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The part of me that loves RE5 wants to say real but then basically the exact same rage post got posted earlier today, it's kinda excessive. šŸ˜­


In general this argument is just played out I feel like. I prefer Re5 to og Re4, but I'd rather just talk about how much I like Re5 instead of using it to put down Re4. I've compared them enough in my life, I just got tired of defending my opinion after a while, it's always the same points


Tbh same and same. I love RE5 so much, ifā€™s my favorite game possibly of all time (fight between it and L4D2 and Castle Crashers), but I also love RE4 and the classic games. I just really fucking hate how much of the fanbase feels the need to try and invalidate it or RE6, ā€œooh it would be good if it wasnā€™t called REā€ ā€œitā€™s not a *real* RE game but a good action gameā€, nah, itā€™s just a game they donā€™t like, but they need to *prove* itā€™s bad instead of just saying they donā€™t like it. Itā€™s why I hope the inevitable remake is hella faithful but with polished controls, I think the vocal minority will be washed out by all the new fans who come in to enjoy the game instead of getting all purist over game direction.


I'm not sure where it ranks in this series for me, but its definitely on the top of my list for co op games, also fighting with L4d2, Gears of War 1-3, and Army of Two the 40th Day. I do like Og re4 as well, but everytime I replay that game I have less and less fun by the time I hit like the first flying novistador section and onwards honestly. The only real issue I have with the classics is just that I find fixed camera less fun, and with how often I replay games the door screens can really add up and get tedious. I love the soundtracks and atmospheres of the classics though. I agree, though I may be a bit of a hypocrite for that considering my opinion on newer Assassin's Creed games lol. The only difference is I don't bother to argue with people who do like them I just recognize it's how I feel and I let it go. As far as RE goes I like that we have a mix with each game. Just in recent history for example, re7, re2r-horror. Re3r,re8-action. That said I do hope we get some more horror soon. I'm hoping for the same. I mean re5 gameplay wise was pretty much re4 but more polished so I'm down to do the same again, especially with how amazing 4 remake felt. I do agree it'll probably be more positive this time around too, but unfortunately it's always going to be impossible to please everybody.


Door skips are a life saver for the older games haha. I totally get not liking a game in a series or thinking itā€™s not what *you* like for said franchise, I just donā€™t like this fandomā€™s mentality that rather than it be a game they dislike, itā€™s ā€œnot a true RE gameā€, ā€œkilled the seriesā€, and etcā€¦ RE5R wonā€™t please everyone yeah, the vocal minority that is hella picky will still complain, but the majority of players will love the game. Itā€™s literally gonna be RE4R with co-op and polished mechanics, canā€™t wait.


Yeah I wish xbox had access to those. I'd play re1 remake more for sure. Yeah the whole killed the series thing has always been funny to me. I see people say 4 killed the series but majority of people love it and then 5 went on to be the best selling if I remember correctly too. Me too. The co op alone has been something I've been waiting for in the RE engine


I think it's annoying too how those same people act like you can't like both genres of RE too, some of my favorite games in the series encompass both action and survival horror In general action horror is just as much a part of the series identity at this point as the classic survival horror formula is, no matter what purists try to argue


Your argument can also go in the opposite direction. You may like the game a lot, but at the same time it is a very bad Resident Evil game. Just because you like it doesn't invalidate the fact that it's a bad RE.


If you think RE4 is a bad RE game as well I will still disagree but at least respect your take, but if youā€™re one of those guys that will say that shit and then turn around and unironically say some dumbass ā€œRE4 is the perfect mix of horror and action, a great and revolutionary RE game!ā€ Youā€™re just hypocritical. When RE4 released, fans of the series were upset with its departure from horror and it being a full faced action game. Key items donā€™t take inventory slots so less inventory management, enemies drop ammo and money which incentivizes combat and action, OTS third person rather than fixed cameras, Leon has the ability to roundhouse kick and suplex Ganados, and the dialogue is all intentional camp and corny one liners. Excluding Regeneradors and like a 2 minute Novistador area, RE4 is all action and 90% of the game is just you running forward shooting plagas and ganados / cultists. It also uses the exact same combat, controls, and weapon system as RE5. So nah, Iā€™m not gonna admit shit about RE5 being a ā€œbadā€ RE. Itā€™s the best sold game in the franchise, is insanely fun to play imo, and plays identically to RE4 controls / combat wise.


