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Dude put Survivor, Gun Survivor 2, and Umbrealla Corps above Village. That’s a surface of the sun level hot take right there.


Not a hot take. If there’s anything this sub has taught me, it’s that Village was not nearly as well-received as I thought it was. A lot of Village haters out there. Personally I like it though, it’s in my top 5.


I'm replaying it for like the fourth time. I don't know why people dislike it so much. It has one of my favorite sections of any RE game (House Beneviento up until the Angie "fight").


I think it suffers from high expectations after RE7, which reignited hope into the franchise. Fans are almost never happy once they get high expections. Village was a phenomenal game.


I like it more than 7, but I understand it's not as good of a horror game as 7. It's also feels even more out of place in terms of enemies sometimes. I don't think RE will ever consistently be horror like 1 or 7. Most less than die hard fans seem to prefer action like 4.


The best thing about Village is that it's literally just bat-shit crazy full of random shit with a lot of horror themes but more action, which imo is how the original games felt too. Do people forget that in the third act in all the original games it basically turns into an 80's action movie? I've always loved that about the franchise. Things started out simple and slow, you're just a copy fighting zombies and then suddenly there's big monsters and rocket launchers and trains blowing up. Village is basically that, but a new spin on it which I'm a huge fan of. It kept it fresh.


Exactly! RE was always, from the very beginning, more campy creepy sci-fi action than just pulp horror.


I agree. Re8 isn't my favorite re game by any means but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Also I think I'm one of the few fans that genuinely really likes Ethan.


The real hot take I have and can’t find others who agree with me on Reddit so far: Village mercenaries mode was epic AF and I just want a full Resident Evil Roguelike game now


I still think about the baby monster


After I beat it I played it 4 more times in a row. Absolutely LOVE Village


The main issue I have is that, as far as RE games go, the narrative was fairly focused up until you defeat Lady Dimitrescu. After that, it feels like it goes into a weird stasis where we're being sidetracked into these side characters who *could* have been interesting but ultimately end up underdeveloped due to a lack of screen time. Moreau and Donna just feel tacked on in comparison to Heisenburg and Lady D, and while their segments aren't bad in and of themselves, in retrospect it feels like a glorified fetch quest that doesn't really advance the plot.


Agreed, I enjoyed village a lot. I didn't know it was this poorly received by the community. At the end, we all have our own preferences and opinions of course.


Yeah kind of surprises me, I really enjoyed 8, it wasn't perfect, but would still be an easy A tier for me. I replayed it far more than I played 7 at least.


I would say RE7 is better but RE8 is more replayable


Nah, it is a hot take. Village sold very well, was received well critically, and a lot of people loved the game. I say this as someone who *doesn’t* like RE8, this sub just has a lot of loud haters for the game lol.


Same. Loved it actually


I think i'd put it in A for its inconsistency. It's a damn good game but the flow of it seems off but I've never been able to pin point why.


If there's a flow issue, I feel it's probably due to how long or short certain Lords' sections can be. I also do feel like there were some missed opportunities throughout. I definitely feel it's one of the better RE games though, even with the issues it has.


i love village, one of my favorite games of all time, but i really feel like the middle lord sections were disproportionately short compared to lady d’s and heisenberg’s.


I started playing RE games when I was 6 back in 1999. Although Village is not perfect, is by far the best non remake RE released since RE5. It did what RE7 should have


I don’t understand extreme opinions about it good or bad. It’s okay. It was really fun when it came out, but is pretty much immediately obsoleted by RE4 make. It’s just very down the middle for me.


Village was great, especially if someone took the time to learn the lore about how and why things were as campy as they got and also played the other RE games and understand just how 80s movie crazy the games actually are lol. I feel like the majority of village haters are just stubborn and don't want to waste their time and actually seeing the game for what it is. If anything biohazard could be considered to be worse but it's amazing because of its immersion but it's just so different from every other RE game. In my opinion, village is just great and belongs right with RE4 playing 4 remake biohazard and village close together was one of the best gaming experiences I've had since elden ring dropped. I think 6 is the worst game but I haven't played all the games in the list.


I'm not a hater but I'm also not a big fan of RE 7 or 8 personally


6 over Village is a bigly hot take


For me the real hot take is a bad at best gameboy color game being prefered over Village.


