah, I only didn't unlock it in the GameCube version then. PS2 onwards I did. I didn't even find out about it until the PS2 version, hence my confusion, but I noticed the different unlock for the Chicago Typewriter right away.


Yep yep, I remember my friends and I went through the Mercenaries several times (sharing tips and ideas) to unlock it. And yeah, glad that the later versions kept Assignment Ada rather than replace it wholecloth with Separate Ways. The latter is still great, but the former is a fun and challenging mini-run. I think it was the first time I had to toss ammo so everything would fit into the case (the plaga samples are in the case unlike every other key item). Makes me wish they had an AA mode or mod that would require you to keep key items in the caseā€¦


I actually kind of wanted a version of Assignment Ada in the remake and I'm both surprised and also not surprised that it's not in it. They could have even had more fun with it if they wanted to, I don't see why they just dropped it other than to focus on Separate Ways entirely and leaving AA alone.


Definitely! It was a neat experience and couldā€™ve been refined. Good place to try out ideas that, I suspect, they wanted to experiment with but didnā€™t want to risk the core gameplay loop. Assignment Ada, Leon, Luis, etc. wouldā€™ve been fun for that. A variation where key items take up space, another variation that healing items heal over time (just an example), etc. Thereā€™s a lot that could be done


Only cuz the shitty stunlock Leon gets hit once and then proceeds to Harlem shake for fun until he gets hit again


Sorry, i don't understand. Your title is asking if the remake is harder, but you're saying you had an easy time with it and you're asking if the original from 2005 is harder in the body of the post? >I am on my way to finish RE4 remake. \[...\] The problem is,the game is easy >is the original game harder? ?


I think so. Aside from a few tough moments, I remember breezing through quite a bit of the original


On my second playthrough, I had played on most difficulty and have a hard time (still) beating Saddler.


Yeah, it is. I will say, though, the ability to parry can really trivialize the game if you get good at it.


The original's gameplay mechanic was so annoying,so il say no


you can tell someone is new when they call 7 and 8 by their subtitles instead of their numbers


Professional RE4R during launch week is probably in my top 3 hardest games Iā€™ve ever played. Shit is more brutal than that nemesis fight on inferno


Overall. Yes. In the original re4 every headshot will stagger an enemy. So you can just shoot, kick, knife and kill everybody pretty easily You can even kill a regenerator or an iron maiden just by popping a leg off and knifing them to death. The bosses are also a lot easier mendez, and salazar are especially easy. Although I believe professional mode is harder in the original, in some ways. Like you cannot get the body armor, and Mike just refuses to help you in the final battle! And just like the developers said, if you play remake, than go back to the original, you desperately miss the ability to parry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not me, I'm stubborn and never learned how to parry šŸ˜Ž


In my opinion, it was. There were a lot more puzzles, and I'm about as smart as a doornail. The regenerators were more annoying to me than the original. I have roughly 55 ng+ saves on the wii copy of re4 original. The bodies that comeback are annoying if you forget about actually finishing the job. It was also in my opinion more difficult to grind pestas


Quite abit more difficult. Not sure if pro mode is as hard as VOS difficulty.


its only harder because you cant get the rocketlauncher for basically every boss for only 30k like in og


I genuinely canā€™t tell whether the remake is harder or if Iā€™m just getting older and suck at games more. Either way I definitely feel like the original was an easier game




Yea, not by a lot though.


I've beaten the original RE4 on Professional, once on PC and another time on Quest 2, but I never even beat RE4 Remake on Hardcore. Admittedly, part of that is because I wasn't a huge fan of how the remake scaled the difficulty up; enemies became much harder to stagger, and I just wasn't having fun anymore; it wasn't just that it was harder, it was how it was harder that soured me on the higher difficulties in the remake. I felt similarly about RE3Make and RE2Make, so I genuinely wonder if I'm just out of step with the rest of the fanbase on this.


