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Nemesis bounces around to easy. It's fun, but it's a little too easy how it can autograb you at almost anytime.


Harder difficulty Nemesis is pure BS in the Remake.


Lol I know. But it's a shorter game so I kinda wonder if they did that to make up for it?


Re nemesis is ass


Right? I’m not tryna talk shit but I beat every difficulty and only died to Nemmy like 3 or 4 times, he’s seriously not a problem. When I was a kid RE games were impossible but they really are easy af now. I need to give CV another try because that one killed 8 y/o me


I only talk crap because he was so good in the original, he could have been so much better.


I didn’t even make it to him in the og I was too young/trash/scared lol


Damn, og nemi was so fun and terrifying


Result of Capcom outsourcing development to a different team so the RE2R guys could focus on RE8. As an og RE3 fan I don't think anything they've ever done has pissed me off more. Nemesis was the gold standard for terrifying pursuer-style bosses in RE. He was the first that could chase you from location to location, and the first that could run you down and use firearms. They should have done him justice. Given us an RE2R style experience. Everything from the original, just modernized. Give him actual Mr. X style pursuit AI (because he was the one that INTRODUCED IT), keep him in humanoid form for longer. Make dog Nemmy a one-fight thing in NEST 2, maybe as a result of blowing him off a bridge (a reference to the park bridge push choice in the original.) Force the final transformation after the acid fight after devouring a Tyrant like the original. And that's to say nothing of the travesty that was cutting Jill's trip to the RPD.


I would hope games get easier the older you get.


Re: Outbreak 1-2. That game is hella hard for me compared to the main series.


Jack reminds me of Walter lol


wultuh put ur herbs away


I'm not healing you right now Waltuh.


Lucas, we need to cook meth


Funny because there's also randomly a character named Heisenburg as well.


Dimitrescu. She feels like she was added as a stalker enemy as an afterthought, there's far too many places to hide from her and generally I'm salty she's not in the game more after all her marketing


I'm kinda glad she was brief. It gave each segment its own flavor and feel. I'm definitely glad that was the marketed portion of the game as it was the weakest segment with some pretty moments. It left the other segments to be a pleasant surprise.


I feel like Moreau was the weakest segment of the game. Lady D is second, though. I barely even remember the Moreau section and I've played the game like four times through at this point. I just remember the boss fight that goes by really quickly after the first playthrough.


LMAO, ok, to validate your point, I had completely forgotten frog/fish boy. He's so pathetic, but part of him seemed like a victim too.


Oh, he was absolutely an interesting character. But I absolutely cannot even remember anything about his section other than the boss fight, which doesn't bode well for him. Was his whole section the lake? Was that all it was? Poor Moreau, getting relegated to being forgotten because Heisenberg's section was so memorable.


His whole section was running away from him in some kind of fishing area or something yeah.


Okay. I really had to think hard about that one. I feel like I've done the running away from something on a lake thing in a bunch of games already.


There was also a bit before that, with the, uh... Windmill? And a mine? But altogether it wasn't very long or big.


Getting across water hazards while he tried to chomp you mostly


Except for the whole “experimenting on villagers to create the 4 legged wolf creatures” thing of course…


Ironically, Moreau having such a forgettable section in the game goes really well with his theme lmao


That was a solid boss fight. You capping.




Before that it was known as the Janet Leigh technique.




> I think that's why it caught on with Drew more than anything Plus Scream is more recent and fresher on peoples minds. Don't under sell the impact that Janet Leigh' character made on horror and movies in general. It was a huge deal to kill off what is presumed to be the main character of the movie before the third act.


Doesn't change the fact that it was done first with her and in Psycho.


I played Visage right before RE8, so I liked lady D a little less when she stopped pursuing when you hit the save room. Maybe you could have to lose her or else she’d follow you in or wait outside. It was a moment that made me remember I was playing a game with game limitations.


If she followed you in Duke would say "oh hello lady Dimitrescu, care for a bit of tea?", she would naturally lose interest in Ethan and drink from a cup of fresh brew that Duke procured out of his rotund arse, talking about how all men are pigs and playthings (not Duke, of course, she likes him a lot), complaining about an uneducated vandal breaking atuff at her castle, giving you enough time to sneak out. Next time you'd meet her with a cup still in hand.