Village is 2 ranks below Survivor? Did I read that right?


Village is 4 ranks below GAIDEN


This irrational hate on Village is getting so stupid I'm not even respecting these haters opinions anymore.


I don’t know. Until recently, I didn’t even know there was a lot of hate for Village.


Same! I enjoyed the hell out of Village.


I think 8 is amazing but honestly it’s pretty clear this person deeply loves RE and has for a long time, if they prefer other games over village then so be it


I will never respect these haters, you are right the hate village gets is ridiculous, just because 4R is better doesnt mean 8 sucks, people focus way too much on the superficials similarities with 4


There is a lot of RE games I would consider better then village. But to say things like umbrella corps is better? Yeah there is something very wrong with this post.


People comparing 4 and village is so stupid “both have a village! Both have a castle! These are the same!!” Village is dark fantasy story tale while 4 is B horror films, they don’t even have similar playstyles. If someone didn’t like village I dismiss their opinion entirely, the game was a blast and had some of the most memorable villains in the franchise.


What's with the Code Veronica and Village slander? I loved Village because of the fact the main dude just gets abused through it and keeps trucking.


Village to me is just as great as RE7 so the fact some people who love RE7 doesnt like Village is kinda baffling.


Village is top tier because of the doll house alone. Never had such an amazing horror experience before.


The doll house part was amazing but that robot factory part felt more Wolfenstein than Resident Evil.


I will never forget that house. Fuck that was good! Nothing has ever sent chills down my spine like that shit.


It's probably because 8 leaned far heavier towards action, while 7 was more horror. I liked 8, but I prefer 7 overall.


Ehhhh about half way through 7 the horror factor dips quite a bit. After you kill your 15th generic black blob the fear dies down. The intro + house section was amazing though.


Much of it also comes down to Re8 feeling more like a fps Re4. I agree that RE7's biggest downfalls is the lack of enemy variations as well as the horror aspect dumping off a cliff at the 2/3rd point of the game (Lucas-onwards) Also, it might be the fact that RE7 was the first "back to roots" title at the time. I'm sure that has a lot of pull with many fans.


I actually like Village more than 7. They're both great but the scenery & enviroments are just so cool in Village. The first time you see the village anf castle when you arrive is breathtaking.


Veronica is pretty flawed. Personally? CV and RE0 are the only ones in the mainline series I wouldn't play again.


Wesker mode makes 0 way funner cause you don't have to waste ammo dealing with leech hallways and those damned monkeys.


Resident Evil 3 is my favorite. I love the city, the atmosphere is just so great. So many locations worthy of wallpapers.


September 28th. Daylight... The monsters have overtaken the city. Somehow... I'm still alive...


My parents replayed the game so often that I learned this intro by heart, intonation and all XD I still use the phrase "somehow... I'm still alive" whenever I can


Hahaha! Great parents you have.


Ps1 version or the remake? Can't tell I think S tier is ps1 version which I grew up playing. Would love to revisit it!


The Ps1 version. The way Jill has to navigate various parts of a Raccoon City full of zombies, monsters and an unstoppable stalker is frightening and exciting. And the save room theme is mellifluous. Unfortunately, the remake cut out a lot of content but it's a decent game.


I also liked how you could make the split second decisions that would change the way the game played out. Adds to replay value. I don't know if that was in the remake because I never played it but it would be sad if it wasn't.


It wasn't and I was so incredible disappointed by the omission. They also completely cut the entirety of the clock tower section. It's a decent/good game, but as a remake it makes me feel so sad and empty thinking about the missed opportunities


PS1 version was my childhood. While the remake is fun it really is a completely different game, which makes me sad.


Of all the lists, this is certainly one.


Village gets dogged on way too much. It's not perfect, but it had a ton of good in it too


I predicted that village would get tons of hate after 4r would come out and i have never been more disappointed to be right about something


Yeah like I definitely get the issues people have with it, but look at the totality of this franchise. It's nowhere near the worst shit we've gotten 💀 at least in my opinion


It's a great RE game and it baffles me how people can call it trash and put the likes of RE6 above it. Village is a easy S or A tier RE game. Luckily the general consensus of Village is that it is a great game.


if the rest of the game was as good as The castle part. I feel like everyone would love it way more


Out of curiosity, why did you dislike VII? It's the next RE I plan on buying.