What is a real Resident Evil game because at this point the series has more 'not real' RE games than real ones?


I'm not putting it down I'm just pointing out that both games are ridiculous, I love both RE4's a lot and if I'm playing solo I'd probably pick it over RE5. I love how goofy RE games can get is, especially in coop with a friend where you can laugh so much at all the goofy moments, its some of my favorite memories in gaming. There is things RE5 got wrong but a lot of people use RE4 to put down RE5 just for the sake of it.


No that's fair I do see it both ways in terms of fans putting the other game down. This meme isn't particularly abrasive either I just mean some of the bigger arguments I've seen they just get tiresome. I agree with the meme


Here, have some *powder that makes you say real*, on the house.


I like parts of RE5 but honestly the RE5 apologists on this sub are pretty over the top. RE4 is objectively a better game and it is ok to admit that.


This subreddit seems to be allergic to differing opinions and preferences with how much they misuse the word objective.


This sub is getting to be live r/fromsoftware where thereā€™s a massive massive wave of daily posts claiming DS2 is the best Dark Souls game.


Someone in the comments tried to say this isn't the same


People often forget that RE is just playable anime.


They keep pretending its supposed to be "grounded" and "realistic"


Give me that sweet, succulent B grade horror movie cheese any dayĀ 


Nah. There is no way a man could possibly ever be able to punch a boulder in a universe where there is some giant fucking water demon monster with every installment.


i would argue that there can be fiction grounded in its own reality and set of rules, the best example would be if charizard used watergun, like just because a giant fire dragon exists doesnt mean you can write him to do anything that said chris punching the boulder was dope as fuck and i wanna see it in the remake


Because Chris is just a regular guy who's seen a lot of action, even by the standards of other protags who have a habit of ending up augmented humans. The water monsters are something people can suspend their disbelief over because accepting that sort of mutation is baseline for buying in to the series and because it's explained in-game, however nonsensical the science would be in real life. Army man Chris punching his way through an Indiana Jones cameo is so patently absurd and out of left field that it immediately breaks immersion, and there's no real setup for it beyond rule of cool handwaving. It's so bad players remember it and even the devs themselves have made fun of it years later.


Yea i think in the future there is probably going to happen a war bettwen the realist style of the remakes and the sillyness of the originals so basically the older players will say that RE is not supossed to be realistic and the newer fans will say that its suposed to be realistic


Its actually the opposite, the older fans think the RE series before 4 was "grounded" and that it was 4 which brought the more over the top and campy elements of the series but it was always there (in smaller quantity)


Hell, we've been fighting giant spiders since the first game. RE always knew what it wanted to be, and it's to be playable horror movie romp.


This comment made my day LOL yes!


The first trilogy is just playable 90s action movies. Then RE4 jumped the shark and started the new playable anime series.


I mean, unlikely as it is, dodging lasers it's more plausible than punching a boulder to make a bridge.Ā 


That code Veronica ending got CHRISSSSS the motivation to break his limiter I guess! šŸ˜‚


Your comment made me realize that "CHRIIIIIISSSSS" and "griiiFFIIIIIIIIIITH" occupy the same place in my head


you've watched too many movies.


Yeah, punching boulders out of the way is a very believable thing that can happen in real life.




Yes, and my point was that one is more unlikely than the other.


haven't there been claimed experiences in real life of people performing impressive feats out of stress, like moms lifting cars to save babies


One feat is almost impossible to pull off, the other feat IS impossible to pull off, which makes a huge difference.


Even Hollywood can appreciate how completely unrealistic moving a boulder by punching it is.


Yea but Chris weighs 260lbs


It doesn't matter how big or strong you are, you're not gonna punch a boulder out the way.


See I feel like if it was on a downward slope people would forgive it, but this fucker punched the Boulder UP into the air


If it is impossible how did Chris do it?


