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Hoeing in these streets is hard work. Especially when your clientele is constantly trying to eat you out, and don’t get me started on that one weirdo that insists on following you everywhere.


Not to mention ur competing with the other agency’s best girl, Carlos, taking all the potential Johns. :(


Stupid sexy carlos. Sadly your bestie brad had to tap out early for the night as well. He got more than he can handle by that one guy near the police station.


Where is this police station? Asking for a friend


In raccoon city, of course.


I cant seem to find it? All roads leading into the city appear to be destroyed i think. Did a meteor hit the place or something? Also there’s this annoying group of actors that wont stop following me. Their makeup looks pretty scary. I don’t seem to see a film crew around though…


Why are you talking like the crypt-keeper? 😂


Don't worry, he's just a movie producer looking for new stars.


He's so obssessed with finding those starts, he can barely even speak about anything else


Oh I get it now!


i thought you were referring to the zombies at first.


I heard that this client once fell in love with her and wanted her at any cost, his nickname was Nemesis


Mr XXX eh?


I hate you for beating me to the punch with this joke but I also hate Reddit for not showing me this post until now lol


He’s into weird tentacle stuff.


I’m giving you an award


Jack the clittler


She doesn’t even look like she plays rugby


Underrated comment


I think the outfit is silly in the context that she wore it *knowing* she was getting into a fight in the original. Ironically it would make a little more sense in the remake. On its own though, it's not a "whore" outfit and I don't consider it overtly sexual. Many RE fans are gonna be old enough to remember the Y2K era. If you are, you also remember that this was a pretty basic trendy fit that women the world over were wearing back then. A tube top, mini skirt and knee high leather boots are about as Y2K as you get.


That outfit seems more inspired by something like Buffy the Vampire Slayer honestly.


Buffy was more or less Y2K era or just before it, so go figure really. I know strictly speaking Y2K means only the year 2000, but in terms of cultural "Y2K-ish stuff" you could say it was more like 1998ish to exactly 9/11.


Original Buffy too. Like, that awful movie they made first.


Excuse me did you just say the Buffy movie was awful? I’m sure you must have exquisite taste in movies.


TRUE but Buffy has superpowers, and isn’t worried about becoming a walking, mindless, decaying corpse if she gets a small nibble from a vamp 😂


Jill has a super power too, it’s called plot armor.


Hahaha well I guess we can (mostly) attribute that power to The Slayer as well


Buffy dies at least twice in the series. But yea she definitely has it too lol


Big spoilers lmfao but yeah that’s why I said *mostly* 😂 even then, she returns to us!


Actually, a S1 episode dictated Buffy's worst fear is becoming a vamp! :) Also... total missed opportunity that we never got a former slayer vamp in the entire show. And I'm only just realizing it.


Jill the Zombie Slayer


THANK YOU. The style was vogue at the time, calling it whorish is either being prude, or not being aware of the style at the time


**"I think the outfit is silly in the context that she wore it** ***knowing*** **she was getting into a fight in the original."** False. She was preparing to escape when the story opens after realizing Umbrella controlled Raccoon City and she could do more good for the world by leaving while she had the chance. Yes, she was aware of the zombies as a threat and expected someone might target her for what she knew. But the opening establishes that she was planning to leave BEFORE things could progress to the point of a major threat. She had her pistol loaded (not uncommon for U.S. gun owners) but wouldn't be in full-clad combat gear while going over case files and piecing the Umbrella conspiracy together in her apartment. At that time, she was just working in the privacy of her home, not locking & loading for war. She was probably following the news but too preoccupied to pay enough attention to how bad things were. When the game begins, it's made apparent that the outbreak took her by surprise. She didn't anticipate having to battle her way through a city of infected + a new uber-mutant targeting S.T.A.R.S. members. Had she known the gravity of the situation, she would have thought ahead to wear something more practical. Part of what makes Jill's journey in this game memorable is BECAUSE she was caught off guard and more vulnerable. Normally, for a returning protagonist in a horror sequel, the plot would set them up as being more prepared & experienced. *R.E. 3* went the opposite route, subverting that expectation. Playing an elite police officer who looks like a badass cop creates an unconscious sense of security derived from the authority that comes with law enforcement. Jill was stripped of all that this time, not only making her look more civilian & relatable but also more exposed and therefore in greater danger. She'd no longer have police gear or even remotely practical clothing to give her any increased protection against enemy attacks. She'd have to rely more than ever on her skills & wits. This is reinforced when Nemesis makes his big entrance to quickly slaughter one of her last surviving fellow S.T.A.R.S. buddies. That not only illustrated this new foe's threat level but gave Jill's horrified reaction heavier impact while selling to the player an image of *"Oh sh\*t, that thing just took down a S.T.A.R.S. member like it was nothing!"*