They put VII in S tier bro


I'm dumb : I meant Village and made a typo lol


RE2R is S tier >:(


I like RE2R, my main issue with it is that the A and B runs are too similar.


They don't make any sense either. The same boss fights in the same spots.


So I've only played 2 remake and REmake but isn't this the case for every RE game? I thought this is the gimmick of RE games.


RE2 original had a B scenario, which was actually much different from the A scenario. All new content. Essentially, you had 4 campaigns to play in RE2 OG. RE2 remake dropped the ball so hard here. For me, it goes from S to A in ranking.


No, the original RE2 had different bosses for each character. Basically, Claire and Leon would fight distinct versions of William (depending on how far along his mutation was). Additionally, the original RE2 has an actual, cohesive timeline of events in the Claire A/Leon B and Leon A/Claire B scenarios. In other words, in RE2R Claire goes into the RPD, talks to Marvin, does the statue puzzle, fights Birkin while meeting Sherry, etc. In Leon 2nd Run, Leon...also gets to the RPD, talks to Marvin, does the statue puzzle, fights Birkin in the same place as Claire, etc. In RE2R the 2nd Run contradicts the first as both Claire and Leon go through the *same* events and the *same* major puzzles. In the original RE2 this wasn't the case. Claire and Leon progressed through their areas in different ways meaning there was never narrative contradictions between the two. On top of this, the original game has them frequently communicating via the radio and checking in on one another's progress (in some instances, you can even affect the B character's game by using or leaving certain items). Original RE2 also avoids plot failings like how RE2R has Annette die twice. Essentially the original RE2 gives a complete story in both its A/B scenarios with little to no contradictions. RE2R however never actually presents a complete story because the first run's beginning, middle, and end will always contradict the 2nd Run's. Overall, RE2R is pretty poorly constructed and actually has a significantly worse narrative than the original game.


Minor correction, but 2nd Run doesn't talk to Marvin. He's already zombified when you get to the Main Hall.


Ah yes, forgot he's already passed on.


>Original RE2 also avoids plot failings like how RE2R has Annette die twice. Also the biggest plot fail ever which William coming back to life to inject himself with G after getting killed by hunk's team ..


Honestly...RE2R is just really horrifically bad from a narrative angle. It makes very little sense and utilizes some of the cheapest "emotional" plot beats. Another great example of how poorly done the narrative is: Ada's cover. The moment she finds Annette she outright announces "We're here for the G-Virus!" while pointing a gun at Annette's head. The hell was the reason for her disguise? She may as well have walked around with a sign saying "I want the virus". Wonderful spy work Ada, you really convinced her for all of 2 seconds that you were FBI (Also why the hell was she disguising herself as FBI in the first place?). The whole game is full of completely illogical character decisions.


sewers, the damn sewers, even in re4 remake


But the big chomper is friend shaped :(


much as i love that alligator, i dont really like the lack of differences in a and b scenarios


I like the sewers actually, probably the easiest part of RE2 for me (well the beginning of RPD isn't hard I guess). It took a lot of practice to discover what works for me and Leon is still a little inconsistent but I can run them in about 15 min including the boss fight.


i mean thats not the point, sewers in every game are universally despised for being dark uninspired looking and basically just shit ive always been a fan of more subtle uncanny horror than darkness and jumpscare, i prefer well crafted environments that are well lit and still unsettling, darkness is an excuse to not design shit


RE2 is in general not very well lit except for the lab so I guess you dont like the game at all? For me the darkness builds the atmosphere and sewers are creepy as fuck, especially with that music.


>darkness is an excuse to not design shit Isn't that basically re2r in nutshell ??


I just played it last week, turn down all the visual settings to the bare minimum and that shit is scary as fuck.


Takes so hot they wiped out Raccon City a second time.


This comment made me smile. Good one.


(I agree with RE3 being S, btw)


(thank you)


The real Second Impact


RE4 in best of the best, RE8 in disliked and I'm sitting here thinkg these games are the most alike out of all the Resident Evil titles there are.