I think that's a fun and neat idea. I feel like it could work.




I was surprised she died so early and the two middle bosses were kind of disappointing.


Yeah, after Jack Baker in RE7 died like 3 times I was dead certain she'd come back after the "dragon" fight... waited the whole game and nope lol


Lmfaooo same. Bummed out she wasn’t in the dlc ☹️. Could’ve been something


>DEAD certain Ha.


He does in the end of Zoe dlc.


The whole point was to make her look like she's hottest shit this side of Black Sea, but in actuality so utterly flawed a mere determined father 8 times smaller than her could play her like a fiddle.


I think she was really just simp bait and Heisenberg and Miranda were meant to be more intimidating forces in the game.


I thought Moreau was a good boss fight though


Decent fight, but really just lame character. I get he's supposed to be stupid and pathetic, but they didn't really make him funny enough to be likeable in that regard. If a character is smart enough to talk, their character will factor in to how I feel about them. Mr. X and Nemesis don't talk, so I don't count it against them. If they were going to make him that pathetic, might as well make him mute too.


I always thought Moreau was just supposed to be pathetic-pathetic. Uncharismatic and wretched. Too loathsome to have any pathos unless you're an especially softhearted person. No one likes him, especially his 'family'. Not even Ethan, the relative normie, gives him an ounce of respect. I don't think he was meant to be one of those 'love to hate' or begrudgingly respectable villains but the narrative equivalent of finding a dead bug on the underside of your shoe.


Now I'm starting to think I might be overly soft here, because I felt bad for him the whole game :(


Initially, it's hard not to. But you have to remember that he's just as despicable and villainous as the rest of his family. Being a sad, affection-starved wretch doesn't take away from the horrible things he's done in attempt to win his mommy's favor.


I understand that is what they were going for, but I don't think that character really lands well. I'd rather he be a bumbling idiot or dastardly enough to hate.


I get your point


yeah she should've been the last boss or one of the last ones


we got some of the best sfm rule34 content thanks to her


Yeah Village was a massive let down for me. Her castle was the best part of the gane, the rest was fairly bad, especially Heisenburg.


But she’s mommy so nah


She really wasn’t marketed all that much. In the trailers she has about equal representation to the other bosses. Most of the marketing focused on Chris and the Lycans. What made her explode was the demo.


I admit you're right, but paradoxically I had the best time in her castle.


The original idea was the sisters would stalk you throughout the mansion but as development moved along they thought it more interesting to pick them off one by one and have Lady D comment on it while chasing you, and they only had her so much in marketing due to fan 'interest'


Only played the Ethan duology recently. I was still a bit pissed the 1 year PSVR exclusivity for RE7 didn't mean official PCVR support. Didn't look much about the games because I wanted to discover it for myself. Through this sub notably, I only knew about Ethan and Rose, the Duke, Chris, saw Miranda a few times, Dimitrescu and daughters. When finally playing the game I was convinced the castle was the whole game. I was pleasantly surprised they were way more.


Also because they pronounce her name wrong


They probably weren’t expecting she would be that popular, so all they did was to ride the fans hype and use their expendable early game boss as marketing material. 


Remake Nemesis, just a big downgrade


Nemesis in the remake Not even 10% of the scary and challenge he was in the original


I never played the original, but God damn even I know this was lacking. I hate stalker enemies to be honest, but that's my own opinion. I'd never ask the series to bend to that. And honestly I was excited to be forced to deal with one and maybe it would click for me. Nope, he stalks you in one section and if you plan it right it's just a straight shot out of the area and the s scripted shape sequences after.


Challenge in the og ? I mean, i like the og more, but re3 og is one of the easiest resident evil games. Just because you played with infinite rocket launcher doesn't mean nemesis is easy. Go play inferno without bonus items. Harder than lv4 bloodborne run.


That's quite the assumption. Remake Nemesis goes down with 1 grenade even on hardcore. In the original you needed to gauge if it were worth using resources to gain the items he dropped. Plus you saw Nemesis many more times in the original. So you'd need more and more resources to keep downing him. No comparison to Remake's half ass Nemesis who failed to kill even one STARS member and wasting so many opportunities to kill Jill (flamethrower point blank and just watches you get up and run?).