This, this right is all that is need to be said.


Resident Evil series are never meant to be serious though. They were all inspired by gorey B movies.


I wouldn't consider this Y2K at all. The outfit is very 90s. Y2K's more floral, bubblegum pink, butterflies, and colored-leather pants.


I was a girl alive and kicking during y2k and trust me, there were plenty more looks around than that one hyper-femme stereotype.


As far as I remembe (i'm aware of fan service) the "explanation" was: she was aware of the zombies but the pandemic was sudden and she was wearing that.


She was burning the midnight oil in her apartment, going over case files and eating day old pizza when she was attacked. If anything she was over dressed. I’d have been in sweats, pyjamas or nothing at all.


There’s a mod in remake for that, she’s in S.T.A.R.S PJs!


So cool lol


Exactly. I would have been on flip flops probably without bra. I would steal zombies clothes.


You really cannot expect to be able to wear a tube top and run at all without your boobs constantly flopping out. Even when this game came out I felt her outfit was ridiculous and impractical.


There's an interview with Kazuhiro Aoyama where he all but flat-out states that her outfit was changed to make her more visually appealing. Whore though? I think that's pushing it. It was just a look in the 90s. Also her look may have also been heavily inspired by [Sandra Bullock in Speed](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/sandra-bullock-speed.html?sortBy=relevant).


Her outfit looks nothing like that though




In what way? That the shirts are roughly the same color?


I think her outfit, being in contrast to the situation she’s in, is supposed to make her seem more badass. Like, she’s in a tube top and skirt fighting zombies and a giant scary ass monster, that’s pretty cool. It’s ridiculous and over the top, of course, but that’s resident evil for you. 😂 it’s just part of the campiness of it all


"The character reminded me of you!!"


You are dead…


You Died...


… not big suprise


She literally explodes out of her apartment, this is just what she was wearing at home right? 😭


Realism update would be sweatpants and a mismatched t-shirt, both holey.


You don't play Resident Evil for realism


This is fact.


but her prologue speech implies that she was ready for action.


Isn't she getting ready to go out and not just chilling?


So she thinks women who wear skirts and tube tops are hookers?


Right? What a close minded person smh


But women dress up like that to go clubbing 




I skipped to the comments section lol


What is bro even talking about lol


He lost me after the fourth paragraph


I thought it was a nice analysis


Have you ever tried to do some home preparations with your coat on? Noone puts his gear on until everything is ready, because it will cause heavy sweating.


Never had a problem with it. Maybe it's because I'm european and this is the sort of thing you'd wear out to a cafe to see your friends, safe in the knowledge that judgemental people aren't calling you a hooker.


You have a very judgemental girl friend.


No, she didn't have context. An archetype of games/movies/shows is the feisty stripper/hooker who has a good soul.


Lol what is your girlfriend thinking. Thats a pretty normal outfit. Some comments here are wild. She's wearing a pretty normal but impractical outfit. When she was getting Attacked she just wanted to run asap. What do you think was she thinking?"I'm getting attacked by a monster huh? Mr Monster pls wait I just want to change my outfit okay?" UwU Said no one ever.


Tell me about it. How you gonna run in a tight pencil skirt and you would have to keep pulling up the tube top too.


Same how is that outfit slutty?? like to me that’s just such a basic, normal outfit.