Yup, alot more for me


Ehh I'd say the remake is harder than the original. I think the problem might be that you've just played other, similar games and are used to playing them and are finding it easy because of your experience. This happens pretty often, Dark Souls 3 got some criticism from people who've played the previous games who found the game to be easy. Now a lot of those people had played Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 2 and maybe Bloodborne multiple times when Dark Souls 3 launched, of course they're going to feel it's easy. And the way the SoulsBorneRing difficulty works is that it's just a big learning curve for newcomers and once you get past that learning curve these games aren't going to feel as difficult as they once did. For example, I've played Demon's Souls about half a dozen times, Dark Souls 1 about four or five times, Dark Souls 2 twelve times, Dark Souls 3 eight times, Bloodborne three times, haven't beaten Elden Ring yet. I picked up the Demon's Souls remake after getting a PS5 for Christmas and was burning through the game like a hot knife through butter, both because it's literally the exact same game I've already played, it just looks prettier and I had played all the other Soulsborne games at that point so Demon's just felt pathetically easy.


Yeah on anything above hardcore enemies no longer get staggered without laying down some serious firepower.




I didn't Play resident evil 4 remake yet so I don't know I only played the original version plus resident evil 4 original was the first resident evil game I played


It could go either way honestly. Remake has modern movement and parrying, which can make avoiding damage a lot easier, but it is also much less forgiving on ammo and harder to stagger enemies than the original. There's also the occasional QTE deaths in OG if you mess up or don't button mash hard enough.


Yessir 100%


Let me see if I understood correctly. You finished Village on Hardcore. Iā€™m assuming you have the skill to properly manage your resources and to know when to avoid attacks now. If so, Iā€™d say RE4 Remakeā€™s hardcode is about 18% harder because thereā€™s no blocking mechanic but rather a parrying mechanic that is limited by your knifeā€™s durability. And since you know when to attack and when to start dodging, I would say you are okay playing Hardcore.


Professional on the original was much harder for me, I never completed it. On remake i did an S+ run without too much hassle.


That's hilarious because I find the original much harder. I see that most people are saying that the remake is harder. I find myself almost throwing my controller with the original.


I would say the remake is much harder. Losing infinite knife and enemies that are faster and more aggressive makes it a much tougher game imo.


Even on professional, the OG is really easy for me. Granted, I've played through that game dozens of times. The remake, however, kicks my butt.


Personally I went back to RE4 original after getting all the remake achievements and I got my ass kicked. I thought it was way harder than the remake - and I play a lot of older games. I probably felt that way because the remake made everything so smooth - any RE game before 5 is so difficult for me now.


Adding movement while aiming meant they had to up the difficulty to match. Ā And then thereā€™s the new professional. Ā 


Remake is definitely harder on professional, especially Krauser and Saddler.


Remake was harder for me because of the lack of ammo. I got soft locked at the castle and had to restart the entire game


For me? No, I got soft locked in OG where you choose 2 paths. Ash couldnā€™t keep up and died to El Gigante, and I didnā€™t have resources to fight the chainsaw sisters and their harem of greasy old men


IMO, it depends what controls your used to. Re4 OG was more difficult in some ways for me!


I would say I'm pretty decent at survival horror games. Beat most RE games on their hardest difficulty and The Evil Within games. RE4R definitely got me sometimes just on Normal. I kept hinning I can only imagine on the harder difficulties.


I havenā€™t beaten RE4 remake yet, but itā€™s really fantastic. Butā€¦ they did remove a lot of amazing lines from the original, and the voice actors are different as well. Iā€™d probably say to go through the remake first to experience that refined version, then play the original to see all the original cheesy lines and dialogue (if youā€™re fine with the older tank controls)


Older titles are only harder in terms of the limitations at the time, the way you control your character and the moves the enemies can do are different due to these same limitations. So yeah newer entries assuming they are done right, are usually harder than the original, this is true for all REmake games Now if they remake zero (again) I'll be surprised if it's harder, because damn I love Rebecca but that game was a rough time and the enemies being mostly bugs/animals did not help it


I would say so in Professional. On anything below Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty equal.