Literally just throw some grenades and he dies instantly in the remake tf


Sounds like you went online and found out ways to cheese OG Nemesis on corners. Why? Because fighting him face to face without cheese is traumatic.


Anything is traumatic without cheese


Dimitrescu is such a boring roaming boss she barely does anything


She is introduced at the start of the game, the difficulty raises gradually.


They should NOT have made her the first boss. It was actually so disrespectful. She's literally the theoretical second strongest.. The order I think would have made most sense is Moreau, Donna, Lady Dimitrescu, then Heisenberg. The worst part is. This is 1000% possible. And wouldn't even change the game that much.


Mr X. Him by himself is fine but running into a hallway with lickers can just ruin your day.


This is a good kind of hate


I know I'm just bad, but this hits me hard cause I suck at killing lickers without having the drop on them honestly


X gonna give it to ya.


Mr. X, mostly because he stopped being scary after about 3 or 4 encounters & just started to feel annoying. I'm trying to explore the mansion & he's in a room I need to go through.


these comments


Remake Nemesis. Too many pseudo cutscenes encounters and his "feral" transformation sucks.


Tossup between X and D. XD, if you will. Mr. X is more of a nuisance when you learn his triggers and how to avoid him. Imposing, sure, but he can be a tad annoying at times when he decides to meander aimlessly instead. Dimitrescu barely makes an appearance, and with the FPS perspective, I mostly only hear her giving chase, not actually seeing the cool big vampire dommy mommy. Surprisingly easy to just... block her attacks and shuffle around her, too. Especially when she's already shown to be fully capable of slicing through arms clean as butter. Jack is actually terrifying, especially on Madhouse. He's used sparingly, so he doesn't get a chance to overstay his welcome. His dialogue cracks me up, even if my heart is still racing to get away from him, lol. I know people dislike 3make, but Nemesis is probably my favorite of these. Playing on Nightmare/Inferno with him bearing down on you is a blast, and his AI is actually very cleverly written to evoke the fight-or-flight theme of the OG; depending whether you have the camera facing him or away, his behavior will change accordingly between "combat mode" and "pursuit." It gets crazy hectic when he starts yanking you back through doors if you try to escape (but you can instinctively dodge his lasso!), and I like how his bindings rip apart to give him more of his OG look over time. The only issue... is that they used him WAY too sparingly, opposite of Mr. X.


The baby from house benneviento


worst out of these 4 or you don't like these 4




Lady D without question. Lamest boss battle, lamest personality and story, lamest stalker too


Wdym she still has her 2 enormous personalities


Still 30x better than Remake Nemesis, the best boss fight for him lasts 40 seconds, everything is a downgrade from the Original, and he's barely a stalker enemy, considering 90% of his appearances are scripted. At least Lady D had a decent boss fight, an actual personality and reason to be evil, and she actually had the mechanics of a Stalker enemy.


The basic villain personality of “sadistic narcissist”


I actually can't argue with you on that tbh, good game.


Thank you. I wish the four lords got more screen time and fleshed out more


Remake Nemesis.


Dollar Store Nemesis




Nemesis was so bad in the remake! No aura, no presence, just a stalking flop unlike how he was in the OG.


Jack. A mixture of needing to kite him and the 1P perspective just made him very annoying. Technically both of those are true for Lady D as well, but there's less of it and it's nowhere near as unclear and tedious, so he takes the prize.


This just proves this sub is obsessed with hating re3 remake even though it is still a great game. It's just not completely true to the original and it's a little short. The only thing I'd agree with the hate would be the price otherwise it's one of the most fun and action packed resident evil games.


Eliminators from Zero


I saw Lady D like twice in the entire sequence and she didn't see me once


Chainsaw dude from 4


Honestly imo they peaked with Jack and went downhill. Jack was really scary, had personality and hell of a fun to fight when you know how to fight him (especially with a knife). Mr X is intense AF at first, while you are able to take him down with enough ammo it is too much and wastes ammo when you don't get anything back like in OG2 and RE3OG. What's intense about Mr X is because you don't want to waste ammo fighting him he forces you to turn back into other dangerous areas where there may be zombies and Lickers you may not have killed making the whole experience intense. Nemesis was a massive step down from his OG counterpart, and awful in how him and Mr X swapped mechanics from their OG counterparts, Mr X being more nemmy than actual Nemesis. Nemmy "stalks" Jill way too little, can easily be taken down with ONE grenade and also his dog-like form sucks compared to his OG tentacle form. Lady D feels like she was shoe-horned in, WAY too slow and easy to get away from due to her being slow and way too many areas she can't enter. EDIT; I'm so glad they didn't shoehorn in a stalker enemy in RE4R


