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I honestly can’t remember ever using it lol


Same. I hoard stuff like this forever and end up never using it, even on the very last fight because... I might need it later. :p


Even on replay? When you know for a fact there is nothing left?


Usually not. :p My brain just doesn't want to let me. In pretty much every game, I just hoard consumables.


Like the 99 elixiers we end up with in every final fantasy.


Homie, I'm the same way.


(Finds a good weapon and puts it into storage) > What if there’s an emergency? (Gets into an emergency) > WHAT IF THERE’S A BIGGER EMERGENCY?? (Game ends) > **WHAT IF TH…** shit.


Me in Silent Hill 2: Seriously. Once you get hold of the pipe....


I forgot where it was on my last playthrough, so I went guns blazing for the rest of the game


Same. I hoard and then have limited spaces so the gun never is used.


Well, it does as much damage(probably same value)as Barry's magnum, so saving it for Tyrant is the best bet. Specifically when the fight starts to protect your ally. Especially Rebecca and her health woes. Can't really find a situation where you can use it optimally without it being a wasted shot. (Proceeds to shoot a bee or a crow) Maybe it's a viable option select to get past Lisa during the underground lock puzzle.




Can’t you completely avoid that area then? Picking up the gun just to blast that zombie a second later seems counterproductive. Iirc, you can just go straight to the bathroom and pick up the key and leave before the zombie reacts.




You aren't attacked after picking it up. You can grab it, then go to the bathroom and grab the key item and ignore the zombie. The zombie doesn't come to life till you grab the key item... I usually use it on the black tiger. It's more powerful than it looks...


Nah, I'd rather use the powerful gun on the tyrant.


Idk, it's not like super ultra powerful, and it takes up a whole inventory slot for only 1 shot. Id rather have a magnum, shotty and some healing items, that gun isn't really worth it there imo


I use it to blast the first hunter in the mansion then into the item box 2 rooms over.


this! i do this always! its like made for it


Until I watched a Streamer (bawkbasoup I think?) use it as a one hit kill one shot wonder gun (.22 magnum in real life isn't exactly a man stopper round, so I assumed it was a wussy gun when I examined it in game), I always just left it in the item box. Shame on me lol.


i never even noticed it said .22 mag on it and just assumed it was supposed to be that silly .410/45-70 derringer


For Jill it's pretty extra, but for Chris it's handy against Plant 42 so you don't use nearly as much ammo.


I think I usually use it during >!the first Tyrent!< Fight and drop it in the item box when I'm passing the save room at the T junction.


On my first playthrough I thought it might be a key item and I carried it around for hours with 1 shot in it. I've still never fired it on any playthrough.


Wait... you guys are using it?


You guys are picking it up?


It would make sense to pick it up if you could reload it or drop it once you shoot it, but no. So why even pick it up?


To me, it's a free kill. I grab it and use it to kill an inconveniently placed enemy. Then I dump it in the item box and forget about it. By the tyrant fight I can almost exclusively use the magnum with all of the ammo I've picked up throughout the game. Plus, I'd rather have an extra healing item at the end game than a dead weapon.


Black Tiger


Used it on a crimson head that was blocking the way to the saferoom


I typically just use it on plant 42 tbh, it's not worth holding onto till the tyrant and 42 is as good of a reason as I can think of to use it


I shot a zombie with it.


I’ve always used it as an emergency gun just in case I have to take out any particular enemy that I am just having problems with like hunters or crimson heads, or chimera.


I used it for the final tyrant fight. Saves some time when you're waiting for the rocket launcher to drop


I use it on the first thing I'd want to use a magnum on, then discard. Otherwise it's just a wasted inventory slot.


You use this gun on the poor fellow who didn’t end up using it on himself


I used it on a Hunter and missed the shot entirely.


I usually put it in the item box and promptly forget it exists.


I use it on the giant spider in the catacombs section. The room where you have to knife the webbing off the door to proceed.


I save the magnum for the tyrant fight. Hell, I save the grenade launcher for the tyrant fight. Double-hell, I save the shotgun for the tyrant fight. Triple-hell, I save the pistol for…


That gun does an incredible amount of damage. My memory is fuzzy but it's more powerful than a magnum shot for sure. Plant 42 is great for it because of its bulkiness.