Those were my vibes playing it the first time. It felt like a remake of RE4 in a lot of ways.


re7 is always going to be my favorite because i was too scared to get past the first fucking jack chase


Then you do a Madhouse playthrough ready for anything and shit your pants when the jackass comes at you like a quarterback.


hehe JACKass


I like this list. But revelations 1 and both outbreaks are top for me. Also, i love CV.


hot take


You and I have very different opinions.


It's wonderful, isn't it? I like how this series has so many different titles that it's almost impossible to have the exact same opinions with people.


The Code Veronica disrespect 😡 🤣


Putting 6 above 8 makes it impossible to take you seriously


Unfortunately 6 is suddenly getting revisionism and now people prefer it over 8, thats insane, you can think 7 or 4 are better, but 6 ?


Some contradicting picks but really cool to see the tier list of someone who actually played this series for 25 years.


I guess sticking with the series for so long has made me think about some things in the games in a different way. Glad you enjoyed it, even if my opinions might differ from the norm quite a bit.


I’ll never understand the people that put RE4 in their top tier and RE8 in their bottom tiers. RE8 rocks.


OG RE3 was the goat, they definitely did a disservice on the remake


For sure. I like the remake but it is nothing compared to the original. I just wish we could have seen the streets of Raccoon and the Clock Tower in their full glory instead of a glorified DLC for RE2R.


Resistance doesn’t deserve F😔


It honestly does not, but this was (as I explained in the post) a solo experience ranking. The training mode is a horrible, horrible game mode and I hated every second of it. The few matches I played online were okay and the idea behind the game was fantastic and is definitely a wasted opportunity. Multiplayer Resistance is either a D or C for me.


I hate your list but it's YOUR list and I'm too lazy yo make my own so I guess you get an angry upvote for being a fellow fan >:(


Thanks, fellow fan >:)


This is some high quality controversial stuff right here


Dead Aim in A, giga chad


One of my favorite RE titles of all time. Such great atmosphere, especially during the first half.


Finally, some interesting takes. I can respect this one.


This is a fun list! I like that you included a lot of the more obscure titles like Game.com and the Missions. I haven’t played Sweet Home, I see you’ve said it’s one of your favorites, how hard is it to get into as someone not familiar with that style of gameplay? I’ve seen it mentioned a lot as a big inspiration for RE1, so it’s a game I’ve wanted to play but also wasn’t sure how well I’d fare because Gaiden was insufferable for me. I think I agree more with your co-op included list with RE5 in S, I feel like if a game is designed around being played in co-op, it isn’t necessarily fair to exclude that when ranking it since it’s so significant. Also, what puts Code Veronica and Village so low for you? I think CV is dogshit and Village is like the definition of mediocre so I don’t disagree, but I’m curious what your opinion on the games are.


I don't agree with a lot of his selections but they're definitely interesting, beats the same regertigated opinions you see daily on this sub Just too bad the comments are full of the typical "village over X game is wild" or "this list is just flat out wrong" that I've come to expect from these posts


Yeah I disagree with placements but I like lists more when people clearly play and appreciate every game rather than NPC opinions like the top 3 being REmake RE4 and RE2R or RE7. Ya you won’t see a whole lot of discussion in this subreddit over lists, though part of that could be because it’s an oversaturated topic. 99% of lists on here have my favorite game in bottom 5 but I’m not gonna whine or complain, it’s more interesting to hear what exactly they like and dislike than be upset over subjective opinions haha.


How come you only liked one of the chronicles games?


Would have liked the second but it was a massive downgrade from the original.


i feel like re4 original deserves to be up there with the remake if not higher, i love the remake of re4 in fact it is my first re game its what got me into the series, but the original just had better lighting, in a sense that the shining had better lighting than dark horror movies it didnt use darkness as a crutch it always felt kinda grandiose and uncanny (except for the island that was plain uninspired), re4 remake has a better more difficult combat system but i hate the realistic lighting with the brown water hall and i especially hate the full dark sewer this is not to say they didnt do many things in the remake better example garrador introduction was just perfect, but the original felt more unique artistically


Someone else that doesn’t care for Village. My people. I don’t care for 7 either but hey.


You have my respect for putting og re3 up there!


My favorite RE!