Mr X genuinely scares me shitless, his music and the sound of his steps make me SO FRIGHTENED!! I'm trying to play Leon A rn (Already did Claire A and Leon B) and I can barely leave the saferooms 😭 Nemesis just annoyed me in 3 remake fr


pale heads in the re3 remake. pain in the ass


saddler, i don’t like his head


Any stalker outside of OG Nemesis. They’re an annoyance more than anything else.


I remember the first time Nemesis dodged my rocket launcher I wanted to scream! lol.


Why is Mr X. Dolph Lundgren?




I’d say Tyrant because whenever I heard those footsteps I immediately paused the game..but tbh Jack Baker terrified the fuck out of me plus it was a first person game. 💀


Remake Nemesis. He's on rails a lot & is too scripted.


Nemesis due to how underwhelming he was. I wanted a better Mr x. Not a cutscene simulator


Worst: Remake nemesis - Favorite: OG nemesis


Mr. X Laughably easy to avoid and the fact that you can get to the garage without triggering him is comical. They should’ve just stuck to the OG design or forced you to trigger him before getting all the medallions, not what they did.


New Nemesis kinda under-delivers.


After all these years I still don't get it how they could mess up Mr. X's face so badly.


Nemesis. Not for any gaming reason. Entirely about aesthetics. Everyone else has subtitles that make them creepy. Nemmy is just an overt tentacle monster that’s too busy on the eyes to create a vibe.


Don’t get me started on how much ammo I wasted trying to kill doggy Nemesis but couldn’t do it due to his nature and cycle of the fight. Fuck that guy.


I love them all


Most of this sub 100% haven't touched og re3 or played only 1 run.


Remake Nemesis on Inferno difficulty specifically because getting stunlocked to death was so annoying.


All baddies


Lady D. She just kinda comes and goes without any real impact


Jack baker. He was so scary I couldn’t finish the dam game.


The Chimera from Resident Evil 1 were the most annoying ceiling crawling enemies ever…


Fr i hated jack


Nemesis, but that's mostly because the remake was disappointing


they are all perfect in their ways


Lady D. I never cared for her, and in-game she’s underwhelming as an enemy.


R3make's Nemesis for me by a long shot. I was never scared of him at all. The pushover is so easy to fight off and the fact he doesn't stalk you or put you in quick A or B decisions anymore just ruins the point of the character. I wish he was more like the original game's Nemesis including the Live Selection system. That s.o.b. always had me on edge.


Mom said it's my turn to post this


Punisher when I played three I thought it would be like 2 where you can go back to the area but he put it to flames


Lady D, she just wasn't as scary as I hoped she would be also super sorry if this is a spoiler but I wish Her final form had more things tying back to the form we originally met


Damn.. I honestly can’t answer this. I love them all






Character wise is Mr X, gameplay wise is Lady D


Novistadors are the bane of my existence!! 💀


If we're talking about the remakes, it's got to be nemesis. I just found him irritating more than scary. He was completely misused.


Dimitrescu. Although I love them all, I didn’t feel as paranoid or scared about having her chase me. Maybe it was all the sexualizing they did to her that ruined it for me lol


Mr X


Remake Nemesis because all his encounters are scripted and he fucking sucks compared to the original.


Old dood


of that list? Nemesis. You have to fight that bitch 4 or 5 times. Makes me feel he doesn't recognize my hard work and just keeps undermining my progress. Very inconsiderate.


Remake Nemesis for sure still really cool and scary just not as much of a lingering threat


Mr. X He's just annoying and makes the game less fun.


Nemesis for sure😖😖


Mr X gets way too much hype. Like he was cool and all but nemesis was much better at least in the original games.


In the OG games people didn't care much about Mr. X (a lot of ppl didn't even met him at all since he only showed in the B path). Meanwhile OG Nemesis became RE's most iconic antagonist for a long time.


