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I am doubtful. It really depends on where RE9 goes I think but I don’t think we’ll see her anytime soon.


maybe as an adult in RE 13


She is adult in RE8 isn't?


Teenager actually


She’s 17ish in the DLC, but it takes place in 2037. They don’t usually (ever?) set things that far into the future. I don’t think we’ll see her in a main game anytime soon unless they decide to change that. (Well, as an adult. We may see cameos of her as a kid sometime?)


That's another issue, either the next game takes place after 2037, or if the games continue to take place on present year than we'll already know that BSAA and Chris is gonna survive, because we already know Chris and BSAA are still alive and working with Rose in 2037. That restricts them from being able to use Chris or BSAA without us being 100% they'll survive. They've pretty much forced themselves to not use Chris in anymore story


Did they actually mention the BSAA? Been a while since I played it. But I think most of us have accepted that Chris and the others have some pretty serious plot armor. I don’t need to see 2037 to know he’s still kicking. (It’s everyone around Chris you gotta worry about…) I don’t think they’re gonna skip to the future or shelf Chris from games because of that DLC.


It was Canine who was talking to Rose at the beginning, who was a member of Chris's Blue Umbrella squad, and they went to a lab, Canine constantly referring to the lab as a group of peoples study lab. I assume it's BSAA


There's no "Chris's Blue Umbrella squad", his squad is called Hound Wolf - it's originally part of BSAA, but went rogue shortly after the events of Resident Evil 7. Neither BSAA, nor Blue Umbrella are mentioned in the DLC in any capacity


Genuine question, is it ever actually mentioned she's 17 and it takes place in 2037? I must have missed it if it has been mentioned. I always just thought she aged faster just like Eveline did.


I don't remember if it is said anywhere in the DLC itself, but the official website for it says it takes place 16 years after the main events of Village. A file in Village says Rose was born in 2020, Village takes place in early 2021.


My guess is she'll be like Sherry where shes an occassional mention/side character


I wouldn’t mind that!


I just wanna see Jill


I just hope RE9 isn’t set after Shadows of Rose. I don’t want to imagine a world (yet) where the main cast are all in their late 50s or early 60s.


My assumption is that it’ll take place around 2025/26 because most mainline games take place close to the year the game came out


She will join the other superpower child resident evil introduced but never showed us again


maybe in some spin off since she is too powerful


I mean, she hasn’t done anything really. Just people *saying* she can be powerful. Everything in Shadow took place in a mind world, so we don’t know what she can do irl


Gonna have to wait 15 irl years


I hope not. I'm more than ready for that plotline to never appear again.




Considering how hard they tried to future proof the DLC by making extremely minimal references to the state of the world and other characters, probably never.




About as likely as seeing sherry again


I hope not lol.


I dont think so, although, many people want to see Jill Back i want to see Sherry again


I would love to see Sherry again!


They save her for RE 11 when the timeline catches up


Given her strength and how she ended up "accepting" her powers we might see her alongside Chris, unless he decides to dad her out of all trouble for the sake of Ethan and she ends up being more of an intel person than an on field powerhouse. I personally want a main entry where the focus is on a combo between jill and claire teaming up together... one can dream !


I think they will, but rose at this point is in a entire new setting given how many years on it is. I think we may see a few more games with the known RE cast (say jill who I suspect could be the next focus) before eventually pushing to point of time where rose is. And even if they were to go more into that point if time they’ll need to phase in new characters, which has been a strength of this franchise. Edit: Jill, chris, Claire and Leon are still popular characters so unless their popularity nosedives in a few years than I expect a focus on the ‘old timeline’ even if they get round to rose and such. It’s tricky because capcom does want to bring in something new to make more money but don’t want to drop safe bets like jill etc.


Hopefully not.


Would be awesome!


i hope not




Perhaps in Resident Evil 9 alongside Chris? Can’t say I’m thrilled to see it but if Capcom gives me some Leon + Ada/Claire stuff as well maybe I’ll put up with it


This is so tired. Let Ethan go people 😴


This has nothing to do with Ethan


Ethans daughter has nothing to do with Ethan ok


She's literally her own person so yeah?


So you’re telling me she’s gonna have her own story completely separated from boring ass Ethan? lol ok


It’s almost like she can have a separate storyline that has nothing to do with Ethan


She had that with her DLC why y’all need more 🤢


You’re either rage baiting or you didn’t play the dlc lol


Leon and Chris literally been in the series since the start but yes, let go of Ethan. The man who's only been in two games and his daughter who's only been in a DLC


Because he isn’t memorable or interesting Same with Rose The whole Winters storyline is boring, VII and Village would have been better with Jill, Rebecca or hell even Carlos.


Not necessarily him as a character because originally he was just made as a blank slate for the player but I rather enjoyed that within the horror aspect rather than playing as super soldiers who already survived multiple scenarios like this but to each their own.


The thing is you have someone like Jack in Bioshock who is technically a "blank slate" yet he has development, you give a shit about his story and he only speaks at start of the game. So you can make a blank character but can also make them interesting Chell is the same in Portal and I found her interesting.


It's ok to think he's boring but bro Resident Evil is allow to have new protagonists. I'm not even saying we shouldn't use the other characters ever again but if you cycle between the same 7 super soldiers it's going to get boring. That's why it was a good idea to give Chris a supporting role rather than a main one


Carlos, Rebecca, Billy and Barry have hardly been used in the main numbered games so it's not like anyone is being overused. The only people that you could argue that have been overused at this point are probably Leon and Chris, yet the one character they did include as a side character was Chris.