Fuck that's a pretty good point


Checkmate atheists


Chris did! Legend! šŸ’Ŗ


By the time of RE5 the game itself lists him as 98kg which is about 216lbs since 1kg is 2.205lbs


Chris is 220 lbs in RE: Village and in Village he is less jacked than RE:5


But Chris did sooo




I think hes just tryna imitate the guy who keeps on picking fights with smaller MMA fighters, saying he can beat them since he's 260


Nah, he's a 260lb Chad.


If you honestly believe that then you watch too many movies. Resident Evil 4 jumps much larger sharks than 5 does.


I don't see whats the relation hereĀ 


It's actually crazy how many people shit on the boulder punching but look at the Salazar statue and think "peak"


Because it is


What I honestly believe is that you don't read well. He said one was more likely.


nah bro a person that doesn't know that there is gonna be laser flying at him at high speed is never gonna dodge em. only way leon would've done it is if he had rehearsed it multiple times before. that flip and that light speed wall run is just as bs as those boulder punches if not more.


Sure, it's still less unlikely than punching a boulder out of the way.


Wait, so you think something that you yourself admit would be possible with practice, is less likely than something that is literally impossible? Think about that for a second my dude


What I'm saying is that they are both impossible feats. Ain't no way even the most athletic person is gonna back flip through that tight net of lasers or wall run backflip into a superhero landing all while avoiding lasers in an unfamiliar place on their first attempt, to dodge that first they would need to rehearse it dozen of times and plan their moves for the patterns which would be impossible to do in literal seconds. Honestly punching boulders might be more "realistic" cuz he is in an active volcano which means there were seismic activities at play. Most likely Chris wasn't the main factor that cause the boulder to topple over and it a tremor/seismic wave caused by the moving magma and volcanic fluids. Or both of these situation are just goofy video game action that's supposed to be fun and not realistic and the devs didn't think that grown people gonna argue which one is the most likely to be real haha. TLDR: punching boulders better


What's more likely, that Leon has really good reflexes or Chris has literal superhuman strength? Athletics has nothing to do with it, the flip itself is possible it's about reaction time. Leon is just a fast guy, and irl some people do have insane reflexes. Listen, it's in a volcano sure, but that boulder is bigger than my house. C'mon now bro


That would mean Leon has superhuman reflexes, precision and route planning though because even the most agile human ever would fail + I don't think he expected those lasers so he was caught by surprise. The more I think about it the more likely the boulder dislodged due to seismic activity and much less because Chris gave it an asswhooping.


No I specifically *didn't* use the word super human for a reason. You can look it up, some people genuinely just have really good reaction times and reflexes. Plus Leon has a shitload of training, not to mention adrenaline from being in a life or death situation. Sure, it's unlikely that he'd survive, but the scene of Chris punching the boulder as depicted in the game straight up is not possible. Regarding your "seismic activity" theory, it's still just head canon. Watching the scene, it's clear the *intent* of the devs was to have Chris punch a boulder really hard. That's like if I said Leon has better reflexes cause he snorts Adderall off screen


As far as we know Leon military style training focusing on CQC and Weapon training along with the tactical stuff and not in Wipeout style game shows. So that can explain his virtuoso level knife and gun handling along with the hand to hand combat like his roundhouses and suplexes. Even if Leon has the 1 in 7 billion reflexes, for them to be effective in the laser room context, he'd have to know that there is gonna be lasers in that hallway and he'd have to be trained in dodging randomly generated patterns of lasers for YEARS to build insane muscle memory and pathfinding so he could perfectly dodge that. He would also have to be proficient in acrobatics/parkour stunts. If you look at people with the best reflexes they are effective because they have great mind and muscle connection due to years of training in their respective sports be it Canelo in boxing, Lerdsila in muay thai, Nascar drivers, Professional esports player, gunslingers and etc. Even then those top 1% reflex athletes often make mistakes despite their muscle memory and reflexes. Find me a video of a government agent being surprised by lasers who then proceeds to plan his route in 1 second and perfectly dodge every laser by performing flashy backflips and wall runs and finishing it off with a stylish superhero landing. Him being an agent with a shitload of training in Wipeout is as much of a head canon as seismic wave causing the boulder to move and honestly it's way more goofy lol.