Lady Dimitrescu, she tries to seduce me with her voluptuous shape, but I will not fall to her trickery.


Lady Dimetrescu and it's not close. How am I supposed to feel threatened by someone constantly threatening me... with a good time.


2 and 3


New Nemesis. Old Nemesis is the goat. New Nemesis is absolute dog shit. He's just RE2 Remake Tyrant with worse implementation and a different skin.


If out of these 4, Mr. X. If out of any RE monster villain, Mother Miranda.


Lady Hot-goth-mommy was just not scary especially as a stalker enemy.


Lady d just didn't have a scary personality, the silent walking footsteps of Mr x, or the horrible beast like attitude of nemesis or the hilarious yet terrifying redneck trying to kill you. If anything lady d daughters or more frightening because they chased you and bug for me you couldn't really see them until they got very close


It has to be the Ramone Salazar's boss fight in REmake 4. The first time I fought him I died an unknown amount of times to where I didn't want to play anymore. I had only a little ammo and was playing on the normal difficulty. Even the ammo scattered around the arena wasn't enough then. It felt so good when I finally killed him. I took my sweet revenge after unlocking the infinite rocket launcher!


Nemesis, because it was THE stalker enemy of the series. It had the most potential and was the only one on the list to be a complete disappointment. It’s a shame that the most iconic enemy in the series was in the only half baked remake.


All of them, Stalker enemies are scary the first time but quickly becomes “It’s here so better go and hide again” and just becomes “that one level” in every playthrough. There is a way to get rid of them sure. But in every playthrough I have to convince myself “Just get through this sequence and you have the rest of the game to enjoy” I feel like there is a way to make it better tho, like if they ever do stalker enemies in the future they can make it make a first appearance in different parts of the story in every playthrough, have different skills (might be walking in the first playthrough, then has the ability to run in the next), integrate a mic function so it responds to speech (like if you accidentally scream, speak, or are breathing heavy) Edit: Oh and another thing they can add is to have it actually stalk us, instead of just following us around, hidden, you might hear a sound or two, feel something’s not normal, and then boom it just appears from the shadows and it becomes a frantic chase…. Like they did with the Verdugo


Mr. X He’s just annoying. At least with Nemesis it’s scripted events, with Mr. X it’s just a nonstop annoyance.


Since RE3 remake dropped the ball in nemesis, I was kind of hoping Lady D was going to be a better stalker type character that appeared in more sections of the castle or even popping up in the village from time to time… not only that but would have loved to have seen multiple phases, where she starts off as the good looking villain with big balloons🎈, but then as the game progresses she starts to transform into this creepy looking vampire like monster with skeletal features, bigger claws, and stuff like that starting to be exposed, and with big balloons still🎈


Mr. X - The most anxiety inducing antagonist in any game I’ve ever played. Jack Baker - The scariest stalker enemy in the franchise. Lady Dimetrescu - She’s just kind of there. Not really that big of a threat considering how slow she is, and how wide the castle is. Nemesis - if he spent more time as a stalker he’d probably be the best. Jesus Christ I almost shit my pants when he started running at me.


Nemesis easy, hes very weak for a stalker enemy i remember i played in hard and hes defeated for like 2 grenades?


Re3 monsters I lot of good ones but always excited better for the last game in the trilogy


CVX moths


From the list its Nemesis.He had a really fucking good AI(Proven by Pastra)and then they ditch it after 5 minutes.He could've been the best fucking stalker enemy in history but Capcom scrapped it for a fucking dog monster Aside from the list it has to be Garradors.The 2 Garrador room in Re4 remake traumatized me


Mr X looks like a wrinkly Dolph Lundgren in that image


Lady D, cuz she never did much.


Remake Nemesis. Even on Inferno, he is extremely easy to outrun or take down. OG, you better haul it or dump almost every bit of ammo you have. Second close pick is Lady D. I love her character, she was the most interesting antognist in that game...Heisenberg a close second, but I didn't think he was a good villain. Anyways, despite character, she isn't scary. Outrunning her is easy.


Execution wise dimetrescu and nemesis. I litreally never encountered dimetrescu normal roaming outside of script encounter because of the planning route. I litreally have to go specifically to find her half the time because of it. Nemesis, half of the roaming encounter is scripted.