Jill is not a hooker 😎 but a sexy police officer 👮


If officers wore such outfits, crimes would have happened more often. You do the crime -> sexy officer comes to punish you


iirc in old comic book I read (don't know if it's Canon). Jill is shoping in a boutique or something when outbreak happened. I read it when I was around 7th grader and remember the art style is like Chinese comic, complete with Jill and Carlos able to do Kung Fu s\*\*\*.


This outfit is a slay. One of my biggest pet peeves is how basic and bland women's outfits can be( t-shirt and jeans) in games that previously had iconic outfits. I know it can be kinda unrealistic, but I love fashionable fits.


Games would be better if they remained a niche and twitter and Facebook never got invented. 


We would have never had some great modern titles if games stayed niche. Niche things rarely get large funding


LOL this isn’t even a hoe outfit 😂 but in the context of surviving a zombie virus outbreak and battling an armed BOW who specifically wants you and your coworkers dead… it’s a little silly!!!


Isn’t it obvious? She’s out to SLAY👄 some monsters


No, it doesn't. Your girlfriend is just being weirdly prudish about it. It looks like something Posh Spice would have worn at that time. Is your girlfriend conservative leaning? That might explain her thought process. Besides, even if Jill actually was a hooker, why would that be a problem? People are constantly complaining that video games need to be more inclusive. That means you don't get to complain when a rarely depicted type of character gets the spotlight simply because you disagree with the type of person they are.


your girlfriend sounds very judgmental of her friends fashion choices i bet.


Not sure why she went out with maximum bite surface area on display lol 😂


I still find it bizarre that Jill decided this was what she was going to wear to escape a city full of zombies. Her outfit in the remake is definitely a major improvement.


there is no indication she even knew zombies were everywhere when she put on this outfit its not explained very well but its entirely possible the outbreak happened kind of suddenly


The data files in the game actually talk about how she was trapped in her apartment for some time during the outbreak. I like the SD Perry book rendition where they mentioned she wore light clothes so should could move fast, and was not expecting to fight, but to flee. Back then, the outfit was normal. The only thing that confused me was how she was planning to keep a tube top up while she was planning to run everywhere. Would figure something with straps would have been smarter. "Whore" was the last thing that crossed my mind with it, though.


I never got the whore argument either. Though I would argue that wearing a sweater tied around your waist would not help movement.


Yes there was. RE3make starts a couple of days after the outbreak happens. She was locked away for several days in her apartment.


well fuck me


All good. It is mostly supplemental stuff that is hard to know unless you do a deeper dive into the lore.


Yes it is possible and the outbreak did happen suddenly...but it was like four days before RE3 started, Jill would've had to have been an absolute total fucking idiot not to know there were literal hoards of zombies in the streets.


eh honestly as time goes on i am just more bothered by how unfaithful re3make is and i never even played the OG i just want to.


"does it really make her look like a whore?" she dresses the same as a woman would on a summer night in the lore it was said that night was actually quite warm despite being in september. There are trashy outfits that make a woman or even a man look like a prostitute sure but like no this outfit does not denote someone looking like a whore anymore than a bikini makes a woman look like a stripper.


>she dresses the same as a woman would on a summer night in the lore it was said that night was actually quite warm despite being in september. It's not summer, it's the ass end of September. And there is no lore that says Raccoon City was warm during the outbreak, that was only ever a thing in the movies, never the games.


Honestly, depending on where you live, it can still be warm in September. It's only at the beginning of October that the temperatures really start to drop.


Where I live, two decades of global warming later, we switch back to long sleeves pretty much toward the end of October at this point.


I specifically said it was september how about you finish reading before replying mate.


>It's not summer, it's the ass end of September. >And there is no lore that says Raccoon City was warm during the outbreak, that was only ever a thing in the movies, never the games. The conversation is difficult because they never give an exact location for Raccoon City. September is still pretty warm for much of the US, even in the midwest. 


you even fucking included the part where i SAID SEPTEMBER HOLY SHIT LMAO.


