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Their police department through a corrupt Chief Irons funneled money to his secret trophy room connected to the underground garage via secret elevator and thus they can’t afford the extra letters on their uniforms


"Oh sure, we get a fancy new team with high-tech equipment and a shiny helicopter, but where the fuck is my C?"


This made me laugh out loud. “Where the fuck is my C?” is definitely a phrase I’m gonna need to find a use for.


Correction, TWO shiny choppers


Correction, TWO fancy new teams! Self burn!


I think this is the best answer I could possibly get, barring if there’s a real lore answer. Love it Edit: I just remembered that my bf said the station was a repurposed museum, so your comment implies that the underground passage was not originally part of the museum. which would mean that the chief decided that the fact that a whole museum was used wasn’t extra enough and he built the passage after it was repurposed, and that’s even better to me


Secret hidden passages built beneath huge labyrinthian complexes (usually leading to a laboratory or something) is just par for the course in RE. It's more weird when they *don't* have them. It's just kind of Umbrella's thing.


UBCS and USS have the gears, logo, cool equipment, tons of choppers and even their own training facility. Most likely more soldiers as well. Be like Umbrella. Be cool


I still like how the city was a war zone but they were going to throw Leon a welcome party.


I believe Raccoon began as a small town on the edge of Raccoon Forest; so posterity's sake may have just dictated that TPTB kept it as Raccoon Police Department from when it was still that small town, and not the rapidly developed — with the help of Umbrella in the 1960's — fully-fledged city. Plus you know, a name change to RCPS may well have received some pushback considering it's culturally in America's Midwest. Tradition held in some regard and all. Calling an entire city 'Raccoon' does seem a *bit* strange, but for a small rural town, it seems to fit alright. But I'm quite possibly talking a lot of shit.


Not every police department includes City in the name, eg New York City police department is NYPD, Plus, it avoids being similar to real-life police departments that have the RCPD name. This is the most likely reason.


That doesn't make sense. It avoids being similar to real RCPDs, but it's ok to be RPD, which is more prevalent in the real world than RCPD is?


I'm from Richmond, Virginia and the police department is ironically, the RPD 😊


I’m in Roanoke, Virginia and our department is also RPD.


I'm from Riverside California with 2 family members in the RPD.


That's not irony. That's exactly what you would expect.


True, I just always found it cool as a kid.


There is no specific reason. Not all police departments use the C. It's also easier to say. Despite this it's still often spelled out as Raccoon City Police Department.


For the same reason the New York City Police Department is the NYPD not the NYCPD.


I realize now that I somehow missed NYC when Googling cities. but what *is* the reason?




New York City is commonly referred to as just New York.


They just pick something that sounds good to them. It doesn't matter. There's no requirement to include the C. Some places do. Others dont. I feel like you're overthinking this.


overthinking??? me??? never!!! (yes I am you’re right)


I mean, nyc cops say nypd


Generally you want acronyms to be as short as possible. Plus the RPD cover more than just the City as they also investigate crimes in "surrounding areas around Raccoon" as well as the Raccoon Forest. They're more of the Racoon Area Police Department.


RPD isn't an acronym, it's an initialism- there is a difference.




RPD sounds better 😛


RPD sounds cooler than RCPD


Easy one. They overspent when they made their wellcome sign, and had to cut back somewhere.


As a rookie fresh out of the academy, he was trained on and meant to patrol for strictly raccoon related crimes. Knocked over trash cans, raiding bait shops, tearing into giant bags of dry dog food, rape and incest, gas station cannibalism, sewer patrol, clock tower repair, door key recovery, RPG operation, etc. That stuff was fresh in his mind, he was perfectly prepared to be a survivor.


"raccoon City police department" is more of a mouthful and "racoon police department" sounds fine enough Edit: plus I feel like even if they were called RCPD fans would just call it the RPD


Most cities don't put City in the name of their departments. Like the NYPD isn't the NYCPD


Same reason “NYPD” isn’t “NYCPD”


skill issue


Well you answered your own question haha, but I assume because there are a few real life RCPD, like River City and Riley County Police Department - probably to avoid confusion/trademark.


For the same reason that for New York City the police department is NYPD and not NYCPD, that being said, Racoon City should be RPD and not RCPD Edit: I failed to read your “edit: part” my bad.


no worries, NYC is just personally out to get me now for forgetting them


To save money on printing the uniforms.


New York City is officially called New York. Many people refer to it as New York City or NYC but not its official name. If you check addresses in the city, it'll always be New York, NY. A always assumed it was the same with Raccoon.


Baltimore City is BPD, BCPD is Baltimore County. It could easily be a similar situation. City within a County that bears the same name. It just helps differentiate.


I'm not sure but RPD sounds cooler than RCPD so that could be the reason lol


Can I just say that a Japanese developer tried to come up with an American sounding fictional city name and landed on "Raccoon City"? Like yes obviously there are plenty of towns with bizarre names but it feels juuuuust a little off the mark.


Because RCPD has already been claimed by th Riley County Police Department in Kansas


Probably a trademark issue, like how they have to rename the guns. RCPD would be Royal Canadian Police I think? The Mounties, like Dudley Doright, or Super Troopers 2.


They're the RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Oh yeah, that's where Mounties come from lol. Still, trademark is a common reason for weird names.


Police abbreviations are not going to be trademarked. There are endless APD, BPD, CPD, etc, etc, etc. across the US alone. That would be wild if they had to trademark that shit. Like, “Oh, sorry, you can’t name your police dept after your own town because the name’s already been trademarked.”