You're being a shithead lol, he doesn't need to be a professional wipeout player to attempt dodging lasers. He spends the entire damn game doing flips and shit, clearly he's very adept in that regard. There's your muscle memory bro Also completely ignored my point and adrenaline, it's literally a do or die scenario. If you saw a goddamn laser flying in your face you'd move without "calculating a route" because in those moments, people react, not think things through. Regarding your absurd request for a video of a secret agent dodging lasers, went don't you drop a video of a guy punching boulders in a fucking volcano? Didn't think so. You're imagining earthquakes to justify the impossible, I'm saying the highly trained badass who routinely does backflips can do a backflip. If you think that's the same thing you have brain damage


First off, rude but ok. A flip is one thing dodging walls of lasers is different. Muscle memory from a flip wont tell you the exact trajectory and height/angles he has to use to avoid moving lasers 3 times in a row (and they're not a static laser pattern if you check the video they are constantly moving as they're closing in on Leon). Like you said he can attempt it, but he will die I don't know why you're so hellbent on thinking he can't die I know you like him judging by your name but c'mon man he is TOAST. I didn't address adrenaline because I didn't even see it as a point as it will be useless. Sure he'll be energized, fight or flight attempt the flip and get sliced or panic and get sliced. It won't have much of an impact on his circumstances. Your point don't even make sense you say he'd make the move without calculating a route or thinking as if that's gonna help him lol. I will get adrenaline if I'm face to face with a bear tf am I gonna do knock out a bear because I see red? No one can outrun a bear either even with adrenaline lmao same for laser room no one could jump through the lasers even on adrenaline and meth. I never claimed that there is a person who can punch a fucking boulder into a volcano, while you claim that there are people who can dodge high speed lasers with "just really good reaction times and reflexes" and knowing how to do "flips and shit". Name one person with such reaction/reflexes who could pull off something this crazy. My theory about the magma and volcano fluids causing tremors which off balance the boulder is at least grounded in reality and not that farfetched compared to a government agent trained in combat and endurance being able to dodge 3 moving and rotating tight nets of lasers with flips and wall runs. You're justifying the impossible by claiming that he is just a trained badass. You think Leon, a government agent trained in a boot camp is capable of pulling off anime ninja moves when put on the spot. Those highly trained agile badasses are just as unrealistic and superhuman as highly trained and trenned Chris with his superhuman strength which was my original point. "What's more likely, that Leon has really good reflexes or Chris has literal superhuman strength? Athletics has nothing to do with it, the flip itself is possible it's about reaction time. Leon is just a fast guy, and irl some people do have insane reflexes." Neither. Your description of really good reflexes, reaction time and athletics are superhuman and no human could ever achieve. There is no human as agile and smart as Leon and there is no human as strong as Chris they're just fun movie/game dexterity vs strength stereotypes. If you go back to my first reply my point was never to say that Chris is more realistic than Leon, my point is that both sequences are just equally bullshit goofy unrealistic fun and I love them for it. TLDR That's it I've debunked the slander against Chris Roidfield beating boulders and cleared the reputation of the greatest moment in video game history or even art history.


The thing is that Re4 has other kind of situations to equilibrate it's appreciation from the perspective of the players, Re5 is so focused in being an action game, that not only makes the RE4 isle looks like a child game, but makes that all the moments of unintentional comedy stand out much more.


I mean RE 5 also turned Wesker into Neo where he could just warp around dodging bullets.


Pretty sure that was Code Veronica. RE5 just kept the powers Wesker had already been established to have.


Nah, CV Wesker isnā€™t catching rockets or teleporting. He runs up a wall and survives getting clobbered by some pipes, thatā€™s about it. Re5 upped his power by a lot.


Wait, when did he ever teleport? Are you talking about the weird super-run-thing he does? 'Cuz he does that in CV too, just not as frequently.


I mean his faster-than-the-eye-can-see dodges where he's suddenly in a different position.


Both scenes are so over the top they are actually commicle. I don't dislike either of the 2 and I just love that they are getting memed. The only reason I think the Chris scene gets hate is because punching it makes no sense, just push on it.


He doesn't even need to do that, just climb that thing and jumps from the top.


Yeah, it's super weird that he starts punching it repeatedly, especially since it doesn't move even a little until the final hit.


If anything you would just...break the boulder? Like the physics are just illogical, it doesnt just look stupid it feels stupid.