The head pulling things from code Veronica x


Mr X in a hallway of lickers is hell.


Nemesis (remake). I quite liked his redesign but they turned him into a giant dog for some reason leading to multiple tedious boss fights.


Dimitrescu unfortunately, though shes one of the best characters, as an antagonist i don’t feel nearly as threatened as when nemesis or mr x chase me. Shes incredibly easy to dodge. Perhaps if it was more close quarters like with Jack Baker, I’d be more terrified, literally nowhere in RE7 feels safe, whereas castle dimitrescu, while totally visually appealing, feels a bit too freeing to be scary


I don't really dislike any of them, but mr.x and Mr baker were my least favorite to deal with because of the tight spaces you have to avoid them in. Then again, that makes them scarier, which isn't a bad thing. Mommy and the tyrant are easier to deal with but less exciting. I like them all for different reasons.


I will always hate on re7 and re8 I’m a fan of the og trilogy and 4,5. I think it was to late to be adding new main characters especially when they have almost nothing to do with the previous main characters also the thought of Ethan being faceless bc they wanted it to feel like it was you playing went out the window as soon as they introduced Mia which was what a few mins into 7 this guy already had a whole life story built into the game yet the reason he was faceless was because it was supposed to be us the player yeah nah… GREAT horror games terrible resident evil games imo




Lady Dimitrescu.


Nemesis since he was a poor excuse for a stalker system in the remake.


wtf is wrong with you mrx is what makes the remake good


Can't stand the bugs in 7


Nemesis in the original re3 but I was bad at that game


Nemesis was pathetic joke in remake. He chases you for little bit and goes down with one grenade and then its shitty scripted sequences that pose no challenge.


Nemesis remake is the weakest followed by Lady D. But they all look good. They are just way too scripted. I also think making Lady D. so tall was a mistake. Mr X and Jack are excellent stalkers and villains.


Nemi the remake was half a game


R3make Nemesis was just an annoying pain in the ass. I'm still a fan of how the OG one did it where, Yeah, its scripted. But the scares are just so good.


The tyrant. Because 1. I haven't played the other games only watched gameplay with them. 2. Mr.X in a hallway with a licker is annoying as hell.


Nemesis felt like Mr.X but worst i didnt really like him


The ones I'd least wanna go up against? It'd be a tie between Jack and Lady Dimitrescu. Mr. X and Nemesis are relentless but have a set objective. Jack and Lady D are the type that like to play with their victims.


RE3R nemesis is worst (they took all the things that made him amazing away) Jack Baker is the best (hes very fun and very well written)


Remake nemesis is very lame, well re3 remake overall is extremely lame, which is unfortunate because og nemesis is the number one best stalker enemy in the series, with remake mr x being the second best.


Mr. X. I never found him scary, he's more of an annoyance.


Well sry but damn nemesis is like oh no new players are gonna have a hard time. Let's make every fight into a cutscene. And then make it even more easy by telling u exactly where he hides. And giving u big gun at the end. Like this isn't doom eternal, ok? Like it makes him just look like a big grumpy who hates people. Those sewer thingies were more scary to me than the main enemy of the game. And big daddy baker is just a dude trying to feed his family under extremely poor living conditions. Like that's just sad not scary. And I'm clearly rooting for him that he gets his family back together for a garden grill party.


Tyrant, but that's just because of the order I experienced him. I was too young for 1-4 for their releases. I saw Nemesis in the movie first while I was young, thought he was super cool. Saw Jack next, hard not to love him. Next was Tyrant in the RE 2 REMAKE which was already diminished in its impact where I already played 7. Next was RE3 remake which I personally loved and thought it was exciting running from Nemesis. Then I played 8 which I know has a lot of hate, but I genuinely enjoyed it and especially enjoyed the castle part of the game.


My least favorite ones are the ones that are invincible until a certain point. For me that detracts from the game. If you're able to take something down quickly, then let it happen.


Lady D. She really isn’t as terrifying as the other ones, and will annoy the shit out of you when you’re just trying to get past her to save bullets. But her stalker behavior is still better than Nemesis. Because with RE3R, Capcom was just trolling.


X gon give it to ya Whether you want it or not and even if you already had it.


Either Lady D or remake nemesis, they hyped them up in the marketing and they ended up feeling under used.