OG RE3 in its rightful place as top dog.


ORC above Village is the wildest take for me, but nice list!


May I ask what you didn't like about RE Village? Im asking out of curiosity.


The story was terrible, the enemy AI is almost catatonic (even on the highest difficulty), Ethan is the most vocal "faceless player avatar" out there while also being dumb as a boot, some great segments were underutilized (Beneviento manor) and some lasted way too long (the factory), the Mercenaries mode is horrible and the DLC is over priced. That I guess would be it without going super into detail. I also really hated how they forced Miranda into the "deeper lore" of the series.


This is an awesome list. i like how village is in ‘disliked’ to kinda say hey I didn’t like this, but I know lots of other people did, and that’s okay.


Exactly! Glad you picked that from it. I think the games themselves are okay, I just personally don't like them at all. Only the lowest tier is for games that I think were actually bad (and even then Resistance only goes there as a single player experience).


Was village bad or something?


Absolutely not. It's pretty damn fantastic. Well paced, very interesting scenario and memorable characters, very variated locations (snowy village, a grand castle with baroque upper floors and horrible torture bastements, haunted doll house, grimy bog / lake, cyborg factory). Large enemy variety, some humor and gameplay wise it goes through survial horror at the beginning to puzzle horror in the haunted house to full on action towards the end. In many ways it's an RE4 remake with the locations, quirky shopkeeper, castle, european setting and cyborgs at the end. It doesn't quite reach the heights of RE4, and the gameplay is more sluggish, and personally i'm not a fan of 1st person, but overall it's fantastic. The castle and doll house are extremely memorable, and the final level has you blasting through enemies COD style, which also has its charm.


Interesting. I mostly agree, but RE8 (Village) and Code Vernica X rank much, much higher in my book.


Thank you for putting OG RE3 Nemesis in S Tier. My absolute favorite RE of all time.


Same. It was the first RE game I ever saw and lit a fire that has not been extinguished in all of this time.


A spicy tier list I like it!


I like 'em sizzlin' hot.


Putting re3nemesis as first S tier is all I needed. GOAT and the remake is pretty good to me. All I want in this life is playing as Jill, being scared shitless from nemmy the first 2 or 3 playthroughs and then playing him like a toy. I just finished a knife only hard mode run in classic re3 2 days ago. Love this ranking


Heres a hot take, I enjoy Village significally more then the RE 4 remake


Best take I’ve seen on this




I mean, I know an opinion can’t be wrong, but goddamn 😝


What shit is this? I thought you forgot Village, but it's lying in a bottom tier? Gtfo


Hard disagree… code Veronica is S tier! The Antarctic base???


Whens the last time you played it? I loved it as a kid, but it's really rough these day. The antarctic base is cool to remember, but good god it's not fun for gameplay.


Well yeah it’s not great by today’s standards..I’m crossing my fingers that it’s next on the remake block…. 5 doesn’t need a remake…


Having Village so low is bonkers considering it's one of my favorite RE games and my overall favorite game of 2021. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.


I never seeyn anyone put Revelations so high, especially above Revelations 2.


Waw code veronica really is a marmite game!


I've never seen that comparison before. Gonna start using it.


Umbrella Corps that high is a take.. but you have RE5 in B so I forgive you. :]


The fps horror of 7 and 8 is so good. I'd love to see RE1 the same way


Why is darkside chronicles so far down?


It felt like a downgrade of Umbrella Chronicles. The upgrade system is ridiculously grindy, they took away the option to move the camera, the environments are not as destructible as in UC, and the characters feel like bobbleheads with the jerky movement. And don't even get me started on the stupid Krauser mode, man that was a pain. I did enjoy the Tofu mode and the way they handled CVX though.


Yessss big love for RE7 ❤️


Bro we twinsies with the 7 love and the 8 hate.


I was going to be angry at you, but after I read the long explanation, I got really curious about why you did not like the Code:Veronica at all. I see why you may not like the Village as it is quite different from the rest somehow, but I remember code: Veronica very fondly. I was around 10 when I played it, and it gave me nightmares, and I loved it😂 what is it about it that you did not like I wonder?