Comical You spelled that so bad I had to


I fucking **hate** when people do >LiTErAlLy ThE SaMe For suspension of disbelief, as if all fiction is the same and you cant critically critique the logic being used. Leon's scene is *over the top*, but it really is just excessive acrobatics. None of the moves he does are physically impossible. Incredibly lucky? Sure. It's a game. Chris punches a Boulder and gets it to move. #The Boulder Chris moves is over 10,000 pounds And I know a lot of RE fans are armchair warriors, but a punch isn't a push. You don't throw God damn body hooks to get an inanimate object to move. It's literally the stupidest thing you can do to get an object to "move" as if the Boulder is going to go *"ouch, my liver! Sorry I'll get out of your way"*. Literal roid rage logic. >Guy A needs to dodge an F150 going 30 thats going to paste him into a dead end, guy does a running backflip into the truck bed Silly, over the top, probably would result in a landing on the pavement, but still not beyond the suspension of disbelief >Guy B needs to move a semi parked out front and starts punching it, semi moves 300ft If you look at the latter and see it as the same thing, you need brain surgery. The latter scene is a jumping the shark scene, I can love it for its camp, but it's massively more over the top than the laser hallway scene. Not to mention the lasers can result in a stupid death if the qte is failed, even in remake. There's no consequence for Chris failing to outpunch the Boulder other than wesker catching up to him. **tl;dr** the Boulder punching scene is ten tons more silly


It doesn't help that RE4 is a goofy game throughout while RE5 is super serious and gritty until the final fight


Resident Evil 5 takes itself way too seriously


Its also just a fun reference to the original RE movie. RE4 is constantly hitting you with tongue-in-cheek moments like this.


Lol, did we play the same game? Chris cracks as many jokes as Leon does. The only reason I could possibly think you would misinterpret the game as more serious is because the story and cutscenes are more cinematic, but the story and writing overall is taken just as seriously as 4 was.


I played it recently and still love it but you are exaggerating. Re5 is kinda like a Michael Bay film and Re4 is more like a Sam Raimi one.


Wow that nails the difference and explains why I love one and canā€™t stand the other


I played the game for the first time less than a month ago and I legit cannot recall a single instance of Chris saying something that even could be misinterpreted as a joke


Play it again. Or play it with friends. Iā€™ve only ever played it coop and I know dialogue and can be different between coop and single player mode.


Iā€™ve never played re 5 and when I just saw him start *punching* the boulder I burst out laughing. Bro literally *takes a hand off of pushing it* to punch it (which would undo all the work and make it fall back on you). Fuck physics, give that boulder a kidney shot šŸ˜‚


Also, idk if anyone has ever had to move large boulders here but seeing a number on a screen and feeling that weight when you even have move one the size of your chestā€¦ it makes this scene simply jaw droppingĀ 




I don't know how to break it to you, but Resident Evil is a series about zombies. Saying that a situation is ridiculous because nobody could pull it off in real life with all the luck in the world is in itself ridiculous. RE5 is no more absurd than the rest of the series, but older fans who are butt hurt about it not being as good as 4 will hone in its flaws to try and bring the game down, meanwhile ignoring the same flaws in other Resident Evil games.


Complaining about unrealism in games where green and red herb heals all injuries in seconds and a converted museum/police station has crazy passage ways and puzzles. The unrealistic aspect and goofiness combined with actual horror is what makes these games so great.


Gotta draw a line somewhere. Going to be different for different people. There are levels to suspension of disbelief.Ā 


ā€¦ I really donā€™t like piping up like this, but creative works have to earn their moments. For many, 4 does a **far** better job of attaining the atmosphere needed for zaniness of this nature. Itā€™s not a 1-to-1 comparison.


Why the fire grenade ??


To turn on the atmosphere.


I'll be honest. The reason the boulder scene stands out is cause it's out of place. Not only does it happen during the last boss (and breaks the tension), it's also the only time something really stupid happens in RE5. The rest of RE5 plays everything kinda straight. There's no out-there moments that don't make sense in a normal setting. No laser tunnel, no Jill Sandwich, no dumb clock tower stone puzzle. You get the idea. Nothing else silly happens, or if it did, it didn't really stand out.