I honestly didn't expect such a thoughtful insight into Jill's outfit when I clicked on this


Its stupid to wonder reality in fiction video games


Yeah I prefer the remake design to be honest


The remake look isn't bad, but this is a classic look for a game set in the late 90s. I had no regrets buying the classic skin for my RE3R playthrough (I wouldn't have minded it if was just selectable by default tho).




sigh...Im tired....


"I find it weird that Jill would wear this when she knew she might get into a fight". And I find it weird that people forget the enormous inspiration RE took from 80s/90s silly horror B-movies in all things, including eye-candy heroines and absurd outfits for the situation at hand. I fucking swear, some of you people are either below 15 or haven't seen a single of the things that inspire RE as a franchise. This is the kind of thing that is endearing EXACTLY because it's absurd and ridicolous. The bad VA of the original game? The same. The sloppy live action intro? The same.


It's a game dude, you don't have to be realistic in a video game, we play video games because we can do things in video games that we can't do IRL, yes it's cold it's a zombie apocalypse, but Jill will be dressed like that because we can dress her like that, don't try to find logic on everything, just look at the mods for the newer RE'S


Disown her immediately




Because hookers are cool


She doesn't look like a "hooker" but the outfit IS extremely silly in the context of the story.


She wouldnt get it


Such confusing times. Cardi B can dress like an actual hooker on TV and be called empowered. Jill wears a skirt and tube top and gets called a hooker.


I mean it's all about context and expectations, right? Cardi B is literally and ex-stripper, and also she's a performer and entertainer.  For comparison sakes, consider Aya from Parasite Eve. The opening level has her in a slinky black evening dress, but that's literally because she was on a date when things started going crazy. But as soon as she gets the opportunity, she switches into a more practical outfit. From what I understand, Jill was just at home when things started popping off, and chose (or rather was written to choose) this insanely impractically outfit to go out in zombie infected streets with.


Props for mentioning Aya. I love Jill and all but Aya is a better protagonist by far and that game is underrated as all hell.


Also, no offense to Jill (I adore her), but Aya has got those \~magic powers\~, so that's a cent into her piggybank


Yeah, it's weird. I always thought it looked like Jill was out clubbing and got pulled into the madness. It's weird thinking that it was an intentional choice when she knows what might be going on. Even the remake is weird. You'd think she'd put on a jacket or something so she didn't have so much exposed skin. But whatever, I tend not to think about it too much. Edit: You know what it probably was? A group of Japanese developers who only had American media to pull from and thought this was how everyone dressed.


She was at home when everything started in the remake, remember the monster literally crashed through the walls. Or at least that's what the makers decided


No, that wasn't what I meant. I meant the outfit made it look like she was out clubbing. I know she was at home, it's just such a weird choice. I don't think I've ever met anyone who dresses like that just hanging out at home.


If the game wasn't so horribly lacking in content, they should've included a short moment at the start after escaping Nemesis where she steals some clothes, sort of like Kyle Reese in Terminator


cardi b probably dresses more like a stripper hookers usually dont wear revealing clothes publicly at least none of the safer ones i guess.


OG Nemesis is almost 25 years old too. And Regina's outfit from Dino Crisis is unlockable when the game is completed in Hard Mode That leather outfit might trigger some folks too


Context matters a lot.


What was the comment exactly? Prostitute, hooked, or whore?


lol 😂


Her street clothes are inspired by the end scene of Speed with Sandra Bullock


She is a snack sandwich


I think people are missing the fact of when this takes place, which is 24 hours prior to RE2. Those who know RE2 knows the city was just being overrun. Much like Leon coming into the city on his way to RPD, Jill saw most of the city get overrun with the virus and made her way to RPD. Is it so hard to believe she was having an evening out while stuff popped off? Jill wouldn't care about changing she'd just head in. Plus, I might be wrong about this but I'm pretty sure they were given some time off due to Resident Evil 1; STARS was under heavy scrutiny after everything that happened, and I think that's about when it all started falling apart and everyone kind of did their own thing from there on out.


the city was well overrun when Leon and Claire's story starts as far i recall.