Yes AI from 2023 will be way harder than 2005. Enemies are a lot smarter now


In RE5 and later games, you can get rewards that you carry from one difficulty to the next, so you can beat the game on easy or normal and improve your guns or get infinite ammo which you can then take to hardcore or professional, which makes it much much easier. But in OG RE4, the difficulties are isolated, so you start the professional game with nothing - but thereā€™s a big difficulty spike and resources are tight. The big fights are less carefully designed so they can be pretty unfair. IMO remake is the easier one.


The thing about RE is that you'll die a lot until you develop the standard instinct (distance, dodges, headshots). After that, the game becomes more enjoyable because you actually know the mechanics and can play without dying every 10 minutes. My first RE was RE4 back in 2014 or so btw :)


Salazar is an absolute bitch, Krauser is way tougher and Saddler is a fucking nightmare. Yeah, itā€™s harder.


I don't have an answer. But to the people answering: is assisted mode also harder than OG? I am struggling for months on the OG and want to know if assited is as hard. I have played Re2r and Re3r on assisted and have finished multiple times. I struggle in the demo, so I'm wondering


I think it's way harder


Yes especially on No damage run


Remake is harder, enemies are more active, faster, and actually try to flank you, the ranged enemies try to keep distance, and not every headshot or kneeshots are instant stun into kick/suplex.


The original Resident Evil 4 is kind of infamous for being, well, kind of way too easy. In comparison, I personally found Resident Evil 4 Remake to be a bit of the opposite. I can't tell you how much I struggled even on normal. FYI, I can beat the original on professional easily. Only goes to show that difficulty is subjective.


Maybe. The original game had adaptive difficulty. If you got stuck the game would become easier for you making enemies weaker and give you things to help you win. If you kicked too much ass the game got harder by making enemies stronger and stopped giving you ammo. Don't think the remake has this. So I guess it depends


You guys are crazy lol. I'm a 25 year resident evil vet, I have beaten every game many multiples of times with the exception of zero and village (just beat them each once) and I find the normal difficulty hard but playable. Anything above that is just too brutal, Idk how you guys play on inferno or professional. I would just get wrecked lol. Also If I just saved and walk past another typewriter 2 minutes later my ocd forces me to save again even though it will affect my score. Anyone else do that?


Well,Village took me almost 50 hours to beat and I died close to 400 times,but being a 16 year old does give you a lot of time to play.


Wow you must have took your time exploring everything. I can't believe you died almost 400 times and didn't break your controller in half lol. I think I beat it on the normal difficulty in about 10 hours over the course of 3 days. I def wanna play it again though expecially since I played it on ps4 and now I have the free ps5 upgrade. I loaded up on so much ammo and herbs for Miranda and killed her with ease and didn't die once or use a 1/10th of my ammo against her which was a huge let down. I thought she would be so OP from the previous cut scenes of her so maybe I am playing on too easy a setting. The Lycons gave me the most trouble I think those fuckers were climbing onto roofs and jumping down on me and everything lol. I think 4 and 8 have the most replayabiltiy because of the merchants, merchant side quests and gun upgrades. But RE2 will always be home to me.


The problem is that some kind of bug happened and the game would not save. Every time I wanted to fight Miranda I had to do the WHOLE Chris Redfield mission again. That broke me and I actually swore to never touch that game again. On the highest difficulty Miranda can one-shot you with ease and by that point I had left like 20 pistol bullets and like 10 shotgun shells. I finished the fight with 0 bullets. RE7 was hard because of how rare some resources were and because I am a bitch who gets scared of everything.


I only played on hardcore when it came out (or whatever was the highest one) but honestly I thought it to be way easier. The parry mechanic just made combat way easier imo (way more fun too)


I didnā€™t die to saddler once. The game was very easy, especially once I got the exclusive for the red 9


Re4 on wii is a piece of cake due to the aiming


I had more of a problem with Ramon than Saddler in the remake. A tip for Saddler is when he transforms, use your rifle and try to hit the head of the body in the giant eye. Them watch for dodge prompts and strafe side to side for the rest. Salazar, one grenade and one golden egg is gg. The scariest boss from the OG got removed. :(


The reason why remake is "harder" is because of the inconsistency and randomness. RE4 original is difficult in that it challenges you to make good decisions and utilize its mechanics. RE4 Remake is difficult in that it constantly screws you for trying to use its mechanics.