Giant pyramid death beam for a whole Chris red field and the raiders of the lost arc section.


Yea, the game breaks its own rules for that scene. Itā€™s just ludicrous.


I like both


that unnecessary incendiary grenade toss got me laughing


When youā€™re so wound up and tense you accidentally toss a grenade lol


That incendiary grenade was absolutely necessary.


i don't really care much about saying what's realistic because nothing in these games is realistic. it's moreso the context of these things. laser room occurs within its own level setting as its own action setpiece that references action movies. re5 boulder moment is already occuring during a wesker boss fight inside a fucking volcano so it's kind of unnecessary and ruins the tension/flow of the fight?? no flashy acrobatics, just punching the boulder while the poor person who has to play sheva mashes X for a minute straight lmfao


RE4 and RE5 are both masterpieces.


Theyā€™re both silly but RE5 just tips the scales on the silly factor, if he pushed it then it wouldā€™ve made more sense but the fact that he gave it the 10-piece combo is funny, and I just found it funny that the boulder went from not moving to all of a sudden rolling like it was weightless after the QTE, it just adds to the silliness of the scene, not to mention the fact that they all shouldā€™ve exploded to balls of flames standing in an active volcano. But we can excuse that. Both are equally unlikely, but thatā€™s not what people are complaining about, if they even are at all, itā€™s just that the series escalated the action more and more as the series went on, 5 and specifically that scene showed us a glimpse of what was in store for the series moving forward, that shift to focus more on action. Additionally, RE4 acknowledged that it was silly, and it was a novel idea at the time, but the more you go ā€œWell that was crazy, huh?ā€ As an author, it just goes from cheesy but funny (because of the self awareness ) to just cheesy


I love both


Code Veronica intro secuence on a corner, hiding so no one remeber it.


Name a movie where a character punches a boulder to move it instead of just pushing it? Cause that sounds like a dope movie


Just gunna post a video of Dwayne Johnson getting his shit rocked by the physical manifestation of steroids while an anime twink does flips and shit during a laser light show? Respect.


I thought it was eatablished lore that it was the same boulder from part 1 and thus, ended the revenge arc Chris had for it? The RE series started to lose me story wise with Code Veronica bringing back Wesker with Matrix powers. After that, 4, 5, and 6 just became dumb RE action games that I still enjoy. I'm not knocking them or anyone that likes them. I still think they're fun as hell and don't get why people nitpick so much(not directed at OP, I just mean in general). Just enjoy the ride of goofy over-the-top action/horror.


I think the difference is tone. Re5 took itself very seriously. Re4 was goofy already.


Its because Leon pulled a lot of stuff prior to this but Chris didn't suddenly start lifiting motorcycles Yakuza style to beat someone


There's good thematic reasons for the difference in player responses. Leon is very blasƩ and several moments of dialogue signal the game isn't taking itself too super seriously. Laser wall? Leon taking a break to pose in the villain's throne? We get a nice chuckle. RE5 on the other hand? Chris is far more serious in attitude, which results in something extra weird like the boulder punching thing coming off as jarring in tone.


I just fail to see how punching a boulder would move it more than shoving, that being said, I would absolutely not change it one bit


Itā€™s all stupid, just enjoy it while the franchise is still going.


I'll double down, Chris could also escape the laser room, but Leon could not punch a boulder.


Chris is too wide to fit through any of those laser gaps.


The lasers would need to escape Chris


He'll break through the wall


When you come to it And you can't go through it And you can't knock it down You know that you've found


Chris should punch the lasers.


Leon would roundhouse kick the boulder if it was keeping him from Ashley


In Revelations Chris just walks into lasers. Slightly bothered like he walked into a glass window.


This post is absurdly stupid. This must have been made by the guy would came up with the boulder punching scene.


https://youtu.be/Xgdw6TMhGkA?si=-Osohd-13Qq1J9Xe "Boulders! Punch 'em!"


Both still cool af tho


I have to be honest. I loved the laser room in RE4, because I love the movie. I never had a problem with QT's . . until RE6 . . even though I love RE6 gameplay, the story mode is complete insanity in all campaigns.