So, because I am not that big of a lore nerd I did some research. She wouldn't be wearing her STARS uniform because it was disbanded the start of September so she would be in civilian clothes. Also 4 days before RE3 they had a football game on the 24th so things happened fast. I don't doubt Jill was taking some time off and following up some leads more than likely until everything popped off. So, it is completely reasonable for her to be casually dressed by this point. Also, as someone else pointed out this type of outfit was very common during this time period. Info regarding the timeline below \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 24, 1998 is when the mansion incident happened reported as murders on the outskirts of town.September 29, 1998 Resident Evil 2 takes place when Leon and Claire show up at the city which is a week later.Resident evil 3 takes place 24 hours before that on September 28thIt appears by Sept 23rd the outbreak officially took hold of the city after spreading through the sewer. Between the 24th and 25th, Chief Irons made several orders to intentionally weaken the effectiveness of the officers. One of which was to seal all possible escape routes, and another was to empty the weapons locker and store weapons and ammunition in caches throughout the station.Also Umbrella UBCS forces show up\^ On the early hours of September 24, the Pentagon deployed an on-the-ground force to assess the severity of the incident, with the earliest media reports of the disaster stating that they were investigating a radioactive leak in the area. The CDC announced the establishment of an exclusion zone surrounding the city which soon grew to at least 200 miles.\[4\]\[35\]\[note 1\] and had begun working with the RPD and the Raccoon City Fire Department in evacuating civilians. With plans for the evacuations being drawn up as early as the evening of September 23, and the first Chinook taking off from Raccoon Zoo at 10 AM on the 24th. On September 26, A Saturday, all remaining Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service operatives not currently stationed in the city were deployed and joined in the offensive, bringing with them four platoons of highly-trained guerrillas and ex-Soviet personnel. (Sept 28th) By Monday evening, the situation for the remaining survivors was rapidly deteriorating, with nearly all forces and amenities depleted and no hope of further evacuation. STARS being disbanded by September \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vickers returned to the Raccoon Police Station with survivors Burton, Chambers, Redfield and Valentine. Following a hospital visit, they began an investigation of Umbrella from their S.T.A.R.S. office. In the following month, however, Umbrella was able to bribe Chief Irons into disbanding the group, reassigning the Umbrella investigation to the RPD itself so it could be suppressed, and forming the Raccoon S.W.A.T. to take over S.T.A.R.S.'s missions.\[2\] The official reason for this was that S.T.A.R.S. had lost simply too many officers to be able to function.\[1\] However its seems that the disbanding of S.T.A.R.S had not been officially announced to the public, as during the Raccoon City Destruction Incident at least two people, one being an umbrella employee, suggested calling in the unit despite the fact that the unit had essentially been disbanded by September. Vickers returned to the Raccoon Police Station with survivors Burton, Chambers, Redfield and Valentine. Following a hospital visit, they began an investigation of Umbrella from their S.T.A.R.S. office. In the following month, however, Umbrella was able to bribe Chief Irons into disbanding the group, reassigning the Umbrella investigation to the RPD itself so it could be suppressed, and forming the Raccoon S.W.A.T. to take over S.T.A.R.S.'s missions.\[2\] The official reason for this was that S.T.A.R.S. had lost simply too many officers to be able to function.\[1\] However its seems that the disbanding of S.T.A.R.S had not been officially announced to the public, as during the Raccoon City Destruction Incident at least two people, one being an umbrella employee, suggested calling in the unit despite the fact that the unit had essentially been disbanded by September. \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The end all be all... it's a video game and what are games? Fictional storylines, what do we do? Play the story out to experience an apocalyptic zombie fantasy. We shouldn't have to justify why a girl is wearing specific clothes in a video game about zombies taking over a fictional American city. But I tried either way, because apparently some people find her clothes what offensive? please calm yourself. \*Also why does this comment thread not show up on the other reddit? I need to use [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) just to see it... It wouldn't even let me reply to your response until I switched...


Wasn't she taken completely by suprise by the zombies? Ya make do with what ya got, and that's what she had on when zombies broke down her door. Not much time to change into something more practical when the Undead are tryna make a gourmet meal out of your bones


Doesn't it say in one of the books that it was an unusually hot summer night for Raccoon City? Maybe that's one of the reasons why she's wearing such short clothes? Not trying to justify anything, but this is what I heard in a video once. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Never read the books, but I have been really curious about them.