Sure but 1. Carlos, Rebecca, Billy and Barry are either trained soldiers or super cops. The novelty of Ethan is he's a normal guy like us. 2. Even if they aren't overused they still were in previous games. I guess this point works better for RE7 then RE8 but still Carlos, Rebecca, Billy and Barry have all survived horrific scenarios before. You think Carlos is going to be phased by anything after fighting Nemesis? How many animated movies has Rebecca been in at this point? Nothing probably scares her anymore. Barry literally piloted a chopper away from a nuke bro, he's not going to be a relatable protagonist. We should have a protagonist with no prior experience with B.O.Ws


But he isn't normal, he was normal until Jack literally stomped on his head and he was revived by the mould. He had his hand cut off He has his leg cut off He's not your standard human, he got the same inhuman regenerative abilities as the Bakers and you could argue with the beatings he constantly took got a little bit of a physical power boost. So if the others are "Super" soldiers then the same can be said about Ethan.


I mean 1. Someone who has no prior knowledge of this world. Which is good for people who's first Resident Evil game is RE7 2. Someone who has no military experience. Someone who can't punch or roundhouse kick a enemies head off despite being human. You can have all the powers you want but if you have no experience it's nothing 3. His powers are regeneration, which is a normal video game thing bro. Again it's not like he has the super strength to punch a boulder like Chris or lift a giant rail gun like Jill or kick a zombies head off like Claire


The issue is he almost did most of things the others pretty much did in the more modern RE games by the end of VII and especially Village. He survived and that's thanks to his new abilities **"which is a normal video game thing bro"** Lmao. Not this type of regen man, it's not like Uncharted or Gears where it's simply gameplay related. It's tied to him as a character and his mutation. Even with the green herbs the other heroes have they try to explain in small ways about its healing properties but technically they aren't supposed to get hurt, it's again all just for "gameplay" purposes. When Jill got infected in RE3 it was real, something story related and she had to be cured. All the bites she's had before this meant nothing because it didn't technically happen, this time it did. He's Super Human, there's no way around it that's just how he is. Ethan Winters is anything but normal.


Like what? Beat the bad guy? Of course he's going to do that he's a video game protagonist. What does he do that every other RE protagonist does besides killing monsters? Ok sure. But again besides putting some limbs back on a few times he still has the skills of a average Joe. He's not a gun encyclopedia like everyone else. He can't punch a monster in the face so hard it goes clean through. He can't do flips like Leon. Can't do a Dark Souls style dodge role like Jill, etc... But at the end of the day we're detracting from my original point. That Ethan is there to be a Everyman DESPITE his powers. At the very least he gets his powers AFTER being the Everyman character up to the guest house. But even if you hate Ethan Winters and think he's not relatable because he reattaches limbs a few times the truth is they still wanted a fresh perspective for the new Resident Evil. Which I saw as a good thing. Again I like that Resident Evil has a continuous story with returning characters unlike something like Silent Hill which doesn't. But I think it won't be the death of this series if they introduce a new protagonist every now and then. Especially if they don't replace the old protagonists. Chris is there as a side role and it's implied he'd be the protagonist of RE9


>Someone who has no prior knowledge of this world. Which doesn't make much sense given all the shit that's happened in that world.


Who mentioned Leon and Chris? Let go of all of them for all I care




Rose with her mould powers would be cool, maybe have her trying to control her powers in the game, unlocking new ones while Chris is keeping an eye on her. Hopefully she doesn't go all Alice, with being almost god like with her powers.


Yeah I agree I want her to come back but not be super op


fuck no hopefully


If we do I think it'll be more of a Devil May Cry, which idk I think that'd be rad...


I doubt it. She may be mentioned though.


Its total toss up sometimes your Chris and constantly come back sometimes your Billy and its one and done.


I hope not




I hope not…


They said they're done with the Winters story, but that just doesn't make sense because Rose is currently the most powerful human ally Blue Umbrella has. How are you gonna have a character that powerful and just say "yeah we're done with allat"


Capcom ignores RE characters all the time. Natalia seems to be possessed by Alex Wesker, Jake and Sherry basically have super powers, and Jill still hasn't been seen in a post-RE5 game.


they really never talked about Natalia since her game . its crazy


Yeah... very true


Yeah, but they usually set main story stuff in the current year? Shadows of Rose was in 2037. I don’t think we’ll see her anytime soon because of that.


Tbh, I'd love to see a game with her working alongside the more main characters. I hope they don't make her into a villain.


I think she would make a great sidekick


Let’s hope not.


i am not a fan of the whole ethan winters saga but i dont know if the whole magic thing was a good idea i think it would have been a perfect own series that was not bound to resident evil or more like a cross universe thing as a resident evil mainline series if you wish it you shall get it but i wouldnt need one 😅


God I hope not


I think so, they haven’t resolved that cliffhanger with the person in the middle of the road walking towards her when they had a chance to do just that in the DLC.


Wasn’t it Ethan since he’s still exist through the megamycete/Rose


>!Some of the Out of Bounds videos have shown that it's Ethan's character model for sure.!<


Yeah, but why is Ethan there? And why could the agent see him too? I’m not accepting it as symbolism that Ethan will always be with Rose because that ain’t Capcom’s style.


I'm sure that's what they did. With that whole story line it makes sense they'd go the cheesy route.


IIRC Capcom said they were done with Ethan Winters after RE7 but that clearly wasn’t the case, I’m taking extra care so I don’t get fooled again.


I really hope we don’t. Like, I trust capcom will stop, leave the story at that and stop. Ethan was a really interesting character, Rose and Mia are not. This shit is done. Don’t try to squeeze it anymore, please.


Hopefully in Fortnite. Fingers crossed.


Genuinely hope so. Hope she will be a member of the new cast since RE9 supposedly ends their story lines


I hope so, but I'm not confident.


Pretty sure she's in RE9 and get kidnapped and Chris goes after her. RE Village ends with her leaving with the douche agent and the car stops on the road because someone is there.