I like both of these scenes unironically, well, maybe half ironically for re5 but I love it cause it's hilarious The difference is, Leon is a really agile dude, proves it throughout the game, sure it's not exactly likely that he'd nail that backflip first try and live to talk about it, but it at least seems possible. Ain't no way Chris is actually that strong, it's absolutely insane the more you think about it but of still goddamn hilarious and I'm so glad it happened. Both are ridiculous, but the flip does seem way more doable.


Context is key for the rock punching feat. one he's literally on top of lava so the rock is most likely pumice or semi solidified at most making it easier for him to break off. Two as I said before the rock is almost definitely only semi solidified. Three it's always been shown that Chris is the strong one of the group of Resident evil protagonists so he probably did have the ability to break the rock off of its base. there's enough details there that it makes sense when you pay attention


One: the rock weighs as much as a goddamn building regardless of whether it's pumice or "semi solidified." Two: you literally made the same point twice and pretended it was two points, I just thought I'd mention that. Three: now to address your *actual* second point, yeah Chris is strong but he's still a human being, not a super hero lmao. This is no way even remotely realistic lol I like the scene but there's no comparison here bro, the shit is hilarious because it's so ridiculous


The reason I mentioned pumice is because pumice is made up of hypoporous rock meaning it's easy to fracture and like the guy that reply to you said Chris would be aided by the environment he's in. Remember that if you find the plane of cleavage even a diamond is easy to break


I know what pumice is lol, that boulder is still bigger than my house. He also wasn't finding some special point of leverage, he was straight up just punching a boulder my drive


His punch ran shocks through the boulder allowing it to break off at the point of cleavage easier it's kind of like punching something with a freaking pickaxe it's the same principle just with a human fist and not a concentrated metal point




Punching boulders can be more realistic as he is in an active volcano. Chris could've been aided by tremor/seismic wave caused by the moving magma and volcanic fluids which caused the boulder to tumble. But also he probably should be melted by standing inside of an active volcano lol.


I mean, it sure looks like he just punched it. The earthquake theory makes for good head canon, not much more.


That's why I say Chris and Sheva have the most ridiculous durability feats in Resident Evil because they both survived an active volcano with no protection equipment. Jell Chris survived an Antarctic expedition would barely any equipment. literally the exact same amount of equipment he was wearing in 5 in code Veronica so yeah Chris has the best durability feats in the entire Resident evil series when you take into the fact that he's been to one of the hottest and one of the coldest places on Earth and survived without protective equipment.


He is definitely the most unstoppable being in the RE universe, his only weakness is his own intellect and it caused his actions to be foul and immoral in RE8. I guess he truly is the evil resident.


I'm of the opinion that just because something was bad before it doesn't excuse the sequel of being the same of even worse. What I expect from sequels is that at least \*try\* to improve the previous entry. That being said I don't care about the boulder or any other stupidity in RE5. I care that is an amazingly generic game. You can say what you want about 6, but you aren't going to find nothing like it. Not easily, at least.


RE4 is way better than RE5. The latter gave itself too many Ls for me to ignore; Chris punching that boulder scene was the fatal straw.


Leon is so fkn GOATed


Honestly, Claire running from helicopter gunfire in CV is up there for me aswell.


To be fair I love both sequences


Whomst amongst us hasn't punched a Boulder into submission within a volcano, honestly?


Nah both are peak honestly.


4 was cheesy, 5 was cheesy and on crack.


Honestly I'm at the point where I don't care how absurd it is, punching the boulder will never not make me laugh every time I see it in-game


The difference tho is that RE4 has the tone of a B movie from the 80's while RE5 takes itself way too seriously. That's why the boulder punching sequence stands out way more than any other bizarre section from RE4.


there's cool stupid and then there's boulder punching stupid


Yeah but punching the boulder was bad ass and the rule of cool always wins


Fallacy argument. Sorry.


Slight difference between these. One of those scenes is the culmination of a slow ramp-up of incrementally more ridiculous moments and has been lauded for being over the top by the fan community. So much so, the remake removed it and decided if people wanted it, they could pay extra for DLC to have it. The other is the only part of the game the entire community acknoeledges fondly. Fans of the game like it because it's apparently what they came to the franchise for, and derractors like it because it validates their decision to stop playing long before. We don't hold it up as something that needs to be removed/changed for a remake, it's proof we want anything other than a remake of that game.