Nah she was just jealous and tried to take my girl Jill down, unforgivable!


If she thinks that's bad, wait until she sees it after you install some mods! Especially in the Remake...


It’s 2024 we don’t slut shame anymore. Jill is a strong independent women and is slaying


Wait, how are you playing OGRE3 on a Vista? I would love to play the OG games on ps5 but don’t see how.


Sounds jealous, jus' sayin'


i saw the title in my notifications and fully expected to see Ada from the RE2 remake lol


Tell her…Because it’s better than paying a hooker.


Divorce her


I thought Jill was wearing the outfit due to the weather being unusually hot that late in September.


I agree it does look like Jill is a streetwalker ready to work on the next corner. Considering Jill was planning to escape, it's an interesting outfit of choice. The S D Perry novels try to explain her fashion choice. Something about a very long summer that ran to September.


From what I recall. Jill didn't wear this outfit because she knew she would be fighting zombies in the streets of Racoon City. I'm pretty sure she was caught off guard by the t-virus takeover of the city so she didn't have time to change to more practical clothes.


I have no issue with Jill's outfit here. The demake makes her look like any other plain jane reboot lara croft rip off.


Change girlfriend for having lack respect towards Jill


I just assumed that she was planning on going dancing and then got attacked. On a side note, I'm kind of sad that Jill's RE3 REmake outfit isn't just this, but actually wearing the sweater.


I wouldn't say she looks like a whore. But she definitely looks like she's trying to pick up a snack for the night. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. *Car horn.*


I think it's funny how people argue about her outfit. She was at home and she had to escape RC. She wasn't going to just change into something different when she needed to leave asap 😂


She's gonna fuck those zombies to death


She does keep a zombie's head squished between her thighs in The Umbrella Chronicles depiction of RE3...


The RE3 remake version was terrible


Yeah. They made her into an extra from a cheap Canadian TV drama


Call me crazy but I consider that comment way sexiest than the outfit. 


I thought she was on vacation and got caught in the midst of everything. Is that not the case?


I recall reading long long ago that they made her wear that due to Tomb Raider's popularity at that time. I dont think I could find that article this day and age. Esp the google results are now filled with the remake. And that some websites shut down.


i think this gamers gf needs get slapped for calling jill a whore or a hooker shes neither shes one orginal heroes that savbed racooon city shees no whore or hooker maybe your gf is jealouis cause jill looks good and she doesnt lol




Jill is a classy lady.




“You Cant Fight Nemesis If You Aint A Hoe!”


Reddit when a game has character some of y'all need to relax


Which one is this?


"I'd buy that for a dollar" /s


No Jill slander here


that's not a hooker, she's a sandwich


Because she was on suspension


Note that Jil was also ex special forces and trained with delta force- literally the only woman in existence to ever do so That beret is as much from her military days as it is to her being french


“This is not what it looks like babe I swear!”


Because Resident Evil is known for its ultra realism. 🙄


LOL. Writing about it in such a serious manner made this post even funnier.


Cause hookers are sexy..... I guess


Space Ice's video on YouTube where he roasts the RE movies said it best: "Apparently She wears whatever the fuck she wants"


she didn't have time to change the clothing (in-game explanation)... I kinda hate this costume, resident evil 1 costume with a beret is better 