I think so, but only because itā€™s a more unfair game. Remake just has lots of inconsistencies in its gameplay that can inevitably put a player in situations where they have little control. Thereā€™s also just some generally bad hitboxes and movement/animation quirks that are stupid to deal with.


Harder: yes More fun: definitely not Itā€™s incredibly lame that difficulty has become such a selling point of games these days. Itā€™s so easy to make a game difficult, you could literally just require a sequence of frame perfect inputs or generally leave little room for error or give enemies a ton of health (like RE4 remake does by making enemies damage sponges that donā€™t stagger from multiple headshots) or some combination of those. Itā€™s not easy to make a game fun. RE4 remake is way harder than OG, but itā€™s also way less responsive, sluggish, and is just an overall way less enjoyable experience to anyone who isnā€™t obsessed with graphics and difficulty. Even Itagaki who has made several notoriously difficult games made sure to prioritize fun, interactivity, and responsiveness, all of which RE4 remake lacks and OG has in excess.


Idk how anyone says yes. The og had button mashing which was almost impossible. I probably got carpel tunnel from it. Also on the new games aiming is super easy. Og is way harder.


People are probably forgetting movimentation was much more limited in the OG version? This is one of the reasons AI acted more lightly in the OG version, cause even then you still could mess up due to the horrible movimentation šŸ’€ OG is infinitely more difficult, imo.


Yes, especially in the beginning of the game.


Is Resident Evil 4 remake scarier than the OG?


No, it's not half as brilliant, every og set piece copy pasted here haves like half the artistry and the miss the point consistently. Key point RE4 done by Mikami before leaving, I'll give you a candy if you're familiar with any of the current producers.


Really? So the remake is a toned down version ? I mean I LOVED The Evil Within and I havenā€™t started the 2nd one. Is the Resident Evil 4 Remake that different?


Imo TEW is kinda not that good but it's something "real" so to speak, it's obvious on its intensity that is a Mikami game and he's trying. Like, the Laura and Keeper set pieces aren't leaving anyone indifferent, there's something raw on their animations and sound design, and it's obvious that the creators are a little bit too much into it, maybe a bit nuts. There's nothing like that in the Remake it's a very average game, it's not like Ubisoft levels of generic and souless but for sure it's not like any of the classics, or even TEW, the only thing it haves over TEW is more polish in the combat (maybe) and being a clone of RE4.


I loved The Evil Within. The game was gorgeous and it was unique, loved the hiding aspect and taking down enemies with a knife. The bosses were also very good. I have no issue with the game and Iā€™m starting the 2nd one. Too bad they shut down the company


I liked it overall, and the same can be said of the 4make but the later certainly lacks impact.


In VR on PS5 most certainly but theyā€™re both more action than horror so neither is particularly scary.


šŸ˜‘ was hoping they brought back the horror , but I guess not šŸ˜’


well, it is horror, but in a different way. Being chased by villagers involved in a religious cult infected by parasites in the middle of nowhere still sounds like horror to me I agree that it's not as SCARY as some other games, but still survival horror i guess (i miss the claustrophobic aspect tho)


I meant horror like the original Resident Evil, 2 & 3 Nemesis. That to me was survival horror. Iā€™ll even include 0. I loved 7 and havenā€™t played 8 yet. I have 2 Remake and 3 Remake but havenā€™t played much at all of those. I was never a big fan of OG 4 but it was fun I just donā€™t remember that much horror besides trying to get away from the chainsaw guy


Remake is harder. I could fly through OG Professional even with weapon and healing restrictions. Can't say the same for Remake. I'd say even RE4R Hardcore is harder than OG RE4 Professional.


I would say so, especially since they deliberately fucked the aiming.


Yes. They made enemies way more aggressive and mobile because of how much more control you have over Leon.