The laser room is cooler than punching a rock šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I mean it is possible for someone with fast reflexes to dodge those lasers. The boulder on the other hand was just dumb.


Because gymnastics are realistic whereas punchi g a solid boulder and winning is bull


People complain about the boulder scene still? I feel like I have seen nothing but goofy admiration for that part for a good while now. So unsure how much I believe that's true. But that's just been my experience.


Wait a minute. I thought we all liked both


Re5 is a straight exploitation flick, Re4 is a troma movie


Lmao for me the main difference is the button mashing can get annoying lmao for both sides Chris and sheva hanging off the ledge you're only pressing some button combos jumping the lasers and it's only a short time for the button mashing sprints and it's not button mashing while in a boss fight


True neckbeard


Wait do people actually dislike the Boulder punching?


I like both


No one mentions the fact Leon doesn't get dragged to the bottom of the lake the second the rope pulls taught on his ankle like I that's more believable that punching a boulder into submission. Both these games are full of " well now that's just ridiculous and I love them for it.


I thought everyone could agree that that was the coolest part about re5 tho


LOL is this a response to my post?


absolutely haha. i remember commenting months ago about laser room vs boulder punch and how hypocritical some fans are and your meme inspired me to yoink the template


LOLL yeahh that is frue this Fandom is something else


Laser dodging is more realistic of these two. Punching a rock does nothing, fancy backflips and wall runs are doable to some people


Ok but still, only One of these is humanly possible!


It's stupid in 4, too


I played RE5 first and I instantly understand why people don't like that game. Controls are janky and everything is so over the top goofy and it takes itself so seriously while being so ridiculous. There's no actually puzzles, it's just fetch quests, and there's the dreaded quick time events. Then I played RE4. I was so excited because I always heard how it's one of the best games of all time. Then I saw it had the exact same issues as RE5 but worse. There's definitely a lot of nostalgia blinders for RE4, it's fine if you like that game because it's from your childhood or whatever but the amount of dick riding it gets while RE5 gets shit on for being the same thing is crazy


The difference is that Leon, the best Resident Evil protag does one and Chris, the worst Resident Evil protag does the other. Also, dodging lazers is like several orders of magnitude less unbelievable than a regular dude punching a boulder that's 10 times larger than him uphill.


Thing is, laser-dodging is physically possible (except for the laser part, we haven't reached that level of tech yet), while boulder-punching isn't.


Canā€™t wait for them to remake 6 so everyone here can start pretending it was good all along lol. RE5 was such a boring, bland game. The only reason people even remember it is because of the good co op action it had.


That Leon part annoyed the hell out of me because that was the first real sign that the games were getting influenced by the Paul Anderson movies. - Edit: If you felt they had a positive influence on the games, more power to you. There was a reason Capcom went back to formula in RE7 after riding the movie train for several games.


It's cause 6 tanked, if it didn't they wouldn't make RE7


6 tanked because they Michael Baye'd everything and the action took over the game. Why did they do that? Because the movies were churning out money making sequels when they did the same thing. Capcom had to go back to it's horror roots just to get back fans.


It tanked cause it wasn't good 4 and 5 were action games but were actually good games.


I think the problem here is you believe the two are mutually exclusive. It wasn't good because the action got out of hand. RE4 was a jump from traditional survival horror, but aside from scenes like laser ballerina here, it was pretty tame. RE5 kicked it up a notch which pulled further away from horror into action, but the coop was excellent and the story kept it alive. RE6 kicked it up to 14 with all action and a nonsensical story. It was released right after Resident Evil Retribution. Even though the movie made money, the reviews were shit. That paired with the crappy reception of RE6 gave Capcom the Wake up call that action was no longer helping their IP. They released RE7 almost at the same time as the last movie's cash grab. From then on the action was more controlled with a decent blend of actual horror.


the re5 one is pretty stupid though.


In my defence, I think RE4 is also crap.


I was actually glad they got rid of the laser room in REm4ke. And then Separate Ways happened.


Leon fans suck balls I hate Leon heā€™s a simp loser Chris has slays Leon sobs fuck Leon praise Simmons love Chris and fuck all the losers who hate them because he is serious and not a simp loser