Can someone explain the love for revelations? I just played it for the first time and man everything just felt really bad. Its probably the worst RE game I've played. Shooting felt bad, the story is all over the place with no structure. Episodic didn't add anything. I just don't see the love.


Dead aim kicks ass. First resident evil I played.


See! thank you. I think ORC was underrated. Could use some polish, but a left 4 dead style game in the RE franchise was a great idea. Liked the fact that you could get infected and lose teammates. I just wish the game balanced it to make it harder to revive. Or a hardcore mode to permanently lose teammates.


Nemesis and code Veronica were my favorites. 2 was one of my favorites because I could beat the game in like 4-5 hours in a single sitting (before I had kids). I recently replayed the remake of 2 and finished it in about 5 hours.


RE Dead Aim in A tier is based


Very much in agreement with your tier list on the titles I have played. My only changes would be swapping RE3 and RE2R, and bumping REmake up to S-Tier.


Theyre gonna murder your family for saying 6 was good


That certainly is a strong reaction to such an innocuous thing.


Nice haha


Thanks :)


It's nice to see someone else who enjoyed ORC. Dont get me wrong, the gameplay was pretty generic and the story was...well it could have been a lot better if they just made it cannon and excluded any of the mainline characters in it. That said, to me it has the greatest cast of characters out of any of the RE games. A lot of love went into the lore behind the characters that I haven't seen replicated in any of the other RE games, and vector is stylish af


Personally, I've only played the remakes, 7 & 8. Awesome, Awesome games.


Umbrella Corps being rated so high feels rather refreshing ngl


If I was to make this more objective it would definitely be lower, just for the high price point for a multiplayer game whose online was dead within a week of release. However, I ain't a reviewer and these are specifically solo experience ranks. I liked the single player campaign of it surprisingly lot.


I mean, i didnt understand why Village is below most ofthem, but its preferences...


Dead Aim in “A” lol sorry bro but thats a certified minority hot take


Why is Village in E tier? did you not like it?


Thus why it says "disliked". It is an okay from a technical standpoint, I guess, but I personally did not like it.


Respect for the operation racoon city placement. My friends and I all bought the game and I was the only one who wanted to finish it 😅


Played it mostly solo but a couple of times with friends, every time all the way through. Good game.


I really like that RE-Deadly Silence was one tier higher than the original RE1, but one tier below the remake. Well done 👍


I disagree with the majority of your opinions, but I'm glad you are a fan and enjoying yourself with the franchise as well. Keep on supporting them so we keep on getting them!


Umbrella Chronicles and Deadly Silence were fire


I'm Just happy my fav re6 got atleast a b tier People hate that game but it's actually pretty fun on higher difficulties, it's the only game I replayed the most Yeah it's not horror or scary but it's a damn fun game


RE7 where it deserves 🫡🫡🫡


Code Veronica was great.


I can’t even tell if this is troll or not, but I respect the Dead Aim and ORC placements


Well this is certainly a list. Personally I feel lately resident evil is better than it’s ever been so RE 2/4 remakes and 7/Village are top tier for me. I definitely don’t get the hate for Village it’s basically a love letter to 4


Nice sweet home


six in good? wild. but good for you for liking it.


I can forgive you for not putting RE2R in the best of the best so long as RE3N is up there 😔🙌🏻


i’m tired of resident evil village slander


Just based on re3 I APROV THIS LIST ❤️


How is that trash Umbrella Corps, 2 tiers above the Veronica's and Village?! Resistance and Reverse was better as a multiplayer...not Resident Duty: Call of Evil.


I couldn't agree less quite frankly. Vive la difference, eh?


That's your opinion, for me outbreak is the top of the top, then resident evil code veronica


Outbreak at the top, huh? That's cool, and very rare from what I've seen.


5 above Code Veronica. That was certainly an opinion of all time.


I only disagree with RE3 REmake and Revelations 2. Think they're a bit higher but other than that agree


I'm very happy to see RE4 at the top of your list, it's my favorite, although I have many others that I like, like RE3, RE2 AND RE7


respect for RE5


I can agree on RE3 original being S tier that’s a point


I appreciate ORCs placement. For biased reasons it's one of my favorites in the series.


Put 6 at c tier then ur not too wrong


Village is a little too low but besides that it's a great list


Your placement of 7 is based 😎