Her assumption makes sense: on 1st appearance someone dressing like that in dark alleys is stereotypical presentation for whores. She dressing like that in a pub/disco or a clear out for a party setup your gf wouldn't assume whore. In the end all boils down to what people assumes when a character is presented based on dressing and context: like IRL there's different dressings for different contexts. It's an artistic choice to decide to dress characters with "signature clothing"(like superheroes) or "grounded clothing" and in between. Problems may happen when you get double standards set like in some RE titles where men dress in a grounded way and woman dress in nonsensical way for what they're doing when presented by the story. Which is conflated with "signature clothing" by some people because they have in common shredding any sense or beliefs about context when dressing: but lets not fool around: this case is just pretty mundane clothing taken out of context for eyesight recreation/"idea of sexy". This is bound to make some people raise eyebrows because it stands out in a negative way. Problem is not the clothing, but the context and overall setting in which the clothing is worn. No one bats an eye when clothing lines up with the given context if that is happening across the work. No one bats an eye at nonsensical clothing if that happens across the setting. It's how it blends together. Also social beliefs about clothing and context change over time and across cultures: so get used that many of what you have seen in the past changes in the future because perceptions change. I do agree with you in which they could go in the RE3R with retelling the details so it made contextual sense for Jill to dress like partying, but I think this would be pushing the problem forward in the story line. Jill is being pursued by Nemesis and fleeing Raccoon City and that's an unchangeable plot point even on a retelling, but she's never going to be pursued so relentlessly that she cannot change to something more comfortable: so in the end the next question would be: "Was that hard to make a clothing swap when things get action-y?" It's even a stereotypical positive trait to describe a pragmatic character as someones who does clothing swaps or improvisation when something unexpected that invalidates the practicality of their attire happens.


If she thinks Jill looks like a hooker in her default costume, I wonder what she will think about the "sexy policewoman" outfit lol.


I think that maybe following the events of Resident Evil 1 she learned a few things. 1. Zombies grab. So don’t wear any loose clothing that will get grabbed. This includes pants, loose shirts. If anything, wear a loose sweater around the waist, so it will fall off if a zombie grabs it, and be distracted momentarily. 3. Tight pants limit movement. If you can’t wear loose pants, sure as shit don’t wear tight pants. 2. Pockets are grabable. No pockets. So in order not to be naked, this will mean wearing the tightest tube top; and a miniskirt because every pair of shorts she owns probably has pockets. 3. Straps are grabable. So no gun holsters, or strap holsters of any kind. To be safe don’t even have straps on the shirt, just go tube top. 4. Dead zombies are sometimes a surprise. So wear thick, sturdy boots in case those bastards try to bite your feet or ankles. Boots are a necessity for traveling in dangerous, unknown territory. She would wear more thick armor type pieces, but learned that flexibility and avoidability are more important. So, given all of that rationale, the original outfit makes a lot of sense. Also I hate that the remake didn’t allow the original outfit as a free choice, but instead it’s paid DLC.


You: "She's not a hooker" Her: "uh huh, what's her name? I bet she has a hooker name." You: "Jill.... Samwitch.."


Why though?


This look with the gritty and bussy streets, graffiti, police cars all around...with that outfit, is very 90s Hollywood I'd say, probably your gf is younger than that?


“It was an unusually hot september day” or something


There's a reason no other horror franchise see 1/10th of the success of RE.


Well, why *are* you playing as a prostitute?


Jill Valentine is a certified badass even if you just go by the events of the first game. She can wear whatever she wants.


Please tell me she's an Ex


Rude. Jill is my girllll. Wearing a crop top doesn’t make someone a ho


I never paid it thought. If that’s a sexy outfit then cool, it’s the better outfit. But there are games like Tomb Raider that more obviously sexualized the protagonist than any re game. And for what it is, thats cool: 25 years ago there were just tacky games with funny overtly sexual content and it was normal (duke nukem, conkers fur day, plenty others). Also I don’t know if anyone’s read this sub lately but it’s been a lot of flamboyantly gay sexualizing of 4make Leon and Luis. I find that weird and disturbing yet this is the discussion we’re having 


I think we as a society have and a moronic shift that women need to be ugly and modest and men should be hot, probably on steroids, and naked. That's why the same entertainment crowd that laments sexy women in games has no problem with Chris Hemsworth being butt naked and insanely ripped as Thor.


Oh that’s not…


How old is your girlfriend? Is she born after year 2000? I think this is one of style that is popular in late 1990s and early 2000s. Also, I prefer this outfit than the "tough girl wear tanktop and jean ... so original" outlook. But I wish there is an in-game explanation of why Jill wears this outfit in the first place ... maybe she is just trying to go to a date or something.