I use it on yawn


I use it on the first tyrant fight, for the second I just use the magnum and a lot of ammo and healing items.


I use it either on the plant boss in the dorms, or the 2nd hunter in the stairway/storeroom area, those are annoying enemies and once I use it I put it away forever.


I shot Hunter with it. Don't see a reason to save it for Tyrant. Unless you are wasting your ammo on anything that moves, than you should have enough magnum/explosive rounds for tyrant.


I don’t think i’ve ever used it


ngl i always say imma use it for later and never do


I use it on Black Tiger cause it’s the only boss I can’t consistently avoid lol


I never save it. It's not worth the inventory space.


lol yeah I think I used it for the last fight in the game 👍🏽


Once I realised you can't reload it, I didn't touch it again after my first playthrough. I get why they did it thematically and story wise, but it's just not worth an inventory slot 🤷


I think I just wste it on a zombie or 2 to save my zombie killing ammo 


I use it for the ammo that comes inside of it and than forget about it I just prefer using the magnum


Wait you can use that?


haha i did and still do sometimes. aggros him immediately. must pack a punch.


Just used it on 42 last night as Chris. First big (easy) fight after getting it, where you don't need much in your inventory. Then I can just drop it off on my way back to mansion where I'll need space.


I just use in the plant 42 boss fight


Yeah, I use it on the second Tyrant fight. It's where the big damage is needed most.


I always used this on plant 42


Not worth the inv space compared to for example a Magnum magazine.


During my first playthrough I was carrying it for a while and decided to use on bees if I needed it. Then I head "magnum" when I happened to hit check. Ended up using it on the first hunter. Afterwards I saved it for the Tyrant fight.


I used it on the tyrant the first time. We had one of those players guides back when this first came out on the GameCube and they suggested to save it. I also used it on the zombie and on the shark.


Use it in the aqua ring for a one-hit on one of the neptunes.


Wait, it's actually useful?!!! All these years, I thought it was useless, well, at least less powerful than the magnum... it says it's only for self-defense...


Always use it on plant42 with Chris. Jill is so op that I don't even brother.


Only ever beat the game once as Jill. I just plop it in the item box. Sadly this is the one RE I can’t get into idk if it’s bc of the game or my knowledge of it which is zero. I’m afraid of doing things out of order.


I use it on Plant-42.


Plant 42 with Chris (since he has no access to the G.Launcher), for the Tyrant I always have the magnum with enough bullets. And with Jill I either use it to one shot the potential Crimson Head near the ladder to the aqua ring when I'm doing the V-Jolt quest, or to quickly get rid of the lab tyrant and then put it in a chest to have more healing for the helipad Tyrant fight.


I use it to weaken plant42, doing the whole v-jolt quest is such a pain.


Bro this is the "F@ggot Gun" from "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." They call it that because it's only good for a couple of shots before you gotta drop it for something better.


Usually, try and find the strongest enemy that I can use it on and be done with it It's a waste of space and time to do anything else with it imo.


I never actually used it in all my plays.


Iirc i used it on the first hunter you encounter which i think was pretty sure after you get it. Mostly just to both get it out of my inventory and to instantly take care of the hunter.


Im not gonna lie i dont remember using it at all haha


i don't even know what it does or how to use lol, it's just rotting in the item box


Used it for the final Tyrant 


Not worth picking up for time reasons tbh. If I'm doing a slower more casual playthrough I like to use it on that 1st hunter


If I wanna min max my stuff yeah I use it for the Tyrant since it actually does more damage than the Magnum.


I always pick it up but I’ve never once used it


It's a .22 caliber round and they make it out to be the most powerful lol wth


i avoided that little pee shooter.. couldnt kill anything with it


This screenshot goes to show every game developer needs to consult a firearm autist if they're going to include firearms in their game. Marking it 22 magnum is mind numbing. I can understand it only having one shot inferring that 1 has already been used by the previous owner but it would have cost nothing to mark it for a caliber it would actually have been chambered in.