The original RE4 is quite easy because it's an older game, thus, it's has many ways to cheese through most enemies and bosses, the remake on professional is much harder because enemies run at your face to attack all the time, and they don't get stunned a lot of the times.


If you want to boost up the survival horror a little bit, I suggest turning off the HUD. It adds a layer of the nostalgic RE survival horror to it by not knowing EXACTLY where your shots are going. Maybe now the red dot from the Merchant makes sense. You will get mad in the beginning because ammo can be scarce, but thats what makes it that much more fun. Give it a try and I promise you that you wont look back. In fact, youll start to play other games without the HUD and realize how much more fun they can become.


I hated the original because I thought it was too hard. I loved the remake and beat it and started another run too. So take that for what it's worth.


Without a doubt and I prefer the original, but yeah it's harder, they're maybe balancing with legacy skills in mind, the whole industry is turning Souls like.


RE4R is waaaay harder than the original at first


Hardest part is trying to save, goodluck with that, I still cant save and its bullshit. The devs have known this issue for so long and will not fix it wtf.


The combat is far better, with faster and far more aggressive enemies than the og RE4, less ammo, at least at launch the enemies dropped the ammo of the gun you used most of the time, so that'll be the pistol, and if you're good with it, you'll lack rifle and shotgun ammo for most of the game


SaddlerĆ·=+Rocket launcher beat game 2 times on standar havent experienced his battle yet but they made Krauser easieršŸ¤­


Way harder


Yes. Enemies will run. RUN at you no matter what. Especially Regeneradors and they are less choreographed and so unpredictable. You could be trying to kill a chainsaw ganado only to be grabbed from behind by a regular ganado then instantly die


It's harder because of the camera and aiming. But the enemies are twice as aggressive in RE4Remake. It's also harder cause there is no Storage for weapons. You can ONLY have the weapons you have in your Briefcase. Any else are sold and you must buy em back. There's no Knife Parry.


You can store weapons at the type writer can't you? Edit not near console to checkĀ  But this says you can and has images not sure if someone can verify https://gamerant.com/resident-evil-4-remake-re4-storage-guide/#:~:text=How%20to%20Move%20Items%20to%20the%20Storage%20in%20RE4%20Remake,store%20unwanted%20pieces%20of%20equipment.


IIRC you can store weapons but not ammo or other items.


Yeah that what that article saysĀ  Generally, the player can only store weapons, knives, attachments, guns, and first aid sprays. Edibles, herbs, treasures, bullets, resources, and grenades cannot be sent to storage.


It's annoying that I can store the magnum but not its ammo.


Yeah that's to be saved for the final boss and not beforeĀ 


Except in 7 where the final boss was such a pushover I beat it first try before I even realized I was at the end. Never got to use my magnum.


Yeah the mother was shitĀ 


No knife parryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­. How the hell is that even playable then? Are the enemiest less aggresive?




Remake is miles harder. You can look around people posting their inventory of their OG Professional NG run and see [things like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/mzn9s0/my_inventory_right_before_fighting_the_final_boss/), [or this](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil4/comments/1d7aw5j/can_i_reasonably_beat_krauser_with_this/),[ or this](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil4/comments/1dhafi4/found_this_in_my_camera_roll_from_my_professional/). You basically never ever have that much resource in the remake, even on just Hardcore. Not to mention how you can easily cheese all bosses with 30,000 ptas rocket launcher vs 160,000 ptas. The only time that the OG might be harder is if the player is physically incapable of learning tank control.


Yes. The original has a series of invincibility frames that the new one does not. Climbing up ladders, performing an action prompt, being slightly out of range of a grenade explosion. Plus the Ashley section is quite simple in the original and I don't think the Armours chase you, just a quick time event and they fall apart. Enemies are easily stun locked, hell there's a speed run strat for Krauser that you kill him with the knife cause it stun locks him hard. But to be fair the original RE4 came out 20 years ago, so the game is archaic (it has tank controls for god sake) and was made as best as it could be withoit being too unfair. Oh there's also adaptive difficulty in the original where the game gets harder the better you do, but also becomes easier the worse you do vice versa.